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Pathetic Players

Started by _okazaki_, October 19, 2014, 03:56:03 AM

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Quote from: abusinG on October 20, 2014, 12:33:17 PM
they gone coz baium its for ALL server not just for some players ^^

all have chance to win if have good damage right?
Like unity party that didn't hit Baium, and waited for us to flag, right?
Dude lol, don't make me flame you, stop bullshiting.
Lame tactic as reserved and exci did on 15x, same shit, same end of the server.


Quote from: djvancho on October 20, 2014, 11:16:18 AM
Wipe server after update and everything will be ok i will call Fightclub to rape again

Excidium (the real one) ready for the new adventure!
The one and only Naiz

Mardun / Vash / SoBOtA



Quote from: trippledouble on October 20, 2014, 01:59:07 PM
Excidium (the real one) ready for the new adventure!
np give me on start my 400 coins and you can do it .................


Quote from: Kabally on October 20, 2014, 12:32:32 PM
I dont hate,i just dont respect you,and your whole crew,with what uve done,everything you and ur side know what to do is being 6 HOURS in town,and port to GOLKI TOI when its alive,mmake 6 PTS FOR VALAKAS but 0 for pvp.0,NOTHING ,NIENTE ZERO CARALHO.

Dont get me wrong Kabally but first of all: Show a little bit respect. Specially You! I am not "whole crew".
2nd in time when on Server were the biggest PVP's You and Your clan sit in Giran Stairs and do nothink.
3rd I can GUARANTEE You and Your Clan what You will have WAR with Excidium! At least me and Chlastacz will always come to FIGHT!!!
4th whan i PM you try sometimes answer and dont ignore me...

See you in battle of hell... Soon... Greetings from Aryman

Aryman - Tarantula Serwer - WC/OL


Just add pvp zone to every epic and these nerds can suck ballz


vote for every month 10 min chaos mode everywhere a pvp zone pk everyone.
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


Quote from: Kabally on October 20, 2014, 11:41:28 AM
Im death serious i have 0% pleasure to play here right now,IM DEATH SERIOUS.

When me and my whole clan quit,i wanna see WITH WHO,they will pvp,i just wanna see.im tired and no fuking change is done on the server about it,IM JSUT TIRED,no fuking pleasure to play anymore on this sh1t.


Those changes would make the players play at a right time,and online enough to be a big challenge not a shit time or without war or sh1t,just too upset to make any posts..going to work man,out of this
mate no offence but u can still pk them if u got balls to do it...when u farmed all epics it was ok and now when they did this tactic u lost taste to play? when u was farming all epics 3 months in row i never seen noone from enemy sayin we lost taste to play...its tactic maybe lame one but as u can see its effective...start make your pk quests and u will be ok
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


You call this tactic?Are u braindead or wat?This isnt tactic at all this is bullsh1t only cowards and retard kids can do this GL "farming epics"on this server...


And surely we gonna pk 2-3 pt's with fullgear...Tard existenz get some brain or go enchant some bow again then QQleave cause it broked backtourcave grow ballz with ur pussy friend accept war and face ur death nerds


I'm pretty much having a deja vu reading all of these posts. We've had all of these problems few months ago, when most of this "I WANT TO PVP ON EPICS. BRING EM PVP ZONES OR SERVER WILL DIE" people were in these "CAREBEARS" position. I find it hilarious and woulda call it "KARMA" guys :D
The one and only Naiz

Mardun / Vash / SoBOtA



Quote from: enemy on October 20, 2014, 10:50:42 PM
And surely we gonna pk 2-3 pt's with fullgear...Tard existenz get some brain or go enchant some bow again then QQleave cause it broked backtourcave grow ballz with ur pussy friend accept war and face ur death nerds
haha dude i did more in 5 weeks that u will ever do i got epic jewels without anyone giving me i did best enchants in server i organized ppl etc i dont need to prove more ;) anyway before i didnt see u cry when u was killing server with your zerg killing all epics 3 months and now is all bad and terrible cuz they find way how to freak u up :) its not important if its pathetic or no its working u little shit and as we can see its working good since we see cry babies like u around :*
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: Kabally on October 20, 2014, 12:32:32 PM
ive build best clan in server,ive done 1st pvp count in server,and ive entered in 32 sucessfull baiums here 24 tezzas,7 antharas,2 valakas,and 29 QUEEN ANTS.

You actually counting rbs? lol
Morela - True hero of common people