put it back like it used to be, this is annoying -.-
whats with the buffslots?
they area like in IL (20? 24? ...)
so...i think will be a little problem to buff now against mages.
we all become tank without output damage buffs :D
tests needed
f u c k i n job
Dag how are fixes at daggers (I'm on work and cant check it :/)
Whats the point to boost mage damage if buffslots are put back as in IL (i wont say "nerfed") and you cant have all resists anymore?
With full Holy resists (2 buffs, 1 dance) and 7k mdef sps/ee was hitting with a holy attack for 2k mcrit wtf? And now what will it be?
And I dont complain, you did a good job, but for my last statement - I just dont understand.
Quote from: zippobg on October 23, 2009, 08:59:02 AM
Dag how are fixes at daggers (I'm on work and cant check it :/)
sorry mate
work here too
Quote from: Alex on October 23, 2009, 09:23:19 AM
Whats the point to boost mage damage if buffslots are put back as in IL (i wont say "nerfed") and you cant have all resists anymore?
With full Holy resists (2 buffs, 1 dance) and 7k mdef sps/ee was hitting with a holy attack for 2k mcrit wtf? And now what will it be?
well...let's wayt a bit more. things will change A LOT (at least...should) when attribute comes
dunno why but i feel like not-so used-class like sorcy will become new rulers
Awesome, finnally a good update here, congratz Track, good job! :)
P.s. I wouldnt mind giving few extra buffslots, but the 10 or 12 extra that we had before were retarded since everyone had full ressists against everyone lol
1 question: will it stay like that? or its unplannable?
What about buff slot? Track give back it or not?
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 23, 2009, 09:46:57 AM
Awesome, finnally a good update here, congratz Track, good job! :)
P.s. I wouldnt mind giving few extra buffslots, but the 10 or 12 extra that we had before were retarded since everyone had full ressists against everyone lol
damn they made really good updates, i will vote for these bitches today :D
how many pal on this serv got Flame Icone ?
With new buff skills and new resists its a bit sad dont have slot for them, pvp gonna be faster and people cant use all char possibilities, just my 50 cents
you will just have to think about ur buff now instead of taking every buff under the sun ;D
yep but for a fighter will be hard.
i mean mage got all +18% (why 18???? :D ) daamge boost
so now (as before) total m def buff is a must
total m def buff, total p def buff........ do we still have slot for boost also p atk-crit dmg?
it's just this....
btw hope to come back from work soon...need to test :D
Quote from: sany on October 23, 2009, 02:57:04 PM
If u don’t plan to change it back to what it was at least make potions not to be counted us buffs (for example make them in the debuff slots like was once in IT and increase debuff slots to 10).
Quote from: sany on October 23, 2009, 02:57:04 PM
If u don’t plan to change it back to what it was at least make potions not to be counted us buffs (for example make them in the debuff slots like was once in IT and increase debuff slots to 10).
+2 that would be nice ...
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 23, 2009, 09:46:57 AM
Awesome, finnally a good update here, congratz Track, good job! :)
very good job!! :D
Quote from: ICantSee on October 23, 2009, 02:36:46 PM
you will just have to think about ur buff now instead of taking every buff under the sun ;D
ha-ha not rly dude, as Alex said above, update is totaly "unplaned"? 1st they boost mage dmg + decres resist for others (lets face that all prefer dw+focus over elemental and unholy....) so this update have no point at all for me. And even more, most of new skills like all counters are usless, and others like protection of rune, 1st got nerfed and now totaly usless.
I can't get smth
This game got only archers and mages?
Why u all QQ for nerfing mage/archer class when there are more out there.
I'm really happy someone done smth to daggers,but there are few more.How much DA left on the server what do u think?
And with this buff bar u can't use all ressist but u can still crit like hell with IC+f (I'm talking for arches) but (once again) there are other class out there.
because of some low skill mages that have no clue how to buff and QQ-ed 24/7 on forum they got boosted... ok np with that they will hit a bit more.. the problem is with the buff bar cause now we won't be able to take not even elemental protection and let's not speak about unholy and other resists... and daggers and mages can get cop windstorm very easy
Quote from: G4rro on October 23, 2009, 03:17:34 PM
We have facking HB not C4 , playing on a new chronicle but without using new skills bcoz of buff bar from C4 . PATHETIC
bullcrap man, you ll use HB skills, you just can't get all the buff u want anymore.
for instance, you could have told me (extrem example) when hb came up 'i need more buff slo, i can't use all new buffs with buff from c4 aka regeneration, poison resisttance, kiss of eva etc....' yeah what you said is just the same, with 3 buffbars you couldn't use all buff from c4 + bufs from HB, with 2 buff bars that's the same.... you gotta give up on some buffs, imo you don't need pdef/ mdef buffs, i would rather go for resists.... it was too easy before, everyone had the same buffs, there was no need to use ur brain and select them, now that matters and since lineage 2's base is about chosing the correct buffs it's allright with me
Quote from: our4n0s on October 23, 2009, 04:27:13 PM
bullcrap man, you ll use HB skills, you just can't get all the buff u want anymore.
for instance, you could have told me (extrem example) when hb came up 'i need more buff slo, i can't use all new buffs with buff from c4 aka regeneration, poison resisttance, kiss of eva etc....' yeah what you said is just the same, with 3 buffbars you couldn't use all buff from c4 + bufs from HB, with 2 buff bars that's the same.... you gotta give up on some buffs, imo you don't need pdef/ mdef buffs, i would rather go for resists.... it was too easy before, everyone had the same buffs, there was no need to use ur brain and select them, now that matters and since lineage 2's base is about chosing the correct buffs it's allright with me
And die oneshotted by mage with non-elemental attack. Leave ur opinions for urself ;d
Quote from: G4rro on October 23, 2009, 03:17:34 PM
We have facking HB not C4 , playing on a new chronicle but without using new skills bcoz of buff bar from C4 . PATHETIC
use improved buffs :P
i suggest to ppl who cheering for that to be more calmed :P
With new HB buffs a fighter cant even buff decently, and for mages requires less buff to get full buffed.
And as i said before pvp now its just 3 hits and over...
Quote from: jygh on October 23, 2009, 04:41:42 PM
use improved buffs :P
Slepy jestes? Przeciez dokladnie widac na screenie ze ma improve buff...
rollback to c4 then . freaking stupid cunts who run this server. bye i leave
Well, will see, atm there's 24 buff slots for buffs/songs/dances/pots and 8 for debuffs, which is ok. The buffbar we had before was a bug anyway.
Drake said Elemental attributes are incoming also, so that will change a lot again.
Quote from: Furesy on October 23, 2009, 04:52:49 PM
Well, will see, atm there's 24 buff slots for buffs/songs/dances/pots and 8 for debuffs, which is ok. The buffbar we had before was a bug anyway.
Drake said Elemental attributes are incoming also, so that will change a lot again.
attributes will freak up the server even more :)
Nm Hp is Over
-Finish Him
-You use Fatality
-Flawless Victory
-NM is dead Now
-GZ GM's you are the "winner"
Quote from: WujekDobraRada on October 23, 2009, 04:30:25 PM
And die oneshotted by mage with non-elemental attack. Leave ur opinions for urself ;d
so you ll rather go for mdef buffs, no resists ? well thats fine for me, i will either atack water either (much more likely spam light vortex / non elemtal / solar flare ) and each of them will crit for.. 7 k? so yeah that's 1 shot ;)
Imo, the mage boost should be removed now, atleast untill atribute system comes wich will change lots of things. And having pots in another bar is a good idea too. :)
Just keep mage boost and bring new buff bar again ..when atribute system come it will be rly balanced
(http://www.lineage2.com/news/images/buff_slots.jpg)u prefer to have 6353 resist agains mages and just 4 agains war? good luck
i saw on one multiskill server 3-4lines buffslot
i dont think that this is MULTISKILL
GL again
Quote from: trooperXkoki on October 23, 2009, 09:33:14 PM
(http://www.lineage2.com/news/images/buff_slots.jpg)u prefer to have 6353 resist agains mages and just 4 agains war? good luck
i saw on one multiskill server 3-4lines buffslot
i dont think that this is MULTISKILL
GL again
What the freak are you trying to say with your post and that picture?
how are u guys on NM on Dragon we have xxx bugs, i dont see any updates or fixes........ 4 days of destroying old setup...... y it was hard to do xD
put it back like it used to be, this is annoying -.-
Whats the point to boost mage damage if buffslots are put back as in IL (i wont say "nerfed") and you cant have all resists anymore
We have facking HB not C4 , playing on a new chronicle but without using new skills bcoz of buff bar from C4 . PATHETIC
instead to make the game funnier u made it kinda annoying, cuz u cant buff as u used to. Im ok with the mages changes but this (buff slots) is just stupid.
Quote from: horass on October 23, 2009, 10:20:29 PM
put it back like it used to be, this is annoying -.-
Whats the point to boost mage damage if buffslots are put back as in IL (i wont say "nerfed") and you cant have all resists anymore
We have facking HB not C4 , playing on a new chronicle but without using new skills bcoz of buff bar from C4 . PATHETIC
I agree
Hellbound doesnt have extra buff bar for dances/songs so its the way it should be.
Quote from: DarkMagician on October 23, 2009, 08:43:10 PM
LOL! for 4 days downtime we got rollback insetad update this is DN! :D
ha ha ha ha +1
an ocean of tears inc... :'(
Dont QQ only look on lineage2.com and reed about buff bars in HB cronikal.
Quote from: joroboro on October 23, 2009, 11:02:38 PM
ha ha ha ha +1
What is it about?
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 23, 2009, 10:30:18 PM
I agree
Hellbound doesnt have extra buff bar for dances/songs so its the way it should be.
tomek with all my respect to u ... why u say something should be removed or not when u dont even play lineage 2 anymore ?
i have to agree with horass... now we have more skills!, i cant use mirage/dash/mana pot at the same time -.-
why in gods name u put those new archer skills if we cant use them bcos of buff slots!
ps. for all those spammers that the only thing they do is post "qq" or "hahahah" or "+1".... freak u guys and contribute with smth...
Quote from: jygh on October 24, 2009, 12:20:23 AM
tomek with all my respect to u ... why u say something should be removed or not when u dont even play lineage 2 anymore ?
Cuz i want the server to be better, more balanced and more fun since i might play on it again in a few months if im not gonna be to busy ;)
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 24, 2009, 01:12:46 AM
Cuz i want the server to be better, more balanced and more fun since i might play on it again in a few months if im not gonna be to busy ;)
so now u can finally make dmg to archer :P
Quote from: jygh on October 24, 2009, 01:24:56 AM
so now u can finally make dmg to archer :P
Sure, but the dammage is to big. Be a little objective lol. The archers hit me for less than 400 now probably, while they hit you for maybe 500 dammage cuz you have TP and that every second hit (crit). While mages now hit much harder every hit that isnt a crit + a 1/5 chance or more to crit.
Skill Window
Active skill information is categorized into Normal, Buff, Debuff, and Toggle within the Skill Window.
whatever track does, there's always some1 who cries rivers about it. get over it geeee
Quote from: jygh on October 24, 2009, 01:24:56 AM
so now u can finally make dmg to archer :P
An unobjective advice (keep in mind that's it is so obvious you are not objectiv AT ALL :) ) actually won't help you, i would say it even goes against you :(
Quote from: dracko on October 24, 2009, 09:30:38 AM
Skill Window
Active skill information is categorized into Normal, Buff, Debuff, and Toggle within the Skill Window.
True, so we have bugged bar now, not later. Why hard to make again the previous buffbar?
Quote from: dracko on October 24, 2009, 09:30:38 AM
Skill Window
Active skill information is categorized into Normal, Buff, Debuff, and Toggle within the Skill Window.
we have it this way, and this has nothing to do with buffbar
"Skills and magic" window - Alt+k