Any solution to this?
5 sec delay on 50% of the alliance.
0 lags, liiks like im part of that lucky 50% :D
I was blaiming the pc although it aint bad lol.
Super mega lagg all day todAY, 150/10 M/bits 10 ms. only on L2....
Well for example on the tournament 40+ ppl i had no lags at all. Which pxy are you using?
i tried all of them, its the same.. atm im on EU1 cuz it had the lowest ping for me. but i still have 5-10 sec spikes..
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on March 24, 2014, 09:46:46 PM
Well for example on the tournament 40+ ppl i had no lags at all. Which pxy are you using?
next time check with 150+ ppl using all kind of skills at once... unplayable for some of us (eu1 here)
im not in the pvp, im just keeling mobs like a true tarantula farmer! still perma lagg today! my avatar is displaying how it makes me feel...
I got 1 time a big LAGG (Delay) like 5-10 sec during the mass pvp, rest was fine!
PC FPS DROP not equal to delays..
c2d e8500 3.2ghz,ssd,4gb 1066, hd6950, 30/5mbit vdsl2 (using EU2 most of the times) was kida smooth and playable.
ps: good fight and it would be nice to leave flames and emotions elsewhere.
Quote from: teqi on March 24, 2014, 10:42:30 PM
I got 1 time a big LAGG (Delay) like 5-10 sec during the mass pvp, rest was fine!
PC FPS DROP not equal to delays..
c2d e8500 3.2ghz,ssd,4gb 1066, hd6950, 30/5mbit vdsl2 (using EU2 most of the times) was kida smooth and playable.
ps: good fight and it would be nice to leave flames and emotions elsewhere.
I huge lag with: i5-3570K, 8 GM ram, ssd, HD 7850
Connection: 80 mbit, EU1
Those "fixes" for decrease backround performance freaked up all for mass pvp, bring back main/first/clean interlude from day 1
not that we did some pvp's but my cp m8s were lagging even on Dino exp today xD
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on March 24, 2014, 09:46:46 PM
Well for example on the tournament 40+ ppl i had no lags at all. Which pxy are you using?
on pvp we were like 150+, 2-3 seconds lag appearing when in the middle of the zergs, 1 sec when staying outside. dunno if it's about adsl connection..
netgear dgn2200 n300
( (
First guys make difference between lag and low framerate.
Lag = issues with connection to the server.
Low FPS = OMG my game is slow.
Do nit mismatch that, a lot of people call "lag" when they just have no frame-rate, that's not lag. So, making boxes run at 100% in background can affect FPS on slower machines or with tons of boxes but that has nothing to do with lag.
Now to the lag. I confirm there were server-wide lags today when the guys were pvping. Not only for them, we had them on 4S and PI as well, so it was not local. Also, they were usually short-timed. Aka 20 seconds huge lag and then suddenly all fine again. It was not p. related, whole party of people from different places using different proxies reported it the same.
Quote from: djvancho on March 24, 2014, 11:01:19 PM
Those "fixes" for decrease backround performance freaked up all for mass pvp, bring back main/first/clean interlude from day 1
Quote from: LadyZENITH on March 25, 2014, 01:35:22 AM
First guys make difference between lag and low framerate.
Lag = issues with connection to the server.
Low FPS = OMG my game is slow.
Do nit mismatch that, a lot of people call "lag" when they just have no frame-rate, that's not lag. So, making boxes run at 100% in background can affect FPS on slower machines or with tons of boxes but that has nothing to do with lag.
Now to the lag. I confirm there were server-wide lags today when the guys were pvping. Not only for them, we had them on 4S and PI as well, so it was not local. Also, they were usually short-timed. Aka 20 seconds huge lag and then suddenly all fine again. It was not p. related, whole party of people from different places using different proxies reported it the same.
yes, those lags were lasting for about 20 seconds for us too~ each time we started to fight; server couldnt handle so many skills in a so low ammount of time ? I dunno tbh but, if you are telling us that the whole server had lags at the same time as us, the problem should be server side then
Quote from: djvancho on March 24, 2014, 11:01:19 PM
Those "fixes" for decrease backround performance freaked up all for mass pvp, bring back main/first/clean interlude from day 1
Put back old system because pvp is getting interresting
Quote from: Abruzzi on March 25, 2014, 02:30:16 AM
And how you can explain that i stand on one place, cannot moving while around me pvp is going on and i see how ppl are fighting? Its not lag. In the beginning of server, on sieges or on golkondas on same amount of ppl not even fps droping. Now if i go on PI and we make big trains my party is killing and i cannot move but see the action around me. When mobs are dead all is ok. For mass pvp its the same. Before this ninja update for background performance i have no such a problem.
We have a the same issue. However my retail can't train because of this bigggggggggggggggggggggggg laggggggggggg. omg! Drake Please fix this. I'm retarded because of this.
full hd fraps from tezza fights will be rdy "soon" 0lags< - nasa pc tho
Quote from: Garro on March 24, 2014, 09:15:07 PM
indeed, total disaster on all p.s, also most of us on low details and nothing changed.
Quote from: Abruzzi on March 25, 2014, 11:42:54 AM
I hope gms will take side here. As FC had this issue, Exi said some of them have same problems. Cheruby also reported mass crash or dc in one of pvps. I think we are the ppl that keep server alive and interesting, so do something and we can pvp normaly.
Quote from: Ellesime on March 25, 2014, 12:32:11 PM
who are you
Why care? Are you wanna be my friend on fb?
Quote from: mardel on March 25, 2014, 12:45:33 PM
..Are you wanna be my friend on fb?
go back to school learn english instead of opening ur mouth with sh1ts on forum..
..and try find ur ballz to face me ingame kkthxbb
Quote from: Ellesime on March 25, 2014, 01:08:22 PM
go back to school learn english instead of opening ur mouth with sh1ts on forum..
..and try find ur ballz to face me ingame kkthxbb
Calm your tits little kiddo.
And yes Im rofl at your comment too.
Ballz? When we met ingame you can kill me easily cause I cant stop my laugh at you and your "pro" clan.
Quote from: mardel on March 25, 2014, 01:33:50 PM
Calm your tits little kiddo.
And yes Im rofl at your comment too.
Ballz? When we met ingame you can kill me easily cause I cant stop my laugh at you and your "pro" clan.
yeye edit ur post few more times maybe at the end u will figure what u wnat to say..
Quote from: Ellesime on March 25, 2014, 01:53:16 PM
yeye edit ur post few more times maybe at the end u will figure what u wnat to say..
Yeah hard to think when you are laughing at someone.
Np. Get a life.
Quote from: mardel on March 25, 2014, 01:55:43 PM
Yeah hard to think when you are laughing at someone.
Np. Get a life.
huh ? ???
Dunno why but weekends pvp on toi 11 with like 10~ parties = no lags
Yesterday pvp in IT with 15~ parties = unplayable (15 sec freez, 5 sec action, 15 freez etc...)
Quote from: Abruzzi on March 25, 2014, 11:42:54 AM
I hope gms will take side here. As FC had this issue, Exi said some of them have same problems. Cheruby also reported mass crash or dc in one of pvps. I think we are the ppl that keep server alive and interesting, so do something and we can pvp normaly.
:o Really? How sure you are? Assuming? lol
Quote from: kramligz on March 26, 2014, 02:55:27 AM
:o Really? How sure you are? Assuming? lol
still hard to get for him that were keeping side which is healthy for server
dont expect it anyway abruzii, he dont even know whats going on at epics, while hes jumping between clans for searching help with quests
There is the reason of lags, working on it.