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Epic Bosses Respawns - Page 5



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Epic Bosses Respawns

Started by Picksy, December 21, 2016, 06:13:39 AM

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i belive this topic is about make spawn which can move progressivly forward, so boss can spawn on all kind of hours, not like now


i do not agree with boss times at evenings at all because i work evenings/nights :D
and there are probely more like me. And what about ppl from other parts of the world :) ?

what actualy might work is to put the boss spawntimerlist on the site work again


Well, you have a point as well, but maybe we could get Antharas & Valakas during the weekend like suggested. Otherwise same clan will always get it, cause everyone else won't have enough people online during the work week.


Quote from: Spades on December 23, 2016, 02:52:11 PM
Well, you have a point as well, but maybe we could get Antharas & Valakas during the weekend like suggested. Otherwise same clan will always get it, cause everyone else won't have enough people online during the work week.

Some people (not me included) works on weekends only, so better no :P


just keep it as random as possible.
so ppl in the weekend get chance during the week
and the ppl that play during the week get the chance in the weekend.
Same counts for day/night etc etc.


Quote from: Tessellate on December 23, 2016, 08:53:52 PM
just keep it as random as possible.
so ppl in the weekend get chance during the week
and the ppl that play during the week get the chance in the weekend.
Same counts for day/night etc etc.

It is random right now and there's no pvp. If the epic is during the day no1 comes, we have free epics and if it is at night ppl with life can kill it, cuz nolifers are sleeping. KAPPA
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


after yday pvp at aq, tell me more how having epics during evening is bad idea


Quote from: 5431 on December 25, 2016, 10:25:41 AM
after yday pvp at aq, tell me more how having epics during evening is bad idea

At start we had only 8 active people:)
professional retarded driver


Quote from: Vendettacz on December 25, 2016, 10:31:35 AM
At start we had only 8 active people:)
doesn't matter who win/lost, there was finally action thats all what is important here


All epics that spawn at the night are killed in the morning and all epics spawn in the morning are killed in the morning (obviously) which means most epics will be killed in the morning. Server highest online is at the evenings, which means: most people on the server will be unable to participate in epics for a long time, unless something is done.

If you don't want to set them at evening than change the respawn time to something that the clans can set by themselves , for example AQ from 19 hours+-1 to 24-+1 , this way it will be killed first time in the morning and then with pvp action on it or delays(heals on it) etc... it can be pushed to the afternoon by the fighting clans.

The problem with most epics that they are all less then a full days respawn , Aq 19 hours Zaken tezza 40 hours(almost 2 days) , Baium 115 ,Anth 115(almost 5 days)

If it was instead 24 ,48 ,120 +-1 it would be easier to control and wouldn't fall into the morning, night all the time, coz clans can push it into their most online times to kill it.

And as a bonus those epics will eventually be killed on nights and mornings so other people who are not online at evening can kill it.

Anyway what you guys think ?
He Who Moves Not Forward Goes Backward


Quote from: 5431 on December 25, 2016, 10:43:24 AM
doesn't matter who win/lost, there was finally action thats all what is important here
Quote from: kramligz on March 31, 2014, 06:42:54 AM
I can do 12h a day but not enough to lvl and compete to the others