
Archive => Infinite Nightmare 20x server => Obsolete => General => Topic started by: cristianvernal on September 28, 2009, 08:04:58 PM

Title: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on September 28, 2009, 08:04:58 PM
well, as a daggerist i cant tell u that this char is allrdy sh1tty cos of low dmg on blows and now that blizzard lands 100% is even worst to try to kill some1 on mass pvp, not to mention that mages spamm mana burns...

for the ppl who read this, BE REAL... and dont post crap bcos u know this is true.... i heard that on loader it says "blizzard wont get nerfed", not sure cos i didnt saw that, but imo this skill needs to be nerfed...

if u think about it, there r no much daggerists left on pvp...do smth about this!
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: PvtStuka on September 28, 2009, 08:25:09 PM
Quote from: Kailenaa on September 28, 2009, 08:15:36 PM
Thats not true ( just few examples )

And Yes - Blizzard is little OP

YES, olympiad again, and a dc robed guy. try it on full buffs against a properly buffed dyna wearing mage. 1k stab max (as I heard)
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Ashlynn on September 28, 2009, 08:29:02 PM
that's the reason why I don't pvp, but PK :D
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on September 28, 2009, 08:34:56 PM
i dont play on VScos of TP  but with or w/o it the dmg is still shitty...imo the gms r giving too much focus on mages/archers and the rest of the classes r disappearing

this topic is about blizzard tho... imo the most affected class is daggerist....
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 28, 2009, 09:50:06 PM
Delete lethal increase dmg of blows. Make dagger's skills usable

and make test on full buffed healer in Dyna we will see ur screens. Me on songs,dances,pp,cow,combat,VS........ hitting mages for >1k< if gets luck. I don't need faken luck with lethals since I used to rape with my blowtactic style way before lethals became QQ topic. freak lethal I wanna hard blows, and be able to do slaughter in the melee fight like in olddays....

Or delete atk speed penalty on rabbit tattos, so when I'm chasing archers (60% of server, the rest 39% mages and 1%of daggers) I have a bit chances to stab one. Every1 have zaken, so even shield bash is useless, bluff isn't that perfect...
I'm loggin only to make Chimeras trains on HB, thats the only thing gives fun playing Dagger/tank- cheers to Temps :)))
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: legendaryvicious on September 28, 2009, 09:56:34 PM
My damage as a pw/sws on full buff+aq agaisnt mages on full buff (dnet-wearing mages) is 700-1k (with baium ring the damage should be a bit more i guess) without  TP, this is agaisnt mages with ee/pal/bp subs, not mages with TP, on criticals the damage increases to 2-3k (4k if i manage to remove COP from the other guy) the  damage is kinda low when you think that we have to run up close to the opponents in a server full of tank/mages, tank/archer and ofc ee/sps  :-\

Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Diver on September 28, 2009, 10:09:47 PM
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Naujokas on September 28, 2009, 10:48:57 PM
Quote from: zthrx on September 28, 2009, 09:50:06 PM
Delete lethal increase dmg of blows. Make dagger's skills usable

and make test on full buffed healer in Dyna we will see ur screens. Me on songs,dances,pp,cow,combat,VS........ hitting mages for >1k< if gets luck. I don't need faken luck with lethals since I used to rape with my blowtactic style way before lethals became QQ topic. freak lethal I wanna hard blows, and be able to do slaughter in the melee fight like in olddays....

Or delete atk speed penalty on rabbit tattos, so when I'm chasing archers (60% of server, the rest 39% mages and 1%of daggers) I have a bit chances to stab one. Every1 have zaken, so even shield bash is useless, bluff isn't that perfect...
I'm loggin only to make Chimeras trains on HB, thats the only thing gives fun playing Dagger/tank- cheers to Temps :)))
daggers for box open !!!! buy keys and be rich :D loa ews boxes ;d
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Mohit0 on September 28, 2009, 11:00:15 PM
lul OP daggers are  complaining for such a skill.
just LOL
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: trooperXkoki on September 28, 2009, 11:42:58 PM
Quote from: Mohit0 on September 28, 2009, 11:00:15 PM
lul OP daggers are  complaining for such a skill.
just LOL
stfu, i can use skills on my sws.dagger...i just can give songs...myb i need to buy dagger or wtf?
skase re
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Zuluman on September 29, 2009, 01:52:57 AM

Its simple;

Mages> Daggers

Daggers >Archers

Archers> Mages (Or all if you listen to luci XD)

Mages can slow daggers and debuff em and shit, mana burn and all that crap.

Daggers are the only chars archers can't really kite (coz they got a greater speed, if you run away you are turning ur back for them)

Archers have a greater range than mages so can pew pew em from a distance.

Server balance is about more than jus dagger/mage mage/archer archer/dagger battles. You have to take them all into account. If people can't kill CB archers MAKE SOME freakING DAGGERS.

If we can't kill some daggers we can MAKE SOME freakING MAGES.

You get my point??? Stop freaking QQ because every class has is strengths and weaknesses.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on September 29, 2009, 02:36:42 AM
Quote from: Zuluman on September 29, 2009, 01:52:57 AM

Its simple;

Mages> Daggers

Daggers >Archers

Archers> Mages (Or all if you listen to luci XD)

Mages can slow daggers and debuff em and shit, mana burn and all that crap.

Daggers are the only chars archers can't really kite (coz they got a greater speed, if you run away you are turning ur back for them)

Archers have a greater range than mages so can pew pew em from a distance.

Server balance is about more than jus dagger/mage mage/archer archer/dagger battles. You have to take them all into account. If people can't kill CB archers MAKE SOME freakING DAGGERS.

If we can't kill some daggers we can MAKE SOME freakING MAGES.

You get my point??? Stop freaking QQ because every class has is strengths and weaknesses.

lol on CB ego.... pro pride

its about blizzard, the rate is too high, and the blows r way too low.... why an arrows should hit more than a blow?.... thats B.S. =x
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Ashlynn on September 29, 2009, 02:45:26 AM
Quote from: cristianvernal on September 29, 2009, 02:36:42 AM
its about blizzard, the rate is too high, and the blows r way too low.... why an arrows should hit more than a blow?.... thats B.S. =x
because they are going longer way to the target, so it must be worth it.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 09:19:41 AM
Quote from: Zuluman on September 29, 2009, 01:52:57 AM

Its simple;

Mages> Daggers

Daggers >Archers

Archers> Mages (Or all if you listen to luci XD)

Mages can slow daggers and debuff em and shit, mana burn and all that crap.

Daggers are the only chars archers can't really kite (coz they got a greater speed, if you run away you are turning ur back for them)

Archers have a greater range than mages so can pew pew em from a distance.

Server balance is about more than jus dagger/mage mage/archer archer/dagger battles. You have to take them all into account. If people can't kill CB archers MAKE SOME freakING DAGGERS.

If we can't kill some daggers we can MAKE SOME freakING MAGES.

You get my point??? Stop freaking QQ because every class has is strengths and weaknesses.

ur post is more than retarded. How long have you been playing here? 2 weeks? kk
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Zuluman on September 29, 2009, 09:27:51 AM
Quote from: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 09:19:41 AM
ur post is more than retarded. How long have you been playing here? 2 weeks? kk

Come back and talk on the forum when you actually manage to kill something. MR QQ I  can't get one lethal a day.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Furesy on September 29, 2009, 09:32:30 AM
Quote from: Zuluman on September 29, 2009, 01:52:57 AM

Its simple;

Mages> Daggers

Daggers >Archers

Archers> Mages (Or all if you listen to luci XD)
Not lol

Mages can slow daggers and debuff em and shit, mana burn and all that crap.
Isn't supposed to be with 100% landing rate, and nukers aren't supposed to do anything to daggers, they just supposed to die, the only ones that could do something are support chars like EE, but since everyone is subbed to those here.

Daggers are the only chars archers can't really kite (coz they got a greater speed, if you run away you are turning ur back for them)
Archers can't kite anymore, they can kite daggers, especially because the range is bugged on DN, half daggers cant hit a running away target because it keeps saying target is to far.

Archers have a greater range than mages so can pew pew em from a distance.
Not in HB.

Daggers suck now and are extremely boring to play, wish they put back old dagger classes like in C3... ^_-
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on September 29, 2009, 10:29:42 AM
Like i said before in another topic. Quit QQ about Blizzard, Track already thought of all arguments pro and against nerfing Blizzard, and decided to keep it as it is. Why?
Because as i explained, it is the only slowing debuff that lands on the insane m.def a full-buffed well-geared archer has in mass pvp. In other words, it is the only counter to the kite tactic. And lets stop being hypocrites, why else archers would complaing about their speed if not for kiting? They are ranged fighters.
So, if you want to kite, we blizzard you. If you stay and fight, we dont even need to Blizzard you.
Case closed.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on September 29, 2009, 10:37:02 AM
Quote from: Furesy on September 29, 2009, 09:32:30 AM
Archers can't kite anymore
Not in HB.
Lols, then pls start complaining about Demon wind and Inferno as well. Those have the same landing rage like Blizzard. Yet nobody complains about them because they are interested in more speed. And what for, marathon? :D Ofc, for kiting  ;D
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Furesy on September 29, 2009, 02:51:10 PM
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 29, 2009, 10:37:02 AM
Lols, then pls start complaining about Demon wind and Inferno as well. Those have the same landing rage like Blizzard. Yet nobody complains about them because they are interested in more speed. And what for, marathon? :D Ofc, for kiting  ;D
Real kiting is only possible when you can outrun your enemy and 'hit and run' without getting much damage, blizzard makes this impossible, but even without it, archers have the same range as mages because range is bugged in HB.

And debuffs not landing on super awesome m def? What bullshit is that? The chars in HB have had the same M def as always lol, the only thing people use now is more resists against elements, but that doesn't change anything when it comes to debuffs such as block WW etc. those debuffs land as they always did.

And lol'ed at people who talk about stuff they know shit of, and reason of Track not nerfing Blizzard? Your reason is complete bull lol
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: FeelmyBow on September 29, 2009, 02:54:51 PM
Dunno what other peoples do wrong because i can hit quite alot in the back.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 04:22:29 PM
Quote from: FeelmyBow on September 29, 2009, 02:54:51 PM
Dunno what other peoples do wrong because i can hit quite alot in the back.

in da mage in DC robe  ;D
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on September 29, 2009, 06:51:52 PM
Quote from: FeelmyBow on September 29, 2009, 02:54:51 PM
Dunno what other peoples do wrong because i can hit quite alot in the back.

actually, i can hit a lot on mages too... the ones that doesnt know how to play right :D

be real when a th is on a mass pvp, ppl doesnt even care, they leave him for last cos of low dmg.... mby not u cos of mass stuns and shits
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: FeelmyBow on September 29, 2009, 06:52:35 PM
Quote from: cristianvernal on September 29, 2009, 06:51:52 PM
actually, i can hit a lot on mages too... the ones that doesnt know how to play right :D

be real when a th is on a mass pvp, ppl doesnt even care, they leave him for last cos of low dmg.... mby not u cos of mass stuns and shits

hehe, was about to reply: you should Ask Saali :P (im main target, hate that dude :P)
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: legendaryvicious on September 29, 2009, 07:20:50 PM
Quote from: Kailenaa on September 29, 2009, 07:13:08 PM
U Will not tell me that 5k is low dmg on olympiad on sps/ee in dyna robe  ;)

Again with olympiad shits, who the freak is saying anything about olympiads here?

@Windphoenix: you are again talking about archers in a post where we're discussing daggers.....

IMO i see no real problem with blizzard, the problem is that when dagger classes finnaly manages to hit someone the damage is so shitty that the other players just ignore you and leave you for last, coz they know you can't possibly outdamage the heals he/she is receiving.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 07:44:42 PM
just was hitting dark elf loser in dynasty on fullbuff for 700, if its not gonna change freak this game. Goin play Xbox for now...
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 08:32:59 PM
Quote from: G4rro on September 29, 2009, 08:21:55 PM
it wasnt buff for pvp vs fighter , i was waiting for ftr mages , thats why 700 dmg . Btw im curious why u are so retarded to using every singe pvp bsoe ? its pathetic... nitardopami wannabe ?

FIrst I used bsoe, coz went to varka in w/o proper tattos check for pvp, and I always goin have fun even w/o full buff ( who knows whats gonna happen) than I used bsoe- failed u killed me with 3 other guys, and ur dk grew 10cm more.
I came back ( I always used to)
Anyway boring to die, I do not bsoe in 1vs1(every1 knows it), you were 3 against me, I killed ur healer than was finishing u, then he got resed and starting to heal u again so I used bsoe u tardo kido. I have unfair fights the most
As I told u in 1vs1 you would be dead in 10s (maby 20 max), weir when I lured u, than u started run to ur friends.

Why shouldn't I use bsoe agains 2 or more guys agains me? I kill one use bsoe I go back in a sec, and can kill another one and so on.
Sadly but raping alone need a bit of tactic....
Do not try to be new hero on server kido, since I raped every archer on this server ( me got raped only once in coli by mutant- impossible to kill in that time)

PS: the longest fight ever I had was with bufferbukietow (archer) starting from full to 0 buffs after 5-8 min pvp....

if you wanna try me, lets make some pvp. I wanna make some video if you're the rising star in NM

Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 09:03:31 PM
Quote from: G4rro on September 29, 2009, 08:54:20 PM
rofl dude seriously u are retarded , when u came to varka i was fighting with Kapibar ,u started to atack me & when Kapi died i was hitting u , when i turn on ud u made a bsoe , it was first time , then u came back & after lethaled me u was fighting with smov so it was 1 vs 1 & again u made bsoe , third time smov with laurenka was running after u & when u lethaled laurenka & he stand up u made third time bsoe , u are pathetic noob not pvp player , if u killed any archer on that server , he was in A grade for sure

When i had pvp vs 2-3 or more ppl & i was dying , i didnt use that facking scroll  , bcoz is so pathetic & nobish , so ur pr0 pvp tactic is called Nitardopami tactic -> cryt , cryt , cryt , return , in ur case is ->  blow , blow , blow ( fack no lethal ) then u are using bsoe .

I made even video , when u was fighting with ur 4 friends from ally vs us & when they died u made a (.......................... YES BSOE ) rofl

yes go back to ur xbox :)

QQ mode? I think u see only ur char on screen :D haha. Yah I was bored so I wrote word how it was. If ur so Pro and me noob, we can do a nice PVP 1vs1 what u think?  I make a movie so we can show if you are better than any archer on this server :> and be the first who will kill me on same buffs  :-*  (honestly, no SK/PR killed my tank in NM history [1vs1] on same buffs :D but lets see, maby ur rly pro :))))

I can be rdy in 1h
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: PvtStuka on September 29, 2009, 09:28:45 PM
Quote from: Kailenaa on September 29, 2009, 07:13:08 PM
U Will not tell me that 5k is low dmg on olympiad on sps/ee in dyna robe  ;)

i thought I allready explained that u shouldn't compare the whole game to something related to a CRAP GEARED/BUFFED gay char on oly. Either u have a low brain capacity to  get why I said that, or u are a retard, Pick one.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 09:46:32 PM
Quote from: G4rro on September 29, 2009, 09:18:08 PM
dude who the freak cares , what did u do xxx months , years ago vs xxx chars , subs , people , the fact is that u are trying to show us how the OP & almighty u are , we can try  pvp on full buffs , but im sure that after 8-12 hits u will lethaled me & fun is over , so stop acting like a facking pr0 coz u show me already what u can do on varka

next time take more bsoe scrolls than buffs  :D

me have 162 bsoe yet ;E U will have to cry more, or be faster to kill meh than bsoe :<
I never use in 1vs1 rememba my pokerunmon

ps: and yes me is skilled, why the fak I can't talk about it (it's a fact :(( ) , just because it hurts ur ego? u saw meh bsoe in mass pvp alone vs all ur poketards first time. I dont care with who u were pvping I ported, u hited me, I ran to ya (why I shouldn't). The fact I don't know you means you are worthless shit, who became QQpowa in HB, when archers got nice bonuses...
The fact is I ate archers, I used to run into 2 archers (u was + healer so I ran to make suicide- bsoe or die was 2 possibilities), and I will eat noob archers like you.  <3 my rabbit tattos

PS: with same buffs I can fight w/o tard lethal, I never count on it. I raped too many archers to be scared of one Hero like u just because u think Dyna gives u immortality. I simply with closed eyes using skills combos for noobs like u.

Ok thats all about me haha, hope u have enought facts about my super char. So we can continue this flame until I rape you so ur cyber world will crush into small pieces...
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 09:58:52 PM
Quote from: G4rro on September 29, 2009, 09:57:00 PM
dude u spent too much time for that game , it become ur life oO

mi super char , mi kill all , mi cant loose , mi pwnd all  :o

thought u'll write smth more interesting, playing 1 game over 4 years commits.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: PvtStuka on September 29, 2009, 10:08:55 PM
Quote from: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 09:58:52 PM
thought u'll write smth more interesting, playing 1 game over 4 years commits.

I dont want to defend garo, or who is that I dont even know, but u come up with the same claim since 2 years now how a god you are, how skilled you are. Didn't you allready figure out, that it DOESN'T matter what you say about yourself, it matters what others say about you?!

Anyway, you ran to kill 2 archers with a TANK/DAGGER, U are my brave idol.

ps.: if you close your eyes in a pvp, it means you are a dumbfreak who just spams F1,F2,F3 etc., otherwise how would you know when someone debuff you or what they do, lol...
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 10:49:46 PM
Quote from: PvtStuka on September 29, 2009, 10:08:55 PM
I dont want to defend garo, or who is that I dont even know, but u come up with the same claim since 2 years now how a god you are, how skilled you are. Didn't you allready figure out, that it DOESN'T matter what you say about yourself, it matters what others say about you?!

Anyway, you ran to kill 2 archers with a TANK/DAGGER, U are my brave idol.

ps.: if you close your eyes in a pvp, it means you are a dumbfreak who just spams F1,F2,F3 etc., otherwise how would you know when someone debuff you or what they do, lol...

blablabla? and since 2 years you trying to be forum guru flamer, unfortunatelly only couple peeps can write some funny flames- Hello Mark :)

PS: u didn't figure out that making some noise around ur person no matter what it is makes they remember you. After some years no1 will try to remeber who did what, ppl will remeber that you was a part of the community, no matter you was Hitler or angel.
For example ppl on the world remember about polish "death camps" but they forgets that Germans made them. just a fact and trying to blur shame history...
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: TheLox on September 30, 2009, 12:27:15 AM
Quote from: mark_elesse on September 29, 2009, 11:59:05 PM
One more GJ for me posting this shit till my girl sleeps naked next to me, and i am such a moron cause i let her sleep till i was watching Poker on TV.

i need tissues..brb.

Show off.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: PvtStuka on September 30, 2009, 12:39:41 AM
Quote from: zthrx on September 29, 2009, 10:49:46 PM
blablabla? and since 2 years you trying to be forum guru flamer, unfortunatelly only couple peeps can write some funny flames- Hello Mark :)

PS: u didn't figure out that making some noise around ur person no matter what it is makes they remember you. After some years no1 will try to remeber who did what, ppl will remeber that you was a part of the community, no matter you was Hitler or angel.
For example ppl on the world remember about polish "death camps" but they forgets that Germans made them. just a fact and trying to blur shame history...

Was that supposed to be funny or smart? Besides, I never tried to flame anyone, I stated facts or an opinion. But thanks for not denying what I wrote, at least you didn't lie, plus this way, you admitted that it was all true, not just a misunderstanding.

So, since you aren't able to do anything worth mentioning, your idea to make ppl remember you, is to make some noise around you? Good, then go choke on a hard cokc, the noises which you will make makes ppl remember you.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 30, 2009, 12:42:15 AM
Quote from: mark_elesse on September 29, 2009, 11:59:05 PM
Announcement :

I would like to grab the moment, and say thanks to my mom and dad who made me joker together...GJ parentz0rs.

Also a thanks goes to my teachers, Emiel, Benne, Parabol, Sarvi .... Your legendary work will live deep in my little heart till i overdoze the Viagra for some teenage hooker...........

Spec thanks goes to the failflamers like Nito, Sepiroth and many others who tried to be so bigass flamethrowers like we are, but they failed so hard...GJ to they'r parents too..GJ for being alive after the realized fact that they made such a worthless doushes.

One more GJ for me posting this shit till my girl sleeps naked next to me, and i am such a moron cause i let her sleep till i was watching Poker on TV.

i need tissues..brb.

in a moment better humor :D  thats what I needed after faken hard work day :P
/asslick modeoff haha
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: =^TrackZero^= on September 30, 2009, 11:12:51 AM
Quote from: mark_elesse on September 29, 2009, 11:59:05 PM

One more GJ for me posting this shit till my girl sleeps naked next to me, and i am such a moron cause i let her sleep till i was watching Poker on TV.

i need tissues..brb.

Wow, attention whore?
And why we need to know what u need , oh noes mark, ....
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: kidicarus on September 30, 2009, 02:41:37 PM
Quote from: Zuluman on September 29, 2009, 01:52:57 AM

Its simple;

Mages> Daggers

Daggers >Archers

Archers> Mages (Or all if you listen to luci XD)

Mages can slow daggers and debuff em and shit, mana burn and all that crap.

Daggers are the only chars archers can't really kite (coz they got a greater speed, if you run away you are turning ur back for them)

Archers have a greater range than mages so can pew pew em from a distance.

Server balance is about more than jus dagger/mage mage/archer archer/dagger battles. You have to take them all into account. If people can't kill CB archers MAKE SOME freakING DAGGERS.

If we can't kill some daggers we can MAKE SOME freakING MAGES.

You get my point??? Stop freaking QQ because every class has is strengths and weaknesses.

Except that daggers can only kill mages^^

It goes like this Daggers > Mages in DC robe set or less.... Everything else > Daggers. Sad but true

I could be stabbing you in the ass with my TH/PP on as+cd+3, and baium+aq and NEVER be able to kill you. CP pots > Daggers mana.
The only way is if you get lucky with crits or perhaps lethal.. I don't think you can kill anything that has 10k+HP unless you get really lucky with like 3 consequetive crits, and a slow healer.

And @ The ppl crying about Blizzard like it was the end of the world..... Seriously, your healers do know what cleanse is right? The only time this is an issue is at Oly (Big suprise that it's an oly farmer who started the topic) If you decide to run of from your healer in for example siege situations i suggest you get MI before you run off, and then return asap.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: kang on September 30, 2009, 03:29:24 PM
Quote from: kidicarus on September 30, 2009, 02:41:37 PM
Except that daggers can only kill mages^^

It goes like this Daggers > Mages in DC robe set or less.... Everything else > Daggers. Sad but true

I could be stabbing you in the ass with my TH/PP on as+cd+3, and baium+aq and NEVER be able to kill you. CP pots > Daggers mana.
The only way is if you get lucky with crits or perhaps lethal.. I don't think you can kill anything that has 10k+HP unless you get really lucky with like 3 consequetive crits, and a slow healer.

And @ The ppl crying about Blizzard like it was the end of the world..... Seriously, your healers do know what cleanse is right? The only time this is an issue is at Oly (Big suprise that it's an oly farmer who started the topic) If you decide to run of from your healer in for example siege situations i suggest you get MI before you run off, and then return asap.

actually anything with 10K hp will get lethal after a few mins of constant stabbing xD
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on September 30, 2009, 04:39:07 PM
actually, me and blind tested stabs on a bp/pl...and was fun to see that he can cure 500cp in like 1.5 secs while i sabb him all the time...gues what...he can cure cp faster than the hits i succed on him...ill post some screens later... not to mention that i stabb him for like 700dmg and on that type of char is almost imposible to land critical wound... to that, add that a sps lands on u block ww and blizzard....freaked up shit 
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: kidicarus on September 30, 2009, 05:19:51 PM
Quote from: kang on September 30, 2009, 03:29:24 PM
actually anything with 10K hp will get lethal after a few mins of constant stabbing xD

Yeah thats what I said.

Quote from: cristianvernal on September 30, 2009, 04:39:07 PM
actually, me and blind tested stabs on a bp/pl...and was fun to see that he can cure 500cp in like 1.5 secs while i sabb him all the time...gues what...he can cure cp faster than the hits i succed on him...ill post some screens later... not to mention that i stabb him for like 700dmg and on that type of char is almost imposible to land critical wound... to that, add that a sps lands on u block ww and blizzard....freaked up shit 

Uhmmm.... Yeah thats what I said.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on September 30, 2009, 08:23:32 PM
Quote from: cristianvernal on September 30, 2009, 04:39:07 PM
actually, me and blind tested stabs on a bp/pl...and was fun to see that he can cure 500cp in like 1.5 secs while i sabb him all the time...gues what...he can cure cp faster than the hits i succed on him...ill post some screens later... not to mention that i stabb him for like 700dmg and on that type of char is almost imposible to land critical wound... to that, add that a sps lands on u block ww and blizzard....freaked up shit 
that is EE skill
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Diabolical on September 30, 2009, 11:44:59 PM
without reading all the posts , yes blizzard and all alike skills ( dunno its name for sorcerer and spellhowler ) need a nerf , 80 % landing rate ?? still freaking high ,it should have the same chance of landing like entangle or block ww and not to stack with other slow debuffs
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on September 30, 2009, 11:59:05 PM
Quote from: Diabolical on September 30, 2009, 11:44:59 PM
without reading all the posts , yes blizzard and all alike skills ( dunno its name for sorcerer and spellhowler ) need a nerf , 80 % landing rate ?? still freaking high ,it should have the same chance of landing like entangle or block ww and not to stack with other slow debuffs

entangle?, so it's gonna be very low  ::)
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on October 01, 2009, 03:53:11 PM
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 30, 2009, 08:23:32 PM
that is EE skill

w/e dude... ppl get the point

Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: kang on October 01, 2009, 05:14:25 PM
Quote from: mark_elesse on October 01, 2009, 01:26:22 AM

entagle/block ww + blizzard + ice vortex :D gf.
+ all other vortexes
stacking vortexes ftw

also called "look all ur stats read '100' max now" xD
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2009, 05:30:00 PM
Quote from: kang on October 01, 2009, 05:14:25 PM
+ all other vortexes
stacking vortexes ftw

also called "look all ur stats read '100' max now" xD

100 with dash lvl 2 xd
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Zuluman on October 01, 2009, 08:00:27 PM
I havn't cheked it but what is the range on blizzard?
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on October 01, 2009, 09:46:09 PM
Quote from: cristianvernal on October 01, 2009, 03:53:11 PM
w/e dude... ppl get the point

no they dont, since not all SPS are SPS/EE.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Sephiroth on October 01, 2009, 10:11:24 PM
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 01, 2009, 09:46:09 PM
no they dont, since not all SPS are SPS/EE.

Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on October 01, 2009, 10:15:02 PM
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 01, 2009, 10:11:24 PM


and whats the big deal... its like "omg, i didnt mention windpenis class, oh noes!"
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on October 01, 2009, 10:59:40 PM
Quote from: cristianvernal on October 01, 2009, 10:15:02 PM

and whats the big deal... its like "omg, i didnt mention windpenis class, oh noes!"
or Tomek's or LimitedEdition's for example. Relax, is not about me, there are plenty of SPS/ES or SPS/TK or SPS/SWS around.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: PvtStuka on October 02, 2009, 01:51:21 AM
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 01, 2009, 10:59:40 PM
or Tomek's or LimitedEdition's for example. Relax, is not about me, there are plenty of SPS/ES or SPS/TK or SPS/SWS around.

he is not an SPS
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on October 02, 2009, 10:49:46 AM
Quote from: PvtStuka on October 02, 2009, 01:51:21 AM
he is not an SPS
meh ok, anyway, there are plenty of SPS/SWS around
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Herza on October 02, 2009, 02:42:03 PM
Quote from: Zuluman on October 01, 2009, 08:00:27 PM
I havn't cheked it but what is the range on blizzard?
Range 900
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: kang on October 02, 2009, 02:46:23 PM
Quote from: Herza on October 02, 2009, 02:42:03 PM
Range 900
unavoidable, 100% landrate best slow debuf ftw lol
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Zuluman on October 02, 2009, 02:59:29 PM
Quote from: Herza on October 02, 2009, 02:42:03 PM
Range 900

Perhaps instead of lowering the land rate then the range can just be lowered.

Edit: Thas a stupid idea I jus realised daggers would still be freaked lol
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on October 02, 2009, 07:49:04 PM
Quote from: Zuluman on October 02, 2009, 02:59:29 PM
Perhaps instead of lowering the land rate then the range can just be lowered.

Edit: Thas a stupid idea I jus realised daggers would still be freaked lol

hehehe... good that u realize that :D

imo nerf landrate, theres nothing more to say!
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on October 02, 2009, 08:03:38 PM
Quote from: cristianvernal on October 02, 2009, 07:49:04 PM

hehehe... good that u realize that :D

imo nerf landrate, theres nothing more to say!
imo don't, unless you want a server completly dominated by archers.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: flamingAwe on October 02, 2009, 08:05:43 PM
IMO make those skills(150+ power, that used to need seding) elemental. and will be much better :P
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Sephiroth on October 02, 2009, 08:06:56 PM
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 02, 2009, 08:03:38 PM
imo don't, unless you want a server completly dominated by archers.

Oh,y,I forgot that an archer with DB+F+3 cannot hit somebody with proper buffs more than 1k....
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on October 02, 2009, 08:17:00 PM
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 02, 2009, 08:06:56 PM
Oh,y,I forgot that an archer with DB+F+3 cannot hit somebody with proper buffs more than 1k....
just under this topic there is another one, called "archers are too OP" or smth like that.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Sephiroth on October 02, 2009, 09:12:52 PM
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 02, 2009, 08:17:00 PM
just under this topic there is another one, called "archers are too OP" or smth like that.

Made by somebody that doesn't know'bout archer resists,what a pity.
The only OP thing here is Icarus Spitter,but anyway,everybody is free to live in their own world.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: TomekAlmighty on October 02, 2009, 09:18:13 PM
Quote from: Sephiroth on October 02, 2009, 08:06:56 PM
Oh,y,I forgot that an archer with DB+F+3 cannot hit somebody with proper buffs more than 1k....

Ok, so lets say icarus bow makes archers shoot twice as fast as with a draco bow (i dont know if its like that but it doesnt matter, its just an example). So if Drake makes icarus hall the way that it would make mages cast twice as fast as with am and people would complain about it how mages are overpowered, would you still say that there are mages with am+a+3 that do poor dammage so theres no need to nerf icarus hall?  ;)

Anyways, i think blizzard land rate should be nerfed more, but before that icarus bows should be nerfed first  :)
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 02:25:19 PM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 02, 2009, 09:18:13 PM
Ok, so lets say icarus bow makes archers shoot twice as fast as with a draco bow (i dont know if its like that but it doesnt matter, its just an example). So if Drake makes icarus hall the way that it would make mages cast twice as fast as with am and people would complain about it how mages are overpowered, would you still say that there are mages with am+a+3 that do poor dammage so theres no need to nerf icarus hall?  ;)

Anyways, i think blizzard land rate should be nerfed more, but before that icarus bows should be nerfed first  :)
this comparison is kinda wrong :)

In case of Icarus Bow it is not attack speed that is faster, but the reuse.
So in order to make Icarus Hall as OP as Icarus Bow, you would have to bestow it some effect that will decrease reuse of your magical skills :)
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: TomekAlmighty on October 03, 2009, 05:29:00 PM
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 02:25:19 PM
this comparison is kinda wrong :)

In case of Icarus Bow it is not attack speed that is faster, but the reuse.
So in order to make Icarus Hall as OP as Icarus Bow, you would have to bestow it some effect that will decrease reuse of your magical skills :)

lol, i know its the reuse delay that makes the bow that fast. But in the end it makes the archer shoot faster. Anyways try to understand my post, since thats not the point of my post  :)

If you want such example: With icarus hall that would have 2-3 times shorter reuse delay as AM, mages could nuke with the non elemental nukes without much delay between em and would make all those ressist buffs useless since those mages would just use the 2 non elemental nukes with 200, 150 power  :)
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 05:47:33 PM
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 03, 2009, 05:29:00 PM
lol, i know its the reuse delay that makes the bow that fast. But in the end it makes the archer shoot faster. Anyways try to understand my post, since thats not the point of my post  :)

If you want such example: With icarus hall that would have 2-3 times shorter reuse delay as AM, mages could nuke with the non elemental nukes without much delay between em and would make all those ressist buffs useless since those mages would just use the 2 non elemental nukes with 200, 150 power  :)

I understood your point, I just wanted to play a bit smartass  :-[
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: BRexoo7 on October 03, 2009, 05:55:37 PM
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 05:47:33 PM
I understood your point, I just wanted to play a bit smartass  :-[

You played your card with that womamen post.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 05:56:27 PM
Quote from: BRexoo7 on October 03, 2009, 05:55:37 PM
You played your card with that womamen post.
thanks. who are you anyway?
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: TomekAlmighty on October 03, 2009, 06:15:19 PM
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 05:47:33 PM
I understood your point, I just wanted to play a bit smartass  :-[

I dont like it when someone wants to teach me something that i already know :P

Im off for some grass snowboarding balance practice xD
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Diabolical on October 03, 2009, 06:26:18 PM
Quote from: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 05:56:27 PM
thanks. who are you anyway?

maybe a guy , maybe a girl , maybe both
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 06:41:02 PM
Quote from: Diabolical on October 03, 2009, 06:26:18 PM
maybe a guy , maybe a girl , maybe both
ah, a fellow shemale! always welcomed.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: zthrx on October 04, 2009, 03:47:58 PM
spammers go back to the topic...

Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: cristianvernal on October 04, 2009, 09:00:22 PM
looking forward to new update :D
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: WindPhoenix on October 04, 2009, 09:22:47 PM
Quote from: cristianvernal on October 04, 2009, 09:00:22 PM
looking forward to new update :D
dream on
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Sephiroth on October 09, 2009, 03:03:43 PM
Quote from: Ungolianth on October 09, 2009, 02:43:06 PM
again totaly pathetic noob from pathetic noob clan complaining with ppl who have more exp in l2 then your whole clan together!!! wake up from the faking dream u live in...Nitopami compared to u is one smart guy...i wonder what gave u the idea u and your clan did something that great that u talk with some1 like zthrx like this...shame on u tard u rly can piss me off that if i met u in real i brake your face  ;)

Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Sephiroth on October 09, 2009, 05:44:52 PM
Quote from: Ungolianth on October 09, 2009, 03:21:40 PM
another totaly nobody from even noobier clan leaved highly inteligent reply...kike....nehehe?  ::)

iShoot IG,but np wannabe.
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: jygh on October 09, 2009, 05:51:41 PM
Quote from: Ungolianth on October 09, 2009, 03:21:40 PM
another totaly nobody from even noobier clan leaved highly inteligent reply...kike....nehehe?  ::)
hey hey he s in my friend clan and i kinda like them :P eb r noobs so shhhh
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Zuluman on October 09, 2009, 05:54:33 PM
Quote from: jygh on October 09, 2009, 05:51:41 PM
hey hey he s in my friend clan and i kinda like them :P eb r noobs so shhhh

::) ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: Mohit0 on October 09, 2009, 06:06:26 PM
Quote from: Ungolianth on October 09, 2009, 05:56:29 PM
i am in heroes ;p fail ;p

seems u failed with clan  :P
Title: Re: blizzard! -dont delet this topic!-
Post by: lucifsg on October 09, 2009, 06:42:19 PM
Quote from: Mohit0 on October 09, 2009, 06:06:26 PM
seems u failed with clan  :P

look who s talking