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to severance / bloodsuckers...

Started by vizilow, January 15, 2017, 04:07:44 PM

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Shitloads of texts and alot qq. On one of aq fights Ghost was hitting me for 370-400 dmg I even didn't realised he is hitting me. While Aimbot was nuking for 1k-1,2k. My set had 2 parts of water resists, and no wind. So maybe try to use pots and resists, that drop on HB(if you have lvl to enter :D) or Dark Water Dragons.
Quote from: kramligz on March 31, 2014, 06:42:54 AM
I can do 12h a day but not enough to lvl and compete to the others


Quote from: Abruzzi on January 16, 2017, 12:41:24 PM
Shitloads of texts and alot qq. On one of aq fights Ghost was hitting me for 370-400 dmg I even didn't realised he is hitting me. While Aimbot was nuking for 1k-1,2k. My set had 2 parts of water resists, and no wind. So maybe try to use pots and resists, that drop on HB(if you have lvl to enter :D) or Dark Water Dragons.
No point explaining man... xd




Quote from: Barbaro on January 16, 2017, 06:35:35 AM
w8 what? let me see uhh :o if i enjoy some cata farm or go full maestro and focus on crafting i shouldn't write here because that's not an objective in the game right? w/e (not yours ofc we know).
And what have to do with posting here? why i shouldn't post? please develop, expand the idea it doesn't make any sense, where's the relation? your logic is getting better every min stank almost like me trying engrish.

Its like "if you dont like that suit you shouldn't wear anything at all. Coffee is cold and not your drink? then please don't eat food" sounds good huh? Like ghost telling me i shouldn't spam (imagine a morbid obese suggesting that you should stop eating a tiny cheeseburger lulz).

Now back to topic... remember this?

Read your own posts, all of you "fear" guys, implying a lack of challenge, empty sieges, pvp too ez, HB alone and sht, a whole QQ because people are not giving you enough, yet at the same time we see how you exalt every action ingame with the "git gud" speech making fun of people "you suck, l2p, half party owned 4 partys, unninstall gg go tetris" You "let" the server farm freely (idk what to say, im speechless with such generosity) and get epics (wooah 2-3 weeks? all sev,bs,dm,into,react,arkan,suicidesquad,czech and moar getting epics yey!!, wtf we have 10 aq with 100% drop per day? i didn't know that) and still we r eating dust again and again.
With such coherence wonder why you are so loved around here? should i quote ghost,peorexo,kaylon,stanko and more? again, look at your own words. if you give 2 fks bout what ppl think (which you dont) then avoid posting stuff like this topic and go on with the killing fest, stop teasing and filling HR forums with fear propaganda if youre not willing to take some flame. We got the point, now you should understand that people wont play as you wish they are not going that way nor trying enough, its the git gud thing again and again we r running in circles here so either wait for the desired challenge or get used to it. (read the ember example i gave in that link, rather go somewhere else than helping ya going beyond godlike).

Preaching the l2p thing with such entusiasm while making fun of many doesnt help, anyway why do you care youre half active/playing somewhere else right? plus im just throwing some fuel here loool not enough forum action lately, thats my thing, a keyboard warrior.

ps: NBD, ghost didnt understood, his awesoness is beyond limits our brains cant handle the epicness.
You said that you don't care about the pvp situation and that you would rather farm sop/leather, this topic is not about farming sop/leather so that's why I tried to show you the door since you are not on topic.

Quote from: Abruzzi on January 16, 2017, 12:41:24 PM
Shitloads of texts and alot qq. On one of aq fights Ghost was hitting me for 370-400 dmg I even didn't realised he is hitting me. While Aimbot was nuking for 1k-1,2k. My set had 2 parts of water resists, and no wind. So maybe try to use pots and resists, that drop on HB(if you have lvl to enter :D) or Dark Water Dragons.
Here a post by a guy who got hit by this almighty 3k matk sps, also trying to teach you something, you will probably send him to hell as well for trying to be smart ass and telling you to buff yourself in a game where buffs matter a lot.
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



@Stanko I can tell you where is the key, ppl here used to play with 3 boxes in pt and fight pt with boxes. All here are almighty dds and noone play support, so support is boxed ez solution. But this is not the 15 years old Dragon. Here one pt with 9 active ppl can kill everybody, lack of attributes and pots is just bonus :)
Quote from: kramligz on March 31, 2014, 06:42:54 AM
I can do 12h a day but not enough to lvl and compete to the others


Quote from: Abruzzi on January 16, 2017, 12:41:24 PM
Shitloads of texts and alot qq. On one of aq fights Ghost was hitting me for 370-400 dmg I even didn't realised he is hitting me. While Aimbot was...blabla lackey speech.

The qq comes from both sides bud "y u dunt git gud? wunt sum fun" rings any bell to you? want me to link & quote? oh wait reading seems harmful to you (this is the moment where some guys should edit posts)  btw how much do you read, have you ever done something like a thesis, a college project, anything? i mean, reading and writing a shitload text should be easy if youre not a 10y old. You guys just focus on the same sht, the "damage given & taken" repeating the "learn to buff" thing pointing out how bad ppl fights and i already said a thousand times that people don't f care! look whos teasing, just me, ppl gives 2 f bout this, its just me and 1-2 more while you guys suck each others fingers showing your awesomeness. I bet most of the ppl you kill ingame dont read this forum and even if they do they just lulz at this.

Stanko read the whole topic again, when ur done, do it one more time, your reading comprehension looks rusty.
lvleenmee plis, adenas, quero nuevas skills!!

Tarantula ~ Barbaro gladi and 2 destro, bd, 6 dwarfs, wc, pp, se, moar dwarfs... they r fun n  epic.


Quote from: Barbaro on January 16, 2017, 04:03:40 PM
The qq comes from both sides bud "y u dunt git gud? wunt sum fun" rings any bell to you? want me to link & quote? oh wait reading seems harmful to you (this is the moment where some guys should edit posts)  btw how much do you read, have you ever done something like a thesis, a college project, anything? i mean, reading and writing a shitload text should be easy if youre not a 10y old. You guys just focus on the same sht, the "damage given & taken" repeating the "learn to buff" thing pointing out how bad ppl fights and i already said a thousand times that people don't f care! look whos teasing, just me, ppl gives 2 f bout this, its just me and 1-2 more while you guys suck each others fingers showing your awesomeness. I bet most of the ppl you kill ingame dont read this forum and even if they do they just lulz at this.

Stanko read the whole topic again, when ur done, do it one more time, your reading comprehension looks rusty.

Konan easy, I guess I've read some books and wrote some papers for Aviation Engeneering Degree and than for JS developer. Usually I read some logical things not qq for wow fear chars are hacked 5 ppl killed us on Baium. No they are not 5, ONLY 1 nuker killed you all while you run like headless flies. I've personally pvp with fear since first 2 hours of the server in LOA, then on AQs as cp, than with RM as clan, and on HB also. You can ask them how many ppl they met on HB, and how many ppl attacked them on HB, not waiting to be attacked by them. With resists 400-600 dmg from nuker. End of story.
Quote from: kramligz on March 31, 2014, 06:42:54 AM
I can do 12h a day but not enough to lvl and compete to the others


Man i saw it coming miles away, next time when someone teases you like i did don't give any credential thats so predictable and you don't have to. Actually i was expecting the "have a phD in pyshics..." card to lol hard.
We were dealing with amount of text not the quality or substance but that sht doenst matter now, my bad apologies for the excessive hostility. Anyway why you guys keep going around with how much dmg he did, the resists buffs the am, supports, stone farming blabla i mean how many times did i mention that? one or two, dont even remember where i qq literally the 1st time about what happened yesterday (i think it was just me). K here we go again... we got it !! thx for the info, l2p git gud stuff once again, yes yes i know, rly, srsly, i suck, supports checked, resists check, buffs checked, dmg checked... keep preaching the same thing one day someone will give ya a challenge... maybe.
lvleenmee plis, adenas, quero nuevas skills!!

Tarantula ~ Barbaro gladi and 2 destro, bd, 6 dwarfs, wc, pp, se, moar dwarfs... they r fun n  epic.


Quote from: Abruzzi on January 16, 2017, 04:27:19 PM
Konan easy, I guess I've read some books and wrote some papers for Aviation Engeneering Degree and than for JS developer. Usually I read some logical things not qq for wow fear chars are hacked 5 ppl killed us on Baium. No they are not 5, ONLY 1 nuker killed you all while you run like headless flies. I've personally pvp with fear since first 2 hours of the server in LOA, then on AQs as cp, than with RM as clan, and on HB also. You can ask them how many ppl they met on HB, and how many ppl attacked them on HB, not waiting to be attacked by them. With resists 400-600 dmg from nuker. End of story.
Spellsinger dmg u can cut down up to 200 per nuke, and i am being serious right now.
I remember on kamael on soul barrier, dynasty weapon +30 skill SH was hitting for 120~ :D


Quote from: Barbaro on January 16, 2017, 05:11:34 PM
Man i saw it coming miles away, next time when someone teases you like i did don't give any credential thats so predictable and you don't have to. Actually i was expecting the "have a phD in pyshics..." card to lol hard.
We were dealing with amount of text not the quality or substance but that sht doenst matter now, my bad apologies for the excessive hostility. Anyway why you guys keep going around with how much dmg he did, the resists buffs the am, supports, stone farming blabla i mean how many times did i mention that? one or two, dont even remember where i qq literally the 1st time about what happened yesterday (i think it was just me). K here we go again... we got it !! thx for the info, l2p git gud stuff once again, yes yes i know, rly, srsly, i suck, supports checked, resists check, buffs checked, dmg checked... keep preaching the same thing one day someone will give ya a challenge... maybe.
Konan i can give you my github and photo of degree if needed to understand that problem is in you not in nukers dmg.
P.S. When we see your signature we can understand how you are party orientated, just ordinary dragon player, boxed whole pt for farm, and qq whne someone kill him on farm spot. Ppl here also qq that l2tower is no longer working and must be allowed sinced its casual gamers server :D. Youre more like hospital for mental problems community :D
Quote from: kramligz on March 31, 2014, 06:42:54 AM
I can do 12h a day but not enough to lvl and compete to the others


Abru drop it, i believe you.

ps: no one reads at all otherwise you should know im the kind who makes 1k toons to enjoy each stage of this game, ive been writing about it EVERYWHERE.

but please, dont stop keep going with the analysis ill just check if my SoP stack has been sold brb.
lvleenmee plis, adenas, quero nuevas skills!!

Tarantula ~ Barbaro gladi and 2 destro, bd, 6 dwarfs, wc, pp, se, moar dwarfs... they r fun n  epic.


can you guys just let it go...be smart...be like elza
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:

