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GIRAN SIEGE 29.3.2008

Started by TomekAlmighty, March 29, 2008, 10:01:53 PM

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Quote from: Diabolical on March 31, 2008, 01:36:31 PM
Dude .. try to improve and stop using the same word all over again and again .. calling me mofo . omg i got powned.. i should go cry in emo corner now  ..

REb3L GOT POWNED !!! ... im sarcastic btw

cry u a river ??? .. u r a piece of shiit .. almost not existed and noone gives a shiit about u or ur opinion when it comes to FTR or CH .. for every clan there r ppl representing it .. u r not one of them so please .. staye quite and just read

Only u r using same phrases: WE R ZERGED !!!!

Man u know nothing about me, but i know u from some clans. Clans where i was long time ago (maybe u know some clans from this list): CzechWarriors, DoomWarriors, HeadHunterz (great times with Salut), Katamaran (old times with Piskal), NMs Finest,  (too great times with Setto, J33t, Henrik and many other ppls including u if i remember good), Czechhorde, CeleStiaL....but its i really play max 1 hour per day cuz of RL.
BerenCZ - HE/WK + SPS
Ecthelion31 - SWS/SR + GL
Sigridka - SPS/EE + NE
Azaghal31 - BH/TY


Quote from: cthon on March 31, 2008, 01:47:47 PM
let me tell u who are friends : all server beside mayhem...
enjoy.... and in every saturday will be a nice siege cause it's so hard for u to fight against us...

Things can change... just check all that already happened in NM and i'm sure that none can say that this will keep like now or change as happened so many times.


I am pretty sure that u know..... that when u say "all server against us" is only 2 hours each week when we have CS. But the rest of the week i don't remember to see all server against u... only temp against u like yesterday... and after u got punked.... what did u do ? Come on forum and ? /cry /cry /cry. So imo stop with this complaining, let the game fallow its curs and see what will happen in the end.
Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account


Quote from: tzuc on March 31, 2008, 01:48:35 PM
NM always changes .. some clans rise .. some fall, it will change again .. one day v3 will be fighting envy. but CZH has always been "bellow bottom".

but some ppl never change and will stil cry on toi 13-14, and all the time on hero chat  ;D


Quote from: DonaldTrump on March 31, 2008, 01:55:18 PM
I am pretty sure that u know..... that when u say "all server against us" is only 2 hours each week when we have CS. But the rest of the week i don't remember to see all server against u... only temp against u like yesterday... and after u got punked.... what did u do ? Come on forum and ? /cry /cry /cry. So imo stop with this complaining, let the game fallow its curs and see what will happen in the end.

well i see it during weeks too....
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account


Quote from: cthon on March 31, 2008, 02:01:38 PM
well i see it during weeks too....

He's right... WS who have agreements with Temp and FTR, but between FTR and Temp we keep fighting each other in the rest of week, we have wars between each other. Only during CS we don't fight each other.


Quote from: DonaldTrump on March 31, 2008, 02:03:17 PM
lies lol

3 words ha ?

nop , i don't lie , i don't have why to....
like yesterday we were 7 peeps and was ftr ally + some BH + some WS...
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


If u read corect.... i said all server against them...
Ye WS are friends of TEMP and i guess of FTR too. So hell ye if they are near us we fight along same side. But being with FTR in team... that is a big lol. Also PlayBoy when they see TEMP vs Meyham they choose our side, but we all know they will allways kiss ass to the strongest :>
Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account


heheheheh :)) not the strongest... they are choosing number atm.. :P
and to tell u something.... nito wanted to join our side but i guess some1 get no as answer...
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: cthon on March 31, 2008, 02:06:40 PM
nop , i don't lie , i don't have why to....
like yesterday we were 7 peeps and was ftr ally + some BH + some WS...

Yesterday where dude ?  We were camping Antharas all day long only TEMP, i wonder where u saw FTR+TEMP+WS against u..
Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account


Quote from: cthon on March 31, 2008, 02:09:38 PM
heheheheh :)) not the strongest... they are choosing number atm.. :P

Lets not complain about numbers. TEMP = 4 clans, Meyham = 3 clans. Don't think TEMP can zerg Meyham, i mean 4 clans vs 3 clans is not so big diference. What makes us zerg for u is that we have more active clans than u do, nothing else.
Camitzescu Hyerophant/Adventurer - nobless
Camyy Se/Bd - nobless
Amila - Sagitarius/Hyerophant - nobless - Not Me Anymore :(
May1a - Cardinal - Doomcryer - nobless
AlexProphet - SwS/Necro
Isuball - De/Ty - share account
Leonnidas Artisan Tyr/Spoiler - nobless - share account