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GIRAN SIEGE 29.3.2008

Started by TomekAlmighty, March 29, 2008, 10:01:53 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on March 30, 2008, 01:18:18 AM
facet jestes to mi nie zależy :P

bendzie six? :D chlopaki zaduzo vam to lezi v dupie :-), jescie ze niebylem na siege, i tak mnie niebchodzi :-).zawsie mowicie glupoty :P...

(niejestem poliakem, toz znaczy ze jak ktos powie ze neumie po polski, toz to neumie, ale rozumie zadobre i moze pisac po polski :P


zthrx is more worried of doing the paparazzi part.....thats why he dont kill sh1t!

about siege....when envy was close....all my clanmates got freez....when envy got kill....freez is gone.....wtf....not a bit of fun, only lagg and screams of anger cuz of the same on vent.....

ty to the clans that help us....i guess it was r time to return the favor to envy and zerg them back.....



Not offensive zthrx but u making screens more than u killing during sieges :P


hes a dagger/tank what can he kill except flags :)  just kiding bro

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Quote from: PvtStuka on March 30, 2008, 12:08:53 AM
Don't even mention.. once after grouping on Yeepee, you and the army came to wipe us out, and I started shooting some of you... but shit happened and the target went back to Yeepee... I pressed immediately Esc, still 2 shots almost killed the poor guy. ;D
i did that too >.< i just hate when my target is jumping back >.>
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: szybki on March 29, 2008, 10:29:12 PM
Oh sh1t u make new acc pff freaking retard :o
what is retarded on making  new acc? you should visit your doctor till it will be late

Quote from: Furesy on September 24, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
One more thing, good to see you finally posting with your own name again


Quote from: cristianvernal on March 30, 2008, 03:16:56 AM

ty to the clans that help us....i guess it was r time to return the favor to envy and zerg them back.....

couldnt stop myself from quoting that ..  can u please remove the word "Clans" and add "Server"


Quote from: Diabolical on March 30, 2008, 11:54:08 AM
couldnt stop myself from quoting that ..  can u please remove the word "Clans" and add "Server"

Come on.. It wasnt whole server vs us... ::)

The dwarfs that sell potions in town were missing  ;D ;D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Duxel ally wasnt against u :).
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


indeed also Piskal was bussy ^^
Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account


Fealess+Temp+Palyboy Vs Rebelions = WS+temp+FTR Vs Mayhem  8)


Quote from: z0r on March 30, 2008, 03:47:36 PM
Fealess+Temp+Palyboy Vs Rebelions = WS+temp+FTR Vs Mayhem  8)

yeah but Mayhem will not "leave" the server "8)"

"rebellion ally chat: we got zerged"
"CzH uses Leave Server"
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota