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2007-11-10 Innadril siege

Started by Blondy, November 10, 2007, 09:43:07 PM

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come on Blondy, take it easy... no matter who is the enemy, there has to be flames to piss them, to make them fight against you. back in a year, that was fenix, and those who flame DC now, flamed fenix that time. after the downtime, they begged them to come back... it will be the same if you stop fighting, so just take it easy and do the pvp

@ Furesy: yah, not many OE weapon, this is not dragon ;)

Astramael      [db/tr]



Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on November 11, 2007, 05:24:34 AM
cmon guys... be serious.

i know that deathcrush had close to 300ppl online (285tbh, a friend told me) and fearless had 42ppl online.
we were alone at giran. and supported synd with 2pt at innadrill. and there were full deathcrush + militia.

when milita + deathcrush isn't a zerg, who is? oh sry, fearless is ^^

doesn't matter anyway
omfg ahahaha roflmao i never saw such a funny post xDD
total retirment.


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on November 11, 2007, 05:24:34 AM
cmon guys... be serious.

i know that deathcrush had close to 300ppl online (285tbh, a friend told me) and fearless had 42ppl online.
we were alone at giran. and supported synd with 2pt at innadrill. and there were full deathcrush + militia.

when milita + deathcrush isn't a zerg, who is? oh sry, fearless is ^^

doesn't matter anyway
ok  ok   what  is   a  zerg ?
i  will  tell u
zerg  is  the  number  that  u  cant  count  ?
zerg  is  the  number  that make's  u  flee ?
u  know  what  i  felt  and  i  said  to  my  self  when  i  saw  that ?
i  said :  fak  i  didnt  got  enowh  arrows  and  shot's   for  this .
true  i  wasnt  afraid  of  numbers  but  the  fact  that  i  would  propably  run out  of  ammo.
this  is  zerg  for  me  and  noone  of  the above.
and  that was  there  yesterday.


Furesy take a look to the other side, trust me they were OE weapons.

My opinion about Inhadril siege, there was an ubreakable human wall, but defence wasnt held very well, nevertless was enough.
Retired- Im not using my chars anymore


true nefa...

sadly i had to leave the siege place a bit earlier, cause i was pk... sh1t happenz ;D


Quote from: Probocis on November 11, 2007, 11:25:56 AM

this is zerg and they are more then you see in me screen :)

hey probociss, i critted you for 13k damage ;D
sad that i forgot to make a ss..  :'(  put on jewels :D

hope there will be some more good sieges in future...


There was an interesting thing that happened in the siege.
Voudas69 started the siege by diying near us on purpose to call us Noobs :)
I told him... "Yes...we are noobs but we are many."

Actually many of us in Milicia are not really great players in PvP.
We Milicia lack in many PvP skills. We dont make PK when we should we act sometimes really noobish sometimes.
If we are even in numbers with heroes or Sins we are all the time owned.

However, we own them in a different way. DC and Milicia own them in social relationship and with a trustfully ally. How many posts you see in the forum flaming voudas? How many posts saying I dont like heroes or voudas... etc....
We have an ally with people that we trust, mainly Portuguese speaking people and some people speaking spanish.
One more thing.. we are growing in number. My clan for example, Has many people that are not going to siege just because they started playing and are leveling up.

How many new blooded players do you have?

In general you are a bunch of selfish ppl.

I dont get offended if you call us Zerg. It's kinda true. Actually in Starcraft I loved to play with Zerg.

There are people that will not agree with what I'm saying. We have some very good people in PvP and they dont like what is written here.
But this is my opinion regarding our ally in general.


Quote from: HortinhaPortugal on November 12, 2007, 11:21:12 AM
There was an interesting thing that happened in the siege.
Voudas69 started the siege by diying near us on purpose to call us Noobs :)
I told him... "Yes...we are noobs but we are many."

Actually many of us in Milicia are not really great players in PvP.
We Milicia lack in many PvP skills. We dont make PK when we should we act sometimes really noobish sometimes.
If we are even in numbers with heroes or Sins we are all the time owned.

However, we own them in a different way. DC and Milicia own them in social relationship and with a trustfully ally. How many posts you see in the forum flaming voudas? How many posts saying I dont like heroes or voudas... etc....
We have an ally with people that we trust, mainly Portuguese speaking people and some people speaking spanish.
One more thing.. we are growing in number. My clan for example, Has many people that are not going to siege just because they started playing and are leveling up.

How many new blooded players do you have?

In general you are a bunch of selfish ppl.

I dont get offended if you call us Zerg. It's kinda true. Actually in Starcraft I loved to play with Zerg.

There are people that will not agree with what I'm saying. We have some very good people in PvP and they dont like what is written here.
But this is my opinion regarding our ally in general.

+1 for you.
Pro post imo


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on November 12, 2007, 10:52:16 AM
hey probociss, i critted you for 13k damage ;D
sad that i forgot to make a ss..  :'(  put on jewels :D

hope there will be some more good sieges in future...
on tyrant i have low m def ;/ about 850 with cov 1k :/


Probo why the fk you use Vicious Stance with bow actually o_O?


Quote from: D3V1L5T4R on November 12, 2007, 10:52:16 AM
hey probociss, i critted you for 13k damage ;D

if u dunno nubcake he/tt doesnt have mdef passives..so with s grade jewl+4 is still around 850-900 so dont be so pro with your dmg....ur black elf u should at least made cryt like 20k

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro