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Giran 1st March, Nef says bb



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Giran 1st March, Nef says bb

Started by Nefacio, March 02, 2008, 12:59:36 PM

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I will start a new topic of this cause I feel like. If u dont like it u can go to hell and ofc not read it.

Some weeks ago I decided to stop playing L2 and I 've done it. Nevertless I stick to my ppl, I have most WS members on msn and I consider several of them true friends, after all we shared with some more than 3 years of this game.

So then, I was always aware of the situation of the server, I red my own clan forum and I chat with my ex-m8 and my actual friends often. So then I was aware that my fella clan leave the ally with SINS and ofc I never doubt about what Asgalus would do if this day ever come, lick other clan asses to give the image as the SINS clan prevail and so it happen. Nevertless I couldnt imagine this will go that far, seriously v3+SINS BIG LOL at that. Its funny how this thing end to be; SINS require of the assistance of 3 (or 4) clans to do what WS only did in the past ( yes we took Giran with only WS+SINS). Plus (really I cannot stop laughing that this), they Mass recruit before the siege LOL, Caraotero and Morfeo inside SINS hahahha at that.

So I left L2 for good but with a true smile on my face, my clan, the clan I created myself, the clan I lead for  so much time continue with the same idea it was created, yes we lost the castle (finnaly, only almost 2 years owning one).

As for the siege, u can think whatever u want, but the final true is that on the defenders side, was only WS clan, Katamaran clan with 12 ppl online, 5 Inmortals and some Temp (Im almost sure there was less than 5); that against SINS, BlackHand, l3ggion, Myst? and ofc V3. No matter what do u want to think, that there were "fair" numbers this is the ultimate True, and after we lost the castle we did only one rush to try to get it back, when we realise it was impossible to do so. Rest of the rushes were only for fun ,with no idea to get the castle back, and with much less members that were at the beginning. But if u still want to think there were "equal" numbers if that really makes u feel better, then I will gladly agree with u :) cause I know u NEED to beilieve it. Personally I would love to see only SINS attacking WS, I would really like to see the ressult on this, but no, Asgalus cannot even dream of the idea of losing agaisn an ex-ally member, that would be a big punch for him.

My most sincere respect on some SINS members like Tomek, Diabo, Libentina (despite of this lack of folowing a leader order, still really good guys), Hustler (my dear and true m8), Devilstar (no word can describe this guy, he is just one of the kindest TRUE friend I discover on L2), Shamanick and Deneb (maricos del orto uds saben q nosotros les caemos mejores q cualquiera de su clan :]) and Emtee (respect u on every mean, but leadership is something u born with and if u intend to have it, u must start with ur guys follow ur oders w/o asking why).

Same as for the V3 members that have principals and refuse joining the SINS for help, Elesse, Knock, Tzuc (I know u dont care at all :] glad u are taking the game like that), Dave and some others Im missing. Deadlysin u have no idea on how to command a clan, the better u could do is insist Tzuc to lead V3 and then the clan would be invencible.

Anywayt, thx for giving me this final siege, I enjoy watching SINS going so LOW, too bad that some moderator erased Elesse's post with the screens, if u got to see them, u know then how desperate they were.

Thx for the fun
More Thx to my Dears clan mates and Friends.

Bye Bye NM server
Retired- Im not using my chars anymore


Since I wasnt at the supporting side, hence I didnt make an ass of my mouth, I can only say 1 thing: you were the one who joined sins ally, what would you expect to happen? You know their leader, you know his behaviour, I didnt get it why you even had to join forces with them. Was fun to play with you in fenix, and against you in the past months, tho. Take care.

Astramael      [db/tr]


I liked you, but you got no idea who DeadlySin is and how he controls his clan, but that's fine.

Cya arround and gl whatever your going to do...

PS: I didn't see the screens =O Elesse post again plx x)



btw you have to know some facts

-why u always talk about asga? he isnt leader anymore
-we went on oren siege and on vent " ws killed libentina", thats why we attacked you there
-that we are with Bh ally doesnt mean we r asslickers

However was fun to play with you. cya
Quote from: Furesy on September 24, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
One more thing, good to see you finally posting with your own name again


i log in game 5min till end of CS, and we loled on TS from BH,Envy,V3 how they fall in this siege

quido you need to do that "....." you know what ;)

nefarch you where still good clan, but in sins shadow it was a little - - - - for your clan, nobody listen to me sins they love only sins, they will kick you in asses when they get chance.... now it happens to you
i would know how they make it, that everybody is helping sins, why?? they are pure pwnage classes, they take all castels, all Bosses alone, why they need help from V3 and BH? not talking about Temp and ass.....


Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro


Nef, I always respected you and always will, I personally don't know much about wtf happened last weeks, I just think its sad.
WH/WS clan is something I will always respect and I'm sorry if I ever made something that showed differently.


gl Nef, was fun to play against you
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


In the end it's all a bunch of pixels, and a game...

Welcome to real life Nefa ^_^ Live it to the fullest, there's no "To Nearest Village" there ^^


This shit is gay, I left for like 3 weeks for some secret reasons and v3 is with SkINS i mean wtf ..me..helping...those motherfreakers? so the only thing i did on the siege was walking around watching them fags using BH ally which i dont know the  name to get a castle cuz they cant do it alone like v3 did  and went to inna after the first rush well to resume everything I Hate SkINS cept quido and consider yourself lucky that we(well excluding me) helped you against ur old dogs.

true sins killa forever.
Shizoku he/wlk
Lazy CL of v3

Quote from: Sifacil on June 19, 2007, 04:55:10 PM
Sensei Shin, in exile we all will remember ur teachings, long life to the original BowRapingBiatch-


Quote from: Nefacio on March 02, 2008, 12:59:36 PM
I will start a new topic of this cause I feel like. If u dont like it u can go to hell and ofc not read it.

Some weeks ago I decided to stop playing L2 and I 've done it. Nevertless I stick to my ppl, I have most WS members on msn and I consider several of them true friends, after all we shared with some more than 3 years of this game.

So then, I was always aware of the situation of the server, I red my own clan forum and I chat with my ex-m8 and my actual friends often. So then I was aware that my fella clan leave the ally with SINS and ofc I never doubt about what Asgalus would do if this day ever come, lick other clan asses to give the image as the SINS clan prevail and so it happen. Nevertless I couldnt imagine this will go that far, seriously v3+SINS BIG LOL at that. Its funny how this thing end to be; SINS require of the assistance of 3 (or 4) clans to do what WS only did in the past ( yes we took Giran with only WS+SINS). Plus (really I cannot stop laughing that this), they Mass recruit before the siege LOL, Caraotero and Morfeo inside SINS hahahha at that.

So I left L2 for good but with a true smile on my face, my clan, the clan I created myself, the clan I lead for  so much time continue with the same idea it was created, yes we lost the castle (finnaly, only almost 2 years owning one).

As for the siege, u can think whatever u want, but the final true is that on the defenders side, was only WS clan, Katamaran clan with 12 ppl online, 5 Inmortals and some Temp (Im almost sure there was less than 5); that against SINS, BlackHand, l3ggion, Myst? and ofc V3. No matter what do u want to think, that there were "fair" numbers this is the ultimate True, and after we lost the castle we did only one rush to try to get it back, when we realise it was impossible to do so. Rest of the rushes were only for fun ,with no idea to get the castle back, and with much less members that were at the beginning. But if u still want to think there were "equal" numbers if that really makes u feel better, then I will gladly agree with u :) cause I know u NEED to beilieve it. Personally I would love to see only SINS attacking WS, I would really like to see the ressult on this, but no, Asgalus cannot even dream of the idea of losing agaisn an ex-ally member, that would be a big punch for him.

My most sincere respect on some SINS members like Tomek, Diabo, Libentina (despite of this lack of folowing a leader order, still really good guys), Hustler (my dear and true m8), Devilstar (no word can describe this guy, he is just one of the kindest TRUE friend I discover on L2), Shamanick and Deneb (maricos del orto uds saben q nosotros les caemos mejores q cualquiera de su clan :]) and Emtee (respect u on every mean, but leadership is something u born with and if u intend to have it, u must start with ur guys follow ur oders w/o asking why).

Same as for the V3 members that have principals and refuse joining the SINS for help, Elesse, Knock, Tzuc (I know u dont care at all :] glad u are taking the game like that), Dave and some others Im missing. Deadlysin u have no idea on how to command a clan, the better u could do is insist Tzuc to lead V3 and then the clan would be invencible.

Anywayt, thx for giving me this final siege, I enjoy watching SINS going so LOW, too bad that some moderator erased Elesse's post with the screens, if u got to see them, u know then how desperate they were.

Thx for the fun
More Thx to my Dears clan mates and Friends.

Bye Bye NM server

sabias palabras...


elesse, fmb and apo know what I told them about that ... they can post the MSN convo

deadlysin is a good leader, but unlike V3 they have objectives and they still need to gear up their people ...

anyway my work keeps me busy 50% of the time lately .. 20% i try spending with my girl and 30% i try to rest ... and I wouldn't give 1 more second to NM as it's a shithole .. I will be on oren sieges though
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota