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Weird Drop in VoS (awaiting restart)



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Weird Drop in VoS (awaiting restart)

Started by dvali, September 27, 2015, 02:51:27 PM

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I got an unknown item in  VoS (punishment of splendor spot, could be any mob, don't remember which).
The system shouted as if it were a full drop, but it had no name and no icon (can't see it in my inventory).
I did a full check and manually applied a texture patch a GM posted here and full checked again.

Maybe someone could check my inventory: bowling4soup. Thanks.
nightmare: bowling4soup - sk/se
dragon: bowling4prophet - pp/he
infinity: bowling4soup - pr/bd


I had similar thing, but dont rememver where. Got system msg -announcment: xx has picked up .
No item either.


seems like anti-bot item, which only bot players can pick up  8)
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


fixed, awaiting restart, non existing items will be deleted manually from all chars
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