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Rune 20.04

Started by kingofchaos, April 20, 2008, 09:42:56 AM

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i woke up 30 mins after siege ended 0o
Life is a game with unpredictable ending ^_^

KmD4 ps/pr (i bet the last) 79lvl
MogHuK ol/bish (l33t thingy) 79+lvl


Quote from: tzuc on April 20, 2008, 02:42:03 PM
elce, thank god BH wasn't at Aden or Rune, they might have been a serious problem. haven't seen them on the server lately though, I wonder what happened to them  ???
I'm 100% sure, the real BH clan against v3 clan, the one now or the old, BH would win.

Tzuc seriously you should stfu and stop talking crap, BH wasn't that good on NM, but what you expect? They moved here with nothing, and you guys acted like pro's towards them, sure some BH members did the same back, and hence BH even had some retards in it. But like v3 doesn't got em'? Maybe I should quote Dave, but I think you know what I mean.

Still, waking up at 6 AM on a sunday, and than even going to a siege is no life >_<

PS: Now, if you still feel the need to flame, I dare you, do the same what BH did, move to Dragon 15x with your clan, and clan war all the clans there, go to siege, make your ally, see how good you do.


Quote from: Furesy on April 20, 2008, 03:41:01 PM
I'm 100% sure, the real BH clan against v3 clan, the one now or the old, BH would win.

Tzuc seriously you should stfu and stop talking crap, BH wasn't that good on NM, but what you expect? They moved here with nothing, and you guys acted like pro's towards them, sure some BH members did the same back, and hence BH even had some retards in it. But like v3 doesn't got em'? Maybe I should quote Dave, but I think you know what I mean.

Still, waking up at 6 AM on a sunday, and than even going to a siege is no life >_<

PS: Now, if you still feel the need to flame, I dare you, do the same what BH did, move to Dragon 15x with your clan, and clan war all the clans there, go to siege, make your ally, see how good you do.

dunno what you get so psyked up about, I just said thank god BH weren't there. dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon .. sorry what ?
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on April 20, 2008, 03:43:03 PM
dunno what you get so psyked up about, I just said thank god BH weren't there. dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon .. sorry what ?
I know what you meant by your post.

Another example, big words but small deeds, Knock daring to bet, I still didn't see a baium ring, hence I won the bet?


Quote from: zthrx on April 20, 2008, 03:48:24 PM
drake should copy all chars from dragon & Nm to Arena. We could make there everything what you want, to check which clan is the best in whole DN... and cut the crap...
..wonder which (next) the best clan from Dragon come to rule the NM
Would be fun.

Still it's funny how Envy and v3 wanted to ally BH clan, even before BH even moved to NM server... lolz


Quote from: Furesy on April 20, 2008, 03:51:46 PM
Would be fun.

Still it's funny how Envy and v3 wanted to ally BH clan, even before BH even moved to NM server... lolz

v3 wanted cause we were alone vs the server and we could use a good ally. after that aden siege BH got to the rough part, fighting without ally and that led to their death, they didn't have what it take. i've said it a million times there's a difference between a clan and a number of people playing together.

don't give me theories of what WOULD have happened IF, I see what happened, they couldn't make it. the end.
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: Furesy on April 20, 2008, 02:31:11 PM
I dunno, I was like asleep untill 10 AM lol >_<
I just woke up rotfl
Quote from: Furesy
Having a Jedi weapon doesn't mean you're strong in the force my friend.


Quote from: tzuc on April 20, 2008, 03:58:22 PM
v3 wanted cause we were alone vs the server and we could use a good ally. after that aden siege BH got to the rough part, fighting without ally and that led to their death, they didn't have what it take. i've said it a million times there's a difference between a clan and a number of people playing together.

don't give me theories of what WOULD have happened IF, I see what happened, they couldn't make it. the end.
You don't really get it do you?
BH clan disolved a while before that siege, that siege was just the last remaining people playing, half already quit playing or wen't back to Dragon.
Really NM server is fun, when it comes to sieges. But during week, it's boring as hell, hardly any clans accept clan war.
One of major differences, on NM, when siege ends, everyone leaves, winners go to castle, sit there, little party whatever.
On Dragon, after a siege, there's like a 5 hours after mass pvp, at gates, at the courtyards, everywhere, there's like way more HATE in Dragon than there is in NM, for real the mentallity of NM Community > Dragon's, but when it comes to PvP's, Dragon > NM.

BH clan didn't die because of that siege, pffff
It died because of boredom, BH clan is a pvp clan, and on NM they first needed to grind, farm equip etc (boring), before they could even match themself with the "pro" v3 clan.
I won't deny, BH clan on NM isn't what BH was on Dragon, and it never will be.


Quote from: zthrx on April 20, 2008, 04:05:43 PM
same situation was with Sins/envy  ::) and BH supposed to OMFG ownators as every1 used to say... History shown us, how it was...
And you're an idiot (like we don't know that) for thinking a clan that moves to diff server, will be the same within 1 week of playing.
While BH played on Dragon for years, you expect them to be just as good equipped as v3 and Envy? Especially Envy who farmed Baium and other raids for months? rofl


People play L2 at saturday evenings on sieges, but they could go for a beer with friends, people play l2 late in the night for pvp, killing raid bosses instead of going to sleep. People wake up 1,2 hours before they usually do and do some pvp for the castle instead of sleeping. I really don't see a big difference between all those things, so i don't know why its such a big deal for you Furesy that you started calling people no lifers, since then your also a no lifer for playing late at night, going to sieges instead of having fun with friends or doing something else.  ;)

Anyways, when we  heard that a whole clan is moving from dragon to nightmare ( Panic) we were thinking that they will be really good since when you already manege to move 1 clan from a server to another the clan is probably really nice organized and stuff. And when we heard that BH is moving we thought the same + some of our clan members knew some of your people and sins/envy were alone too if i remember well. So we thought about having an ally of 2,3 clans and not an ally of 10 best clans of the server to have all the castles and rule a boring server  ::)

Anyways i couldn't be on any of the sieges since i was on a party :P So Envy took Rune and V3 got Aden?
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on April 20, 2008, 04:11:11 PM
People play L2 at saturday evenings on sieges, but they could go for a beer with friends, people play l2 in the late night for pvp, killing raid bosses insted of going to sleep. People woke up 1,2 hours before they usually do and did some pvp for the castle insted of sleeping. I really dont see a big difference between all those things, so i dont know why its such a big deal for you Furesy that you started calling people no lifers, since then your also a no lifer for playing late at night, going to sieges insted of having fun with friends or doing something else.  ;)

Anyways, when we  heard that a whole clan is moving from dragon to nightmare ( Panic) we were thinking that they will be really good since when you already manege to move 1 clan from a server to another the clan is probably really nice organized and stuff. And when we heard that BH is movin we thought the same + some of our clan members knew some of your people and sins/envy were alone too if i remember well. So we thought about having an ally of 2,3 clans and not an ally of 10 best clans of the server to have all the clastles and rule a booring server  ::)

Anyways i couldnt be on any of the sieges since i was on a party :P So Envy took Rune and V3 got Aden?

gemikk got aden on his dwarf, none of us were registered at the siege, I don't know why people keep saying v3 got aden, we have giran :/
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on April 20, 2008, 04:11:11 PM
Anyways, when we  heard that a whole clan is moving from dragon to nightmare ( Panic) we were thinking that they will be really good since when you already manege to move 1 clan from a server to another the clan is probably really nice organized and stuff. And when we heard that BH is movin we thought the same + some of our clan members knew some of your people and sins/envy were alone too if i remember well. So we thought about having an ally of 2,3 clans and not an ally of 10 best clans of the server to have all the clastles and rule a booring server  ::)
Yup you might be right, but you're forgetting the fact that a clan needs to get equip first, the difference in items between newcomers and old skool clans is really huge.

I don't play late at night, I go out with friends more than I play L2, I only play to PvP, which is hardly findable so hence I don't play much, unless at sieges. (those which are at 8 PM or 5 PM for me, not those 6 AM >_<)