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Started by StevenPT, October 04, 2014, 10:15:59 PM

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Lost 5 points in oly cause of lag, then i got dc'd, dident even have the chance to buff....

What will u GM's do about it? give it back or you just wont care?


Quote from: StevenPT on October 04, 2014, 10:15:59 PM
Lost 5 points in oly cause of lag, then i got dc'd, dident even have the chance to buff....

What will u GM's do about it? give it back or you just wont care?
I do care, but i cant controll INTERNET. There are at least 10 reasons which can cause server to lag and none of them can be controlled by me/us.
- hoster doing maintanance?
- hoster under ddos?
- our server under ddos?
- your dns issues (usually gets autofixed)
- players found a way to crate lag? (Very low % about that but still 1% chance)
- etc...

Only thing that is related to us and lag case is low hardware specs. But in this case, we are far from it. Our hardware capacity is <30% on average...

In the end any server in the world of any game can lag sometimes.

Lagging sometimes isnt a big deal, but lagging 24/7 is.

I hope 2nd option will not appear

Thank you
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you could atleast give points back lol, its unfair, its a match of who DC's first.... and i lost


Quote from: StevenPT on October 04, 2014, 11:03:41 PM
you could atleast give points back lol, its unfair, its a match of who DC's first.... and i lost
Great hero, i would at least hide what you doing.
Either way i cant do that. Why? I have no power to check if you did it on purpose or not.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on October 04, 2014, 10:41:29 PM
There are at least 10 reasons which can cause server to lag and none of them can be controlled by me/us.
- hoster doing maintanance?
- hoster under ddos?
- our server under ddos?
- your dns issues (usually gets autofixed)
- players found a way to crate lag? (Very low % about that but still 1% chance)
- etc...

Only thing that is related to us and lag case is low hardware specs. But in this case, we are far from it. Our hardware capacity is <30% on average...

In the end any server in the world of any game can lag sometimes.

Lagging sometimes isn't a big deal, but lagging 24/7 is.
this is usefull info i must steal quote for dragon server :D thx


Quote from: NekoTamoDaleko on October 04, 2014, 11:18:16 PM
this is usefull info i must steal quote for dragon server :D thx

"dragon server" has another problem....