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Giran 06-07-2008

Started by kingofchaos, July 07, 2008, 05:41:00 AM

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Good Post. +1.

Quote from: GreatKing on July 07, 2008, 09:15:05 PM
Well i can say something too...
My char is lGreatKingl and him playing in 30x now with Marvels,i came from 15x i played there for more then 4 years ,my char there was GreatKing and a lot of Blackhand players from 15x.
I think its very normal for a clan leader after wining a siege ,by strategy or luck (he could even fall down over cristal and get the engrave)post in siege area one topic like this.This is a topic of congratz not for flammes.
The topic is a tks for clan/ally friends who helped,and for clan/ally enemys who attacked,not to say that my clan its better then yours.
Whats not normal is to wright in this post i can get the castle if i want!!!(Thats arrogance,in my opinion).
Every ally can get a castle and every can loose this u all can be sure.
Every one knows that Marvels (IG),have problems with Lemmons,dont remember anymore  problems.
If BH  ally killed Lemmons in the siege and we got castle ,good for us.If we loose castle next week good for the clan that get it and this is the game.
Now plz dont come here and post we are better then u,i can own u every time and i give u the castle ,because thats not the true,every one can be owned and i think 2 clans from one ally with 30ppl each or maybe more in siege didnt do nothing???They just got lucky???
This is just my opinion next siege if we loose it no problem will try to get another but for now let us enjoy this moment like everybody after winning a siege.
GG for all cya all IG and dont make arrogant and headless posts in a topic like this.

Cass0te - Carninal/Hell Knight (Nobles)


Quote from: Gunit on July 07, 2008, 09:11:59 PM
Marvels kill some flawless to make the engrave, an SS say all  :D

I see Lesspain on the floor kkkkkkkkk
Or blackhand leave lesspain alone, or you is a lier =D

Edit : Paint FTW  ;D

Has u can see there are Retards in every clan even in mine!!!

Desculpa aew Gunit mas nao vi um unico post do Lesspain falando nada contra nos ate vc postar essa bosta aqui!!!



Quote from: GreatKing on July 07, 2008, 09:30:37 PM

Has u can see there are Retards in every clan even in mine!!!

Desculpa aew Gunit mas nao vi um unico post do Lesspain falando nada contra nos ate vc postar essa bosta aqui!!!


AFFF vc leu o tópico todo?
Isso foi para o Wake, que fica falando que eles abandonaram o castelo no momento do nosso engrave.
E se eu quizer falar merda eu falo  ;D


+1 again.

Quote from: GreatKing on July 07, 2008, 09:30:37 PM

Has u can see there are Retards in every clan even in mine!!!

Desculpa aew Gunit mas nao vi um unico post do Lesspain falando nada contra nos ate vc postar essa bosta aqui!!!

Cass0te - Carninal/Hell Knight (Nobles)


Quote from: GreatKing on July 07, 2008, 09:30:37 PM
Has u can see there are Retards in every clan even in mine!!!
Desculpa aew Gunit mas nao vi um unico post do Lesspain falando nada contra nos ate vc postar essa bosta aqui!!!

POiseh, ficar falando demais da nisso. Tem que ter humildade e reconhecer que sozinhos naum conseguimos nada.


Quote from: jygh on July 07, 2008, 07:29:41 PM
come on sifa they r pro :D funny was when they made first rush xD it was hmm... how long?? 10 seconds and 6-7 partys of them was in the ground xDDD

Jin, i love u 2


O problema nao é a humildade, o foda é que a galera fica em cima do muro, po os caras nos zoam, e vcs ficam quietos?
Pior do que está não fica, já não gostam da gente e nem vão começar a gostar de uma hora para a outra, e vcs querem ficar dando tapinha nas costas do caras?
Eu falo mesmo.


Quote from: pax on July 07, 2008, 07:36:51 PM
the shit you are eating stinks from here. i never said "3 ppl owned 2 parties", but your dumbfreaked face reads what it wants to read. Lemme spell it for you: bish+celestial shield+bd/se+sps/es(with both arcanas active)+2 freaking headless parties=enough time to kill a flag. got it? its simple math. my advice, print it, hang it on the wall, and repeat it until u get it through your thick skull.

@LS: pls find some1 with more brains to flame, this guy is pathetic.

1st of all, I'm not LS deepshit. 2nd if that was your attempt to flame...lol you fail. Some moron from your clan (prolly was u, dunno, many morons there) said that they pwn cuz they had 3 active ppl, and they still managed to destroy a flag. Even if BH had a flag at the last rush, we didn't leave anyone to protect it, simply because we didn't care. How about you follow your own advice and hang it on a wall, etc.? Now please gtfo and don't get so mad, or you might blow a vein, k?

Quote from: Gunit on July 07, 2008, 08:32:37 PM
Only shits here, BH lose and is the end  ;D
Now alot of BH's come here and try to flame marvels? KKKKKKKKKKK
BH+FTR+FB+TEMP try to make the engrave and comics pwnz all at the castle  :D

BH keep cry kkkkkk  :D

Dude I'm really starting to think you're retarded. I feel pitty for you, really.
But if there's any other loser in Marvles that still thinks his clan owns BH, or any other clan in Flawless, then maybe we can arrange a clan 9 vs 9?

Btw tard, what's your name in game?

Oh and Gunit tard, if your tiny brain can comprehend this : we abandoned the castle after taking it in the first 10 minutes of the siege. Is it all clear for you now kid? But PLEASE tell us your nick in game. Actually I dare you to do it. Make your clan proud, have the guts to post it plx plx plx.
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Gunit, a temp não estava com os caras, eles apenas mataram quem estava pelo caminho, assim como o SIns fazia a algum tempo atras quando sua ajuda era solicitada por um clã que não era "tão" amigo. Entendo e concordo com ponto de vista do GreatKing, do cassote e do Léo... Mas tb entendo o seu, afinal se os caras falaram e ofendem insistentemente, vc apenas usou da mesma moeda. E ninguem dá tapinha nas costas não, é por causa do lag e não deu pra equipar a AS e lançar o Backstab.

If you are going to post non-English on these forums, use proper section for that... ok sry



Quote from: Gunit on July 07, 2008, 09:43:58 PM
O problema nao é a humildade, o foda é que a galera fica em cima do muro, po os caras nos zoam, e vcs ficam quietos?
Pior do que está não fica, já não gostam da gente e nem vão começar a gostar de uma hora para a outra, e vcs querem ficar dando tapinha nas costas do caras?
Eu falo mesmo.

Kara vc precisa entender que num eh pode cair na dos caras...seja sarcastico mas sem perder a linha.  Tu eh doido, parece até baiano ahuehauehaue



Você está no clãn a bastante tempo para saber que não damos tapinha nas costas de ninguém, não precisamos puxar saco de ninguém para ter ajuda para defender nada, só que dessa forma vocÊ está se igualando aos caras, deixa eles falarem o que quiser, olhe a postura do seu líder e siga-a.

Quote from: Gunit on July 07, 2008, 09:43:58 PM
O problema nao é a humildade, o foda é que a galera fica em cima do muro, po os caras nos zoam, e vcs ficam quietos?
Pior do que está não fica, já não gostam da gente e nem vão começar a gostar de uma hora para a outra, e vcs querem ficar dando tapinha nas costas do caras?
Eu falo mesmo.
Cass0te - Carninal/Hell Knight (Nobles)


guys i think you really should use proper section for this spam.. ;)

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