what happend with u Mr.IamThe3.BestDagger (yes its u brokie)?
u r foked ? :-*
seems need donate for some oly points aswell ? :o
i know why he failed ! its all cuz of class based oly ;D
ahahahhaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Shan you made my month bro gratz to you and to all who helped you or not helped you but you did great job
Quote from: ylim on September 01, 2011, 06:54:40 AM
what happend with u Mr.IamThe3.BestDagger (yes its u brokie)?
u r foked ? :-*
seems need donate for some oly points aswell ? :o
:D cheap flame's ,i told in mine last topic i would quit it
gz to all new hero's :) and specialy to this tempt hero, he deserved it when u make more than 600 points on not classed based ,than u are a true hero
gz to all other hero's as well , u made a amazing job all . lets hope upcomming month will be much fun also :D
the best non hero dagger on the server :D
I love U Shan 1 Month w/o Heroe Chat Spam about brokie, brokie, brokie, I can reactive heroe chat thanks to U. GZ to the new heroes almost all deserve their new status.
Quote from: ifrit808 on September 01, 2011, 07:39:59 AM
I love U Shan 1 Month w/o Heroe Chat Spam about brokie, brokie, brokie, I can reactive heroe chat thanks to U. GZ to the new heroes almost all deserve their new status.
he dont even made one fight on clas based kido ... learn how to play full donated dude got powned by dagger with dyna knife +cd+3 learn how to play.
Quote from: ifrit808 on September 01, 2011, 07:39:59 AM
I love U Shan 1 Month w/o Heroe Chat Spam about brokie, brokie, brokie, I can reactive heroe chat thanks to U. GZ to the new heroes almost all deserve their new status.
i am hiven aswell :) np <3
it will become hiven hiven hiven :) i like all u people so much
why all the hate :) i only can play max :) 200 match on bokie in a month i win 175 i loose 25 and make 600 points ,more time i simply dont have
its 87.5% of all matches i win :) lets see how the rate of the others is
time make's hero's :) (this is the max time i have :P cant go higher than 200 match)
but plz quit the fury of hate vs me ,i dont deserve it ....
Well Shan plays x years with hes dagger character, exp won with too big ego person, gtz Shan :)
Quote from: andreww on September 01, 2011, 07:48:57 AM
i am hiven aswell :) np <3
it will become hiven hiven hiven :) i like all u people so much
why all the hate :) i only can play max :) 200 match on bokie in a month i win 175 i loose 25 and make 600 points ,more time i simply dont have
its 87.5% of all matches i win :) lets see how the rate of the others is
time make's hero's :)
but plz quit the fury of hate vs me ,i dont deserve it ....
I dont hate U at all :) but it is true that I dissable Heroe chat because U spam there saying a lot of not important things, I dunno why are U so proud of ur wins rate If U ask some guy called Thomas to relog against U on HEROE chat, U did transfer and U are still talking about how "PRO" U are... Dont make me laugh more for today pls :)
Quote from: ifrit808 on September 01, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
I dont hate U at all :) but it is true that I dissable Heroe chat because U spam there saying a lot of not important things, I dunno why are U so proud of ur wins rate If U ask some guy called Thomas to relog against U on HEROE chat, U did transfer and U are still talking about how "PRO" U are... Dont make me laugh more for today pls :)
how can u read it when its disabled ,cant take u lier serious
<3 come whit a real story plz instead of telling lies tnx
all know krd0 and thomas and alex are to good :) for mine brokie and dont forget madman he is also a aw/sk killer
any way i spended already to many time here , i dont see any reason to defend myself
Quote from: andreww on September 01, 2011, 08:09:01 AM
how can u read it when its disabled ,cant take u lier serious
<3 come whit a real story plz instead of telling lies tnx
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha U are the funnier guy on the server for real GZ!! and U own that by Ur self :D
Soo u care for take hero on hiven, thats why u lose hero on brokie.
BTW i have screen from brokie last hero shout.
It seemed to be very confident of being a hero ;D
damn do I need to lose hero too to become so hated? :(
Quote from: Alex on September 01, 2011, 08:29:20 AM
damn do I need to lose hero too to become so hated? :(
no you need to talk many BS on hero chat, and behave like a 10 year old kid who never had attention from his parents.
Quote from: Cenarius on September 01, 2011, 08:23:09 AM
Soo u care for take hero on hiven, thats why u lose hero on brokie.
BTW i have screen from brokie last hero shout.
It seemed to be very confident of being a hero ;D
:) check mine sig :) ty
dunno :) why all people are so sad :)
kill the lamer!
Gz Shan :D good job
Ps. brokie was a fake hero, with all this points from alex
Quote from: Locus on September 01, 2011, 08:54:52 AM
kill the lamer!
Gz Shan :D good job
Ps. brokie was a fake hero, with all this points from alex
yes 176 match played win 150 (alex played) loose 26 i played :P
lets stay fair :)
Quote from: andreww on September 01, 2011, 07:48:57 AM
but plz quit the fury of hate vs me ,i dont deserve it ....
sad but i must agree with u, u r on too low lvl even for hate, just a kid (ur mental age) who is full of himself and wanna be pr0. if u think 1 post where u say, u will be "normal" from that time change the opinion of ppl u will fail... mby u dont flame so much but u still try to show how pr0 u r with words, instead to show some skill.
ps gj shan keep the good work ;)
hahahahahahaha, nice job Shan xD
Shan for president!! ;D
gz for skiled aw/sk ;D
I love the way this dude think community hate him and he is pro and have fan and is the flame king, well m8 see the ugly true you are the clown of the community all include Temp+Ftp laugh of you and think you have mental problems, i realy believe that you need atention so you love be a clown, believe me you are doing great the roll of Community Clown in that and only your are the number 1 GZ.
we will see what will happen this month :D
for so long i lead :) no suprices in the month September
Quote from: andreww on September 02, 2011, 03:07:09 PM
we will see what will happen this month :D
for so long i lead :) no suprices in the month September
GL this month, seems you need it.
PS Who stated that you sold a kidney to donate was right! (all euros went to Track and now you're too poor to use a genuine Win7?).
Damn, didn't know we have so many experts on the server! :o
Quote from: BRexoo7 on September 02, 2011, 08:21:36 PM
GL this month, seems you need it.
PS Who stated that you sold a kidney to donate was right! (all euros went to Track and now you're too poor to use a genuine Win7?).
Quote from: andreww on September 02, 2011, 03:07:09 PM
we will see what will happen this month :D
for so long i lead :) no suprices in the month September
You have enough money to donate etc, but not to buy a genuine windows ?
(http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3393/lolscreend.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/713/lolscreend.jpg/)
Quote from: Tagada on September 03, 2011, 12:14:24 AM
You have enough money to donate etc, but not to buy a genuine windows ?
(http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3393/lolscreend.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/713/lolscreend.jpg/)
ahahahahaha OWNED! :D ;D :D ;D
little update for mine tempt transfer friends
04-09-2011 :) before day 4 is started today
~40 match 36 win 4x loose 143 points
yes dont forget shan is the best HAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH
Pm ma i can send you program that will avtivate your Win xD
Quote from: andreww on September 04, 2011, 08:58:31 AM
little update for mine tempt transfer friends
04-09-2011 :) before day 4 is started today
~40 match 36 win 4x loose 143 points
yes dont forget shan is the best HAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH
Quote from: PolSilv3r on September 04, 2011, 10:13:35 AM
seems u do, since u answered
little update
ohhh shan is so pro
232 after day 4 GN mine tempt transfer friends
Quote from: andreww on September 04, 2011, 11:44:26 PM
little update
ohhh shan is so pro
232 after day 4 GN mine tempt transfer friends
u dont need to proove every day that u r nr.1 clown on this server
(allready all know it)
Quote from: ylim on September 05, 2011, 08:09:27 AM
u dont need to proove every day that u r nr.1 clown on this server
(allready all know it)
bamp day 5 is ended mister no skilled pvp player
358 points GN all and Gl Shan we will see who the true hero is :P
Quote from: andreww on September 05, 2011, 11:26:02 PM
bamp day 5 is ended mister no skilled pvp player
358 points GN all and Gl Shan we will see who the true hero is :P
that we will see mby... but what we allready saw who is the true idiot:) u r not bored of urself ?
i bet on ur any kind of mp3 player theres only 1 sentence what repeat all the time "Im the best.. Im the best.. Im the best"
the bad thing that u believe that, cos ur only The biggest idiot ever i saw with so big ego what would be enough half of population of China.
i feel sry when i see such a person like u :'(
Quote from: andreww on September 05, 2011, 11:26:02 PM
bamp day 5 is ended mister no skilled pvp player
358 points GN all and Gl Shan we will see who the true hero is :P
Ow ow i know this one! The one that is sharing in Gludin with Alex ! :O
Quote from: Luthor123 on September 07, 2011, 08:09:47 AM
Ow ow i know this one! The one that is sharing in Gludin with Alex ! :O
Check the list mister i think i know all
how many fighst alex lost 39 ? lolled u make mine day ,1st think before start telling retarded thinks i hate that suggest on people
the also already say alex plays mine char, thats the biggest compliment ever <3 hater
markz0r so many haters again :DDD damn i wanna come back ^^
Quote from: scary on September 07, 2011, 09:02:09 AM
markz0r so many haters again :DDD damn i wanna come back ^^
u are always welcome mine bulgarian pvp friend :) u on a archer me on a :) aw/sk :) is a lethal combie :)
we all misss yah :D
i miss my old days in NM also , and u all :D
ps : nice to be hated .. its always like that " u rape them , they hate you " :D same story since c3/c4 :D
brokie rape only himself and try to kill our brain with his extrem stupidity :D
yea yea ... thats not the reason to hate ;) but we know the reason so.. xD
come u will be next pvp point mr. pro yuki or caresh1t ;) :-*
i been in old v3 when crazynecro been as CL and its best clan forever for me.... but now when i se all cb act like v3 v3 member im pr0 im pr0 for me its rofl :D now i got pleasure to get pvp points from u :-*
Quote from: Evolution on September 07, 2011, 02:22:33 PM
i been in old v3 when crazynecro been as CL and its best clan forever for me.... but now when i se all cb act like v3 v3 member im pr0 im pr0 for me its rofl :D now i got pleasure to get pvp points from u :-*
No one acts like a v3 member. v3 is dead and it stays dead. Are you confused by the crest? There is even 1 clan/ally who stole ours...
Quote from: PvtStuka on September 07, 2011, 02:26:49 PM
No one acts like a v3 member. v3 is dead and it stays dead. Are you confused by the crest? There is even 1 clan/ally who stole ours...
v3 v3 v3 v3 v3 v3
Quote from: PvtStuka on September 07, 2011, 02:26:49 PM
No one acts like a v3 member. v3 is dead and it stays dead. Are you confused by the crest? There is even 1 clan/ally who stole ours...
im not confused.... but most of them act like im pr0 cuz they are v3 members, thats why i like kill them ... i fvck about crest.... :-*
Quote from: Evolution on September 07, 2011, 02:37:00 PM
im not confused.... but most of them act like im pr0 cuz they are v3 members, thats why i like kill them ... i fvck about crest.... :-*
I honestly don't know who you are talking about. No one talks about v3 in our clan, only the modified crest remained, and some reference in Marks title (who isn't a member anymore). Can you name anyone?
Quote from: PvtStuka on September 07, 2011, 02:39:03 PM
I honestly don't know who you are talking about. No one talks about v3 in our clan, only the modified crest remained, and some reference in Marks title (who isn't a member anymore). Can you name anyone?
Quote from: FeelmyBow on September 07, 2011, 02:58:34 PM
Kapi said he likes to "kill them". So he actually caught you as a daggerist? x)
Quote from: Evolution on September 07, 2011, 02:37:00 PM
im not confused.... but most of them act like im pr0 cuz they are v3 members, thats why i like kill them ... i fvck about crest.... :-*
Run, little rabbit. :D
hate him moar
Hb zone ;D
(http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/9165/kapiy.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/813/kapiy.png/)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
katsu lolz wtf u can screen when i run from u, prolly its not froum but from full pt of caresh1t... u can do a sh1t like a 60% of cb allone...
Quote from: Voodoo on September 07, 2011, 03:27:36 PM
Run, little rabbit. :D
Well he is not even flaged and you have lost some CP ::)
Quote from: PolSilv3r on September 07, 2011, 10:29:11 PM
Well he is not even flaged and you have lost some CP ::)
he-she wana fell pr0 :D ;)
Quote from: Evolution on September 07, 2011, 10:14:54 PM
katsu lolz wtf u can screen when i run from u, prolly its not froum but from full pt of caresh1t... u can do a sh1t like a 60% of cb allone...
he always is with us in party, but as you can see this time hes with his bot, so for sure there was no cb memberes :D
Quote from: Triuferkkk on September 07, 2011, 11:11:01 PM
he always is with us in party, but as you can see this time hes with his bot, so for sure there was no cb memberes :D
so what u think i run from bp/pal ? i dont even run when i see u lolz ::)
Quote from: Evolution on September 07, 2011, 11:29:33 PM
so what u think i run from bp/pal ? i dont even run when i see u lolz ::)
even u cant run having 0 hp
hate me moar
hate me too moron ;)
Quote from: Evolution on September 08, 2011, 12:13:07 AM
hate me too moron ;)
can i hate u too best archer evah? :D
Quote from: Alex on September 07, 2011, 11:30:38 PM
even u cant run having 0 hp
Ahahahaha :))) this one was good
@kapi : dude, everytime u meet a CB u get pked cause your clan is too pussy to accept war... wtf are u talking about killing us lol :)))
PS: yes we all hate u
twat ? u see ur so pro v3 so u even dont know i been in this clan.
Quote from: mark_elesse on September 08, 2011, 12:45:13 AM
liar twat, you were not.
He was, with a different char. You can't remember, because he didn't do anything memorable. Even I can't remember all of the members, there were like 10-15 names to consider as a core vend3tta.
Now srsly, stop this v3 shit. That clan is long gone with Dan and Dave.
Quote from: scary on September 07, 2011, 01:55:19 PM
yea yea ... thats not the reason to hate ;) but we know the reason so.. xD
rly u know? i even hate him ? not rly... never cared much if sdy killed me or play better then me or know more about game (for sure there is many of them), also never care about sdz have better items or something..
i never complained about anybody who killed me or even raped me with 1 hit, but this guy just a bigmouth asshole, who think his items make him pr0, and shouting into world that "im the best", even when noboy else think that about him
he good in 1 thing only to make from himself a clown and make ppl to laugh every day
personaly i like my conversation with him, qwhen he try to defend his greatness with his permanently lies ;)
but yeah u know the reason ... :-*
1st.. u mean who now o.O ?
does this topic still exist
after 10 days i have 700 points its more than last month hero
all together who is the best ........
Quote from: andreww on September 13, 2011, 08:04:11 PM
does this topic still exist
after 10 days i have 700 points its more than last month hero
all together who is the best ........
u r cool guy, i never met such pr0 like u
so lets see the summery
+16 armor set 600attr.
+10-11 jewel set
+12-15? weapons
and u still able to loose
GZ U R THE BEST!!!! :-*