Well as far as a read, now u get rewards for pvp, we have exp boost, drops boost, etc boost, so that means is not more a 20x server, and as u have implemented pvp rewards, that means that now server will become a pvp server? im asking cuz is a big difference between a normal server with pvp and a full pvp server. Wont be easy to open all HB w/o quest? (exp. AF), that way we can farm and be ready for this pvp server? LOL
AF is open, stop cry
if you don't know where is entrance - your problem :P
Quote from: Phonex on October 21, 2011, 05:45:57 PM
Well as far as a read, now u get rewards for pvp, we have exp boost, drops boost, etc boost, so that means is not more a 20x server, and as u have implemented pvp rewards, that means that now server will become a pvp server? im asking cuz is a big difference between a normal server with pvp and a full pvp server. Wont be easy to open all HB w/o quest? (exp. AF), that way we can farm and be ready for this pvp server? LOL
Boost of EXP isnt constant its maybe 1-3 days /week for 24h , no BIG DEAL to be honest.
PvP is good for many reasons , including the main reason to gain much more players , sitting on stairs whole day or soloing the mobs wont help server and wont help even YOU in the end, this reward system is as a motivation to players to start pvp (rewards will be changed every week for better and better),however no1 force you to pvp, this is made for people who loves to pvp but dont have vs who.
Quote from: flamingAwe on October 21, 2011, 05:47:44 PM
AF is open, stop cry
if you don't know where is entrance - your problem :P
Im not cryin' noob-ass, and i know how to enter, what i mean it was to make things easy for new ppl, not for ur Pr0 guy lol, go flame other places. :P
Quote from: TrackZero on October 21, 2011, 06:00:02 PM
Boost of EXP isnt constant its maybe 1-3 days /week for 24h , no BIG DEAL to be honest.
PvP is good for many reasons , including the main reason to gain much more players , sitting on stairs whole day or soloing the mobs wont help server and wont help even YOU in the end, this reward system is as a motivation to players to start pvp (rewards will be changed every week for better and better),however no1 force you to pvp, this is made for people who loves to pvp but dont have vs who.
I'm reliefed that you finally use the proper word (reward) instead or reword :D
Pffft, when i left your coming with the cool updates.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 21, 2011, 07:54:02 PM
Pffft, when i left your coming with the cool updates.
Come back! ;)
Pls track, dont talk about stand on giran stairs. Im the master of giran stairs.
Its not my fault if no1 is online when I get home to play a little bit >:(
Quote from: Weezer on October 21, 2011, 08:11:19 PM
Come back! ;)
I just heard you are barely playing aswell. Anyway you have to log your GM char more often to do some fixing.
Quote from: FeelmyBow on October 21, 2011, 08:58:42 PM
I just heard you are barely playing aswell. Anyway you have to log your GM char more often to do some fixing.
I'm most of times on TS and people call me when they find some pvp, i'm too lazy to search all map for it.
Quote from: Weezer on October 21, 2011, 09:19:34 PM
I'm most of times on TS and people call me when they find some pvp, i'm too lazy to search all map for it.
Well im to lazy to install the game again! :D
HI !
And remember :
track nice update but ninjakill evry 10frags give only 50% of fun, could you make it like in hb 10 ultrakill 20 monsterkill 30 kilingspree 40rampage 50 demigood 60 goodlike ect. rewards are here not important here, the important is fun xD
Quote from: chlipus on October 22, 2011, 12:19:32 PM
track nice update but ninjakill evry 10frags give only 50% of fun, could you make it like in hb 10 ultrakill 20 monsterkill 30 kilingspree 40rampage 50 demigood 60 goodlike ect. rewards are here not important here, the important is fun xD
They do work! But as i saw none did more then 10 kills in a 1 shoot!
Should add direct adena to inventory when killing characters in PvP (your level and higher)!
Though, this sounds like a nice update!
Quote from: TrackZero on October 22, 2011, 12:21:23 PM
They do work! But as i saw none did more then 10 kills in a 1 shoot!
well as i saw now its like , iff u die it reset to 0, and before was working like even iff u died number of pvp stayed same aka iff u had 9 kills and after die die and make 10 pvp it spam . now i guess is different :P change it imo :P
Quote from: jygh on October 22, 2011, 07:55:01 PM
well as i saw now its iff u die it reset to 0 and before even iff u died number of pvp stayed same aka iff u had 9 die and make 10 pvp it spam . now i guess is different :P change it imo :P
Quote from: jygh on October 22, 2011, 07:55:01 PM
well as i saw now its like , iff u die it reset to 0, and before was working like even iff u died number of pvp stayed same aka iff u had 9 kills and after die die and make 10 pvp it spam . now i guess is different :P change it imo :P
thats how it should look like and that's why it's called "kill streak" i think ::)