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Started by Floki, October 03, 2017, 03:40:15 PM

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Instead of wasting energy on already well set server, please spread the hyipe more, bring your friends and friends's friends! More enemies on the battleground the better, and healtier community.

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Quote from: Eresh on October 09, 2017, 09:28:01 PM
Why are you worried about it? Play the game and have fun. Don't nitpick so much.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on October 09, 2017, 09:34:52 PM
Instead of wasting energy on already well set server, please spread the hyipe more, bring your friends and friends's friends! More enemies on the battleground the better, and healtier community.



Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on October 08, 2017, 08:14:18 PM
In game rules, incl. box rule, will be added in the upcoming days. Anyway it will be main +3 boxes, town- no limit.

I suggest to put rules in announcements section not in some "lol topic" between flame war and spam ^^
Morela - True hero of common people


Quote from: Morel on October 09, 2017, 09:45:07 PM
I suggest to put rules in announcements section not in some "lol topic" between flame war and spam ^^
Will do, its not on our priority list atm, i just wanted to point out how it will be, so the spam can stop (not).
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So how are you going to stay?


Am I the only who worshipped 1 window limit servers? where every class matters and is played? where playing ur supp char meant your clan mates wont ignore u in order to gain a little more xp ? where u dont have 1 player boxing 4 chars xping his main with a destro ? i mean come on.. maybe since its 2017 having a 1 window only will make the server seem like its empty, but would u rather have 1,5k "online" yet its 400-500 active players? or 500 players co-oping to hit goals and enjoying the game the way it was meant to be? Just a thought,i know the no-life rats who plan on boxing 4 chars to do manes/IT/FOG trains will be disapointed,but to be perfectly honest with you ive done both those things, boxing 4 chars AND single box grinding. and nothing compares to playing even PP and it actually being FUN,actually having to wait for your clans warlock to login so u can stack an IT party,actually taking ur clan spoiler for a dmg boosted spoil run so all players can benefit equally, and finally actually needing great coordination and teamwork in order to get bosses killed,where sieging a castle actually requires A TANK,or even a warsmith since you're all in B/C grade in the first siege. where B/A grade actually matters cause it will be a little while till u hit the next grade. Its a lot more fun guys, hitting s weapons and the first epics within 4 weeks doesnt mean its more fun, it just shortens the servers lifespan and if some1 doesnt start playing on server opening theres a good chance once half the server is in A grade and subbed it will no longer be new player friendly,those are my thoughts on the matter.
i hope there'll be a poll with the option i suggested in,and i hope people feel me :)

-From a C5 fanatic. and a player who recently came back to l2 after a 7 year break cause l2 stoped being as fun with the new clients and robotic like gameplay on interlude/c5.


Quote from: Quixie on October 12, 2017, 01:50:46 PM
Am I the only who worshipped 1 window limit servers? where every class matters and is played? where playing ur supp char meant your clan mates wont ignore u in order to gain a little more xp ? where u dont have 1 player boxing 4 chars xping his main with a destro ? i mean come on.. maybe since its 2017 having a 1 window only will make the server seem like its empty, but would u rather have 1,5k "online" yet its 400-500 active players? or 500 players co-oping to hit goals and enjoying the game the way it was meant to be? Just a thought,i know the no-life rats who plan on boxing 4 chars to do manes/IT/FOG trains will be disapointed,but to be perfectly honest with you ive done both those things, boxing 4 chars AND single box grinding. and nothing compares to playing even PP and it actually being FUN,actually having to wait for your clans warlock to login so u can stack an IT party,actually taking ur clan spoiler for a dmg boosted spoil run so all players can benefit equally, and finally actually needing great coordination and teamwork in order to get bosses killed,where sieging a castle actually requires A TANK,or even a warsmith since you're all in B/C grade in the first siege. where B/A grade actually matters cause it will be a little while till u hit the next grade. Its a lot more fun guys, hitting s weapons and the first epics within 4 weeks doesnt mean its more fun, it just shortens the servers lifespan and if some1 doesnt start playing on server opening theres a good chance once half the server is in A grade and subbed it will no longer be new player friendly,those are my thoughts on the matter.
i hope there'll be a poll with the option i suggested in,and i hope people feel me :)

-From a C5 fanatic. and a player who recently came back to l2 after a 7 year break cause l2 stoped being as fun with the new clients and robotic like gameplay on interlude/c5.

First of all mate you're simply rude, why do you call people who have more time to play the game 'rats'? wtf is wrong with you were you bullied at school? it's natural some people have different responsibilites in life and can play more, it's not your business to be honest and also no reason to flame them for it lul, Second, to sum up what I wanted to write (but decided not to coz it would be too long) just wanna say we are in 2017, I played x5 IL for past 4 months with 1 box limit like you say, the online went down really fast from ~2k on start, and not being able to find a party was one of the major reasons, l2 will not like look it used to on any server, whether you like it or not.


Please find me a server where BOXes are completely controlled according the rules. We will apply the general and global rules about it , while we will manually check in game suspicious persons.
Behind every box there is a real person playing (at least 1), while behind L2w there is no people, in line with that we are trying to protect as much as we can against automated programs, boxes will be handled on our own. So please once again forget 2003. this is 2017., as much as love retail and as much as we would like to have everything like we had in the past, some things (small ones) has to be adjusted to reality.
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Quote from: SizeMatters on October 12, 2017, 02:38:05 PM
First of all mate you're simply rude, why do you call people who have more time to play the game 'rats'? wtf is wrong with you were you bullied at school? it's natural some people have different responsibilites in life and can play more, it's not your business to be honest and also no reason to flame them for it lul, Second, to sum up what I wanted to write (but decided not to coz it would be too long) just wanna say we are in 2017, I played x5 IL for past 4 months with 1 box limit like you say, the online went down really fast from ~2k on start, and not being able to find a party was one of the major reasons, l2 will not like look it used to on any server, whether you like it or not.
u are hypersensitive and touchy yet i was bullied in school?are u for real ? who did i insult by that? we get it u live in ur moms basement and play l2 all day, if i had such luxuries i'd do it too possibly, and i wouldnt get offended by being called a "life-less rat".i just used the phrase to emphasize on players who play A LOT,no offense intended. political correctness man i tell ya.. jeez. i hope the airquotes helped, i didnt use it as an insult.

and btw u are probably bullshitting about the 2k online cause if u got 2k active players with no boxes theres no chance u wont be able to find a party.