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3rd occupation quest



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3rd occupation quest

Started by kwolu, May 03, 2014, 10:58:21 PM

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Main: sorc/pp
Retail 1: sws/ee
Retail 2: sps
Retail 3: sws...

Now i want to make 3rd class on retail 3 sws, but when i go to npc Raiken i aden warrior guild, where you start quest, he tell me that this quest is already done.
How can i make it again ?

Any gm can help ? dunno how, make me 3rd job done ? i have hs done, varka done, 78 lvl...



Quote from: ylim on May 03, 2014, 11:11:09 PM
u cant make 2x sws quest
you used to be able to. there were even questions about it and gm answered positively
some fun
useless dagger.


Any gm can answer ? dont know what to do
Nick ig: DlaczegoJa


Change from sws to EE THE Stack And then Try again speack with Quest npc i have make like this 2 Quest for sagitarius
owl         HE/PP - TH/WL - HE/WK
Killerka    TK/SWS - HE/WK - BP/WK   *Hero*



You have as 1st retail sws/ee . Change to EE and than try.
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owl         HE/PP - TH/WL - HE/WK
Killerka    TK/SWS - HE/WK - BP/WK   *Hero*


Quote from: ^Xarion^ on May 04, 2014, 08:42:05 AM

You have as 1st retail sws/ee . Change to EE and than try.

Doesnt work. Make me 3rd job, is not so hard for you i think ?


Quote from: dirt on May 04, 2014, 08:31:06 AM
Change from sws to EE THE Stack And then Try again speack with Quest npc i have make like this 2 Quest for sagitarius

And you make those 2 quest from start ? or one of them by subclassing ? becasue its diffrent, now i see it, i should start other class and sub to sws, but now when i have 78 lvl i will not do this :)


Quote from: kwolu on May 04, 2014, 09:22:09 AM
Doesnt work. Make me 3rd job, is not so hard for you i think ?

I cannot just add you 3rd job. First I need talk with TrackZero or Drake if is bug or is database doesn't let you because you already made one 3ed on sws.
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Quote from: ^Xarion^ on May 04, 2014, 09:43:50 AM
I cannot just add you 3rd job. First I need talk with TrackZero or Drake if is bug or is database doesn't let you because you already made one 3ed on sws.

Ok, ok, i dont want nothingg for free, let me make it with normall way, or take divine stone, ice crystal, whatever, i just dont want to lvl char again...
So pls speak with someone who can do this :) and pls do it as soon as possible, i dont want to wait 3 weeks for anwser "sory you need to do other char" :)
Thx in advance :)


To what I know this isn't a bug, the reason you cannot do 3rd on sws is bcz you have it alrdy on other retail.
So only way for you to get 3rd is make other retail that isn't sws or gm a gives you the 3rd class
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