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GIRAN SIEGE 29.3.2008

Started by TomekAlmighty, March 29, 2008, 10:01:53 PM

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cthon please stop posting in here :) it's like fighting the windmills

sif: we came to siege zone and we cleared it really fast, then FTR came .. while we didn't expect them we handled them well and while pushing them back we were getting ready to set flags and regroup to take castle when temp came and with the ones we had standing we couldn't fight them and the remaining FTR + ws/bh coming out of castle

on 3 ocasions temp saved the castle by coming exactly on time.

personally i think that the parties we had did EXTREMELY well for the numbers and the lags .. and I would not even say 3 clans because 69 had ... 3 people ? daemonette .. sakaeel and ?

while we do fought a serious number of people:
ws - i saw bad lags and only few actually fought
bh - saw them on the first rush and then randomly unorganized
FTR had a nice presence but the clans they have in ally are not that good in pvp and we fought against them on even terms so to say but this is where quality stood over quantity, as you remember from martyrs
and temp brought 3-4 properly buffed parties at the right time that we had no chance to repel

i do believe that vs FTR ally + ws + bh it would have been a walk in the park to take the castle

whoever of the enemy side things this was a victory .. think again, 1 more clan in ally and fighting the whole server might just be something to keep people logged in game.

and yeah :) I do agree sins made these enemy's and so did v3 .. but I guess we just have the balls to do it unlike other vip / katamaran recruiters ..*cough*cough*
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on March 29, 2008, 11:57:04 PM
and yeah :) I do agree sins made these enemy's and so did v3 .. but I guess we just have the balls to do it unlike other vip / katamaran recruiters ..*cough*cough*
It's called not selling your soul to the devil  :)
Original Sin


Quote from: Furesy on March 29, 2008, 11:30:08 PM
Couldn't pass with a tag? You think I didn't sign my clan on purpose? My crew's main objective was to kill flags, and annoy the shit out of you. Guess we did a good job seeing you reply like that.

and exactly that's lame... looks like we found ozu #2 here ^^

and a persion mentioning something isn't a cry... did i ever said it was unfair, or what? get real, you suckz0r xD

/flame on  ;D


Quote from: SightZ on March 30, 2008, 12:02:08 AM
It's called not selling your soul to the devil  :)

cmon... sell me your soul!!!! i'm making a good price....


Quote from: Sifacil on March 29, 2008, 10:54:28 PM
i even pkd some clan member too, was really annoying...
Don't even mention.. once after grouping on Yeepee, you and the army came to wipe us out, and I started shooting some of you... but shit happened and the target went back to Yeepee... I pressed immediately Esc, still 2 shots almost killed the poor guy. ;D

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: Devil on March 30, 2008, 12:05:14 AM
cmon... sell me your soul!!!! i'm making a good price....
Fak off, you low baller  ;D
Original Sin


Quote from: Devil on March 30, 2008, 12:02:31 AM
and exactly that's lame... looks like we found ozu #2 here ^^
What's so lame than? That your flags got rolled by a 4 man party? lol
And who or what the freak is ozu #2?
You still didn't answer me, why you cry about the char? Go ask Kam last time he played that char, maybe simply open your eyes, than you would have noticed I have been playing that char on last couple of sieges, all the time.
You hardly making sense, even the persons I asked from your own ally, didn't get what the freak you were babling about -.-'?

and a persion mentioning something isn't a cry... did i ever said it was unfair, or what? get real, you suckz0r xD
Quote from: Devil on March 29, 2008, 10:24:53 PM
the clanless (furesy.... omfg ^^ you need to get clanless chars which might be on our side [henrik's chars] to go for flags? wow, that's what i call poor. sad that some doesn't have the ballz to face for a fight :( )


Quote from: Devil on March 29, 2008, 10:24:53 PM
well, coming to my honest opinion now:

wintersoul (gratz, you made whole server work together, kinda unique.)
better :S

about what ya speak dildostar??? whole server?? we fighting like 4-5 mounth just 1 ally vs rest server i mean fragless+65%server asslickers in your side so wtf ya talking about ???

btw nice siege but i hate fcking LAAAAAAAAAAGS 1 minute move 2 second hit
  Nightmare 30x


GF ..
and if you talk about ftr < ftr clan i mean>  we send only half of us to girian .... :P

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


sorry i missed that siege to fight the zerg but glad i missed the lag :)  But i say that all in Mayhem ally are very happy to fight that kinda of zerg, its the only way we can have some fun here, and that game is all about friends and ennemies and we just happen to have way more ennemies then friends :) Anyway about BH signing up on all siege to fight us a BIG LOL omg please do so what can we ask more?? But your dear dumb leader wants so much a castle i bet he wont do that for long, will probably go after gludin or gludio :) or is there a more pathetic castle to get?  The only clan in game apart from us and v3 i respect is FTR but its a pity its recruiting any noobs they can find for there ally...oh well    and about WS, well im searching for something good to say about them but im at lost for words....well pathetic comes to mind very fast but still....sorry

Cant wait to fight the zerg and cant wait for interludes also....

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Quote from: prophecy on March 30, 2008, 01:05:59 AM
  The only clan in game apart from us and v3 i respect is FTR

+1  :o

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: zthrx on March 30, 2008, 01:13:03 AM
hey, hey its not mean, you are our friends XD

I KNOW  :P  respec =respec

ale ciebie i tak nie lubie hehe :D

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce