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Giran 7.12.2008

Started by norisa, December 08, 2008, 12:15:15 AM

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Quote from: Furesy on December 09, 2008, 12:25:24 PM
Seriously what? What the freak? My iForce or my Mayhem? When you going to realize I'm not friends with anyone? I'm not in any clan, not in any alliance, not friends with anyone, I fight people that flag me. Jeez
Like I give a shit what those people's names are, all sides got retards, I just laugh at certain Temp players acting like they own everyone and how pro they are, which they only hide behind their numbers and can't do nothing alone.
Where I said SPS/EE isn't a good char? It's one of the best chars ingame, but I simply don't give a shit about Olympiad, I never did, since it proves nothing and is only some lame bullshit system on DN.

Besides, since when you are "TEMP Players" all together? I wanna see a Bish/WC running also, would be a funny sight.

i told u that u need to update yourself :). i am not playing may1a anymore, i am on camyy now, bd/se and since u kill only temp how can u say u r not friend with our enamies lol. when is last time when u killed 1 mayhem or 1 iforce ? and if we hide behind numbers, let me remind u that this topic is about giran siege and hmm.... at this siege we were 100 and our enamies around 160 or maybe more. who's hidding behind numbers in here ? eh i know u wanna have the last word so i wont bother to replay here anymore.


Quote from: cthon on December 09, 2008, 12:34:19 PM
u really think that i care cause u took a fuking castle dude? i'm playing the game cause it's fun i'm not so much into it like u...

yeah flawless by a he/wk.....
and btw...i'm asking your clan full of HE's for 2 months to join class bassed but beside defoe and maybe amila (didn't talk with him) no1 wants to join so gtfo with your fuking oly....

dude chill out or u gtfo of here =))). i smell a kicked ass around here who says that doesnt care he lost his castle but he is crying the shit out of him ^^


Quote from: Mayia on December 09, 2008, 12:37:16 PM
dude chill or u gtfo of here =))). i smell some ass kicked arround here who says dont care he lost his castle but he is crying the shit out of him ^^

where do u see i'm not chill? ??? and wtf should i do with a castle?
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Quote from: cthon on December 09, 2008, 12:41:55 PM
where do u see i'm not chill? ??? and wtf should i do with a castle?

in the moment u told me gtfo i smelled your anger and hate boy ^^


Quote from: Mayia on December 09, 2008, 12:34:46 PM
i told u that u need to update yourself :). i am not playing may1a anymore, i am on camyy now, bd/se and since u kill only temp how can u say u r not friend with our enamies lol. when is last time when u killed 1 mayhem or 1 iforce ? and if we hide behind numbers, let me remind u that this topic is about giran siege and hmm.... at this siege we were 100 and our enamies around 160 or maybe more. who's hidding behind numbers in here ? eh i know u wanna have the last word so i wont bother to replay here anymore.
I updated myself enough, I haven't been to sieges but I've been in Varka the last few days. You should update yourself, since I'm PvPing anyone that is flagged and attacks me, I killed Mayhem, I killed iForce and Temp the last couple of days, so actually, yesterday was the last time I killed someone from Mayhem and iForce.

PS: You still didn't notice I don't care howmuch you speak about my so called "friends" and your "enemies" since I have nothing related to them at all, you are nuts woman >_< Anyways, I go to shop, need buy christmas presents :P


Quote from: Furesy on December 09, 2008, 12:55:52 PM
I updated myself enough, I haven't been to sieges but I've been in Varka the last few days. You should update yourself, since I'm PvPing anyone that is flagged and attacks me, I killed Mayhem, I killed iForce and Temp the last couple of days, so actually, yesterday was the last time I killed someone from Mayhem and iForce.

PS: You still didn't notice I don't care howmuch you speak about my so called "friends" and your "enemies" since I have nothing related to them at all, you are nuts woman >_< Anyways, I go to shop, need buy christmas presents :P

presents yumy!!!!


Quote from: VforVanilla on December 09, 2008, 12:30:30 PM
Ok then next time mayhem gather 6-7 ppl and start pking everything (even lvl 1 chars lol) at varka i will get some photos to show you everytime you say bullshits.

When we (envy) didn't find any pvp, no matter what we dd, we simply went to some place and made a pk run and were pking everyone we saw on the way. Thats just somthing different than what most of temp is doing  ;)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: mark_elesse on December 09, 2008, 01:46:19 PM
we still keep up it with Cobra with our BS runs :D imagine what happened a couple days ago, cleaned whole BS, include 4-5 temp dude, and they arrived back with 2 party ... same when we camped hardins and with Shama & cobra ... Astri organized fast a party with 2 bishop against 3 buffer classed archers . GG ? i say so, cos i still belive in that you and your lowskill friends job in the temp to establish some meat shiled to Luci, Ensign, Voudas, Astri, Bubo, and some others who really can pvp .
and just lol that u want me to join oly with he/sws and u talk about my buffs when i kite parties alone in Varka ...

and yes dear I WILL TAKE AND THINK ABOUT YOUR LOGICAL TERMS if i kill any of you , and he/she will back alone to take a revenge, not with a shitload curretly bored lowskill  to make some gangbang fun :)


lol for u, a big LOL. In hardins i moved there to clear my pks there u were and 3 of your m8s and pk me cos i didnt have time to even move a bit from spown. Astric was in party with me and saw i died and probably said this on ventrilo cos otherwise i have no clue how 4 heroes showed up there. and yes we were 5 vs 4 if u call this zerg bb :). 4 vs1 for u was fun 5 vs 4 wasnt anymore. and wired thing is that i killed your m8s 3-4 times to dekarma and no1 of them drop, huh but u forgot to mention this small matter aint u ?. and stop bulshiting about sws/he at oly, u playe how long sps/ee ? cya!


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 09, 2008, 01:34:53 PM
When we (envy) didn't find any pvp, no matter what we dd, we simply went to some place and made a pk run and were pking everyone we saw on the way. Thats just somthing different than what most of temp is doing  ;)

yes i know that when it is about u it is "different" :).


Quote from: Mayia on December 09, 2008, 01:57:22 PM
lol for u, a big LOL. In hardins i moved there to clear my pks there u were and 3 of your m8s and pk me cos i didnt have time to even move a bit from spown. Astric was in party with me and saw i died and probably said this on ventrilo cos otherwise i have no clue how 4 heroes showed up there. and yes we were 5 vs 4 if u call this zerg bb :). 4 vs1 for u was fun 5 vs 4 wasnt anymore. and wired thing is that i killed your m8s 3-4 times to dekarma and no1 of them drop, huh but u forgot to mention this small matter aint u ?. and stop bulshiting about sws/he at oly, u playe how long sps/ee ? cya!

There ware more than 4-5 of u at the end (4-5 from both side). And they ware at Hardin, so don't be surprised they didn't drop anything...


Quote from: Mayia on December 09, 2008, 01:58:05 PM
yes i know that when it is about u it is "different" :).

We did pk runs from FG to blazing and to varka without cleaning ourselves and yes we killed everyone, even buff bots and even low lvl chars that were there to get lvled up. It was somekind of a competition between us, who is gonna have more pks at the end.  ;)

The difference between most of temp and me is that when i got killed in varka by 2,3 temps or any other clan i didnt even say it to anymore since i didnt want to come back with more people than there is to kill since i was the one who wanted revenge and i got it by myself since believe me its really easy to kill 2-3 temps on my own. So why would i want to share my revenge with anyone? It felt much better when i killed 3 of you on my own, insted of 1 guy helping me.

And how do you guys solve something like this? When 2 guys will kill you, you dont even try to kill them by yourself with some tactics (comming from behind and surprise them) and even if you would have shit gear you can still kill people that have better gear with some brain cells, but no you dont even think about it and shout in ally "mass pvp" and than you form a party and come back to kill the 2 or 3 guys and act like "we pwn, this is temp" lmao  ;D

(this is how it was 2 months ago, but i bet temp didnt changed at all since than... And its not only temp who is like that, its the same with many clans in NM, but i wont name em now...)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on December 09, 2008, 02:54:45 PM
We did pk runs from FG to blazing and to varka without cleaning ourselves and yes we killed everyone, even buff bots and even low lvl chars that were there to get lvled up. It was somekind of a competition between us, who is gonna have more pks at the end.  ;)

The difference between most of temp and me is that when i got killed in varka by 2,3 temps or any other clan i didnt even say it to anymore since i didnt want to come back with more people than there is to kill since i was the one who wanted revenge and i got it by myself since believe me its really easy to kill 2-3 temps on my own. So why would i want to share my revenge with anyone? It felt much better when i killed 3 of you on my own, insted of 1 guy helping me.

And how do you guys solve something like this? When 2 guys will kill you, you dont even try to kill them by yourself with some tactics (comming from behind and surprise them) and even if you would have shit gear you can still kill people that have better gear with some brain cells, but no you dont even think about it and shout in ally "mass pvp" and than you form a party and come back to kill the 2 or 3 guys and act like "we pwn, this is temp" lmao  ;D

(this is how it was 2 months ago, but i bet temp didnt changed at all since than... And its not only temp who is like that, its the same with many clans in NM, but i wont name em now...)

blablabla I newer see you alone you always go with your friendds [like nitopami who is FTR's dog to res them on mass pvp, and Stormriders too why they don't accept war to Temp ally ???? ] who buffing you healing and help you kill ppl come to oly and show us your pro skill.