
Archive => Obsolete => Discussion => Topic started by: BeGood on November 30, 2010, 06:57:23 PM

Title: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: BeGood on November 30, 2010, 06:57:23 PM
Nice info on loader but can U say something more about what actually changed? how is attribute system working now?
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 01, 2010, 10:55:01 AM
got some info from drake

later i'll post with little explaination (now i m at work)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 01, 2010, 02:43:12 PM
kk, so this is drake wrote me

before we had some bug or error, like some attribute hittin harder than other or for example clean weapon that make more damage than one with low attribute etc


this is the update:
attribute n° = attack - def  (and this is obvious)

this attribute n°, every 5 point  give a % of bonus
3% (step 1) 6% (step 2) and so on until  +40% max   ( IT'S NOT A FIX VALUE. THE MORE U REACH THE LIMIT , THE LESSER IS THE BONUS)

so: 200 attack vs 150 def = 50 attribute number
50(attribute number)/5 = 10    -----> so 10 bonus step dmg  (that atm is a 25% )

skill : enchanting a skill for attribute add a +20 (at start) and another +1 every +1
(..... backstab +15 water, weapon +450 water = water atttribute 20+14+450  VS  target defense)

ps: said that maybe before we had an attribute that working good in certain situation, bd in another, at all in other again.

now, he re-wrote totally, and ALL attribute works at same way (so there is no  more " use fire, it works unholy is bugged)

hope it helps

Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: BeGood on December 01, 2010, 06:17:21 PM
ok 2 questions:

1-   what attr number I need to have max 40% bonus? is it 150?

2- what if def attr is bigger then atk?

for example :   200 atk attri vs 350 def attr we will get  -150  when that happens we will make lower dmg then with no attr?
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 01, 2010, 09:01:07 PM
well.... i f i m not wrong attribute numbers (or bonus step) were somethin like this
3 6 9 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ( % bonus dmg) total of 23 or 24 step (i'm not totally sure about those numbers)

so example : attack 450 def 200 = attr number 250 / 5 = 50 (total of 50 step. MAX step is at 23 or 24 so u'll have ALL 40% bonus)

this means that to get full def from 1 attr u should have at least 2 part FULL against 1 element

attack 450 - def (2x full against) 360 = 90/5 = 18 so 18 step  u'll see bonus not 40% but 30-35%   

what happens if u get 450 attack vs 450 def ?  0% bonus

and if u have 450 attack vs 600 def (or higher....dunno how much ic can go ALL vs 1 element) well, u'll get 40% REDUCTION against 1 element

this means that now it's useless to have every part enchanted vs 1 different element

ppl must focus on what they fear mostly
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: BeGood on December 01, 2010, 11:57:48 PM
ok thx a lot for info
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: stealth on December 02, 2010, 11:07:05 AM
You say :

attack 450 - def (2x full against) 360 = 90/5 = 18 so 18 step  u'll see bonus not 40% but 30-35%

2x full = 360  :o.  So you can put on 1 armor piece 160 attribute?

I saw the following:

0-30 stone,  40-60 crystal, 60-90 jewel,  but what comes next ?  90-120 energy and then what ?

correct me if i am wrong. Must be really hard to get 160..

[edit] ok yes the extra buffs you get you could get it up to 160. But energy is very rare or not ?

Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: BeGood on December 02, 2010, 11:15:48 AM
well its nothing new that max attr in armor is not 90, its changed and its 150 with jewel.

btw why 160? XD 360/2=180 so maybe 150 with jewel and 180 with energy?
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Argriev on December 02, 2010, 11:33:38 AM
with prot of elemntal and allignment u can reach 160
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 02, 2010, 02:01:28 PM
earth, 150 x 2 parts + some buff + antharas etc :)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Chad on December 02, 2010, 03:48:36 PM
Finally someone explains some changes updates or wherever :) ty :P
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Vengeance on December 02, 2010, 05:37:16 PM
Piccy wrote: "this means that now it's useless to have every part enchanted vs 1 different element"

I hope all works fine and exactly like this, cause I'm gonna loose a lot money to rearange things ;D

Thanks a lot for explanation! :)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 02, 2010, 06:02:38 PM
well.... yday night i tested a bit

MAX bonus damage is capped at 40% ( 450 vs 0 def = +40% bonus)

same weapon
1 attribute +100
1 clean
vs defense 0
VS defense 150

+100 att vs 0 def dmg 220 (ok, bonus worksalso for low lvl enchant)

clean vs def 0 dmg 170 (this is basic dmg)

+100 atack VS 150 def 170 dmg (this means that your attribute def can take bonus on enemy weapon to 0, but it will not become negative. so if u take 600 def VS something, it's same of 450 def. use your armor part wisely )

clean vs def 150 dmg 170 (so attribute on def doesn't influences CLEAN weapon.)

at this point we can consider that:
if u use your attribute on def wisely i can prevent totally bonus dmg from your enemy
BUT u need at least 2Xparts set to 150 (total 300) + some buff to resist against a 450 attacker
OR u can make 3x part to 150 (total 450) to have auto resist against element
in this case u can avaid use buff for this

do your maths

and now i'll go take a coffe cya gl bb :D
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: krobelus on December 02, 2010, 09:56:10 PM
So if putting several attributes in one armor is useless than it's the best to have a 4-5 sets of armors with different attribute type defense depend on enemy we met?  :D That's ridiculous.
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 02, 2010, 10:26:55 PM
that's normal
u can have 1 set FULL against 2 element (6 part for 150 each. so 150x3 against one and 150x3 againt another)
or 1 set against 3 element (6 part for 150, so 150x2 for 3 different element and buff for the rest)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: newbornpl on December 02, 2010, 10:43:08 PM
maybe it's a bad topic but I would ask when will be able to enchant Duelist skills for  attrybuty or whether there is any chance in order to raise statistical Duelist? thanks for the reply
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: xin on December 02, 2010, 11:48:58 PM
Quote from: Piccy on December 02, 2010, 10:26:55 PM
that's normal
u can have 1 set FULL against 2 element (6 part for 150 each. so 150x3 against one and 150x3 againt another)
or 1 set against 3 element (6 part for 150, so 150x2 for 3 different element and buff for the rest)

helmet, upper armor, lower armor, gloves, boots = 5 itmes... oh i see: helmet, upper armor, lower armor, gloves (are 2 items - left hand and right hand), boots (same as gloves)... mam but now it's 7...

but average is (5+7)/2 = 6 YES!!!

(u can't put atr into shield...)

but if i good understood, now atributes works like this:
there are steps:
1 - +3 %
2 - +6 %
3 - +9 %
4 - +12 %
5 - +14 %
6 - +16 %
7 - +18 %
8 - +20 %
9 - +22 %
10 - +24 %
11 - +26 %
12 - +28 %
13 - +30 %
14 - +31 %
15 - +32 %
16 - +33 %
17 - +34 %
18 - +35 %
19 - +36 %
20 - +37 %
21 - +38 %
22 - +39 %
23 - +40 %

and every 5 atribute points gives 1 step

and 0 <= my atribute = my weapon atr - my target resist

so if my target resist = 0, i'll reach max bonus with atribute 115.
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 03, 2010, 10:31:33 AM
and shirt

updated "FINAL" list (until next update :D)

better than this....... is impossible

ATTRIB = AttackerValue - DefenserValue (of same kind of element of attacker)

Attacker with fire weapon 200
Defender with fire defence 150
200-150 = 50

based on the ATTRIB value the final damage from the attacker get altered based on the following table:
For no reason the damage from the attacker can be lower than his based damage so if for any reason the defender have more defence than the attacker value the bonus is simply reduced to 0%.
For the value is used the nearest lower step so, if for example ATTRIB = 47, is considered as 40.

9 or less = 0%
10 = 1%
20 = 2%
25 = 3%
30 = 4%
35 = 5%
40 = 6%
45 = 7%
50 = 8%
55 = 9%
60 = 10%
65 = 12%
70 = 14%
75 = 16%
80 = 18%
85 = 20%
90 = 22%
95 = 24%
100 = 26%
105 = 28%
110 = 30%
115 = 32.5%
120 = 35%
125 = 37.5%
130 = 40%
135 = 42.5%
140 = 45%
145 = 47.5%
150 or more = 50%

copyright : Drake :)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Vengeance on December 03, 2010, 10:51:26 AM
Yep Xin, that's exactly what I understood too. :)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: flamingAwe on December 03, 2010, 12:26:16 PM
so from old way changes are:
added bonuses between 75 and 150
reduced total bonus (was +40% on 75, +70% on 150)
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Piccy on December 03, 2010, 01:27:31 PM
Quote from: flamingAwe on December 03, 2010, 12:26:16 PM
so from old way changes are:
added bonuses between 75 and 150
reduced total bonus (was +40% on 75, +70% on 150)

if for old u mean.... 1 month ago, tot bonus in some cases was up to 120% on 150+
in some cases u made MORE dmg if target had HIGH def
at least, now it's repaired and same for all
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Locus on December 17, 2010, 07:32:43 PM
yeah "fixed".....
I tested 5 minutes ago my death spike with weapon + full dark vs some1 in dnet with no dark parts, with 1 full dark part, and with 2 parts= 250 dark resist, and i had the same dmg. And the same is with every mage, every atribute....
And drake is fixing some kamael skills.... LOL come on ffs, i see on NM 1 !! Kamael fighting some times at sieges, 1 !!!!
Seriously, all the time same sh1t here, freak the old working things, fix some shit, and promise us some cool things comming "soon"
when we have seen announcement about underground coloseum ? or the "epic rb at hb, isle of prayer"
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: Locus on December 19, 2010, 10:48:28 PM
Quote from: Locus on December 17, 2010, 07:32:43 PM
yeah "fixed".....
I tested 5 minutes ago my death spike with weapon + full dark vs some1 in dnet with no dark parts, with 1 full dark part, and with 2 parts= 250 dark resist, and i had the same dmg. And the same is with every mage, every atribute....
And drake is fixing some kamael skills.... LOL come on ffs, i see on NM 1 !! Kamael fighting some times at sieges, 1 !!!!
Seriously, all the time same sh1t here, freak the old working things, fix some shit, and promise us some cool things comming "soon"
when we have seen announcement about underground coloseum ? or the "epic rb at hb, isle of prayer"

Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: ColdBuffs on December 20, 2010, 12:38:47 AM
Quote from: Locus on December 17, 2010, 07:32:43 PM
yeah "fixed".....
I tested 5 minutes ago my death spike with weapon + full dark vs some1 in dnet with no dark parts, with 1 full dark part, and with 2 parts= 250 dark resist, and i had the same dmg. And the same is with every mage, every atribute....
And drake is fixing some kamael skills.... LOL come on ffs, i see on NM 1 !! Kamael fighting some times at sieges, 1 !!!!
Seriously, all the time same sh1t here, freak the old working things, fix some shit, and promise us some cool things comming "soon"
when we have seen announcement about underground coloseum ? or the "epic rb at hb, isle of prayer"

full dark = 450...

250 dark resist

450-250 = 200 = full damage

Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: eagleye on December 21, 2010, 03:12:30 PM
Quote from: ColdBuffs on December 20, 2010, 12:38:47 AM
full dark = 450...

250 dark resist

450-250 = 200 = full damage

mby - but why 1 resist buff which give only 30 resist on attr. lower dmg and 150 attr. resist don't make this ?
Title: Re: better implementation of the attribute system
Post by: flamingAwe on December 21, 2010, 05:38:01 PM
Quote from: eagleye on December 21, 2010, 03:12:30 PM
mby - but why 1 resist buff which give only 30 resist on attr. lower dmg and 150 attr. resist don't make this ?

cause resist buffs have 2 effects:
1) adding ATRIBUTE value to ATTR defence
2) as was from old times, simple reduces damage for constant % value