smth interesting on siedge?????
screens plzzzzzzzz............
Was nice, gz for all whom been there, and gz for all defenders witch will keep Rune for 2 more weeks.
grats to all who pariticipate in the siege.. it has some funny parts... kinda blows when we were tooo much from each side and i couldnt target at all with the pc ive got atm xD
GZ for defenders < FB+FTR> nice work thogeter :D . We stoped all Temp there, but it was hard with this number.
BIg GZ to BH they take Goddard for Sallah ;)
Gz to attackers at least we had some fun..
about goddard here you have answer:
Quote from: Diver on July 07, 2008, 04:07:34 PM
Next time think before you left castle empty;P
Yeh Goddard was fun. But it was more of a marathon siege for BH lol. Good thing chars don't get tired from running.
GZ for attackers and defenders in Godard/Runa.. but specially in godard was rly fun .. many frags .. anyway if some1 have screen at godard post :p
Goddard wasnt empty, ex3 where defending, and i know only BH attacked. If they cant defend a castle only clan vs clan i guess they kind dont diserve a castle with benefits as Goddard.
About Rune, when Sheva+EB+ the 3 heroes witch where online we manage to engrave, i died in pray room (dunno how u can say u stoped us at bridge but nvm). At second rush we where only EB, and even so we managed to kill FTR who where comeing from behind, and after we cleaned the throneroom we died in pray room.
Was verry nice, c yo all in 2 weeks, and gz for BH.
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 11:55:22 AM
Goddard wasnt empty, ex3 where defending, and i know only BH attacked. If they cant defend a castle only clan vs clan i guess they kind dont diserve a castle with benefits as Goddard.
About Rune, when Sheva+EB+ the 3 heroes witch where online we manage to engrave, i died in pray room (dunno how u can say u stoped us at bridge but nvm). At second rush we where only EB, and even so we managed to kill FTR who where comeing from behind, and after we cleaned the throneroom we died in pray room.
Was verry nice, c yo all in 2 weeks, and gz for BH.
i wrote that we stoped you , didnt say nothing about brige lol... nvm.. ;)
btw brige in rune is bugged like hell, every time we tryed move out half of us got critical errosrs... that sucks :(
Quote from: PainMaster on July 14, 2008, 12:12:06 PM
i wrote that we stoped you , didnt say nothing about brige lol... nvm.. ;)
Then it was my bad, sorry fot that.
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 11:55:22 AM
Goddard wasnt empty, ex3 where defending, and i know only BH attacked. If they cant defend a castle only clan vs clan i guess they kind dont diserve a castle with benefits as Goddard.
About Rune, when Sheva+EB+ the 3 heroes witch where online we manage to engrave, i died in pray room (dunno how u can say u stoped us at bridge but nvm). At second rush we where only EB, and even so we managed to kill FTR who where comeing from behind, and after we cleaned the throneroom we died in pray room.
Was verry nice, c yo all in 2 weeks, and gz for BH.
last 40 mins SHeva,ex3 was in godard ... they made rush but failed :p
Quote from: scary on July 14, 2008, 12:27:16 PM
last 40 mins SHeva,ex3 was in godard ... they made rush but failed :p
1 hour and 10 minutes we stayed all in Goddard, after sheva+EB+Heroes went at Rune. Because of the great defending of FB+FTR at Bridge it took us more then 15 minutes to go from village and go insde castle, and we fight there like 10 minutes in engrave. Then Sheva regrouped in Goddard, so only last 20 minutes Sheva where there, and true they failed in takeing back the castle, because some missunderstanding in Temp, and a bad organization.
As i sad u made good job in Goddard as solo clan so gz for that, but i am preaty sure in 2 weeks u will faile in defending it.
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 12:33:23 PM
... but i am preaty sure in 2 weeks u will faile in defending it.
only what count is action, fun on siege... i say always, better to lose castel in fight as to have boring 2h
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 12:33:23 PM
As i sad u made good job in Goddard as solo clan so gz for that, but i am preaty sure in 2 weeks u will faile in defending it.
Well our goal was to have fun, and we had that. We didn't take Goddard, just helped FTR take it. Tbh I don't personally care if we still have it 2 weeks from now, as long as I get my fun.
Quote from: Wake on July 14, 2008, 01:33:20 PM
Well our goal was to have fun, and we had that. We didn't take Goddard, just helped FTR take it. Tbh I don't personally care if we still have it 2 weeks from now, as long as I get my fun.
Imo there is no fun to go take a castle fom 12 ppl, for sure u where much more then ex3, if u real wanted fun all of u should come to Rune.
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 01:39:23 PM
Imo there is no fun to go take a castle fom 12 ppl, for sure u where much more then ex3, if u real wanted fun all of u should come to Rune.
It was a clan vs. clan situation. We can't be blamed ex3 cant bring more ppl to the siege. Besides sheva was there too =)
w/e i don't care about numbers, and there are more ways to have fun than to be involved in a pvp with big numbers. Actually if i would have been at rune, my pc would have prolly collaps, and had like 1 fps. That would have been no fun for me, I assure you.
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 12:33:23 PM
1 hour and 10 minutes we stayed all in Goddard, after sheva+EB+Heroes went at Rune.
bulsh1ts ur memory suck dude lmao .. we stay 20 min max at rune .. stoped first rush of sheva out of siege zone and go to godard... and when we atatcked there was only ex3 claan and some from heroes... anyway ex3 lost the castle and we going there only for fun .. we didnt plan that we will took castle...
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 12:33:23 PM
i am preaty sure in 2 weeks u will faile in defending it.
anyway we dont care for godard we took it only for fun ....
the first hour of siege was the most boring time i ever spend on this game xD
Sallah is happy he have goddard :) and tell THX to BH becous they alone take goddard :) Sometimes we use hard words but its just becous we all have personality and style :P most important is we work fine and have fun :P pvp should have emotions :) bad and god.
FTR and FB defending goddard. But we have all time DC and 1/2 ppl go to town so it was rly dificult . But we handle it 2 :)
Once agin gz and ty to BH
Quote from: scary on July 14, 2008, 04:04:04 PM
bulsh1ts ur memory suck dude lmao ..
Quote from: cristianvernal on July 14, 2008, 04:17:07 PM
the first hour of siege was the most boring time i ever spend on this game xD
I guess your m8 say otherwise, they where bored cos no1 was attacking for first hour, so dude take some pils against brain damage.
Quote from: Kwas on July 14, 2008, 04:48:41 PM
But we have all time DC and 1/2 ppl go to town so it was rly dificult .
Yea and we always dc when we die in siege zone and go ch, i hope this could fix cos it sux.
I have to admit that Evilbunnies online is quite impressive :>
Quote from: SirAlex on July 14, 2008, 01:39:23 PM
Imo there is no fun to go take a castle fom 12 ppl, for sure u where much more then ex3, if u real wanted fun all of u should come to Rune.
remember how your ally m8 were proud about taking shuttgad ? <sheva> , :D , difference that castel was totaly empty..
Quote from: Kwas on July 14, 2008, 04:48:41 PM
Sallah is happy he have goddard :) and tell THX to BH becous they alone take goddard :) Sometimes we use hard words but its just becous we all have personality and style :P most important is we work fine and have fun :P pvp should have emotions :) bad and god.
FTR and FB defending goddard. But we have all time DC and 1/2 ppl go to town so it was rly dificult . But we handle it 2 :)
Once agin gz and ty to BH
dont worry .. this problem will be fixed soon :) we must learn to comunicate :P gz kwas