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Aden/goddard siege :) 5/05/08 - Page 5



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Aden/goddard siege :) 5/05/08

Started by prophecy, April 05, 2008, 11:08:36 PM

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Quote from: DonaldTrump on April 06, 2008, 10:19:34 AM
Chill out lol. Don't be angry couse u were fked up at all castle sieges where u r signed as attackers. Ye u "powned" all ;)))
i wonder what would temp be able to do if they had the whole server against em.not that i am complaining coz it seems like u need ever1 here to deffend a castle from us.and yea goddard was lost if not the wall bug,btw tell me from the past 1+ year who has goddard?milicia took it for a while but hah ...and yea we pwn coz we did it to both engraving rooms,and we engraved in both of the castle and almost took em.
anyway was a hell a lot of a fun for me.
/peace.    actually war XD coz if we keep it all in peace there wouldnt be any fun.
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


grave I would suggest not arguing with donald's tramp ... it's pointless

2 clans went goddard ... like knife through butter
2 clans went to aden vs .. i have no idea how many clans .. like knife through butter

for me it's enough
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: DonaldTrump on April 06, 2008, 10:09:07 AM

And where i lied ?? I admite there is a bug at goddard all know it, and all owners used it. Where is the lie in what i wrote ?

you wrote that we "cannot" beat temp, I just answered that with that bug we rly cant, otherwise yes
Quote from: Furesy on September 24, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
One more thing, good to see you finally posting with your own name again


temp lose goddart 2 times, 2 times by the same clans  ;)
i must agree they know very well how use bugs to "defend" goddart
defense on Aden -> n/c , it was as everybody was afk atm or what  :-\ , when mayhem clans would be singed for attacking aden, they would get it, but on defenders list would be around 20 clans  :D , 20 clans but only 3 are worth to be called clans
personaly i dont like that all vs mayhem, it is so boring....


Quote from: tzuc on April 06, 2008, 11:07:14 AM
grave I would suggest not arguing with donald's tramp ... it's pointless

2 clans went goddard ... like knife through butter
2 clans went to aden vs .. i have no idea how many clans .. like knife through butter

for me it's enough
roger that :P
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


i dont have much time to reply .
just a few things to say .
let us keep our castles so we let you post here and say whatever you like.

ps:question,what was suxel try to do 10 mins before seige ends in goddard?
answer:suicide.this guy is tottaly retarded or he think we are idiots when he tries to enter alone in castle from the main door
i have seen a lot but this was the cherry on the cream cake for me yesterday .



Quote from: thehero on April 06, 2008, 12:51:22 PM
i dont have much time to reply .
just a few things to say .
let us keep our castles so we let you post here and say whatever you like.

ps:question,what was suxel try to do 10 mins before seige ends in goddard?
answer:suicide.this guy is tottaly retarded or he think we are idiots when he tries to enter alone in castle from the main door
i have seen a lot but this was the cherry on the cream cake for me yesterday .
u mean "let us do our hitting thro wall exploit".
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


i got a realy nice video when we didnt had goddard... from others wall hitting us... soo u post ur videos i post mine :)
i have this video long time ago but i dont care about that bug ...
we took the castle WITH this bug... soo we defend it WITH this bug...
i dont say we use it ... but even if u dont want it can happent ....
i can target some one /t emtee and start hit from balcony when i run in coz i die u wall hit me also ... soo i wall hit u back ...
this mean u start the bug... i just anwswer to u ....

have fun guys dont mess with bugs try live with them when no one fixing them ...

ps:i didnt like the siege coz most of Theheroes + some temps had huge lags... example:astr1c couldent move at all
i think its a problem with our internet provider :S or a setup with the new machine and the internet provider we have ...
we must talk with some one about that ... we dont know what the problem is coz our connection works fine but in lineage work sh it ...

and again have fun ppl ...
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: voudas69 on April 06, 2008, 03:38:14 PM
i got a realy nice video when we didnt had goddard... from others wall hitting us... soo u post ur videos i post mine :)
i have this video long time ago but i dont care about that bug ...
Wasnt it milicia that was wall hiting you? I think milicia has nothing to do with mayhem ;)

Quote from: voudas69 on April 06, 2008, 03:38:14 PM
i dont say we use it ... but even if u dont want it can happent ....

But you did use it, and yes you DID wanted it to happen, i have many screens of mages hiting us from behind the wall and that means they wanted to use it ;)

Quote from: voudas69 on April 06, 2008, 03:38:14 PM
this mean u start the bug... i just anwswer to u ....

Your trying to tell us that WE started to hit you thrue the wall so you started to hit us back thrue the wall? Seriusly dude, thats alot of b. crap your telling  ::)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


What is the point of argueing about Goddard wall bug? All server knows that every defender of that castel use it, all posted screens, no1 reacted, so what is the point??? Goddard was lost 2 times from Heroes and 2 times they took it back, so gather your skilss power and take it and stop posting this shets. Maybe u are zerged for the moment but we all knew this will nost last forever, so better enjoy the game as it is, and stop with this crap about exploiting.
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


I dont know if I remember right but heroes took it back after Eclipse let em lol. So u really didnt fought vs exploit .

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro