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dagger stabs increased , shield def rate decreased



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dagger stabs increased , shield def rate decreased

Started by lucifsg, November 04, 2010, 06:29:35 PM

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me :
QuoteIn case you didnt notice daggers hit a lot harder . (seems like x2 or more stab power). So what s changed ? Will it remain like this ?
Critical rate of stabs seems also increased a lot.
Add: Shield def is increased

kain :
QuoteWe(Me or Trackzero) will inform you if something changed/gonna change .
At the moment we installing/testing a big package of updates, tho  most of you proved us  that you dont diserve to know earlier some updates informations .

So until we are done ,please do not spam the forum with rumors and fairy-tails and most of all without any proofs .

Thank you .

~ Kain

Pls dont lock my topics its my opinion and thats why a forum stands for.
It isnt any official news im stating here or follow the sick rabbit section so why you worry i dont get it ?
As i told u in pm you did that in the past twice and i came back with screenshots ...still w8ing for an answer , was the attributes messed up topic.
All i see now is stab power + , critical rate of stab+ , shield def rate -
Could be right could be wrong . Thats what i notice last night.
As for the fairytails , just go ingame and test it, is simple as that .


go out sometimes, you will see that l2 is not the only thing in life .... good luck


Quote from: lucifsg on November 04, 2010, 06:29:35 PM
me :
kain :
Pls dont lock my topics its my opinion and thats why a forum stands for.
It isnt any official news im stating here or follow the sick rabbit section so why you worry i dont get it ?
As i told u in pm you did that in the past twice and i came back with screenshots ...still w8ing for an answer , was the attributes messed up topic.
All i see now is stab power + , critical rate of stab+ , shield def rate -
Could be right could be wrong . Thats what i notice last night.
As for the fairytails , just go ingame and test it, is simple as that .

100% agree

KrdO sh/se nobles - Hero x3 <--- ON
Krd0 sps/tk nobles - Hero x18 <--- ON
iShowtek se/sk - Hero x13
0rik bp/pal nobles
Cherrys ee/es - Hero x3
Limitededition ee/sws
And more....


would be cool if dagger stopped to suck for once since c4 xd
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


5k+3k from Imotion  sws/dagger at oly on 2 blows?  ..thats farway too much !
Something changed rly bad with daggers.Before those updates it was kinda nice and balanced am. of poincts on players at oly.Hope  will not be again old shits with 1k+ pcts .
.if u gonna flame aboute mys sps dmg  be sure before doing that u know its all aboute atribute def.
you are your thoughts..watch what you think.


Answer: Cause Critical Damage SA, skill enchancements, etc are working now.
Flatline Delivery:



Oly boys ,girls and gays (Yes Messalina i know what you are :D ) crying for daggers .
Totally not my bussness the Oly thingy but guys like lucifsg and rest who got 2-3 hero chars per month should nt live with the idea to not be such greedy?


Quote from: Deavon on November 05, 2010, 02:39:38 AM
Oly boys ,girls and gays (Yes Messalina i know what you are :D ) crying for daggers .
Totally not my bussness the Oly thingy but guys like lucifsg and rest who got 2-3 hero chars per month should nt live with the idea to not be such greedy?

Reminding you i know who you are for sure;) so pls no such lame flames

You dont care for oly i know.I  didnt too for years ,Messalinna wasnt nobless until 2010.
Im not a oly farmer at all  and in Octomber i signed only in last oly day.Rest of the days wasnt me on Drkeen .
To have 3 chars hero is a "non life" gaming way from my poinct.If lucifsg do it then gz to him , i know how much time i need to sacrifice only for one hero, so we cant blame people cuz you know different things make different people happy.

My post its aboute some updates.Since i signed with Drkeen at oly lot of guys in special temps wasnt sure for their hero stats.Saddami was QQ cuz there was no more 1k pcts .Or isnt 3-400 enough?Dont you all said oly isnt balanced?

I can simply sign every evening and find out all atributes on oly chars and start the show since i have items sets+weapons  for a full party of mage:)
I'm not that selfish and evil anyway.One hero is enough and i do it only for hero UD.
tell me, instead of me beeing hero in varka what u think aboute facing 2 party of temps archers all of them hero:) wont save you even with 20 k p.atk
I know you know how to play a archer and isnt that hard to see that and actually you and cthon do it well but pls be decent not an asshole.
The topic was aboute daggers at oly.

Aboute sps at oly..hm isnt OP at all.
Every single player on this server with my weapons, my jews and my armore sets can be hero cuz the atribute system is made in that way to make people play more,donate more and spend more time in game.

you are your thoughts..watch what you think.


Quote from: NYPD on November 05, 2010, 05:15:42 AM

I know you know how to play a archer and isnt that hard to see that and actually you and cthon do it well but pls be decent not an asshole.
The topic was aboute daggers at oly.

Aboute sps at oly..hm isnt OP at all.
Every single player on this server with my weapons, my jews and my armore sets can be hero cuz the atribute system is made in that way to make people play more,donate more and spend more time in game.

+1 to that but
you guys are so funny :) someone loses you call him noob , someone wins you call him nolifer , loses heroe he is a failzor , makes 3 heroes he is greedy :) . seems like envy is your favorite sin. just for the record im in the heroe business 2,5 years so i know how things work . i made 3 heroes spending less time than ever on l2 ...

back to the topic im getting 6.5k backstab and 3.1 stab from aw oly buffed and i was on full ressist on his attribute . wtf will happen if theese guys get pvp buffs,  hit for 15k ?
i think there is something wrong with focus power/death buff,  thats why they use it  even though they hit from front (and make huge stabs).  not sure at all though its just an idea ...



Quote from: NYPD on November 05, 2010, 02:19:56 AM
5k+3k from Imotion  sws/dagger at oly on 2 blows?  ..thats farway too much !
Something changed rly bad with daggers.Before those updates it was kinda nice and balanced am. of poincts on players at oly.Hope  will not be again old shits with 1k+ pcts .
.if u gonna flame aboute mys sps dmg  be sure before doing that u know its all aboute atribute def.

yes i think need change this, imotion with ic+cd+8(its most power dagger on server) and hit 3k and 5k with crit its so much!!!! Mmy idea like this:
1. ic+cd++++(cd lvl 3) change damage 1k max
dyna+cd+++(cd lvl 2) = 750 its be good
as+cd(cd lvl 1) = near 500
as+h+++ = ohh rly better hit with normal hit
2. atr resist think need change no 3 parts, give 5-6 parts its be more balansed for donators,
with  1k resis dmg chanse 1k > near 300 with ic+cd++ its be good
3. Shield defense yes need up: chanse up 100% and resist need up like this: archers with ic+10 or more him mage on dnet +3 MAX 1k or low.
3. Trance and other debuff need up when i have 7k+ chanse need up too 80% min, lower m def - chance 100%
4. cansel 100%, 3-4 buff min, or better 7-10, for 2-3 cansels and fight finish, ohh i forget reuse 10 sek max
5. ohh i forget orks(they can kill mages too) - speed decrease to 150 with rabit - i think it be good
6. Ohh rly sry 1 more when fight start we all must see what buff have ur oponent+what atr on weapon - its for fast chanse or 1 of 6 sets

I think its be more balanced for all, ohh sry for mages only ^^

Rly stop QQ about daggers yes imotion hit u 3k but dont forget its IC KNIFE+8, no1 have more power dagger on server, only 4-5 ppl have ic knife then stop do panic...
SmolZi - SR/TK+nobl <<<< Hero
MadCap - PW/TK+nobl <<<< Hero
MadMan - TK/SWS <<<< Hero
Vermin666 - SORC/PAL maybe new oly farmer ^)


 author=MadCap - PW/TK+nobl <<<< Hero
Quotebla bla  i just reply my random answer

dear pw can u read or what ? who gives a fack about icarus +8 , all daggers hit a lot harder 2.5k is a minimum blow and it goes up to 7k crit. how will u fight that ?