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Recs for dwarves (donation) question - Page 4



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Recs for dwarves (donation) question

Started by LuckyStrike1305, October 10, 2017, 02:12:43 PM

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You fail to see why spiritshot C is important.. So it doesn't matter that you spoiled.

And yes you did insult me earlier so yes I added sarcasm :)

You may not know how to take advantage of a spoiler like that but that's another story.

For the reasons of this post I think I explained quite well why it IS an advantage and a big one at that. And don't tell me again for the 30min ssd is.. I know.. But that's not the point. That's not even the problematic rec....................................... (and no ssc is not the only one)

As for mats recs and crafts that you will already have found it still takes time. There is a reason why not everyone does crafters.. Guess what.. It IS because those recs are boring :)))))))))))))))))))))))

I could go on and on explaining but everything I say feels like I'm talking to a wall. And you can re-read everything you posted. You have zero arguments. You are just indifferent to the issue. Veeeery different if it bothers you or if it is important. 

As for the crying and the admins I don't recall saying anything that amounts to crying. I just happen to be vocal. Just because most say "who cares?", "not my problem", "i'm talking alone" or just see it and leave, doesn't mean that there is no issue to be addressed. It's not huge sure. But it's not non-existing. Try to differentiate the two................


I have no idea at all what is this whining about this? My god Lucky you should seriously stop this bs, because you're making a fun of yourself. I'm not in Urudin's clan, but really have you read his post? It's 100% valid, and did not said anything about you, just gave us his opinion. But you couldn't make an intelligent response on it, you should just think twice before you send a post. I'm thinking now that you're from some other server, and trying to troll here, because this can't be serious.


Quote from: Urudin on October 10, 2017, 11:21:08 PM
She applied earlier, but I'm afraid we don't need kind of ppl who insulting others because have a different opinion. Maybe we get better use of this one if she drive the enemies crazy :D

this was posted after I wrote my above answer so let me respond. This is IRRELEVANT to the topic. And no I didn't reply further to you as I saw your clan structure and your post here. Wouldn't join anyway. But do stay ON TOPIC. You can chat whatever irrelevant to your ts3/discord/pm/whatever :)



Quote from: GIGeorge on October 10, 2017, 11:28:45 PM
I have no idea at all what is this whining about this? My god Lucky you should seriously stop this bs, because you're making a fun of yourself. I'm not in Urudin's clan, but really have you read his post? It's 100% valid, and did not said anything about you, just gave us his opinion. But you couldn't make an intelligent response on it, you should just think twice before you send a post. I'm thinking now that you're from some other server, and trying to troll here, because this can't be serious.

Intelligent response to what exactly? He said nothing of value. And btw I do know what I'm talking about. You have my answers. Now please do tell me WITH arguments why you think they are wrong. Gl with that :)


Lets take Popcorn's tis topic never will end im sure!


wtf? are you whining over a C grade crap recipe????

competition start rushing for top gear not a non sense low grade stuff

not sure is a troll ... and tries to ruin athmosphere here, pls refrain posting trash, nobody will die in spoiling C grade recipe


w8ing for the next post off luckystrike


Quote from: LuckyStrike1305 on October 10, 2017, 11:30:20 PM
Intelligent response to what exactly? He said nothing of value. And btw I do know what I'm talking about. You have my answers. Now please do tell me WITH arguments why you think they are wrong. Gl with that :)
Well, where do I start?
Spiritshot C has nothing to do with making money.
As Urudin told before me materials recs has nothing to do with money on server start.
(B)SS recs are kinda useful, but not pay2win. You can't except to give ppl trash for their money lol
Many dwarf will get the shot recipes as soon as they have the craft lvl for it with or without donate, as they do on every server.

So, I don't understand where you see the collapse of economy in this donate option. I'm still not sure you're not trolling.



Just because he said he will help your small clan take a small castle don't come here with zero arguments saying generic things and try to pass it under everyones nose.. I'm not a dog. I have an opinion, I back it up.


So you think ssc is of no importance because you want to rush to arcana?.. Xmmm..
Ok. How about oly?.. :)

There has NEVER been a server that I didn't had almost all top items (excluding epics jewels-that was only in some servers as many times I solo) and there is a stepping stone to top gear. There are reasons why those recs matter. Crafting B-A items will be in a very small time limit from server start and the time and leveling of dwarf along with the time needed for the recs is enough on its own. Faster A crafting aferwards, faster finding of recs and ALWAYS the first "expensive" crafters will be those that had the dona recs. IF you cannot understand where I go with this let my simplify. Dona dwarves will always be the ones with the most money. Their main will always be 1 grade or more++ than you. And it all begins IF you know how to properly use the starting recs. The first little rbs that will drop D items to crystalize to make ss for other grades and so on.. It's simple really..

You all talk and talk yet none of you had a half-decent ARGUMENT with reasoning to back up the "you are insane".



Quote from: LuckyStrike1305 on October 10, 2017, 11:30:20 PM
Intelligent response to what exactly? He said nothing of value. And btw I do know what I'm talking about. You have my answers. Now please do tell me WITH arguments why you think they are wrong. Gl with that :)
Sorry for not using 5 different integer, 3 double type, and a constant to add some value to my post lol. Isn't it bad to be so alone crying about this? Btw would you please tell me which line insulted you? I surely didn't mention you in my post. About offtopic: You make more then Trynara does, at least he's not posting 50 line offtopic only 1 or 2