This is a remake of the lost post misiek created, but this time with pics about dagger blow dmg. Tested on pp/th with draco set +3/4 as the receiving end of the attacks and a pw/sws as the attacker with as+cd+3.
You can see in the pics the buffs and stats of both the receiver and the attacker, as well as the baium and aq rings and enchant values of backstab and vicious stance.
First no critical wound
Now with critical wound
Now with critical wound and expose weakpoint
That would be all for today, the rest is up for you track to make a decision.
P.S: we had to spend 7 minutes trying to make expose weak point land :-X
1,6k on bs without cat buf its quite good specially on pw that dont have good passiv for critical power. With decent gear and cat buff you should make ~2k or more with critical wound and ewp so that will be ~4k for critical blow and its nice ;)
The porblem is mage p.def. On Your screens th have lil less than 1,9k p def with draco set and i remember than pawcio have 2k p.def in dyna robe and that one big LOL :) How mage in robe can have more p.def than light armor user in s-grade o_O
Also guys, check dmg with and without epic jewellery cause some time ago i remember that bnous from epics for critical power with blow was really shity and it should be +15% from baium and +15% from aq. But check it without buffs and without SA Critical dmg. We will see clear if you will make blow for example for 500dmg without buffs, CD and epic jewel that should give 650dmg with epic jew and i remember that bonus was maybe 10% or 15%.
I hope You understand what i mean :D
truth is damage is low, a fully geared dagger should be doing a minimum of 2 - 2.5k ( on backstab, no crit) on a fully buffed mage. .. i'll post some retail links with damage. problem is that the formula for calculating damage is wrong and doesn't take into account patk / dagger patk and the crit power passives are not added correctly
look and check damage, you can see the damage it gives to that bishop in dynasty full buff (probably zerk but still) 6.8k on backstab crit, and that's TH, not AW
TH/wk 85 skill + 12 actif/passif ica dagger +cd+3 / FS learned
buff cat + potion + focus power + VS i did 4850 on a pr/bd 85 with dnet light on buff pp ? where is the problem with ur damage
Both chars lvl 83 with full rb and dyna set. (dagger is pw/tk with all skills +12, have all FS learned and As+CD) -> deadly blow+critical wound from the front. -> Backstab+Crticial wound from the back. -> backstab witout critical wound. -> Not many diference between normal crit and skill.. (790 normal crit, 1141 Backstab)
All skills made with Focus death ,Mortal strike +12 Critical power and vicius stance +12 power.
Even for a pw dmg is way too low.Think that target is a elf mage/healer (others mage have more p.def).
I didnt have time to make a test with expose weak point since it dont land very often..
Quote from: Curtis on January 25, 2010, 08:34:34 AM
1,6k on bs without cat buf its quite good specially on pw that dont have good passiv for critical power. With decent gear and cat buff you should make ~2k or more with critical wound and ewp so that will be ~4k for critical blow and its nice ;)
That 1,5k its already with ewp and cw landed, guy has as+cd+aq+baium+vs+focus death, u cant get better gear (only critical passive but this wouldnt add so much). With all that conditions occured it should be minimum 4k.
Quote from: tzuc on January 25, 2010, 08:55:44 AM
problem is that the formula for calculating damage is wrong and doesn't take into account patk / dagger patk and the crit power passives are not added correctly
the formula is not so bad, cuz actually p atk/dagger patk have nothing with blow dmg, thats why daggers dont need ++++ gear to pwn. its prolly nerfed as hell. But let them fix that attribute system, so elemental enchanted blows will be affected with attribute value of dagger, maybe that will fix whole situation ;). Btw on offi 150 attribute value gives like +80% dmg from blow so here with 450 value should be like 240%? 800dmg + 1920 dmg = 2720dmg? Sounds fine, seems fixed.
Quote from: seboulba on January 25, 2010, 09:51:43 AM
TH/wk 85 skill + 12 actif/passif ica dagger +cd+3 / FS learned
buff cat + potion + focus power + VS i did 4850 on a pr/bd 85 with dnet light on buff pp ? where is the problem with ur damage
screens? Btw. all of us had prolly similar situation "one time i made superb damage", but this is not the case.
Not all blows are made with VS as i see on screens.
Also i see another mage with 2k p.def :D
Quote from: seboulba on January 25, 2010, 09:51:43 AM
TH/wk 85 skill + 12 actif/passif ica dagger +cd+3 / FS learned
buff cat + potion + focus power + VS i did 4850 on a pr/bd 85 with dnet light on buff pp ? where is the problem with ur damage
You ask us if he was on pp buff or what? We dont see problem with 4,9k like you say when someone have pp buffs with zerg propably and g.might so he had ~1,2k p def. Now go and check it again vs mage with cop and 2k p.def.
Also that 4,9k was from critical blow or normal blow? Cause this is big diffrent ;)
One more time guys pls check blows wihout buffs and without epic and then with epics cause i remember that bonus for blows was wrong some time ago and i cant check it by myself :<
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 10:53:53 AM
That 1,5k its already with ewp and cw landed, guy has as+cd+aq+baium+vs+focus death, u cant get better gear (only critical passive but this wouldnt add so much). With all that conditions occured it should be minimum 4k.
When im talk about decent gear im talking about ic+cd :P Also add critical power like you say and cat buff and he will make ~2k per blow, 4k per critical blow so its quite good ;)
Quote from: Curtis on January 25, 2010, 11:10:32 AM
When im talk about decent gear im talking about ic+cd :P Also add critical power like you say and cat buff and he will make ~2k per blow, 4k per critical blow so its quite good ;)
Icarus is prolly bugged, cuz it add like 70dmg on blow...
with cat buff, bj, on a guy with draco set u think 2k is guite good?
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 11:12:25 AM
Icarus is prolly bugged, cuz it add like 70dmg on blow...
with cat buff, bj, on a guy with draco set u think 2k is guite good?
Ouch ;)
Yeah 2k its quite good when he have 2k p def and cop ;) Also with 1,2k a.speed (without combat) and songs he can just spam deadly blow and bs so if he will make 2k per hit and from time to time 4k from critical its nice ;)
BTW propably good implemented attribute system for daggers (I mean att in weapons + blow eanchanted for same att like in weapon) will solve all problems :)
OFC fun will start when for example th/pal will use stun shield with earth weakness + bs with earth attribute + ic+cd+ lvl 9 earth att :D Then ppl will cry to nerf daggers ;)
Quote from: Curtis on January 25, 2010, 11:21:53 AM
Ouch ;)
Yeah 2k its quite good when he have 2k p def and cop ;) Also with 1,2k a.speed (without combat) and songs he can just spam deadly blow and bs so if he will make 2k per hit and from time to time 4k from critical its nice ;)
BTW propably good implemented attribute system for daggers (I mean att in weapons + blow eanchanted for same att like in weapon) will solve all problems :)
OFC fun will start when for example th/pal will use stun shield with earth weakness + bs with earth attribute + ic+cd+ lvl 9 earth att :D Then ppl will cry to nerf daggers ;)
I dont really belive that any skill enchant option that came with hb works, so dont worry about earth weakness;p
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 11:41:43 AM
I dont really belive that any skill enchant option that came with hb works, so dont worry about earth weakness;p
Yes i know that but they will repair it some day ;D
Quote from: legendaryvicious on January 25, 2010, 03:49:01 AM
This is a remake of the lost post misiek created, but this time with pics about dagger blow dmg. Tested on pp/th with draco set +3/4 as the receiving end of the attacks and a pw/sws as the attacker with as+cd+3.
You can see in the pics the buffs and stats of both the receiver and the attacker, as well as the baium and aq rings and enchant values of backstab and vicious stance.
First no critical wound
Now with critical wound
Now with critical wound and expose weakpoint
That would be all for today, the rest is up for you track to make a decision.
P.S: we had to spend 7 minutes trying to make expose weak point land :-X
again cry topic about dagger...
and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry
Quote from: legendaryvicious on January 25, 2010, 03:49:01 AM
This is a remake of the lost post misiek created, but this time with pics about dagger blow dmg. Tested on pp/th with draco set +3/4 as the receiving end of the attacks and a pw/sws as the attacker with as+cd+3.
You can see in the pics the buffs and stats of both the receiver and the attacker, as well as the baium and aq rings and enchant values of backstab and vicious stance.
First no critical wound
Now with critical wound
Now with critical wound and expose weakpoint
That would be all for today, the rest is up for you track to make a decision.
P.S: we had to spend 7 minutes trying to make expose weak point land :-X
+1 to u men :)
Quote from: smerfik on January 25, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
again cry topic about dagger...
and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry
Track say that he dont fix enchant blow on atribut bcs we are OP :o
ps- be cerfull bcs that noob Deathpussy or cthon start flame here ( they have so many to say when they play Archer's)
Quote from: smerfik on January 25, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
again cry topic about dagger...
and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry
yeah its extreamly high, blows dont use mana, their range is 100000, and they hit 10x faster than mage and archer with icarus. so f00k 1,5k? make it 150.
Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 01:21:04 PM
Track say that he dont fix enchant blow on atribut bcs we are OP :o
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: smerfik on January 25, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
again cry topic about dagger...
and u think 1,5k dmg from backstab is low? w8 for enchant atribute after cry
Read my post again, then tell me in wich sentence i'm crying about daggers dmg; all i'm trying to do here is to show that daggers aren't op. And yeah i was waiting for enchant atributes to work on daggers and daggers blows, but when track said something along the lines of "i won't implement that for daggers 'coz they're op" (correct if i'm totally wrong though) i decided to make these tests just for him to see and take an more informed decision on the matter.
Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 01:21:04 PM
+1 to u men :)
Track say that he dont fix enchant blow on atribut bcs we are OP :o
ps- be cerfull bcs that noob Deathpussy or cthon start flame here ( they have so many to say when they play Archer's)
( (
::) ::) ::) ::)
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 01:36:31 PM
yeah its extreamly high, blows dont use mana, their range is 100000, and they hit 10x faster than mage and archer with icarus. so f00k 1,5k? make it 150.
nie wiem o co jeczenie, mnie jedynie co dobija to m kryty od nuka
na temat dmg lucznikow tez by mogl ktos narzekac bo w tanka bije tylko za 100-200 normale i 500 - 1k kryty (odrazu pisze ze tym nie gram)
na pal/aw bez wiekszych problemow klade magow i lucznikow (ale wiadomo sa wyjatki)
Moim zdaniem nie bardzo lezy w interesie dragona zeby koksac daggerow do tego stopnia aby kladli na 1-2 skille
jedyne co bym chcial to to aby przywrocili co zycia postacie takie jak glad / tyr / des
Trzeba tez wciac pod uwage ze na offie dagger ma malo hp/cp/p def/m def wiec nic dziwnego ze lepiej bije niz inne klasy, to samo tank jest twardy i trudny do ubcia wiec sam nie padnie na 1 cios ale nie ma tez takiego dmg zeby klasc jak des na frenzy ( na tym polega balans - jedna postac jest przeciwienstwem drugiej ). Ponadto na offie nie ma mp potek, combatek, tatuazy i innego gowna na p def i m def, modyfikowanych skilli oraz stack sub ( glowna przyczyna braku balansu na DN ). Chcecie offa? to grajcie na nim... dragon dazy do balansu (co widac) a nie do gry jak na offie. Kto tego nie rozumie jest po prostu idiota
just 1 thing, notice most of tests are made at mages, so dont boost daggers but nerf mages p def bcos as Courtis said> lol at mage having more p.def than fighter in light
Quote from: Wizjoner on January 25, 2010, 07:14:18 PM
nie wiem o co jeczenie, mnie jedynie co dobija to m kryty od nuka
na temat dmg lucznikow tez by mogl ktos narzekac bo w tanka bije tylko za 100-200 normale i 500 - 1k kryty (odrazu pisze ze tym nie gram)
na pal/aw bez wiekszych problemow klade magow i lucznikow (ale wiadomo sa wyjatki)
Moim zdaniem nie bardzo lezy w interesie dragona zeby koksac daggerow do tego stopnia aby kladli na 1-2 skille
jedyne co bym chcial to to aby przywrocili co zycia postacie takie jak glad / tyr / des / des
Trzeba tez wciac pod uwage ze na offie dagger ma malo hp/cp/p def/m def wiec nic dziwnego ze lepiej bije niz inne klasy, to samo tank jest twardy i trudny do ubcia wiec sam nie padnie na 1 cios ale nie ma tez takiego dmg zeby klasc jak des na frenzy ( na tym polega balans - jedna postac jest przeciwienstwem drugiej ). Ponadto na offie nie ma mp potek, combatek, tatuazy i innego gowna na p def i m def, modyfikowanych skilli oraz stack sub ( glowna przyczyna braku balansu na DN ). Chcecie offa? to grajcie na nim... dragon dazy do balansu (co widac) a nie do gry jak na offie. Kto tego nie rozumie jest po prostu idiota
L2 to nie jest gra zbalansowana jak to napisales i nie miala nigdy taka byc!!!
Dziala to na zasadzie papier nozyczki.Np dager szybko zabija maga, za to glad szybko powinien zabic dagera.Lucznik>mag itd.
Problemem jest to,ze faktycznie tutaj mam suby i dosc ciezko jest np zbalansowac klase dager/tank czy lucznik tank.Ale w c 4 np w robe ud prawie nie dzialalo a teraz taki bp/pal w zasadzie jest nie do ubicie przez dagera.
Jesli mag ma prawie taki sam pdef jak dager czy lucznik ,to jak mozemy tu mowic o balansie?
Dagerem na oly da sie pograc, fakt nie zaprzeczam ale na mass pvp dager jest slaby i tyle.Jesli lucznik bije dagera po 1-3k a dager bije lucznika po 1.2k max lub i mniej jesli to tank, to o jakim balansie mozemy mowic gdzie dager uzywa skili i predzej mu sie mana skonczy niz zdola kogos ubic.
Quote from: Kailenaa on January 25, 2010, 07:21:50 PM
Yes, with 2 debuffs, so its still a shit dmg for a close-range Killer, which imo dagger should be.
dude, this close ranged fighter have 15k hp 10 k cp and multistuns, so what ur talking about? look at ty/de, he deal crazy dmg but he can do a shit not being at 30%, so this is somehow balanced, not that daggers will blow for 10k and no1 will be able to kill them
Quote from: Sali on January 25, 2010, 07:59:56 PM
dude, this close ranged fighter have 15k hp 10 k cp and multistuns, so what ur talking about? look at ty/de, he deal crazy dmg but he can do a shit not being at 30%, so this is somehow balanced, not that daggers will blow for 10k and no1 will be able to kill them
LOOOOOOL Sali again speak bullshit and Archer's can't have 15k hp and 10kcp ? Make he/wl then u get the same stat LOOOOL and stop SPAM here...
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
( (
Show picture from puffy side and we be sure that its will be a blow no NORMAL HIT(IC+F+7+dye str+ many p.atk + atribut make big dmg from normal hit's) bcs i dont belive U (Deathpussy)!
Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 08:41:57 PM
Show picture from puffy side and we be sure that its will be a blow no NORMAL HIT(IC+F+7+dye str+ many p.atk + atribut make big dmg from normal hit's) bcs i dont belive U (Deathpussy)!
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .
Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 08:54:17 PM
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .
Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHBUHAHAHAHHAHA Sorry but i cant hehe men pls pls stop shame on you. Noob like u tell me smth about dmg Dager omg. To cleare youre mind(learn) i make the same DMG like TH(ask puffy) i test it many times bcs i play this class and noob like u can only spam here nothing more.
Men learn rly learn first how to play(F1,F2 - pro style) next how to stop spam...
ps- if u are so pro make any PW/xx and we tray pvp(if u take down my cp i give u 10 dc ;D)
Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 09:09:16 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHBUHAHAHAHHAHA Sorry but i cant hehe men pls pls stop shame on you. Noob like u tell me smth about dmg Dager omg. To cleare youre mind(learn) i make the same DMG like TH(ask puffy) i test it many times bcs i play this class and noob like u can only spam here nothing more.
Men learn rly learn first how to play(F1,F2 - pro style) next how to stop spam...
ps- if u are so pro make any PW/xx and we tray pvp(if u take down my cp i give u 10 dc ;D)
veinslay would kick ur butt .......... ve to ask him .. always 10 coins +
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 08:54:17 PM
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .
Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .
morning :D i quit replying after i saw how much his brain can handle.. but he deleted the topic where he owned himself..
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 08:54:17 PM
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .
Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
Yea try again without expose weak point /greater shield/ TT hairband and p.def talisman :D (or mby ur p.def is too low xD)
daggers crit skills have a 1/20 chance of landing only and are not afected by critical rate or dex dyes etc.
And 2k max on an archer that u make 3 or 4 hits and get a wtf 300 speed during all pvp is low.
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 08:54:17 PM
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .
Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .
Thanks for the screen, you saved me from having to do the test again but with queen's blessing wich was the only buff missing in my tests.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 25, 2010, 09:25:05 PM
Yea try again without expose weak point /greater shield/ TT hairband and p.def talisman :D (or mby ur p.def is too low xD)
daggers crit skills have a 1/20 chance of landing only and are not afected by critical rate or dex dyes etc.
And 2k max on an archer that u make 3 or 4 hits and get a wtf 300 speed during all pvp is low.
It SHOULD be afected by STR but dunno how it looks here cause i dont make any tests.
Quote from: tzuc on January 25, 2010, 08:55:44 AM
truth is damage is low, a fully geared dagger should be doing a minimum of 2 - 2.5k ( on backstab, no crit) on a fully buffed mage. .. i'll post some retail links with damage. problem is that the formula for calculating damage is wrong and doesn't take into account patk / dagger patk and the crit power passives are not added correctly
look and check damage, you can see the damage it gives to that bishop in dynasty full buff (probably zerk but still) 6.8k on backstab crit, and that's TH, not AW
fix my char and maybe i'll come back with D weps and PWN everyone :D
oh and BTW claiming ur oldest player on NM?..... maybe but i doubt it, and even if u are you're not any longer playing than me soooo why is this making you cool?..... i'm confused, anyway, who cares (NOT ME) cheerio mate!
Quote from: Deavon on January 25, 2010, 08:54:17 PM
I personally dont care if you believe me or not ,i never have lied to community , unluckyly you did with ur lame topics and ur lame screens ,thing which explains which you deleted it by urself ,prolly cause of shame .
Edit: You claiming that you playing ur char 4 years ,if its true you the biggest looser at ur class since you should know that PW is not famous for his damage but for stuff like evasion,speed,m.def .
If you want to hit hard make something like AW or TH .
Thanks and bye,does nt worth even to answer on your bullshits anymore .
and after u woke up!! jesus are u always act like noob or u take day offs some days?
imo, the topic name has the proper order of words inverted. It should be "Dagger dmg blows" xDDDDDDDDD
Quote from: WindPhoenix on January 26, 2010, 01:05:28 AM
imo, the topic name has the proper order of words inverted. It should be "Dagger dmg blows" xDDDDDDDDD
+1 :D
Since daggers are close range fighters that make a normal dmg when the enemy is from the back (if the target is not retarded it wont show his back) and waste tons of mana with skills that can fail, i think at least u should boost dagger skill dmg.
And remove heavy armor nerf from IL :P daggers dont use heavy anymore coz archers speed. Even a mage with magnus can outrun a dagger in heavy (LOL) and now pow decreases speed also, soooo i should go without cov/pof/pow to get in range for skills :-\
Quote from: vaiper on January 26, 2010, 08:22:30 AM
And remove heavy armor nerf from IL :P daggers dont use heavy anymore coz archers speed. Even a mage with magnus can outrun a dagger in heavy (LOL) and now pow decreases speed also, soooo i should go without cov/pof/pow to get in range for skills :-\
now i know why im so slow and even some mages are able to kite me o_O
Quote from: vaiper on January 26, 2010, 08:22:30 AM
Since daggers are close range fighters that make a normal dmg when the enemy is from the back (if the target is not retarded it wont show his back) and waste tons of mana with skills that can fail, i think at least u should boost dagger skill dmg.
And remove heavy armor nerf from IL :P daggers dont use heavy anymore coz archers speed. Even a mage with magnus can outrun a dagger in heavy (LOL) and now pow decreases speed also, soooo i should go without cov/pof/pow to get in range for skills :-\
ye 500 speed in heavy would be cool a? Dude this is main thing ur have to choice: less dmg and more ability to tank but less speed/mana/evasion in heavy or more speed/evasion/mana but less pdef/mdef/hp in light + every1 need to choice like that and look how many archers/tanks running in lights bcos of that, and how many ty/de using litght, and last days i already saw some dagger/tanks in lights (but with shields Oo) So u just have to chose now witch option suit to ur play style
hmm who wanted to bet about 10 d coins ? :D pw/es rdy for rumble ( i can even lend it too someone ) just pm
Quote from: Sali on January 26, 2010, 02:49:06 PM
ye 500 speed in heavy would be cool a? Dude this is main thing ur have to choice: less dmg and more ability to tank but less speed/mana/evasion in heavy or more speed/evasion/mana but less pdef/mdef/hp in light + every1 need to choice like that and look how many archers/tanks running in lights bcos of that, and how many ty/de using litght, and last days i already saw some dagger/tanks in lights (but with shields Oo) So u just have to chose now witch option suit to ur play style
500 speed?
Dagger in heavy even withou nerf couldnt reach 300 speed with zerk (im talkin about pw) and now as said before POWind drecreases speed.
Since counter dash is fuking OP i think its ok.
tested counter dash with lvl 79 HE and rate is like 15-18%.Imo is way too much for a pt skill that last 1 min.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 26, 2010, 11:01:43 PM
500 speed?
Dagger in heavy even withou nerf couldnt reach 300 speed with zerk (im talkin about pw) and now as said before POWind drecreases speed.
Since counter dash is fuking OP i think its ok.
tested counter dash with lvl 79 HE and rate is like 15-18%.Imo is way too much for a pt skill that last 1 min.
some run fast, others gets low dmg, where is ur problem?
Quote from: Sali on January 26, 2010, 11:05:05 PM
some run fast, others gets low dmg, where is ur problem?
That a dagger now dont have the abillity to get in range or make the dmg to kill any archer or even a mage with magnus.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 26, 2010, 11:07:06 PM
That a dagger now dont have the abillity to get in range or make the dmg to kill any archer or even a mage with magnus.
ask Astri how he is doing, he never had problem to get me :o
Quote from: Sali on January 26, 2010, 11:08:48 PM
ask Astri how he is doing, he never had problem to get me :o
Maybe before the counter dash update :P
But now its imposible.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 26, 2010, 11:14:10 PM
Maybe before the counter dash update :P
But now its imposible.
You have skill from 81lvl? Cause if i remember good, with that skill you should catch everyone ;)
misiek since when ur pro menx ?
Quote from: Curtis on January 27, 2010, 07:50:20 AM
You have skill from 81lvl? Cause if i remember good, with that skill you should catch everyone ;)
+30 speed for 30 sec its not the same that perma counter dash in archer party.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 27, 2010, 08:22:55 AM
+30 speed for 30 sec its not the same that perma counter dash in archer party.
So take few archers to your pt ;D
Dude ... u should know something there are always nerfs .. and "WE" (by a way or another) manage to pass it and get use of it and maybe PWN everybody else ...hey "backstab" had 2 damages at the "Dark age" if u didnt know... fake death was with only some initiall mana "200 mana probably" and never keep draining mana ... at old times my evasion was 140 w/o UE only Evasion tattoos (dont remember it's name) ... so stop complaining/whining and keep wasting ur time playing the game
Quote from: Scream on January 27, 2010, 07:26:28 PM
Dude ... u should know something there are always nerfs .. and "WE" (by a way or another) manage to pass it and get use of it and maybe PWN everybody else ...hey "backstab" had 2 damages at the "Dark age" if u didnt know... fake death was with only some initiall mana "200 mana probably" and never keep draining mana ... at old times my evasion was 140 w/o UE only Evasion tattoos (dont remember it's name) ... so stop complaining/whining and keep wasting ur time playing the game
my evasion is 137 now without tattoos and ue oO
Quote from: MisiekIII on January 25, 2010, 09:09:16 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHBUHAHAHAHHAHA Sorry but i cant hehe men pls pls stop shame on you. Noob like u tell me smth about dmg Dager omg. To cleare youre mind(learn) i make the same DMG like TH(ask puffy) i test it many times bcs i play this class and noob like u can only spam here nothing more.
Men learn rly learn first how to play(F1,F2 - pro style) next how to stop spam...
ps- if u are so pro make any PW/xx and we tray pvp(if u take down my cp i give u 10 dc ;D)
To make it as much clear as i can, when you, a freaktard, that basically never was known for your pvp skills ,comes up chatting shits such as 'hahaha' and 'noob', indeed, this is the core of your posts, against an experienced and good player, as Deathand, that on the other hand, provides facts, you do not help yourself, believe me.
As for the archer player part :
To actually reach the statement of good player one of the basics is to know your enemy, thus any good player actually does have a knowledge that's not limited to his main char, otherwise he couldn't be any good, so please cut the crap.
Besides, having played your char for 4 years doesn't make you any better than someone who played his char a few months and every time i take a look at your signature it only reminds me the douche you are.
Just put Atribute dmg to dagger/tyrant/glad skills and remove heavy "dash" armor nerf and daggers will be balanced with the rest of the classes.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 28, 2010, 01:50:58 AM
Just put Atribute dmg to dagger/tyrant/glad skills and remove heavy "dash" armor nerf and daggers will be balanced with the rest of the classes.
keep dreaming, wanna more speed, use faking light and problem solved.
i just feel like making QQ topic about archers range... ehhhhh
Quote from: Sali on January 28, 2010, 03:21:40 AM
keep dreaming, wanna more speed, use faking light and problem solved.
i just feel like making QQ topic about archers range... ehhhhh
If he does u will cry again about evastion xaxaxa
i dont see any problem in dagger blows .. :-\
Quote from: BassSultan^^ on January 27, 2010, 11:22:00 PM
my evasion is 137 now without tattoos and ue oO
so dagger's Evasion is cool now ... it was bugged or whatever ... i had less than 120 evasion
Quote from: Scream on January 28, 2010, 02:26:12 PM
so dagger's Evasion is cool now ... it was bugged or whatever ... i had less than 120 evasion
less than 120 ? what is ur class ?
th/wl !! dude dont u know SoulCryer ?? btw i dont really remember my Exact Evasion .. maybe iam just bullshitting dotn mind me i didnt play for 1 year or 2
Quote from: Scream on January 28, 2010, 02:45:19 PM
th/wl !! dude dont u know SoulCryer ?? btw i dont really remember my Exact Evasion .. maybe iam just bullshitting dotn mind me i didnt play for 1 year or 2
well 120 isnt so bad for th/wl xd
Quote from: scary on January 28, 2010, 03:47:50 PM
well 120 isnt so bad for th/wl xd
I have 129 with heavy armor on my aw/sk ofc without zerk.
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 28, 2010, 04:43:41 PM
I have 129 with heavy armor on my aw/sk ofc without zerk.
with what tatoos ?
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 28, 2010, 05:29:23 PM
strange... u got evasion clan skill ?
Quote from: scary on January 28, 2010, 07:51:11 PM
strange... u got evasion clan skill ?
clan aglity, yes.
why u allow already OP clases like archer or mages to use atribute system and dont allow to daggers/glads/tyrants to use them?
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 29, 2010, 12:38:43 AM
why u allow already OP clases like archer or mages to use atribute system and dont allow to daggers/glads/tyrants to use them?
archers use atribute system in same % like daggers ( only mele attack boost) so ?
Quote from: scary on January 28, 2010, 07:51:11 PM
strange... u got evasion clan skill ?
it adds only 1 point per lvl so +3 at max lvl?
Quote from: Sali on January 29, 2010, 12:43:06 AM
archers use atribute system in same % like daggers ( only mele attack boost) so ?it adds only 1 point per lvl so +3 at max lvl?
Archers have "Archery" skill to enchant with atribute.
Daggers should be able to enchant backstab and deadly blow with atribute lol.(fck ur meele boost :D)
Ask for gracia feature that allow dagger to teleports behind enemies.
Quote from: Dadghamor on January 29, 2010, 01:53:49 AM
Ask for gracia feature that allow dagger to teleports behind enemies.
Im just asking for smth that should be on HB, in fact u can enchant backstab and deadly blow with atribute but they dont work as they shoudl,
Smartass 8) 8)
Quote from: Sali on January 29, 2010, 12:43:06 AM
archers use atribute system in same % like daggers ( only mele attack boost) so ?
Since archers power comes from melee crits and dagger power should come from blows, u failed again.
Quote from: BanThemAll on January 29, 2010, 01:48:07 AM
Archers have "Archery" skill to enchant with atribute.
Daggers should be able to enchant backstab and deadly blow with atribute lol.(fck ur meele boost :D)
sorry but i can enchant only for swiftness and power, so u have played some other server i guess.
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 29, 2010, 10:11:42 AM
Since archers power comes from melee crits and dagger power should come from blows, u failed again.
yes they should, but since daggers doing 2k crits in mele way u shouldnt ask for boost but for fix, seems its to hard for u to understand so gtfo from this filled with love NM section
sali, 2k backstab on TOP gear and buffs is low, on robe should be a 3k minimum up to 3.5 even 4k (ofc depends on target pdef)
Quote from: Sali on January 29, 2010, 03:53:17 PM
.yes they should, but since daggers doing 2k crits in mele way u shouldnt ask for boost but for fix, seems its to hard for u to understand so gtfo from this filled with love NM section
Seems beside ur many defects u have another one, u cant read with understanding. Thats what ppl asking, not only me, for facking fix which will make dagger a dagger again not archer range 40.
Quote from: mibelia on February 01, 2010, 06:41:00 AM
i guees track really thing dagger are op couse he dont say nothing in this topic...........
Neither i saw the enchant skills for HB fixed ::)
Quote from: tzuc on January 29, 2010, 04:28:48 PM
sali, 2k backstab on TOP gear and buffs is low, on robe should be a 3k minimum up to 3.5 even 4k (ofc depends on target pdef)
im not talking about bs or any kind of blow but about normal mele attack. Also im not talking about dmg at mage but at archer,2k pdef i light, anyway let me guess mage would have much lower hits than archer.... this is how DN is working get used to that....
Dunno whether he was buffed or not. If he was, it is sad, if wasn't, it is even more sad. :D
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 01, 2010, 11:05:35 PM
Dunno whether he was buffed or not. If he was, it is sad, if wasn't, it is even more sad. :D
on 1st screen i can see nothink
on 2 nd screen I can see only 1,2k dmg probably from melee attack.... but its impossible :P
btw stupid modification client
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 01, 2010, 11:05:35 PM
Dunno whether he was buffed or not. If he was, it is sad, if wasn't, it is even more sad. :D
ROFL at Ninouska in clan chat:
Quote from: WindPhoenix on February 03, 2010, 03:50:19 AM
ROFL at Ninouska in clan chat:
He was talking about me of course!
Quote from: Furesy on February 03, 2010, 11:35:52 AM
He was talking about me of course!
ofc it was when this bp/da was crying in oly XD
test made yday night
blow +13 power dmg 2500 - 2600
blow + 0 power dmd 2300-2400
blow + 10 attribute dmd 2400-2500
weapon is AS+8+ lvl 7 attribute
(normal crit by melee attack 3k)
i'll go make some exp in next days and RE-enchant skills to make screen (was abiiiiiiiiit drunk and forgot to take them heheheheh)
not full patk (so NORMAL hit will be higer)
vs dnet robe user (+6)
normal hit 200 :D
blow 1200
normal crit 1400
same setup
HE/sws draco bow + 16 on full p atk
crit 2500
nice bar btw, u dont use switch and trick?
Quote from: Daniel Defoe on February 03, 2010, 07:17:20 PM
increase damage on blows by 50% and all will be happy ^ ^
yep, more boost for kids
on HB (DN) daggers are more stronger than on IL (DN) ...
btw : STR (but not p . attack) increases crit skill chance not DEX / c.rate
Quote from: smerfik on February 03, 2010, 09:38:20 PM
btw : STR (but not p . attack) increases crit skill chance not DEX / c.rate
hmm punk rock girl has read something about hb changes ::)
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on February 03, 2010, 09:56:01 PM
hmm punk rock girl has read something about hb changes ::)
is not HB changes...
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on February 03, 2010, 09:31:57 PM
nice bar btw, u dont use switch and trick?
hard to notice this bar is not compleated? But well what i expect from DN dummie :<
Quote from: Daniel Defoe on February 03, 2010, 10:20:54 PM
nice joke
hmm maybe u dont understand this? on IL all daggers were easier to kill (rly low damage from blows), now on HB dagger are stronger
but i understand ur cry post... just learn ur pw/sws :)
Quote from: Sali on February 03, 2010, 10:29:02 PM
hard to notice this bar is not compleated? But well what i expect from DN dummie :<
Ahh so the guy taken away switch and trick from his bar to make us think that he plays th without it, damn man how could i miss that!!!!!
Quote from: smerfik on February 03, 2010, 10:00:52 PM
is not HB changes...
For blow like skills it came with hb ;)
Quote from: Daniel Defoe on February 03, 2010, 11:03:11 PM
dude dont say sh1ts
ofc :P
Quote from: Daniel Defoe on February 03, 2010, 11:03:11 PMi see u know nothing when were daggers easier to kill
on IL (IL = Interlude), if u lose all fight with dagger w/o lethal is not my problem ::)
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on February 04, 2010, 12:03:19 AM
Ahh so the guy taken away switch and trick from his bar to make us think that he plays th without it, damn man how could i miss that!!!!!
For blow like skills it came with hb ;)
actually yes, also if u havent noticed he miss sub, so this char is not rdy at all but got all what dagger need, so he make tests at it, so let me guess he was doing some other things than pvp with this char, thats why u wont find switch/trick at main bars. Need more explanation ur u finally get it?
Quote from: smerfik on February 04, 2010, 01:01:09 PM
ofc :P
on IL (IL = Interlude), if u lose all fight with dagger w/o lethal is not my problem ::)
a good Daggerist on Offial can pown 1 party easly till now IL-HB-Gracia lethal are ftw :)
Quote from: smerfik on February 02, 2010, 04:46:55 PM
on 1st screen i can see nothink
on 2 nd screen I can see only 1,2k dmg probably from melee attack.... but its impossible :P
btw stupid modification client
kk, on first screen with Dance of Fire the crit from Deadly Blow is not even 1k on mage. On the second screen crit from ordinary melee attack without Dance of Fire is 1261 on archer. Does it ring the bell at last?
Quote from: seboulba on February 04, 2010, 02:56:50 PM
a good Daggerist on Offial can pown 1 party easly till now IL-HB-Gracia lethal are ftw :)
stupid post
btw lethal on gracia? noob...
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 04, 2010, 03:03:52 PM
kk, on first screen with Dance of Fire the crit from Deadly Blow is not even 1k on mage. On the second screen crit from ordinary melee attack without Dance of Fire is 1261 on archer. Does it ring the bell at last?
where on 1st screen u see damage? 1k crit for blow on mage (lololololololololololololololololol) ?
omg man :D u know u have 10 different bars?
that screen was made to show dmg, no to show where i have my switch/trick/bluff
ps: switch is on f12 there :D
ps2: str on SKILL crit has so low influence i didnt noticed it in my old test. i should test again but was like +2% with +4 str compared to a -9
STR increases crit skill chance not DEX / c.rate... <---- better fix it
Quote from: smerfik on February 04, 2010, 03:53:05 PM
where on 1st screen u see damage? 1k crit for blow on mage (lololololololololololololololololol) ?
right above my skillbar, dummy.
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 04, 2010, 03:57:29 PM
right above my skillbar, dummy.
next time show normal screens w/o any modification
Quote from: smerfik on February 04, 2010, 03:56:09 PM
STR increases crit skill chance not DEX / c.rate... <---- better fix it
STR increase SKILL crit RATE
DEX increase NORMAL crit RATE
my point is that the difference in % to make +5 in a stat or -9 in another one is FUKIN low
Quote from: smerfik on February 04, 2010, 04:00:43 PM
next time show normal screens w/o any modification
next time use your blind eyes to check the screens more carefully, dummy.
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 04, 2010, 04:07:44 PM
next time use your blind eyes to check the screens more carefully, dummy.
this screen show nothing, brainless...
Quote from: smerfik on February 04, 2010, 04:13:05 PM
this screen show nothing, brainless...
Well, your wannabe smart talking hasn't proved anything so far either... ::)
Quote from: Ashlynn on February 04, 2010, 04:21:36 PM
Well, your wannabe smart talking hasn't proved anything so far either... ::)
ahaaaaaa... ::)
Quote from: Daniel Defoe on February 04, 2010, 07:06:02 PM
if u know play u could win without lethal... but it looks like u dont know ::)
if u know how to play, u can kill ppl right now, but as i noticed most of wannabepro daggers come and cry...
Quote from: Sali on February 04, 2010, 07:25:42 PM
if u know how to play, u can kill ppl right now, but as i noticed most of wannabepro daggers come and cry...
U ARE S-T-U-P-I-D and ur adopted, hf
Quote from: smerfik on February 04, 2010, 03:47:19 PM
stupid post
btw lethal on gracia? noob...
Lethal was changed in gracia final so in gracia part 1 and part 2 it was working.
To seboulba about 1 dagger killing whole pt: its all about gear, buffs, lethal and lvl of enemies. Also that dagger can die by 2 m.crits in 3s so its not so easy like you say ;)
To all that cry about dagger blows dmg. In net you can easy find scrypts how dmg from blows should works. I checked it for that pw that put screens on 1st page. If i remember well that pw makes something like 1,5-1,7k and when i checked it on scrypt it should make ~200dmg more. BUT i dont put ewp on scrypt, 30% bonus for dagger that drake add and also that scrypt was from IL (later i find somewhere that in HB scrypt was lil changed so it should makes dmg even more).
I dont remember well but i think it was something like that:
[((skill power+p.atak*2(soulshot))*(buffs for critical dmg; example: dw(35%=1,35)*cat buff(25%=1,25)-->1,35*1,25... etc)+6,1*(vs+critical power passiv+cd (sa of weapon)]*70 / p.def of our target.
I find somewhere that in HB it should be 9,1 (or smthg like that) so dmg of blow should be more affected by SA, VS and critical power passiv
Also that scrypt is without attributes cause they dont work here :P