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The so called Temp and how to pwn it

Started by lucifsg, May 06, 2009, 12:03:54 AM

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Quote from: Xerom on May 06, 2009, 06:46:14 AM
I have just one thing to say about all that

Carebear and Iforce are the type of guy, who see a noob, and dont say hello to him and start PK him for no reason.... the noob ask for help, they say, freak you and PK him. He ask for join the clan, they say go away....

TEMP, Marvels, Veterans, Syndicate are the type of guy, whoo see a noob, and say heelo to him and help him to advance in the game.... the noob ask for help and they say sure, why not....  He ask for join the clan, and they say are you sub ??? no ??? it doesnt matter, we will help you, welcome my friend.

So result is =

Carebear and Iforce = badass, people who dont have respect, they care about themself and nothing else
TEMP and "dogz" (like badass call them) = sweet people, respect, integrity, care about other m8

So if i have the choice....... Carebear and Iforce = :-O ----------------: ( lick my ball )

Well that's kinda true, i know many players who started with low eq and with help of ex3/sheva some of them have dyna sets, raid jewels etc.

Not to mention myself, when i came back from 1 year break and started from scratch in c4... I had c grade set and dagger but they gave me a hand and look now, im killing your fun at oly xD

And truly there are badass clans that recruit only guys with uber items, but thats the tactic when u focus on quality, not quantity :)

Spash | l33tpwn4g3


go go go  Lucifsg  
 when temp will have allrdy  no enemys      ..... mb then you will think about that
    i  see   here    only    you offers  how  great    temp  are  =-)(
    LOLzor  DN  was born   in 2004  year  and you  play  here   form 2003  xD
    nice nice  xD  go go go   gl hf xDD


Dunno what to say....
When we tried to attack temp castles they were 3 times us, and we weren't allowed to spend a word talking about zerg...ok..I can accept...
but then they're not allowed to talk about numbers if they fight us with a clan when we're 80 (Oren)..
Poor world...it was really unfair that they were killed cause of our zerg xd..really, really unfair:)

Btw, love them all, especially my spider-lady friend:D

For what I became king of all the lost?
Barren and lifeless the land lies


Quote from: Xerom on May 06, 2009, 06:46:14 AM
I have just one thing to say about all that

Carebear and Iforce are the type of guy, who see a noob, and dont say hello to him and start PK him for no reason.... the noob ask for help, they say, freak you and PK him. He ask for join the clan, they say go away....

TEMP, Marvels, Veterans, Syndicate are the type of guy, whoo see a noob, and say heelo to him and help him to advance in the game.... the noob ask for help and they say sure, why not....  He ask for join the clan, and they say are you sub ??? no ??? it doesnt matter, we will help you, welcome my friend.

So result is =

Carebear and Iforce = badass, people who dont have respect, they care about themself and nothing else
TEMP and "dogz" (like badass call them) = sweet people, respect, integrity, care about other m8

So if i have the choice....... Carebear and Iforce = :-O ----------------: ( lick my ball )

TEMP are not pking u ? This dont suprise me becouse if u where talking to them it must be in the city and there is safe zone there. Temps even get out from clans when thay need to exp / quest / barakiel and thats just pathetic . On BS i see only this alt hero clan bots (no war offcourse) ---> that means that some hero is expin here but where ?? u wont find him coz he has no crest ...  ::) 
and no ballz ...



Quote from: lucifsg on May 06, 2009, 12:03:54 AM
my point of view (u could call it whats really going on but i wanna call it zerg and qq about it )

clans like cb ftr bm dunno who else, FAILED to make an ally that can stand up against TEMP
so now each one of em are alone and they would gladly see Temp disolving. But the prob is that Sheva and Heroes was together for 5 years + so that ll never change. EB was born out of heroes , most active clan in ally and being together since day 1 of their creation. Us 3 clans have been through a lot over time like vs nqx and his dogs , clans with gms (builder) as leader ,bans for nothing ,fighting against gmskills and items while knowing it left server and came back . On top of that we got an allyleader that we all respect (and prolly will take us to the wrong castle if we let him to lead us to siege ) who is sharing everything between thoose 3 clans so all of us can be happy and wont fight between us for any reason.

So if u guys say that 3 clans zerg the server ur pathetic .
Better say we failed to make an ally due to greed or dunno what else happened between u . For the record Heroes was without any ally for long time and did fine ! So stop bitching around saying Temp will leave town only to go Epic raids/Temp zergs etc . Since u allready know we r there come and get us ... We got a great ally wont change that just cause u failed to form one ...

PS wellcome back malus
PS2 wellcome back asga , cant w8 to see old sins playing
PS3 how to pwn temp ? make a freakin ally ffs and try not to fight between u about who ll get what

Your right on some points for sure, you got a good ally and youve been for a long time with eachother, and we tried to make an ally before but it just didn't work out. Tho that it means when an ally doesn't work out there's a rly small chance we could be able to beat an ally wich excisted for a longer period, so the ally didn't make any sense @ all.
What i also think is that why you got more then us, is that alot of players gave up and got bored of Lineage2 (or took a break whatever) because it was getting boring the pvp wasn't that attractive anymore + that the Epics were already impossible to reach without an ally (even with the ally, we didn't make it cause it didn't work out).
So i think both sides are right on some points and wrong on the other.

ps. sorry if i made type mistakes i just woke up
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: TassarA on May 06, 2009, 11:26:44 AM
go go go  Lucifsg  
 when temp will have allrdy  no enemys      ..... mb then you will think about that
    i  see   here    only    you offers  how  great    temp  are  =-)(
    LOLzor  DN  was born   in 2004  year  and you  play  here   form 2003  xD
    nice nice  xD  go go go   gl hf xDD

Nightmare started as 2nd IDragon3D server in August 2004 and as i remember at the beginning there were only 2 strong clans: Wilda (I was one of them) and some russian clan/ally with quite famous leader ( his nick was P...something - I dont remember full name now) not so long after Drake banned most of Wilda members ( don't ask why :P ) I saw first members of Sheva leaded by Danio, FTR's by Amathor and TheHeroes...
- Ondall - Xeleth - Gronum -  Anadrol - Aldarrel - Asterisk -


basically, there is like 3, maybe 5 replies worth reading. Jesus people, will u ever freaking learn how to properly use forum?
A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.
HR: Eviltwist/Creasy/GotYouWet
TR: Creasy
NM: Creasy/iKeel/Eviltwist/GodGiven/VoxMaris/letmekill
DN: oh boy ...


omg i miss l2 so mutch 
nice to see u all fighting eachothers btw  :D


Quote from: lucifsg on May 06, 2009, 12:03:54 AM
i found a quote on a topic of malus coming back and i thought i should make a new topic explaining some things about temp and whats going on so long.

my point of view (u could call it whats really going on but i wanna call it zerg and qq about it )

clans like cb ftr bm dunno who else, FAILED to make an ally that can stand up against TEMP
so now each one of em are alone and they would gladly see Temp disolving. But the prob is that Sheva and Heroes was together for 5 years + so that ll never change. EB was born out of heroes , most active clan in ally and being together since day 1 of their creation. Us 3 clans have been through a lot over time like vs nqx and his dogs , clans with gms (builder) as leader ,bans for nothing ,fighting against gmskills and items while knowing it left server and came back . On top of that we got an allyleader that we all respect (and prolly will take us to the wrong castle if we let him to lead us to siege ) who is sharing everything between thoose 3 clans so all of us can be happy and wont fight between us for any reason.

So if u guys say that 3 clans zerg the server ur pathetic .
Better say we failed to make an ally due to greed or dunno what else happened between u . For the record Heroes was without any ally for long time and did fine ! So stop bitching around saying Temp will leave town only to go Epic raids/Temp zergs etc . Since u allready know we r there come and get us ... We got a great ally wont change that just cause u failed to form one ...

PS wellcome back malus
PS2 wellcome back asga , cant w8 to see old sins playing
PS3 how to pwn temp ? make a freakin ally ffs and try not to fight between u about who ll get what
tbh we didnt failed, in time when we were ally temp lost some castles, antharas, baiums even ur ass get kicked at valky (to bad we lack lil bit of organization to kill it :P) and still it wasnt the reason of our argues. Difrents points of view, some missunderstanding+few ppl caused it, so dont talk like Temps is so powerfull that every enemy is afraid to fight with them and disolving their allies  :-*
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Ondall on May 06, 2009, 12:42:16 PM
Nightmare started as 2nd IDragon3D server in August 2004 and as i remember at the beginning there were only 2 strong clans: Wilda (I was one of them) and some russian clan/ally with quite famous leader ( his nick was P...something - I dont remember full name now) not so long after Drake banned most of Wilda members ( don't ask why :P ) I saw first members of Sheva leaded by Danio, FTR's by Amathor and TheHeroes...

Phoenix ally, and the wilda got banned for getting S/A grade items xD

Srrry for offtop :p
Spash | l33tpwn4g3


Hmm we aren't always zerg. For example as i remember in last siege weekend (Aden/Rune) we had only some 70-80ppl.
So why u failed? u always come with 2 clans (FTR,BM) or alone CB... so no chance. When was iForce (3 very good clans) i think serwer was balanced.... sometime we (Temp) killed baium,antharas, sometimes enemy. We had 3-4 castle and iForce 3-4. Was very good fight etc. But i must agree with u. We (Sheva - i cant talk for all ally) rarely go to pvp (varka,bs). Why? i dont know  :D, no time :P, 1/2 time in l2 we camp some epic RB  ;D... but we like it hehe  ;). If u need pvp with us, come to TOI 14 or antharas lair  :)