So hard for forum ppl to vote ? Otherwise you want more ppl in community.
should be needed to put link on LOADER (it is still x100 link)
personally i voted 2x a day, but it started 3 days ago for us while it started 26 days ago for other servers, this fact being considered, i guess nr 72 is correct
i remember in the old times when we was on 3rd place (dunno top 100 or top 200)
Quote from: NYPD on November 26, 2009, 01:35:54 PM
So hard for forum ppl to vote ? Otherwise you want more ppl in community.
Yes but we cam from 200 to 72 in less then 24h , so imo we will be ok soon, also dont forget we signed on top 200 in the middle of month!!! when all others have 2342343 votes! So keep on spamming!
Quote from: TrackZero on November 26, 2009, 11:54:17 PM
Yes but we cam from 200 to 72 in less then 24h , so imo we will be ok soon, also dont forget we signed on top 200 in the middle of month!!! when all others have 2342343 votes! So keep on spamming!
SHHHHH ppl are lazy :) if u say them : hey u made quite enough , they will stop :D
Quote from: Ungolianth on November 27, 2009, 02:05:56 AM
i can make u some nice banner if it will help but sy me lazy to vote :P
don't ask, just make :D
(maybe take the banner we have now, and make a morphig one.... could be nice. damn i hate to not be able use such program)
Quote from: Ungolianth on November 27, 2009, 02:05:56 AM
i can make u some nice banner if it will help but sy me lazy to vote :P
don't forget to ask me what is the best file type for keeping the best quality :D
Quote from: Ungolianth on November 27, 2009, 02:05:56 AM
i can make u some nice banner if it will help but sy me lazy to vote :P
Ofc make, and ofc vote! ;)
Disable option "forever" in forum login
sry for bad english
banner : )) mkay, time to work
vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started 2 days ago for ??? :P
keep w8 till 01 :D then track will make program and will share with us and we gonna cheat site and we gonna be on the TOPPPPPPPPPPP of da c0ck ofc :p j/k
and vote for what btw? what we can get if we ll be 3rd place?? or 2nd? :O or...16th?
Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 27, 2009, 07:55:37 PM for ??? :P
keep w8 till 01 :D then track will make program and will share with us and we gonna cheat site and we gonna be on the TOPPPPPPPPPPP of da c0ck ofc :p j/k
and vote for what btw? what we can get if we ll be 3rd place?? or 2nd? :O or...16th?
Maybe for new people to come? ::)
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 27, 2009, 08:02:19 PM
Maybe for new people to come? ::)
how how how explain me pls
Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 27, 2009, 08:06:54 PM
how how how explain me pls
you are seriously so dumb or just pretending? ::)
You never looked for any server at top200? Because lot of people do, and they are mostly not looking for a server with 20 ppl online which is wiped every week, but for a stable server with lot of people.
Quote from: Ashlynn on November 27, 2009, 08:10:44 PM
you are seriously so dumb or just pretending? ::)
You never looked for any server at top200? Because lot of people do, and they are mostly not looking for a server with 20 ppl online which is wiped every week, but for a stable server with lot of people.
im pretending or im seriosly so dumb or dunno
mmm new ppls can come if they come whole clan/ally, if u come alone here now...u ll dissapiar fast
Quote from: lucifsg on November 26, 2009, 05:20:17 PM
i remember in the old times when we was on 3rd place (dunno top 100 or top 200)
Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 27, 2009, 08:15:23 PM
im pretending or im seriosly so dumb or dunno
mmm new ppls can come if they come whole clan/ally, if u come alone here now...u ll dissapiar fast
Maybe it is just your case, that you can't play on server without ally watching your back. But most of people can.
Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 27, 2009, 08:15:23 PM
im pretending or im seriosly so dumb or dunno
mmm new ppls can come if they come whole clan/ally, if u come alone here now...u ll dissapiar fast
I totally disagree with u as admin, and i can asure u that next update will be really good for new people and really interesting for them to come and stay, you will notice. This topic is about voting FOR us, if you dont wanna vote oke no problem but at least dont spread the hate without any reason and saying bs like usual, thank you.
Quote from: TrackZero on November 28, 2009, 12:30:26 PM
I totally disagree with u as admin, and i can asure u that next update will be really good for new people and really interesting for them to come and stay, you will notice. This topic is about voting FOR us, if you dont wanna vote oke no problem but at least dont spread the hate without any reason and saying bs like usual, thank you.
eee faker, i vote ofc but i was asking about resultats of voting
as i said :D make program to spamm there and post on forum
anyway im not hater, if we cant discuse on forum just tell or ban us :P
Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 28, 2009, 12:59:23 PM
eee faker, i vote ofc but i was asking about resultats of voting
as i said :D make program to spamm there and post on forum
anyway im not hater, if we cant discuse on forum just tell or ban us :P
Why to make program (its called script) when we can reach top 10 without any cheat, only thing that i am worried about is once we reach top 10 servers and put in danger " protected" servers they will cut us like they did zilion times till not, but fak it lets at least make it go up, thanks.
Quote from: TrackZero on November 28, 2009, 01:04:50 PM
Why to make program (its called script) when we can reach top 10 without any cheat, only thing that i am worried about is once we reach top 10 servers and put in danger " protected" servers they will cut us like they did zilion times till not, but fak it lets at least make it go up, thanks.
we will reach top 10 if whole community (70-80%) gonna vote 2x per day
anyway let see ur news :P and new spoils as u said or ...
Quote from: stanko on November 29, 2009, 01:35:26 AM
48 place, keep voting :)
Bump and tbh guys tomorrow is 1st dec so all votes reset , so in DEC we need spam even more, keep up that vote spammed and ill keep up the updates needed!!
Quote from: Dag on November 30, 2009, 05:47:11 PM
cuz we pwn !!!!!
Tomorrow is 1st of month, do not forget to vote cause all votes should be reseted (ofc ull notice 1st few servers who cheat even we have 2x bigger community then them) but ignore those mofos we can be in top 10 without cheating.
Btw we need new banner ideas , ill greatly reword the one who make for us 1 (NM x30 for now) , here are some info we need:
Max Size: 468x60px, 50KB
You can send me your work via forum PM
ewwwwwwwww New month !
Quote from: Ungolianth on December 01, 2009, 05:10:59 AM
describe what u mean by words "greatly reword" and i will maybe sacrifice and make for us powner banner of all times
Well since you ask, all i can tell you no need to bother for banner, thanks.
tell to our beloved mangiaspaghetti coder to correct loader :)
7th ;D
Quote from: Dag on December 01, 2009, 10:44:45 AM
tell to our beloved mangiaspaghetti coder to correct loader :)
He will dag, we can not even update the updates we fixed cause his Italian provider died, we are waiting they should up new one during this week, then we will fix it as well as updates we already made.
BTW BUMP keep on votin
Quote from: TrackZero on December 01, 2009, 12:16:58 PM
He will dag, we can not even update the updates we fixed cause his Italian provider died, we are waiting they should up new one during this week, then we will fix it as well as updates we already made.
BTW BUMP keep on votin
track pliz say to drake to put Dag as gm for help ppl in change mails... find hacked items... and ban some recidive botters...
He is fair... he is the most kind player of infinity 5x... always ready to help everyone... he could be the best GM that we could have... =-D
Too many ppl are askin for help....too few, really few got help....
Plz ploz =-D
Edit: GM for Infinity 5x ofc.... XD
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on December 01, 2009, 01:31:33 PM
track pliz say to drake to put Dag as gm for help ppl in change mails... find hacked items... and ban some recidive botters...
He is fair... he is the most kind player of infinity 5x... always ready to help everyone... he could be the best GM that we could have... =-D
Too many ppl are askin for help....too few, really few got help....
Plz ploz =-D
Edit: GM for Infinity 5x ofc.... XD
Ok i will do that np, ill inform dag.
I can be Infinity GM :D
lol, no focking playing GMs, so -1 for dag, unless he deletes all his chars and promises (if he's word worth) not to play anymore on infi
btw, for voting, put normal banner on forum, many ppl deleted that floating shit(i'm blocking that thru firewall for example), and won't vote unless it will be "by will"
Quote from: flamingAwe on December 01, 2009, 02:57:50 PM
lol, no focking playing GMs, so -1 for dag, unless he deletes all his chars and promises (if he's word worth) not to play anymore on infi
btw, for voting, put normal banner on forum, many ppl deleted that floating shit(i'm blocking that thru firewall for example), and won't vote unless it will be "by will"
You have it on top and a lil under , under your profile pic ( News: Vote for us here: GameSites200 )
And well that floating thing is annoying but it gave some result for ppl to vote at least 1x at day, when we had normal icon every1 has ignore it. Vote
Bump :D
About Dag he can be just Ban Hammer for start since tbh he is really good person, but we will see that's not even point of this topic.
Quote from: flamingAwe on December 01, 2009, 02:57:50 PM
lol, no focking playing GMs, so -1 for dag, unless he deletes all his chars and promises (if he's word worth) not to play anymore on infi
btw, for voting, put normal banner on forum, many ppl deleted that floating shit(i'm blocking that thru firewall for example), and won't vote unless it will be "by will"
i'm trying to sell my char since 5 months
help me selling and np about this
(also, my gf will thanks u forever and ever :D)
Quote from: TrackZero on December 01, 2009, 03:05:59 PM
You have it on top and a lil under , under your profile pic ( News: Vote for us here: GameSites200 )
And well that floating thing is annoying but it gave some result for ppl to vote at least 1x at day, when we had normal icon every1 has ignore it. Vote
Bump :D
About Dag he can be just Ban Hammer for start since tbh he is really good person, but we will see that's not even point of this topic.
ah no
Quote from: TrackZero on December 01, 2009, 03:05:59 PM
Ban Hammer
it really exist !!
Quote from: Dag on December 01, 2009, 07:21:15 PM
it really exist !!
I suppose i should use that image as avatar :D
Quote from: TrackZero on December 01, 2009, 03:05:59 PM
You have it on top and a lil under , under your profile pic ( News: Vote for us here: GameSites200 )
on top was blocked as well, but now setup block only floating, so +1 vote :P
keep voting! ;D 9th place
Quote from: Kain on December 01, 2009, 07:44:07 PM
I suppose i should use that image as avatar :D
with a little photoshop, edit the M on his cap and u are fine :D
from 72 to 10!!!!
C'on guys let's try to give 1 hand for the hours and hours of entertainement,fun,rosiks,flames and (most important) spam that we had in our DN for FREE...
Quote from: J4cKDan13L on December 02, 2009, 02:28:43 PM
You need keyboard as well to type that words. >.>
Quote from: TheLox on December 02, 2009, 02:41:37 PM
You need keyboard as well to type that words. >.>
=-D which words??' I don't need a keyboard... I use the virtual one of windows clickin each letter 1 by 1 XD
Bump ;)
lets keep 10th place and try grab 9th :P
grab grab
guys .. seems we'r falling again to 12th place ... let's get back 10th
16 and going DOWN!!!
i bet it will be at 70-80 again in less than a week
Quote from: anil3 on December 04, 2009, 07:54:44 PM
16 and going DOWN!!!
i bet it will be at 70-80 again in less than a week
They cheat soo much thats soo obvious....
Quote from: TrackZero on December 04, 2009, 08:00:17 PM
They cheat soo much thats soo obvious....
i saw some servers like the npc for event appear only when for example 10 ppls will vote for server per hour mby try to do smtihng like this here :P
Quote from: jygh on December 04, 2009, 08:56:00 PM
i saw some servers like the npc for event appear only when for example 10 ppls will vote for server per hour mby try to do smtihng like this here :P
mia's sig... funny
poor you
I just don't get why are they freaking us up everytime we get some good position on the list, when you are paying same as they do. Or you don't? :D
bump bump bump VOTE VOTE VOTE :D
btw track we should use script too if 99% of top 200 servers are using it we should cheat too ^^
Quote from: oOMiaOo on December 06, 2009, 02:14:02 AM
maciek slept with 27 years old girl .....
and she liked it !
Quote from: our4n0s on December 06, 2009, 02:25:13 AM
maciek slept with 27 years old girl .....
and she liked it !
I <3 27her
Quote from: our4n0s on December 06, 2009, 02:25:13 AM
maciek slept with 27 years old girl .....
and she liked it !
but she doesnt said that was smth amazing lawl :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D <3 NM
Quote from: Ungolianth on December 06, 2009, 04:19:05 AM
:d naah best part is the licking and rubbing fast in same time :d its something likie fatality in mortal kombat u must know the right buttons :d
So you are licking keys on PS controller for doing skills/magics/w.e they are? Lol.
Quote from: TheLox on December 06, 2009, 03:13:31 PM
So you are licking keys on PS controller for doing skills/magics/w.e they are? Lol.
joystick??? :O
Quote from: trooperXkoki on December 06, 2009, 03:20:18 PM
joystick??? :O
we all saw your signature.
ha ha ha. hi hi. he he. ho ho ho.
yeah ashlynn cause u r the one who never gets offended... :D
Quote from: M3tta on December 06, 2009, 11:07:12 PM
yeah ashlynn cause u r the one who never gets offended... :D
of course, why should I?
Why you stoped to vote?
lol this is all a cheat -.- Im voting 2x-3x every day and we still going down
Track u should do ur own TOP200 xD and u sell the first places :P
anyway keep voting!!
I will vote 10 times more if u ban this retard:,207020.msg2061630.html#msg2061630
(look his last few posts)
Quote from: stanko on December 07, 2009, 11:40:11 PM
I will vote 10 times more if u ban this retard:,207020.msg2061630.html#msg2061630
(look his last few posts)
that's blackmail, dirty mind !
Quote from: Ungolianth on December 08, 2009, 04:08:14 AM
we all saw u on forum try more in game :d
I do, not on DN tho.
Still waiting BNNERS offers.
BUmp for vote
how much time need GameSite200 to proces one vote? is not instant? cose i vote and the vote number dont change( refresh dont help) . or that number is not for how many votes earn one server in that month?.