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Damage Reduction

Started by =drake=, April 17, 2008, 11:44:02 AM

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Quote from: atiqua on April 17, 2008, 12:27:37 PM
Before update to IL, many ppl cried because of oneshot PvP this way: "oh, when we were in B/C grade and PvPd for a long time in FG..."
Now these long times can come back, history repeats itself, only the equipment is a little more precious. And they still cry. Funny!
OK, I agree that an archer should not hit 50 in a mage.

Longer PvP's are better, but the way it is now...... SH hits -> 600-800,
                                                                               sps ->200-400,
                                                                               he/wl (normal hit to mage) -> 300-400
                                                                               necro -> 200 (^.^)
                                                                               Glad (triple sonic critic) -> 3,5k+ XD

Get CP reloader and you are invincible, only char's that seems to be unaffected by this is glad and tyr.

Maybe it would be good to change the reduction like every 4-5 days by 5-10% so we will see the best option.

Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are even stupider than that.


Btw.  to everyone who voted -33%. If you dont play as a mage, then its ok for you, but mages hitting for 1k max (when opponents has bad jews and you're SH) its impossible to kill someone, becouse you run out of mana before even scratching his HP. And when you are really trying and it looks like you are gonna win, fighter gets crit for skill and puf, 3k dmg makes you "make a bed on the ground". Yesterday we had PvP - 8ppl with dances and cov vs 6 ppl and it took them almost 3 minutes to kill us (we didnt have bishop, only random SE heals).

I didnt like those oneshot-onekill PvP too, but this is insane. I made my char to have nice dmg, compared by my low cast. speed and now I hit like Sps.

Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are even stupider than that.


it's good this way, but only when something will be done with healers :S now an bishop can just run away from an archer by healing itself


That s a good idea here? test  the other options too, i like it now but np with testing half damage either


Quote from: Jeri on April 17, 2008, 03:39:39 PM
Btw.  to everyone who voted -33%. If you dont play as a mage, then its ok for you, but mages hitting for 1k max (when opponents has bad jews and you're SH) its impossible to kill someone, becouse you run out of mana before even scratching his HP. And when you are really trying and it looks like you are gonna win, fighter gets crit for skill and puf, 3k dmg makes you "make a bed on the ground". Yesterday we had PvP - 8ppl with dances and cov vs 6 ppl and it took them almost 3 minutes to kill us (we didnt have bishop, only random SE heals).

I didnt like those oneshot-onekill PvP too, but this is insane. I made my char to have nice dmg, compared by my low cast. speed and now I hit like Sps.
Agree that mages do nothing now. but with 0% reduction fighter will hit you harder too...
Most insane stuff is stacking resists...you can have all resist+elemental protection+song and dagger don't need even buffs like haste, dw, focus to kill you. Coz you will hit him for 100dmg with spell. Do something with resists like it was on our c4. 1 ressit at once. Dagger unbuffed hit mage for 3k with backstab, bliding blow always turn you back to him.
Mage will hit him for 500 dmg on sef buff (sps/ee) vs sk/aw....n/c
Glads hit for 4,4k on oly (glad/pp) on dash with 100% resist to all debuffs.
Mages have no chance on 1 vs 1 with fighters mostly. Mage vs mage is like it was before mostly. Healers got erase, summoners more cast.
Fighter vs Fighter...depend of sub....theres no archer who win with dagger/tank for example....
There is few things to be fixed.

And yes..I voted for 33% coz it make pvp longer...slighty..theres just same stuff with resists...all elementals+protection is more than only greater shield for mages...and mages lsot lot of pdef with armor mastery


i almost forgot..
since some class call heal themselves...

should not heal be -33% also?
cuz its almost impossible to kill, especially on oly.

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Akon on April 17, 2008, 03:59:17 PM
i almost forgot..
since some class call heal themselves...

should not heal be -33% also?
cuz its almost impossible to kill, especially on oly.
And these classes can recharge themselfs too (elders), about bishop, he was almost always unkillable as logn as he had mana so no diference


Quote from: Andaron on April 17, 2008, 04:01:03 PM
And these classes can recharge themselfs too (elders), about bishop, he was almost always unkillable as logn as he had mana so no diference

is a thing to analise also. for sure.
create imortal class is not cool :P

ps: i think elders cant recharge themselves anymore.

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Itsme9x on April 17, 2008, 03:46:13 PM
it's good this way, but only when something will be done with healers :S now an bishop can just run away from an archer by healing itself

Maybe scam a better bow? ::)

~Serbian Madafaka~


Quote from: Andaron on April 17, 2008, 03:57:10 PM
Agree that mages do nothing now. but with 0% reduction fighter will hit you harder too...
Most insane stuff is stacking resists...you can have all resist+elemental protection+song and dagger don't need even buffs like haste, dw, focus to kill you. Coz you will hit him for 100dmg with spell.

So I guess all those mages hitting me around 1k-1.5k were all cheaters right?

Quote from: Andaron on April 17, 2008, 03:57:10 PMDagger unbuffed hit mage for 3k with backstab, bliding blow always turn you back to him.

ehmm... my blinding blow is bugged then, it gives me only some speed nothing more... or maybe you were thinking about bluff? If you want to have some shock resistance wear MJ instead of DC.

Quote from: Andaron on April 17, 2008, 03:57:10 PM....theres no archer who win with dagger/tank for example....

Sorry but if an archer would be able to kill easily a xx/tank with heavy armor, deflect arrow and sometimes shield fortress then who would be able to kill  this archer? And you're wrong, I've seen archers killing tanks.

Keep the 33% dmg reduction or increase it even to 50 :)


to all those crying of mages: dont u fortet about skils like root, silence, sleep, cancel etc... ?? please... its not only about spaming f1, f2, f1...

now i like server more, I see class are more balanced (even thou my atak speed is reduced from 1800 to 1300), pvp longer (more fun) and voted to keep damage% as it is...


My vote 33% as now, about heals i think that when a char is on battle zone or purple the heals must be 33% less efective but in pve must remain the same..what about RB? u get 33%less heal? :S.