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Started by Piotrus, October 25, 2017, 10:15:04 PM

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Quote from: ing on November 01, 2017, 10:49:00 PM
Zonk member here.

Just dropping by to say goodbye, provide some background on what we've been doing for the past weeks as well as to put a certain barely literate asshole in line. I'm posting it here, because it probably doesn't deserve a separate thread.

First of all, if you want to build yourself an honest opinion of Toxic CP, don't listen to what Akalyptos says. It's vocal minorities like him who oftentimes ruin the image for an otherwise completely sound and chill group. Most of the people in Toxic I've had a chance to interact with in game over the course of last weeks were pretty cool guys actually. We've taunted them, chatted with them and had tons of fun competing against them for the top content on multiple occasions in the first two weeks (PvP at Forge, occasional RB skirmishes, Baium rush, etc). They seemed to have enjoyed it as much as we did. BadJoke, you're an awesome guy, keep it up. Unfortunately, I cannot really vouch for the current state of affairs after they went full zerg, but I'm willing to take a bet it's still significantly better than what a couple of angry jerks desperately try to make you believe.

Yeah, turns out putting a raging faggot in charge of your forum presence and PR might end up acting like some sort of an asshole magnet.

Alright. Now, to give some background and put things into proper perspective for the rest of community.

Putting the server severely off balance by greedily hoarding all available resources is a surefire way to make things boring. This seems to be an obvious thing, but our three founding members experienced that first hand on the previous server they played on (Evoke). More precisely - they were the ones who killed the fun for everyone, themselves included, by completely dominating the server within the first few weeks of play. Unsurprisingly, it turns out it's boring to sit at the top of the foodchain and not face any real competition. And so they left. Little Akalyptos over here also happened to play there. Poor bastard fell victim to the atrocities I described above, which I guess is now fueling him to run some sort of crusade to get back for all the injustice our leaders caused him in the past. Forgive me if I'm mistaken about him, but let's face it - from all we've seen up until now the guy doesn't exactly appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed, so I'd be really surprised if I'm off the mark by a significant margin here.

So yeah, mistakes were made. With Balder, we decided to stick to a 9-man CP, deliberately not recruiting more members, not forming any alliances ahead of time as well as declaring war on pretty much everyone right off the bat. The reason for all this was to keep things interesting for us, as well for whoever we happened to compete against. And I say it worked out pretty well for a while.

I cannot speak for everyone from our CP, but we'll probably be leaving sometime soonish as we all see no point in continuing. Some of us would probably keep playing casually for a week or two, but don't expect any kind of organized action.

So, Akalyptos, you got what you wanted and we hope you'll be satisfied with the result. Before you start falsely attributing all sorts of emotional states to us, as you surely will both here and in game, let me tell you that we're not actually in a state of perpetual rage and buttpain you project us to be in. It might come as a shock to you, but trust me, I've been chatting with these people on a daily basis for the last couple of weeks on TS and if anything they seem to feel more like disappointed parents reading your shit. In fact, probably most people you interact with are.

One final note.
If I had to put the blame for the current state of affairs, that would probably be poor server administration. I cannot even begin to imagine what kind of peculiar phenomenon must have happened within the volumes of your synapses when you decided to launch oly in the first half a month. It is so blatantly clear that only a one or two powerleveling groups would have had any chance of participation, that I'm completely dumbfounded by you making that decision. I would like to believe you are aware of how much of a power spike owning multiple heroes is for a clan, so how is it possible it went completely over your head? If you at least gave people a month more to level and gear up, things might have been much more interesting. There're a lot of excellent players in here who were simply not committed enough to invest as much time as we and Toxic did early on. Unsurprisingly, only we and Toxic managed to get any noblesse at this point - with one group meanwhile growing in numbers to triple the headcount of the other. Now you ended up with a massive power imbalance, which is and will continue to be off-putting for people on both sides, and you have pretty much no way of recovering from it within any reasonable timeframe. I'm not sure how it works where you come from, but to me if feels like a lot of wasted effort to spend weeks and weeks testing and setting things up, only to mismanage it so severely it burns down before it even lifts off.

@Original Toxic CP: Thanks for the game, guys, it's been fun while it lasted.
@Akalyptos: I honestly hope your life is not as miserable as you make it appear to be, but if it actually is - seek professional help.
@Server administration: Learn how to run your shit better next time.

If you really believe that no October heroes would change anything here or made server more interesting you're naive my friend.


The only thing we have learned from you is how to swiftly kill the entire server.

We have to be honest - we lost. Unable to withstand long game sessions for prolonged period of time, faced with sudden withdrawal of few of our members, we were not able to reach noblesse status on our main characters before deadline. But your victory is Phyrric in nature, and by now you should realize the truth beyond.

Lineage 2 community is shrinking with every passing year. The only remaning playerbase are veterans who would like to return to the days of former glory of MMORPG genre, when L2 was truly flourishing. Time passes, and promising servers with nostalgic, retail feel are scarce. And because the game has been around for so long, it has been basically solved. Almost everyone knows surefire tactics needed to govern unbreakable dominance on server, the only thing needed is to quickly powerlevel on FOG, deny the baium hit for the rest of the server and presto - your clan has monopoly over the hero pool. But have you ever stopped for a second in your mad chase over victory, to think what will come next?

Yeah, you guessed right. Establishing inpenetrable wall between you and the rest of the server will simply force the population to quit. You have found yourself fighting an one-sided war. You will cover your toon with epics, +7 DB, glistening hero effect, but you will never be able to unleash it's potential. Why? Because there will be no enemy to begin with.

This is why it's important to self-restrain. We knew it, because three of us made the same mistake on the previous server. We stood upon the limitation we put on ourselves at the beginning, sticking to one clan = one cp formula.  We hoped for a fair fight, 9 vs 9, with both sides having equal chances. Battles like that are the most exciting of them all. But it seems you and your clan are unable to grasp the concept of gentleman's rivalry. You do not care about challenge, about the thrill of the fight, about enjoying the game - you only want to win, no matter the cost. Not by tactics, not by brainpower, not by wits and keeping your cool during skimrishes - but by sheer outnumbering.

As my friend stated earlier, we are not buttblasted into oblivion. We are not tearing our hair from our head, we are not crying ourselves to sleep, we are not feeling like sore losers. We are just dissapointed. We could have fun for months to come, but you decided to ruin it all. If you are so adamant on using sixual allegories and calling us bitches, let's just say that you've ejaculated preemptively. You've paid for the whole night, and ran out of steam in 3 minutes.

PS: Small tip of hat towards xbadjoke. You are allright man. Hope that the "green tea" i presented you will somehow cure the toxic attitude of your clan.

And as a parting bonus - rare footage of buttblasted akalyptos, right after we killed the first baium.


Quote from: stealth on November 01, 2017, 11:21:37 PM
Zonk leaving because Toxic got where they wanted to be ? Sounds like a bunch of hypocrits... same sh1t.
You obviously cant read bro...no offense.

Zonk: i dont quite get why u leave server just coz there is a power imbalance.
Make alliance! Gear more, outsmart them, outplay them etc...
Game is far from over!

Or you didnt see what happened on L2 Dawn?
There were plenty of turnarounds and shifts in power. Server lasted 2 years!
Why? Coz ppl didnt all just quit coz "oh they have 3 parties, and lots of heroes"
Sh1t will change. Soon.


Quote from: _cw_ on November 01, 2017, 11:46:38 PM
The only thing we have learned from you is how to swiftly kill the entire server.

We have to be honest - we lost. Unable to withstand long game sessions for prolonged period of time, faced with sudden withdrawal of few of our members, we were not able to reach noblesse status on our main characters before deadline. But your victory is Phyrric in nature, and by now you should realize the truth beyond.

Lineage 2 community is shrinking with every passing year. The only remaning playerbase are veterans who would like to return to the days of former glory of MMORPG genre, when L2 was truly flourishing. Time passes, and promising servers with nostalgic, retail feel are scarce. And because the game has been around for so long, it has been basically solved. Almost everyone knows surefire tactics needed to govern unbreakable dominance on server, the only thing needed is to quickly powerlevel on FOG, deny the baium hit for the rest of the server and presto - your clan has monopoly over the hero pool. But have you ever stopped for a second in your mad chase over victory, to think what will come next?

Yeah, you guessed right. Establishing inpenetrable wall between you and the rest of the server will simply force the population to quit. You have found yourself fighting an one-sided war. You will cover your toon with epics, +7 DB, glistening hero effect, but you will never be able to unleash it's potential. Why? Because there will be no enemy to begin with.

This is why it's important to self-restrain. We knew it, because three of us made the same mistake on the previous server. We stood upon the limitation we put on ourselves at the beginning, sticking to one clan = one cp formula.  We hoped for a fair fight, 9 vs 9, with both sides having equal chances. Battles like that are the most exciting of them all. But it seems you and your clan are unable to grasp the concept of gentleman's rivalry. You do not care about challenge, about the thrill of the fight, about enjoying the game - you only want to win, no matter the cost. Not by tactics, not by brainpower, not by wits and keeping your cool during skimrishes - but by sheer outnumbering.

As my friend stated earlier, we are not buttblasted into oblivion. We are not tearing our hair from our head, we are not crying ourselves to sleep, we are not feeling like sore losers. We are just dissapointed. We could have fun for months to come, but you decided to ruin it all. If you are so adamant on using sixual allegories and calling us bitches, let's just say that you've ejaculated preemptively. You've paid for the whole night, and ran out of steam in 3 minutes.

PS: Small tip of hat towards xbadjoke. You are allright man. Hope that the "green tea" i presented you will somehow cure the toxic attitude of your clan.

And as a parting bonus - rare footage of buttblasted akalyptos, right after we killed the first baium.

I love fairy tales.

So much pain in 10 thousand words... :)

Lets say an emo-bye-bye!
If you want to be the best you have to beat the best!

If you can't beat the best you have to learn from the best and work harder than the rest.


Quote from: gszell91 on November 02, 2017, 12:07:14 AM
You obviously cant read bro...no offense.

Zonk: i dont quite get why u leave server just coz there is a power imbalance.
Make alliance! Gear more, outsmart them, outplay them etc...
Game is far from over!

oh FFS you can't read, no offense either, i'm basically saying the same to Zonk.
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


I warned you about having oly from the start and yet many ppl voted for it.  ;)


TBH most people who voted for oly activated when server started was nolifers and probably rigged with alt forum accounts imo.


Quote from: ing on November 01, 2017, 10:49:00 PM

@Server administration: Learn how to run your shit better next time.

Sounds oddly familiar 🤔

I might be having a slight deja vu 🤔
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: Naiz on November 03, 2017, 10:04:31 AM
Sounds oddly familiar 🤔

I might be having a slight deja vu 🤔
What seems to be an issue now?
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