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Good thing that WuWus Video came in time!

Started by NunoPitbull, January 04, 2016, 03:57:02 AM

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Quote from: kwolu on January 22, 2016, 07:45:03 AM
2k pvp and absolvent of 2 elite artschools ? :O madnessssssssss its maaaaaaaaaaaadneeeeeesssssssssss !!!!!!!




Quote from: Blizzer on January 22, 2016, 08:01:34 AM
Since when gipsy schools are elite? Probably the same level as in Polish primary school lol

Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: UngO on January 22, 2016, 02:42:28 AM
who? absolvent of 2 elite artschools, well known graffiti artist since 1998, graphic designer, owner of clothing brand, my canvases hanging on walls of mayor galleries but except that noone...if u r interested i can show you my works so you can make your opinion my dear polish friend and finally stfu in things you know not more then me...and tbh its still better then making art-less pvp movies like thousands of other players over the world ...whats new and original on your playstyle or on your videos? you think you invented your pt setup or the way how your char is played? in l2 in this stage of time hardly anything is original
I dont give a sh1t about who you are, and what elite kindergarden schools you graduated, i dont care about your achievements either. What i am saying that intro is sh1t end of story. I dont care if u spend 50h making 10s movie, if i dont like it and i cant find anything good in it, i will just write that this is sh1t, i can of course make a list of arguments about WHY i think that, but in this case this is optional as i will not argue about "taste" and what is "good" with person who cant accept the criticism and spread hate toward other nations over the forum.


Quote from: Easley on January 22, 2016, 07:25:51 AM
Not here to offend anyone (impossible in 2016 it seems..) but why spend time doing intros if you're not interested in editing videos and just want to show a good PvP? I often hear people that are making videos but in the end it takes like 2 months just to get 1 video done or they just dont finish it at all because they wont be satisfied by the intro / effects or w/e and in the end they lose interest in finishing it or the content loses it's value.

Preferably I want to see a steady stream of different PoVs from any pvp, if you got time on your hands and can make a cool intro it's great of course but I'll watch a raw video any day if there's sweet content.

I like fiddling around with video editing and that's why I normally take a little extra time to make some sort of intro but to be honest, if I were a new player and was looking for a server to join, I would check the amount of pvp and people in the movies, not so much the intro. I even made one of my videos without any real intro and that's currently my favourite even though I spent the least amount of time making it (Solo PvP fraps).
tbh even your videos is far in front from others i seen here cuz alteast you did something more then just pressing on on fraps and cut it 5 mins...the graphic works that ppl spend on their videos making them something different from the normal raw videos that 1000 of other ppl like rewel did got my point mate? and then some polish fuktard that got to do with art 0 wanna teach me if i can judge if its ok or not after i spent and dedicated my whole life to art fuking piece of shit who thinks that after he owned one server he is more then other ppl rofl
Quote from: Blizzer on January 22, 2016, 08:01:34 AM
Since when gipsy schools are elite? Probably the same level as in Polish primary school lol
how did you end up with this story that im gypsy? if it interest you it was school of folk arts and then polygraphy school of graphic desing i bet half of you haters here ended up in some basic school and are working like shiits somewhere in uk like 50% of your country, have a nice day  ;)
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: Peorexo on January 22, 2016, 10:09:52 AM
I dont give a sh1t about who you are, and what elite kindergarden schools you graduated, i dont care about your achievements either. What i am saying that intro is sh1t end of story. I dont care if u spend 50h making 10s movie, if i dont like it and i cant find anything good in it, i will just write that this is sh1t, i can of course make a list of arguments about WHY i think that, but in this case this is optional as i will not argue about "taste" and what is "good" with person who cant accept the criticism and spread hate toward other nations over the forum.
i can accept criticism tbh if its from some1 who did something more and better but you didnt since your videos are nothing special and is same like thousands of others over world either by how it look and ofc by gameplay that its not original like u dared to even mention rofl...and i dont spread hate towards other nations
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: UngO on January 22, 2016, 11:43:30 AM
tbh even your videos is far in front from others i seen here cuz alteast you did something more then just pressing on on fraps and cut it 5 mins...the graphic works that ppl spend on their videos making them something different from the normal raw videos that 1000 of other ppl like rewel did got my point mate? and then some polish fuktard that got to do with art 0 wanna teach me if i can judge if it ok or not after i spent and dedicated my whole life to art fuking piece of shit who thinks that after he owned one server he is more then other ppl rofl how did you end up with this story that im gypsy? if it interest if it was school of folk arts and then polygraphy school of graphic desing i bet half of you haters here ended up in some basic school and are working like shiits somewhere on uk like 50% of your country, have a nice day  ;)

im older than your country :O you must be proud of your country history :)


Quote from: kwolu on January 22, 2016, 11:47:40 AM
im older than your country :O you must be proud of your country history :)
you are nice example of what i said about the basic school part
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


You sure you want to compare some gipsy school of folk arts with my alma mater - Jagiellonian University? Slovak plz  ::)
Just be proud of your 2k pvps and hero without transfer, it was more impressive than your education.
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: Blizzer on January 22, 2016, 12:00:04 PM
You sure you want to compare some gipsy school of folk arts with my alma mater - Jagiellonian University? Slovak plz  ::)
Just be proud of your 2k pvps and hero without transfer, it was more impressive than your education.
you cant even compare two different things and gz for that im glad that you finished your jew school of laws or w/e now you can dedicate your life on solving harms which was made on your nation during wars ;/
Quote from: Tessellate on January 22, 2016, 12:01:05 PM
im also amazed why do i always even talk with those polish shitbags and then i realize that is nice relax between my work...and hiiiiiii pinky <3
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: UngO on January 22, 2016, 11:43:30 AM
tbh even your videos is far in front from others i seen here cuz alteast you did something more then just pressing on on fraps and cut it 5 mins...the graphic works that ppl spend on their videos making them something different from the normal raw videos that 1000 of other ppl like rewel did got my point mate? and then some polish fuktard that got to do with art 0 wanna teach me if i can judge if its ok or not after i spent and dedicated my whole life to art fuking piece of shit who thinks that after he owned one server he is more then other ppl rofl how did you end up with this story that im gypsy? if it interest you it was school of folk arts and then polygraphy school of graphic desing i bet half of you haters here ended up in some basic school and are working like shiits somewhere in uk like 50% of your country, have a nice day  ;)

mate no1 gives a single fck about ur schools or ur life, you are poor player with 0 achieves IN GAME, let me be clear u havent created a single piece of video that shows ANYTHING so at the end of the day u are just a poor forum flamer who thinks that writing about himself or 2k pvps and hero w/o transfer at nm x30, 6-7 years ago MEANS ANYTHING HERE.
Garro | Enclave | Kaylo | Succellus

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Discord Garro#0484



Quote from: Garro on January 22, 2016, 12:06:22 PM
mate no1 gives a single fck about ur schools or ur life, you are poor player with 0 achieves IN GAME, let me be clear u havent created a single piece of video that shows ANYTHING so at the end of the day u are just a poor forum flamer who thinks that writing about himself or 2k pvps and hero w/o transfer at nm x30, 6-7 years ago MEANS ANYTHING HERE.
more important is what my life and what i do in it means to me broski ;) im not video maker that dont mean i dont understand nice things or i dont got opinion...rewel asked who i am to say whats cool in terms of art so i told him...if you will have qualification and you will be profesional player which get payed by playing games be sure i wont argue with you about l2 my dear polish friend but after all you are clown who was bitching about two servers in row, made QQs on forums and left game in 2 months since u get wiped out and you failed in your mission
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2: