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Started by Tvit, November 29, 2015, 01:35:03 PM

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Guys let me just shut your mouth off. Please stop defending your bot friends.

I found the guy and did a little nice test:


Please ban permanent and all his alter accounts, don't let this idiots ruins the server... thanks.


Quote from: Zidkon on December 01, 2015, 03:32:50 AM
Guys let me just shut your mouth off. Please stop defending your bot friends.

I found the guy and did a little nice test:


Please ban permanent and all his alter accounts, don't let this idiots ruins the server... thanks.

Hum...now we have something that can prove its a bot, lets wait for Track conclusion. By the way, I checked all ZEN videos. On all videos he just logged, we can still see anouncements, it was just a curiosity till now. I was thinking "pehapes ZEN always logs and start to record" or "pehapes ZEN is just a bad lucky guy and always logs near someone" or "pehapes ZEN uses a bot and restart to close his l2w to make a safe movie".

Buuuuuut, on this last movie, I think you forget to turn off your BD. Cant be a macro, cause its tale some dmg from mobs and still follow you, cant be a macro cause its take dmg from mobs and still dances, macro should be intereupt on those options, so, just can be, are you using bot?  Cant be true!!

Your bladedance follow you pefectly, re-dance on exataly moment and yoir buffs gone, you always restart before start to record, so I MUST ask to Track to check if you and your BD was using bot, and ofc, like you said, pls ban all your accounts.

Sry, but you let your tail on the way. So check both Track, the man farming alone and the man farming with his Bd/bot.
Dragon 15x

ZewCozzo - SR/SWS (retired)

Hellriser 25x

Zew - HE/WK


Quote from: Zew on December 01, 2015, 04:28:32 AM
Hum...now we have something that can prove its a bot, lets wait for Track conclusion. By the way, I checked all ZEN videos. On all videos he just logged, we can still see anouncements, it was just a curiosity till now. I was thinking "pehapes ZEN always logs and start to record" or "pehapes ZEN is just a bad lucky guy and always logs near someone" or "pehapes ZEN uses a bot and restart to close his l2w to make a safe movie".

Buuuuuut, on this last movie, I think you forget to turn off your BD. Cant be a macro, cause its tale some dmg from mobs and still follow you, cant be a macro cause its take dmg from mobs and still dances, macro should be intereupt on those options, so, just can be, are you using bot?  Cant be true!!

Your bladedance follow you pefectly, re-dance on exataly moment and yoir buffs gone, you always restart before start to record, so I MUST ask to Track to check if you and your BD was using bot, and ofc, like you said, pls ban all your accounts.

Sry, but you let your tail on the way. So check both Track, the man farming alone and the man farming with his Bd/bot.

You are funny, you doesn't even know how a macro works... so much time you don't use them right?

You don't care for my explanations, I know how to play legit, and I agree if you want Track can check my logs, would be nice if he checks yours and your CP also as well, since we are pretty sure you guys use IG 3rd party software, but unfortunatelly without video and proper reporting they seems to not spend time on that work.

I don't use 3rd party programs... not like your BD at Barakiel the last day, dancing when all the party were using SOE... very nice IG bot btw.

Mind to answer me where the poster of this video is using 3rd party software? Still didn't get that point you said, maybe you notice something else that legit users cannot see.

You wanted me dead by paying coins, now you want me banned. What other excuses will you do to satisfy your rage for getting banned the cheaters of your CP? Accept the facts and MAN UP PLZ!


Quote from: Zew on December 01, 2015, 04:28:32 AM
Hum...now we have something that can prove its a bot, lets wait for Track conclusion. By the way, I checked all ZEN videos. On all videos he just logged, we can still see anouncements, it was just a curiosity till now. I was thinking "pehapes ZEN always logs and start to record" or "pehapes ZEN is just a bad lucky guy and always logs near someone" or "pehapes ZEN uses a bot and restart to close his l2w to make a safe movie".

Buuuuuut, on this last movie, I think you forget to turn off your BD. Cant be a macro, cause its tale some dmg from mobs and still follow you, cant be a macro cause its take dmg from mobs and still dances, macro should be intereupt on those options, so, just can be, are you using bot?  Cant be true!!

Your bladedance follow you pefectly, re-dance on exataly moment and yoir buffs gone, you always restart before start to record, so I MUST ask to Track to check if you and your BD was using bot, and ofc, like you said, pls ban all your accounts.

Sry, but you let your tail on the way. So check both Track, the man farming alone and the man farming with his Bd/bot.
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



First of all,
You are just reporting a player that are not answering you. Please be reasounable, you can be reporting a innocent player that just dont want to answer you or just dont understand you.
About your video, I have my doubts if macros should still be working and really strange to think, why u just log in if u ar the middle of IOP? Thinking a reason to understand the moment u saw that guy u thought, " Ok i ill log out and relogin to record a video". Not saying that u ar using bot, but this is at least strange.


Quote from: antjosejr on December 01, 2015, 05:01:31 PM
First of all,
You are just reporting a player that are not answering you. Please be reasounable, you can be reporting a innocent player that just dont want to answer you or just dont understand you.
About your video, I have my doubts if macros should still be working and really strange to think, why u just log in if u ar the middle of IOP? Thinking a reason to understand the moment u saw that guy u thought, " Ok i ill log out and relogin to record a video". Not saying that u ar using bot, but this is at least strange.

Why do you all think I just logged when I'm on CLAN tab? is it hard to recognize that nobody speaks on clan at that hour? Why do you have only 2 posts? Why don't you see my last video where is 100% evidence he is a bot?

Too much questions for ignorance don't you think?


Quote from: Zidkon on December 01, 2015, 05:54:33 PM
Why don't you see my last video where is 100% evidence he is a bot?

Finally we agree.

Quote from: Zidkon on December 01, 2015, 05:54:33 PM
Why do you all think I just logged when I'm on CLAN tab? is it hard to recognize that nobody speaks on clan at that hour?

Your video prob shows a bot, let Staff says. But looks like u use it too. It wasnt  on this video, you relog on ALL YOUR VIDEOS, looks like you want to hide something, something that your BD/bot shows to us. lets wait for staff too.

Quote from: Zidkon on December 01, 2015, 05:54:33 PM
Why do you have only 2 posts?

Whats the problem? Will report for it too?

Dragon 15x

ZewCozzo - SR/SWS (retired)

Hellriser 25x

Zew - HE/WK


Quote from: Zew on December 01, 2015, 07:22:31 PM
Finally we agree.

Your video prob shows a bot, let Staff says. But looks like u use it too. It wasnt  on this video, you relog on ALL YOUR VIDEOS, looks like you want to hide something, something that your BD/bot shows to us. lets wait for staff too.

Whats the problem? Will report for it too?

Flame more please, is the only thing you can do, or man up maybe..


Quote from: Zidkon on December 01, 2015, 05:54:33 PM
Why do you all think I just logged when I'm on CLAN tab? is it hard to recognize that nobody speaks on clan at that hour? Why do you have only 2 posts? Why don't you see my last video where is 100% evidence he is a bot?

Too much questions for ignorance don't you think?

I have 2 posts because i start to active on forum now. What is ur problem with that? Just because u have thousand of post makes u more correct than me?? U ar a simple user, such as me,just live with.
About the clan tab. Lets just think that take sometime to log in, buff, buy whatever u have to buy, log in ur BD, do the same said before, then teleport both to isle of player and walk to the point of ur video. All those passes and u ar telling me none of ur clan said anything enought to cover the Annoucements? If yes, just leave it. One more time, be reasounable.
As i said, i dont think its bot cuz it could be a litle child playing. Also, i am not saying that isnt bot for sure. Im saying that ur video doesnt prove 100% that is bot and gm could be banning some1 playing by the rules. U cant afirm that is 100%. What u should have done was, "Hey i found this guy and I think that he could be a bot, can u check the logs of this guy at this time?, OK Thansk" Enough.
Ignorance its a simple guy like you think that u ar the owner of the true. You ar no different of any other player, u are just one in face of thousands. If some1 gets u in ur bot and post it, u ill get a ban same as any player. ok? Next time, dont get angry, u are just a little piece of something.


Quote from: antjosejr on December 01, 2015, 07:48:04 PM
I have 2 posts because i start to active on forum now. What is ur problem with that? Just because u have thousand of post makes u more correct than me?? U ar a simple user, such as me,just live with.

No, that just makes you a weird guy, comming to this section of the forum to "start to be active". But well I let that go, I don't care much, it is just suspicious ;)

Quote from: antjosejr on December 01, 2015, 07:48:04 PM
About the clan tab. Lets just think that take sometime to log in, buff, buy whatever u have to buy, log in ur BD, do the same said before, then teleport both to isle of player and walk to the point of ur video. All those passes and u ar telling me none of ur clan said anything enought to cover the Annoucements? If yes, just leave it. One more time, be reasounable.

No, nobody say anything at that hour, is that hard to be reasounable?, I think is pretty much normal.

Quote from: antjosejr on December 01, 2015, 07:48:04 PM
As i said, i dont think its bot cuz it could be a litle child playing. Also, i am not saying that isnt bot for sure. Im saying that ur video doesnt prove 100% that is bot and gm could be banning some1 playing by the rules. U cant afirm that is 100%.

That's the most cute thing someone could have ever said :3, but no, you can say is a bot, he tried to give himself Wind Walk buff like 6 times, bots do that, they check -> No Wind Walk -> Buff Wind Walk, and so repeat :/

So tell me why is not 100% proof?

Quote from: antjosejr on December 01, 2015, 07:48:04 PM
What u should have done was, "Hey i found this guy and I think that he could be a bot, can u check the logs of this guy at this time?, OK Thansk" Enough.

I tried on other post, I said nicknames and time to check logs, ^Evacuate^ answer was "We need video proof of the guy".

Quote from: antjosejr on December 01, 2015, 07:48:04 PM
Ignorance its a simple guy like you think that u ar the owner of the true. You ar no different of any other player, u are just one in face of thousands. If some1 gets u in ur bot and post it, u ill get a ban same as any player. ok? Next time, dont get angry, u are just a little piece of something.

About ignorance, please read up the last thing I said and check out who is the ignorant here.

Anyways I'm not different from any other player, I can lose a PvP, get in the heat of it, etc. But I'm sure I'm different from the people who is botting, because I'm not doing it.

I'm a face from towsands but at least I'm confident when I say something...

And last thing, no, they won't get ban just because of the video proofs, I think some proofs are really reliable, but still I think GM's checks logs every time to be 100% sure, on logs they can pretty much identify them, and the video helps them to see what to check on logs. So why not help them to ban all the botters from this server? Don't you agree?


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