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Remember old times?

Started by K44, June 17, 2009, 05:08:27 PM

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Quote from: kidicarus on June 18, 2009, 09:28:31 PM
Ok im sorry, but that is absurd. When have anyone ever seen a clan go out to kill a lvl 50pp? I have never seen anyone killing a low lvl PP thats out lvling.

Return was abused 99% of the time and used for legit reasons the remaining 1%.... makes no sense keeping it the way it was, especially not on servers that have 15/30x xp.

its just a dramatisation of the image I wanted to bring !_! >>> this skill got no more (so I thought back then, but I could remove this now. I thought the cast time was now static but as I saw it its the delay between each cast that is, so sry I missunderstood that)

but still, it was just an image, dont take it so literal.
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Furesy on June 18, 2009, 08:27:49 PM
DN is based on the fact you can make stacking subs, you can't think of people who have no-sub and compare them with people who do

Everything goes slow, who cares, whining aint gona help you, don't like it, go away. This is how private servers work.
Drake once cared maybe, but not everyone remembers how it went in the old days, everyone keeps saying those times were so great, but guess what? Best days on DN were on an extremely bugged C3/C4, where a lot of things didn't work how they were supposed too, and the fixes also took very long, the nerfs also took, very long to come.

Wanna know why everyone keeps whining now? Because they already played later chronicles and nothing is new anymore in L2, most people who joined DN on C2/C3 were 'new' to L2, new chronicles new skills, new everything, they still needed to find out how everything in the game works.
Nowadays everyone knows how it works, that has nothing to do with DN, but simply L2 being out-dated and plain OLD.

Private servers are based on money, why would anyone start a server if the only thing he would do is lose money, for fun? Or why doesn't anyone here start his own server if he seems to know everything so much better? Oh wait, they don't get "paid" for it or don't have the money/time for it, so there's your answer. Don't want that? Go to official, but wait, even that is based on money...

Money makes the world turn, learn to live with that or migrate to the rainforest.

should I explain how left side mentality in politic works or u can google it? <<< cuz thats what I mean by taking care of people more then cash. Cash IS important, but now its the priority wich is not what it used to be, nor how it SHOULD be. I'm not talking about 100% communisme thats bullshit since its not possible to apply at 100%. I never thought i'd have to explain that to someone, and precisly to you Fure, but life is not only about cash, and owning a company is not only making profits, its giving something back from the money they get and paying theire employee... Now this server is runed like a company and imo more player = more publicity = more cash for us. Plain logics.Now I admit if drake wanna run a private server like a company thats what he's doing 100%. Now he only lack 1 thing : listening to potentially good client. Drake can own a company but he's the worst seller I ever saw, same for the Gm's. And for that, this company will fall apart due to the weigth of theire own greed.
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Chicks on June 19, 2009, 02:30:18 PM

should I explain how left side mentality in politic works or u can google it? <<< cuz thats what I mean by taking care of people more then cash. Cash IS important, but now its the priority wich is not what it used to be, nor how it SHOULD be. I'm not talking about 100% communisme thats bullshit since its not possible to apply at 100%. I never thought i'd have to explain that to someone, and precisly to you Fure, but life is not only about cash, and owning a company is not only making profits, its giving something back from the money they get and paying theire employee... Now this server is runed like a company and imo more player = more publicity = more cash for us. Plain logics.Now I admit if drake wanna run a private server like a company thats what he's doing 100%. Now he only lack 1 thing : listening to potentially good client. Drake can own a company but he's the worst seller I ever saw, same for the Gm's. And for that, this company will fall apart due to the weigth of theire own greed.
You don't have to explain me anything, the mere fact I understand how Drake works and thinks and how he feels towards DN nowadays already tells me enough I have no need to make cry topics about anything, or make a huge fuzz outta something. Which you apparently, don't get.

Drake ALWAYS cared about money, from the moment he started this server, nothing changed, if you really think something changed you're just ignorant.

Drake already realised (while you whiners haven't) that L2 is long out-dated and simply DEAD, it's beyond saving.
There are NO NEW PLAYERS, because no idiot that is looking nowadays for a new MMORPG to play at, will consider playing L2 on some private server that has already been running for years, they won't even start at official, why go play a game that is already years old and you need start from scratch?

Why do people still play here? The MAIN reason remains because they have stuff and FRIENDS here, that's the only thing that is keeping people here and keeping them play L2, you can't change that.

L2 is DEAD, it's LONG DEAD, get that into your freaking head and try to imagine why Drake doesn't care anymore. You can keep making useless topics that change nothing, the only thing it states that you remain ignorant and to blind to see what is right infront of your nose.


Quote from: Furesy on June 19, 2009, 02:37:40 PM
You don't have to explain me anything, the mere fact I understand how Drake works and thinks and how he feels towards DN nowadays already tells me enough I have no need to make cry topics about anything, or make a huge fuzz outta something. Which you apparently, don't get.

Drake ALWAYS cared about money, from the moment he started this server, nothing changed, if you really think something changed you're just ignorant.

Drake already realised (while you whiners haven't) that L2 is long out-dated and simply DEAD, it's beyond saving.
There are NO NEW PLAYERS, because no idiot that is looking nowadays for a new MMORPG to play at, will consider playing L2 on some private server that has already been running for years, they won't even start at official, why go play a game that is already years old and you need start from scratch?

Why do people still play here? The MAIN reason remains because they have stuff and FRIENDS here, that's the only thing that is keeping people here and keeping them play L2, you can't change that.

L2 is DEAD, it's LONG DEAD, get that into your freaking head and try to imagine why Drake doesn't care anymore. You can keep making useless topics that change nothing, the only thing it states that you remain ignorant and to blind to see what is right infront of your nose.

well once again, I didnt ment he never WANTED cash, but at least he showed some care to players, where now he obviously dont, and thats the only point im pointing out. L2 is dead since C3 for most server think im dum enougth not to realise that? god Fur ur stupid if you do. Figthing for some rigth aint behing ignorant as logn as u dont waste u life in it. Why u think I stoped playing since C4 and only come for friends and to bring fun to others around me? Cuz theres no reall interest in L2 anymore, new players doesnt care and so does most of the players. Its not a matherof crying its a mather of honor and respect, and its what I defend and figth for wtvr its dead or not. You think its a waste, then its ur choice, evryone got his rigth to live his life how he desire and that doesnt make me an ignorant cuz I want to defend important values to my eye. Whats ur point in ur life? behing happy till u die? knowing evrything? make your mark on this world? help humanity to reach an higher level of conscience or technologie knowleadge? Know the past like noone else? try to control evrything? Evryone got his reason to live its not because I choose to figth for important values ( for me ) that im an ignorant, its just as ignorant as it is to understand the past, be happy and evry other way of living. You wanna pray to god? you wanna be athe (believe theres no god)? Is one more ignorant then the other? Who the fuk are you to know it? Its not a mather of wasup ingame. Its not because its a game forum that we are forced to talk ONLY about game and that reality stop existing here. I guess I do have to explain u stuff cuz you dont seem to understand that.

ho yea I almost forgot : I hoped u'd understand that cuz u already left and you still post insults to player. What for? What are you figthing for? nothing? if so then you chosen to waste ur time here and flame some people randomly? Or you try to seek something greater by discussing with people?
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Nabz0r on June 17, 2009, 10:42:09 PM
stop writting...its no use...they will delete your post  like they did in 15x forum, upset them more and u might get banned :|
haha this is so true : yesterday i got another 24h ban, just cause i wrote what i think about dragon.....
After loged another char, and i got spawn killed by party with GM inside ... i pmed him, he told he was here to notice location for Drake to later fix it, but he was spawnkilling ... i tried to explain him it is stupid to spawnkill people at the only GK for the new zone ... was useless ... i prefered to log out or i'd have another ban ....

And u want people to give x100 eu for that ?
At least, if server was a bit clean with more often upgrades, no exploited stuff, economic regulation, good events ...
I would understand high priced donation.
But since about 1year it clearly not worth it ....
-= Off : ShowStopped =-
« if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music. »


Quote from: Chicks on June 19, 2009, 03:31:59 PM
well once again, I didnt ment he never WANTED cash, but at least he showed some care to players, where now he obviously dont, and thats the only point im pointing out. L2 is dead since C3 for most server think im dum enougth not to realise that? god Fur ur stupid if you do. Figthing for some rigth aint behing ignorant as logn as u dont waste u life in it. Why u think I stoped playing since C4 and only come for friends and to bring fun to others around me? Cuz theres no reall interest in L2 anymore, new players doesnt care and so does most of the players. Its not a matherof crying its a mather of honor and respect, and its what I defend and figth for wtvr its dead or not. You think its a waste, then its ur choice, evryone got his rigth to live his life how he desire and that doesnt make me an ignorant cuz I want to defend important values to my eye. Whats ur point in ur life? behing happy till u die? knowing evrything? make your mark on this world? help humanity to reach an higher level of conscience or technologie knowleadge? Know the past like noone else? try to control evrything? Evryone got his reason to live its not because I choose to figth for important values ( for me ) that im an ignorant, its just as ignorant as it is to understand the past, be happy and evry other way of living. You wanna pray to god? you wanna be athe (believe theres no god)? Is one more ignorant then the other? Who the fuk are you to know it? Its not a mather of wasup ingame. Its not because its a game forum that we are forced to talk ONLY about game and that reality stop existing here. I guess I do have to explain u stuff cuz you dont seem to understand that.

ho yea I almost forgot : I hoped u'd understand that cuz u already left and you still post insults to player. What for? What are you figthing for? nothing? if so then you chosen to waste ur time here and flame some people randomly? Or you try to seek something greater by discussing with people?
Seriously get your facts straight before even talking to me.

I didn't left, I still play, on Nightmare 30x in fact.
I'm telling you, you are merely ignorant for the fact you're denying the thing that is so obvious, L2 is beyond saving, DN is beyond saving, it is dieing and can not be saved, not even by Drake's efforts, Drake knows this, so why should be bother if he has something better to do, and something more focused on the future. (hint)

Some guy once said 'we' should all stop donating, so Drake HAS to do something, guess what? That won't work.
Simply because, the moment the expanse to keep the server up becomes higher than the income that the server provides, Drake will just pull the plug, close down the login and write maybe a goodbye note on the loader, but I even doubt that would happen. He would dissapear like he always does, and than what? Everyone crying, again.

You talk about Drake taking care of players? Why would he? It's not his responsibility, doesn't matter what you come up with, nothing beats the fact this is a private server, and it's a privilige to play here, not a right.
You can come up with political bullshit and human right stuff, but that doesn't change anything.

And sincerely, I post here because I like discussions and I simply enjoyed my time on this forums, and I post here for something on personal level, which you won't understand because you simply don't know and don't get it.

You can make topics all you want, but don't expect or demand any change, if you want that, go fight for your right somewhere else, this server is dead, play on it untill it goes down, enjoy the time you got left here.

PS: Insults? where?


estimated time left until servers will be unplugged? ;)
"Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" - Scissors


Furesy alredy told, when they incoming money of donations goes off the money of the maintenance of servers.

Atenea - Mystic Muse / Eva's Saint - 8x - Necromancer 7x - DemiGods captain. Inactive.

..but I can't spell it out for you.. no.. it's never gonna be that simple...


Quote from: Furesy on June 19, 2009, 11:33:56 PM
Seriously get your facts straight before even talking to me.

I didn't left, I still play, on Nightmare 30x in fact.
I'm telling you, you are merely ignorant for the fact you're denying the thing that is so obvious, L2 is beyond saving, DN is beyond saving, it is dieing and can not be saved, not even by Drake's efforts, Drake knows this, so why should be bother if he has something better to do, and something more focused on the future. (hint)

Some guy once said 'we' should all stop donating, so Drake HAS to do something, guess what? That won't work.
Simply because, the moment the expanse to keep the server up becomes higher than the income that the server provides, Drake will just pull the plug, close down the login and write maybe a goodbye note on the loader, but I even doubt that would happen. He would dissapear like he always does, and than what? Everyone crying, again.

You talk about Drake taking care of players? Why would he? It's not his responsibility, doesn't matter what you come up with, nothing beats the fact this is a private server, and it's a privilige to play here, not a right.
You can come up with political bullshit and human right stuff, but that doesn't change anything.

And sincerely, I post here because I like discussions and I simply enjoyed my time on this forums, and I post here for something on personal level, which you won't understand because you simply don't know and don't get it.

You can make topics all you want, but don't expect or demand any change, if you want that, go fight for your right somewhere else, this server is dead, play on it untill it goes down, enjoy the time you got left here.

PS: Insults? where?

ignorant is an insult actually, esle u consider this a quality. Ho yea I thought u left guess u only left dragon ma bad on that I didnt checked evry server to make sure u left plz god forgive my sin. We just dont get each other cuz I dont aim at no human rigth or anything I guess u have problm going over the sense of words but its okay its a forum I understadn that. U said mainly what I ment on many point but u still dont get some of my ideas and thus I dont see why I would continue reading this topic who actually doesnt touch me anyway. Since we seems to have problems understandign each other, or mb I got problems on putting enougth impact on my word/choosing the good word I wont argue more cuz anyway im heading on the same opinion as you but you fix urself on so called " cry topic ". I dont aim at changing the world entirely nor do I HOPE to change anything, theres nothing to change nor to be saved, I just like to defend my point and to bring people to believe the same way I do. This is a game and I dont waste my time on forum else im at work so those " cry topic" are only to have something new to discuss but wtvr you dont seem to understand it np its okay seriously I dont care at all, just sad you cant go beyond that.
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Furesy on June 19, 2009, 11:33:56 PM
so why should be bother if he has something better to do, and something more focused on the future. (hint)

Is he planing on making one of the first AION servers? xD
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Chicks on June 20, 2009, 02:12:00 AM
ignorant is an insult actually, esle u consider this a quality. Ho yea I thought u left guess u only left dragon ma bad on that I didnt checked evry server to make sure u left plz god forgive my sin. We just dont get each other cuz I dont aim at no human rigth or anything I guess u have problm going over the sense of words but its okay its a forum I understadn that. U said mainly what I ment on many point but u still dont get some of my ideas and thus I dont see why I would continue reading this topic who actually doesnt touch me anyway. Since we seems to have problems understandign each other, or mb I got problems on putting enougth impact on my word/choosing the good word I wont argue more cuz anyway im heading on the same opinion as you but you fix urself on so called " cry topic ". I dont aim at changing the world entirely nor do I HOPE to change anything, theres nothing to change nor to be saved, I just like to defend my point and to bring people to believe the same way I do. This is a game and I dont waste my time on forum else im at work so those " cry topic" are only to have something new to discuss but wtvr you dont seem to understand it np its okay seriously I dont care at all, just sad you cant go beyond that.
Indeed, I still don't get your exact point.

And ignorant isn't an insult, it's either a fact or a non-fact, which can be proven or proven wrong by the arguments one uses.


see my comments in 'Good old Times - back' topic:

I crying for Zenith  the best server ever! nice times from c3.  some time ago Zenith reborned?? i want!!!   
what need for reborn dragon-network?
- only 3 servers online (Zenith, Dragon, Nightmare) like back
- wipe in all servers!
- interlude, kamael, hellbound, gracia... suxx! need Chronicle3 or 4!
- start big report and to get in old players
Dragon-Network REBORNED!! i want! and you? send message for GM's!

your topic wont make nothing
i enjoyed l2 more in c3/c4 times coz i were discovering that game from 0 , even if ( no chances Tongue) it will happen it wont be the same
.. thats true..  :-\

but the situation in dragon-network is a big, smelly mound of C-vitamin rich SH*T! sweeping changes need here

there is not a hope, the lineage2 and the dragon-network lives in memories only

:'( :'(

Good bye my old friends! ;)
I never forget you  :)
" i know, but the situation in dragon-network is a big, smelly mound of C-vitamin rich SH*T! " - pUnKsT4R - BANNED

since 2005 / C3 / Zenith