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2007-11-03 Goddard Siege

Started by Neozinhu, November 03, 2007, 09:32:54 PM

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Quote from: mark_elesse on November 07, 2007, 10:26:45 AM
hey mens , U all talking about nothing .. sadly Temp cant do nothing alone , thats why they need the new "neutral" ( surrrrre ) friend - Fearless :)

they simple fail at Aden against 4-5 party ... now fail at Goddard ... i dont really wanna flame , and really SAD to say that a NICE ally now no more than some lowskilled ppl, who need his old enemy's protection to do smth on NM ...

now i think everyone gonna start flame me, and handle my post as a sh1tting with Temp ... but mens, im really sad that a good organization can lose so easy his honor/old power ...  :-\

Temp was never stronger than nowdays.

Quote from: sean.rick on November 07, 2007, 11:47:05 AM
To be short: Heroes kept Goddard all that period 'CAUSE NOONE WANTED!. At first serious attempt (Milicia's), the town changed owner. Is simple. Who is good/who is skilled/who is nuub..are just flames...
Gratz to Milicia, shame to Heroes 'cause they dont know to lose.

Do u have sub?
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


Quote from: Astri on November 08, 2007, 03:14:26 PM
Temp was never stronger than nowdays.

Do u have sub?

because we + Fearless + LP with ally help ya....          - -'
* Cracers * - HE/WK 
* aDv * - BD/SH
* DiablosII * - TH/WL

Vend3tta clan back!


Quote from: macris-007 on November 08, 2007, 03:20:35 PM
because we + Fearless + LP with ally help ya....          - -'
When dude? btw what in what clan u belong now?
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


Quote from: Astri on November 08, 2007, 03:23:46 PM
When dude? btw what in what clan u belong now?

aDv help SINS in mass or siegs but im not in clan...

active char is now my he/wk and im in v3

....i was thinking about mass pvp ...bs? ... gh?
* Cracers * - HE/WK 
* aDv * - BD/SH
* DiablosII * - TH/WL

Vend3tta clan back!


Quote from: macris-007 on November 08, 2007, 03:27:35 PM
on aDv help SINS in mass or siegs but im not in clan...

active char is now my he/wk and im in v3

So who of them help us in last sieges? Cause Fearless were neutral, DC was helping milicia, and i didnt saw any v3......
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


Quote from: Astri on November 08, 2007, 03:33:43 PM
So who of them help us in last sieges? Cause Fearless were neutral, DC was helping milicia, and i didnt saw any v3......

i was off Astri at sieges last time... i was thinking about mass... and ur ally is not so power... just TH & Sheva are skilled others like that clan with yellov crest just for zerg... i dont flame ur ally or smth just telling how it looks from netural side...

still <3 TH dont be mad at me  ::) cya going off...
* Cracers * - HE/WK 
* aDv * - BD/SH
* DiablosII * - TH/WL

Vend3tta clan back!


Quote from: macris-007 on November 08, 2007, 03:20:35 PM
because we + Fearless + LP with ally help ya....          - -'

Beside the siege you lost it and the very next one, can you point another great siege in your "Goddard owner" history?!
And about the sub thing...that is all that count for you? :D


Quote from: sean.rick on November 08, 2007, 03:44:36 PM
Beside the siege you lost it and the very next one, can you point another great siege in your "Goddard owner" history?!
And about the sub thing...that is all that count for you? :D

you're a fckin prick but that's a good point:

Beside the siege you lost it and the very next one, can you point another great siege in your "Goddard owner" history?!

never realised this but it's so TRUE
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: sean.rick on November 08, 2007, 03:44:36 PM
Beside the siege you lost it and the very next one, can you point another great siege in your "Goddard owner" history?!
And about the sub thing...that is all that count for you? :D

smartass detected Hm.. u was in this server when we got goddard?

Quote from: tzuc on November 08, 2007, 03:45:44 PM
you're a fckin prick but that's a good point:

Beside the siege you lost it and the very next one, can you point another great siege in your "Goddard owner" history?!

never realised this but it's so TRUE

Dude, u wasnt on v3 clan back in time when we had some "good sieges"?
Quote from: DePayens on August 03, 2009, 05:11:03 PM
Leave server pls or you'll lose all your castles and good farming very soon.
Your tears won't save you forever.


i was referring to goddard siege astri. best siege i've had on goddard when me and knock were running outside siege zone killing hmm Eclipse ? and some Heroes xD, probably only goddard siege from V3 time and it was zerged siege than .. Eclipse + forgot the name of your ally  back then vs V3 and few Fearless :)
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


yep i remember that sieg - -' we i mean here Eclipse + TH ally too dunno name... against Fearless rlly nice sieg and one of the last siegs before big server down...
* Cracers * - HE/WK 
* aDv * - BD/SH
* DiablosII * - TH/WL

Vend3tta clan back!


Quote from: leobruno on November 05, 2007, 08:05:33 PM
Ok.. we always talk with other "The heroes are the best cla in this server, best players... they know good pvp strategies"... milicia have a lot of noob players, with noob weapons, with noob internet conections (256 kbps lol), with noob other things... we always respect the heroes and other enemies... but Lucifg and more pplo of temp always talk about bugs in the castle... thats funny, they never talk about this when they keep castle ... why ?

Why just now they talk about bugs in the open chat?

The truth is, milicia take godard because we make good combat strategie (tks soviete and metalseven ^^)  and the great help of DC in this day... and we keep the castle safe for 2 months... and thats a point.

Pls stop talk about bugs.. because if we hit behind the wall .. temp hit back... temp not vitim in this case. cya.

yes  right   hiding   in  castle  for  the entire  siege  and hitting  behind  wall  is  a  good  stratigie
i  wonder  if  <<general>> soviette  told  u  that .
if   u  are  so  good  why  dont  apear  in  giege  area ?
at  least  ur  <<friends>>  have   guts  for that.  you just keep  hiding.
and   yes  u  have  loots  of  noob  players  cos   if  u  cant  kill  an  72lvl  unbuffed  dwarf in zubeis  and  bo  +0
and  this  shorty  destroy  the  wall  and  spinning  around  castle  more than  1  hour  the  only  i  did   that  day  was  to  lough  my  ass out.

PS: next  siege  i  will  come   with  my  spoiler  who   is  lower lvl  .
PS2:   wts  ewc  dont  pm  me :D