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Started by Kufeliusz, September 13, 2011, 12:29:26 AM

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איר זענען ווונדערלעך

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


so i made my test now with arcane prot

canellation (sps) - i dont have sorcerer but its should be kinda same - all test made with 20 try
i have 10 or less buf and used arcane prot >>> removed 1-3 buff
i have 10 or less buf and not used arcane prot >> removed 4-5 buff
i ahve more then 10buff no matter if i used arcane prot or not >> removed 5 buff

dagger {PVP} cancel >> no matter how many buff u have and what ressist u use its randomly remove buffs

also i didnt tested it with chant of spirit i will do it ltr but its should be same effect as arcane prot so if its diffrent than something foked

as u can see from the test arcane prot give a small ammount of protection against cancel only if u have less then 10buff. but who play with less then 10buff ? mby its usefull on oly....

anyway i rly dont know how its should work, or its ok like this, i just post how its work atm.


Quote from: ylim on September 13, 2011, 03:16:10 PM
so i made my test now with arcane prot

canellation (sps) - i dont have sorcerer but its should be kinda same - all test made with 20 try
i have 10 or less buf and used arcane prot >>> removed 1-3 buff
i have 10 or less buf and not used arcane prot >> removed 4-5 buff
i ahve more then 10buff no matter if i used arcane prot or not >> removed 5 buff

dagger {PVP} cancel >> no matter how many buff u have and what ressist u use its randomly remove buffs

also i didnt tested it with chant of spirit i will do it ltr but its should be same effect as arcane prot so if its diffrent than something foked

as u can see from the test arcane prot give a small ammount of protection against cancel only if u have less then 10buff. but who play with less then 10buff ? mby its usefull on oly....

anyway i rly dont know how its should work, or its ok like this, i just post how its work atm.

if u have more then 10 buffs/song/dance its dosnt matter what resist u have and its 100%  - 5 buffs even if u use arcana + chant of spirit .... so pls dont tell me its work becouse when i had before 5 buffs its also was canceling like 1-2  the problem is if ur full buffed its 100% - 5 buffs and u can have xxxxx resist cancel buffs ...

ps. Dunno where you made this test mby on Saturn if we are on Mars ... :|


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 13, 2011, 03:43:55 PM

if u have more then 10 buffs/song/dance its dosnt matter what resist u have and its 100%  - 5 buffs even if u use arcana + chant of spirit .... so pls dont tell me its work becouse when i had before 5 buffs its also was canceling like 1-2  the problem is if ur full buffed its 100% - 5 buffs and u can have xxxxx resist cancel buffs ...

ps. Dunno where you made this test mby on Saturn if we are on Mars ... :|

You did some magic and you could use together those two buffs that doesn't stuck  :P? Anyway i did also test with 20 buffs and open 2 times Exciting adventure (90% resist, Reuse sucks  :P)  and was removing 1-3 buffs. One time cancel failed and removed nothing.


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 13, 2011, 03:43:55 PM

if u have more then 10 buffs/song/dance its dosnt matter what resist u have and its 100%  - 5 buffs even if u use arcana + chant of spirit .... so pls dont tell me its work becouse when i had before 5 buffs its also was canceling like 1-2  the problem is if ur full buffed its 100% - 5 buffs and u can have xxxxx resist cancel buffs ...

ps. Dunno where you made this test mby on Saturn if we are on Mars ... :|

dunno why  u quote me with this post cos i exactly said the same with 10+ buff 40/40 -5buff


fail again with this sh1t... just nerf cancel to 1min+ reuse and all will be happy
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: VforVanilla on September 13, 2011, 04:01:33 PM
You did some magic and you could use together those two buffs that doesn't stuck  :P? Anyway i did also test with 20 buffs and open 2 times Exciting adventure (90% resist, Reuse sucks  :P)  and was removing 1-3 buffs. One time cancel failed and removed nothing.

90% resist and still cancel 3 buffs jeje nice resist works :D


Quote from: cthon on September 13, 2011, 05:22:20 PM
fail again with this sh1t... just nerf cancel to 1min+ reuse and all will be happy
maybe remove cancel (sps and sorcer class from game ) and still u wont be happy XD

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


all the time same fighter ask to nerf mage char
but when people ask for dagger or archer, all the time same shiit like u need to learn how buff ur char
Lorsque le sage montre la lune, l'imbécile regarde le doigt.


Quote from: ylim on September 13, 2011, 03:16:10 PM
so i made my test now with arcane prot

canellation (sps) - i dont have sorcerer but its should be kinda same - all test made with 20 try
i have 10 or less buf and used arcane prot >>> removed 1-3 buff
i have 10 or less buf and not used arcane prot >> removed 4-5 buff
i ahve more then 10buff no matter if i used arcane prot or not >> removed 5 buff

dagger {PVP} cancel >> no matter how many buff u have and what ressist u use its randomly remove buffs

also i didnt tested it with chant of spirit i will do it ltr but its should be same effect as arcane prot so if its diffrent than something foked
as u can see from the test arcane prot give a small ammount of protection against cancel only if u have less then 10buff. but who play with less then 10buff ? mby its usefull on oly....

anyway i rly dont know how its should work, or its ok like this, i just post how its work atm.
as I know a chance to cancel buff cant be less then 25 % (even if you got 3rd class buff enchanted +15 and all resists), so with big amount buffs you geting somth like this .
p.s. about % chance i'm not sure for 100% coz i wont looking for cancelation ressist formula.


Quote from: Defoe on September 13, 2011, 08:11:48 PM
as I know a chance to cancel buff cant be less then 25 % (even if you got 3rd class buff enchanted +15 and all resists), so with big amount buffs you geting somth like this .
p.s. about % chance i'm not sure for 100% coz i wont looking for cancelation ressist formula.
chant of spirit and arcana give a shit .... but if i use hero zerk ,,, its help  but this two buffs dont resisist even 1 buff less cancels


i think there cancel is coded smth like this:

for each buff:
if randomnumber < cancel_chance do remove buff and counter++
if counter =5  then stop

so this way more buffs, means more tests made, more chances to get buff removed, resist  decreses cacnel_chance value

but we all want it to wroks something like this:

for i=  1 to 5 do
if randomnumber < cancel_chance do remove random_buff

this way max tests are 5 and do not depend on number of buffs, but still can be remoevd max 5 buffs