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Do you want Tarantula to be upgraded to Hellbound? - Page 7



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Do you want Tarantula to be upgraded to Hellbound?

Started by =^TrackZero^=, December 02, 2014, 12:48:19 AM

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I personally w8 and others to for those custom mobs zone/pvp and those 2 daily custom pvp events.You said they done 2 months ago Track.I hope you didn't forgot about it :-X >:(
Other than that it can stay IL chronicle that's why most even came here.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on December 03, 2014, 04:02:16 PM
I believe that H5 OBT should be ready by end of week, and HB will follow on week after that.

I think that you're idea is to upgrade to HB and after to H5 to unite Tarantula with Dragon, becasue I think that is your idea now to let the server to stay alive, becasue for now is dead and I think also that if you'll upgrage to HB and after to H5 server will have some new ppl but when they will have equip, will leave server like Tarantula.. If server was born as Interlude, why do you have to upgrade to HB? People who came here, came for Interlude and not for HB. If do you want to solve problem on this way, I think you're making a  mistake because after 2-3 month max server will return as before. Why don't you make the things, changes and fix that you promise time ago and that people wanted a lot?
Francy PP/HE - PW/SWS - PR/BD - SH/BD Noblesse--> OFF

Francy PR/PS --> OFF

Francy SPS/TK - SWS/WK - SPS/WK  Noblesse --> OFF

             SS2 Till The End Of The Time


Quote from: Francy on December 03, 2014, 10:37:44 PM
I think that you're idea is to upgrade to HB and after to H5 to unite Tarantula with Dragon, becasue I think that is your idea now to let the server to stay alive, becasue for now is dead and I think also that if you'll upgrage to HB and after to H5 server will have some new ppl but when they will have equip, will leave server like Tarantula.. If server was born as Interlude, why do you have to upgrade to HB? People who came here, came for Interlude and not for HB. If do you want to solve problem on this way, I think you're making a  mistake because after 2-3 month max server will return as before. Why don't you make the things, changes and fix that you promise time ago and that people wanted a lot?

Who said i will upgrade it to Hellbound? I want to see results of the poll 1st.
However, if you and everyone else came for the Interlude, why you arent playng then? Do you think that few mobs and few drops will change current situation? I hope so, but i have a bad feeling.
Either way, everythibg what i promised will be done. I just do 1 thing at a time.

And btw i did those mobs long ago, i just didnt had time to finish the test. (If you know how, you could check that those mobs exists on server)
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on December 03, 2014, 10:46:48 PM
Who said i will upgrade it to Hellbound? I want to see results of the poll 1st.
However, if you and everyone else came for the Interlude, why you arent playng then? Do you think that few mobs and few drops will change current situation? I hope so, but i have a bad feeling.
Either way, everythibg what i promised will be done. I just do 1 thing at a time.

And btw i did those mobs long ago, i just didnt had time to finish the test. (If you know how, you could check that those mobs exists on server)

The 2 daily pvp events you promised will surely boost some action hope so  ;D  And hope they better than TVT from java bcs Track you got some imagination and skills so prove my words   ;)

Bambino Francy is right! :)
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


I was playing in server like some weeks ago, I log also sometime to see how is the situation in server. I'm not playing anymore because there are few reasons: me and other people(who also I think don't play anymore) want PVP but 90% of server prefer to farm and kill mobs and this way to do kill server that now is dead; a lot of people and also me ask and want CHANGES and you and your staff don't care about them, because a lot of people of community wanted them and I have never seen them applied from you(and I wrote in 2-3 replys before); also server became boring because 0 events that in last period disappear but don't only events from GMs when they logged, but events like Corean Style ecc.. . "Either way, everythibg what i promised will be done. I just do 1 thing at a time." Please Track.. How can you say this? Do you do 1 thing at a time? You had to do this things and CHANGES time ago like 2-3 months ago and don't now. Now the situation of server is dramatic and you stayed defunct for 2-3 months with 0 NEW INTERESTING THINGS. This help server to be dead like now. And also a thing. This is the most ridicolous. You and your staff PROMISE to do a VOTE MACHINE that could help server to have more votes and people could find server better(because Dragon Network Community is for 90% the same). You have never do this machine that could help server A LOT when you and your staff continued to say: yes, yes we are working on it bla bla bla.. , at start we reached 1k votes fastly, after people who receive nothing from votes, get bored and don't vote anymore. It's so simple. If you gave a reward for vote(how you promise at start: yes, we'll give REWARDS like TATTO, SPECIAL HATS AND ETC.. when we could reach like 2k votes to encourage people to vote, BUT you have never given these rewards and people don't vote anymore). Also in game always the spam of announcament that when we'll reach x votes, you'll receive a REWARD.. ye ye a reward, people didn't receive it and they didn't have interest to vote. Also here a lot of people made suggests and you didn't hear them. I know that this isn't your real job.. But Track if you want to keep a server alive, at least try to HEAR your players.. If this server is in this situation is also becasue your lack interest about PLAYERS opinion that is the most important thing.. Now you are making a poll for HB. I think that this poll doesn't have to exist because this server should remain Interlude and also I explain my opinions. I think also that you are making this poll to try to resolve server's problem when you don't want to understand that in this way server's condition will never change but will remain the same..
Francy PP/HE - PW/SWS - PR/BD - SH/BD Noblesse--> OFF

Francy PR/PS --> OFF

Francy SPS/TK - SWS/WK - SPS/WK  Noblesse --> OFF

             SS2 Till The End Of The Time


Quote from: Francy on December 03, 2014, 11:15:25 PM
I was playing in server like some weeks ago, I log also sometime to see how is the situation in server. I'm not playing anymore because there are few reasons: me and other people(who also I think don't play anymore) want PVP but 90% of server prefer to farm and kill mobs and this way to do kill server that now is dead; a lot of people and also me ask and want CHANGES and you and your staff don't care about them, because a lot of people of community wanted them and I have never seen them applied from you(and I wrote in 2-3 replys before); also server became boring because 0 events that in last period disappear but don't only events from GMs when they logged, but events like Corean Style ecc.. . "Either way, everythibg what i promised will be done. I just do 1 thing at a time." Please Track.. How can you say this? Do you do 1 thing at a time? You had to do this things and CHANGES time ago like 2-3 months ago and don't now. Now the situation of server is dramatic and you stayed defunct for 2-3 months with 0 NEW INTERESTING THINGS. This help server to be dead like now. And also a thing. This is the most ridicolous. You and your staff PROMISE to do a VOTE MACHINE that could help server to have more votes and people could find server better(because Dragon Network Community is for 90% the same). You have never do this machine that could help server A LOT when you and your staff continued to say: yes, yes we are working on it bla bla bla.. , at start we reached 1k votes fastly, after people who receive nothing from votes, get bored and don't vote anymore. It's so simple. If you gave a reward for vote(how you promise at start: yes, we'll give REWARDS like TATTO, SPECIAL HATS AND ETC.. when we could reach like 2k votes to encourage people to vote, BUT you have never given these rewards and people don't vote anymore). Also in game always the spam of announcament that when we'll reach x votes, you'll receive a REWARD.. ye ye a reward, people didn't receive it and they didn't have interest to vote. Also here a lot of people made suggests and you didn't hear them. I know that this isn't your real job.. But Track if you want to keep a server alive, at least try to HEAR your players.. If this server is in this situation is also becasue your lack interest about PLAYERS opinion that is the most important thing.. Now you are making a poll for HB. I think that this poll doesn't have to exist because this server should remain Interlude and also I explain my opinions. I think also that you are making this poll to try to resolve server's problem when you don't want to understand that in this way server's condition will never change but will remain the same..
Uhm, but you do understand that listening subject A makes subject B mad, because subject B doesnt want what subject A wants, therefor subject B leaves...Sometimes some decisions has to be made, even if they are a bit hard. Is it  my fault people prefer to farm instead of pvp?
Anyway, the source of the problems was large gap between levels/equip of casual and no life player.

As i said, some updates pack will be made on Tara. Will it change something, we shell see. Anyhow, ill keep this topic in order to read all suggestions when time comes for Tara.
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Quote from: Francy on December 03, 2014, 11:15:25 PM

Francy, do u even realize what are u looking for and what u and your clan created here? There is no way people will gona fight u when the diference between u nad ur clan and other ppl from other clans is such huge. U talking about no-will to fight here but what i see is fact that u cant look far away to close future and decisions u have to take. I told it already ingame to Kabally who also didnt listen. If the diference between fighting sides is to great people will stop fight and thats it. U and only u had to create and help even enemys to catch up, u have to create ur own enemies by helping them - from only reason: to catch him up and bring him to PVP what is at the end the alpha-omega u want from start. Ofc there is always a risk u can loose the lead u have but if u dont do this u dont get what are u looking for.

U shouldnt cry about fact there is no PVP at all nowdays even before. It is absolutely normal state when undergeared and underfed person wont fight u and he is rather going to farm. Did u even realized u are on FARM server? And sorry for that - this isnt pvp server at all since u had to farm ur gear up. If u are looking for PVP only and its ur main future in this game why u didnt join some xxxxxx - rate server with GM shop inside so u can get ur stuff right after u entrer and all u do from very begin is PVP only?

U didnt realize there is some butterfly effect inside each farm server like this one. People want to fight, but even the best ones will not went into brainless fights where they deal to you and ur crew 500dmg while u returing them 5000! I can easily compare it to a wish: "Hey Francy, take ur 5 balls and go fight with V. Klicko - he is awaiting u in ring". Ofc u wont fight him unless u get some weight, musculature and experiences .... and same effect u can find in this game - people wont fight u undergeared or under-experienced and u cant do much about it unless u help them.

Same about economy - what u guys did with prices ? When i started here price of Donator Coin was 40mil - nowdays its almost 150mil. I get my 1st tallum heavy set for 300mil and 1 month ago people sell them for 1bil and more? I was begging u to delete this insane prices just for ur own business since u dont see behind ur decisions but noone listen to me and u get what u deserve. Almost 0 income of new players and if someone eventually came since he look at the prices he imidiatelly leaves or farm in C - grade to 70+ lvl coz he just cant afford it. All i can say to this part is a truth citate one of my new member in clan: "Tho, this server have some great ideas and futures, but is very hostile to any newbies and i see there is no chance to play here w/o donation"...

Sorry for lenght of the post, the point is: Think about what u expecting from this game then count the real numbers of players that are playing L2 in 2014, consider fact official is for free and u get funny number of ppl willing to play L2 java servers at all. If u expecting 1500+ players u are at wrong adress since this game isnt interesting anymore for the new MMORPG community - so from my point of view Lineage 2 is a game for nostalgic players like me. This way i am gladfull for any new human beeing that join this server and its in my interest to hold him there with everything i am capable of. U are fed, and ur only goal is to PVP, he is undergeared hardly but even his main goal on server is going to PVP somewhere in future. So ur goal should be to push him / help him to reach his goal too, so u can reach ur own intereses here. This effect is called buterffly effect - all ur decisions u make in game affects others u might not even know. Its working in all MMORPGs i played since now.

Again sorry for length, had to work over-time now and sorry for english

With regards, Tyrrande


So i dont wanna went so far off-topic:

I voted NO and i would change my mind for YES only with 2 facts for consider:
1. complete removal of atributtes - i wouldnt play on server with atributes, thats why i joined interlude. But Track, if u leave atributes in game consider please a fact: There is almost 100% chance there will be again some clan/ally that will have significant lead here from very begin of this update (since there is always a group of no-lifers). That will lead to fact only them will farm the chamber with stones needed for 300 atributes. And that will leads to even bigger diferences like nowdays on tarra - that means in the end the PVP factor will disapear from this future even sooner then now on IL. I came from server where this exactly happends

2. u ll stone me for this but i have to say: Make a fix price for Donator coins in adenas like DC = 1 gold bar = 50kk or 100kk i dont know. Just dont let people make insane prices - since the donator coin as main currency is affecting economy and business on server, and fluctuating economy is what makes server stabile and bringing more and more new players in-game. This is a bit "strike bellow chest" for everyone who wants to get rich but its really needed since the people nowdays went really greedy for coins and adena collecting instead of thinking what can this effect bring to newcommers.

With regards, Tyr.


Quote from: tyrrande on December 04, 2014, 12:01:35 PM
So i dont wanna went so far off-topic:

I voted NO and i would change my mind for YES only with 2 facts for consider:
1. complete removal of atributtes - i wouldnt play on server with atributes, thats why i joined interlude. But Track, if u leave atributes in game consider please a fact: There is almost 100% chance there will be again some clan/ally that will have significant lead here from very begin of this update (since there is always a group of no-lifers). That will lead to fact only them will farm the chamber with stones needed for 300 atributes. And that will leads to even bigger diferences like nowdays on tarra - that means in the end the PVP factor will disapear from this future even sooner then now on IL. I came from server where this exactly happends

2. u ll stone me for this but i have to say: Make a fix price for Donator coins in adenas like DC = 1 gold bar = 50kk or 100kk i dont know. Just dont let people make insane prices - since the donator coin as main currency is affecting economy and business on server, and fluctuating economy is what makes server stabile and bringing more and more new players in-game. This is a bit "strike bellow chest" for everyone who wants to get rich but its really needed since the people nowdays went really greedy for coins and adena collecting instead of thinking what can this effect bring to newcommers.

With regards, Tyr.

Price of coins will always go up no matter, maybe best option is make adena drop higher. bcz if you look at dragon well adena drop is high and coins price staying the same at 1kkk. but 1kkk not to hard to get in one day on dragon also.
You Are Going To Love Me Or Hate !!!
Infinity Player -  FriendCrafter


I don't know why players blame theirselfs. Here is you should blame staff which doesn't do anything for a few months. If you care players requests,decisions etc you already update what players want from you... now you are trying to a died server make re alive im sure you to late to do something
The poll results seems update hb,but mostly ppl want stay interlude I wondering who voting for hb
Bqq - (old) many hero in row :P
ThatMadTurk - Owing Machine


Quote from: _NecroKINGS_ on December 04, 2014, 01:28:05 PM
I don't know why players blame theirselfs. Here is you should blame staff which doesn't do anything for a few months. If you care players requests,decisions etc you already update what players want from you... now you are trying to a died server make re alive im sure you to late to do something
The poll results seems update hb,but mostly ppl want stay interlude I wondering who voting for hb

I believe tracky and his staff does care but he and his staff have there lives and work have wifes so one, they can't be here 24/7 like some kids, But what they should do is try to find a no lifer adult to become a gm. Maybe me  ::)
And as for update Tracky can't give all what the players wont or we wont be able to play so sure some things he could and others he can't.
You Are Going To Love Me Or Hate !!!
Infinity Player -  FriendCrafter


I love how most of the comments regarding server is about the lack of PvP and they vote to upgrade to Hellbound lol
With Interlude, and especially Hellbound, Lineage 2 became even a greater farm game.

Insert C3 or C4 without boss jewellery. :p
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