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Make Dnet reachable for new players!

Started by ehlena, May 19, 2009, 12:13:01 AM

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Quote from: Dhart on May 20, 2009, 05:16:41 PM
atm in 2 hours u can just call some parties for 1-2 rbs , and then those 2 hours almost ended and u prolly won't get any drop since u'r sharing items with 10 + ppl ( exemple )
if U make 1 or 2 raids everyday trust me... soon or later U will take something... and if invest your drops in good trades... coin after coin U can buy evrything...

and the most important thing to remember is that:

money  makes  more money =-P
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Afroman he/wl from NW


Quote from: TargetMe on May 20, 2009, 06:02:11 PM
U, se/bd, and a sws/ee as boxes xDDDDDDDDDD


never had those kind of chars...

maybe an sh/bd... a sws/sr and a wc/ty =-D
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


This topic will be a shout in a mountain.....like the rest of it...

DN was ,is and will be a donators world. Normal players will get 1% chance to get GM attention. WTF NOOB U DARE TO PM MI FOR SOME SHIT A GRADE SET ? GTFO,Oh wait Ill ban u for that too...u wasted mi time! ...char xxxxxx banned for 1200 reason : GM Offense . Or u pm a gm that ur Dyna set got scammed and he ask u when did u donated for it ? U say that its not from a donation and u fired u ass up from playing to get one and he just stops ignoring. Some1 scammed ur items and turned out its a gm friend ..np the gms disappear in a sec .

Horn are pain in the ass,quest items too, not to mention to get dyna set or Icarus weapon without donating...LOL its freaking impossible for a newbie who just came here. But drake doesnt give a freak.... calculate all the  dyna sets in the network  and multiply the number 100 times and u will see how much cash Drake got only from some stupid OP sets,not to mention coins that were destroyed in BEWS events, horns and other shits ,now imagine what will happen with the Icarus weapons...and u gonna tell me that this goes for server taxes ? LOL Didnt u get enough Drake ? Or u greedenes is endless ? Some day that greed of urs will drag u right to the bottom  and u wont like it. U r destroying party by part the biggest L2 network.


Quote from: Semper-Fi on May 20, 2009, 06:19:41 PM
This topic will be a shout in a mountain.....like the rest of it...

DN was ,is and will be a donators world. Normal players will get 1% chance to get GM attention. WTF NOOB U DARE TO PM MI FOR SOME SHIT A GRADE SET ? GTFO,Oh wait Ill ban u for that too...u wasted mi time! ...char xxxxxx banned for 1200 reason : GM Offense . Or u pm a gm that ur Dyna set got scammed and he ask u when did u donated for it ? U say that its not from a donation and u fired u ass up from playing to get one and he just stops ignoring. Some1 scammed ur items and turned out its a gm friend ..np the gms disappear in a sec .

Horn are pain in the ass,quest items too, not to mention to get dyna set or Icarus weapon without donating...LOL its freaking impossible for a newbie who just came here. But drake doesnt give a freak.... calculate all the  dyna sets in the network  and multiply the number 100 times and u will see how much cash Drake got only from some stupid OP sets,not to mention coins that were destroyed in BEWS events, horns and other shits ,now imagine what will happen with the Icarus weapons...and u gonna tell me that this goes for server taxes ? LOL Didnt u get enough Drake ? Or u greedenes is endless ? Some day that greed of urs will drag u right to the bottom  and u wont like it. U r destroying party by part the biggest L2 network.
You're right, but so what.
Drake made this network, he can do with it whatever he likes, destroy it, take it down any minute.


Quote from: Furesy on May 20, 2009, 05:04:19 PM
Who xd

Well you and Rebel are high on the list :P Don't think rich girl Viana has donated either but not sure of that.



Quote from: Furesy on May 20, 2009, 06:24:50 PM
You're right, but so what.
Drake made this network, he can do with it whatever he likes, destroy it, take it down any minute.
yes, but there was a time when he was there often, caring, involved, and not only about the money (imo).
This is what lacks the most nowadays. We can understand he has something else to do (music or whatever) but ppl don't want to be only a complementary income only.

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


ehlena.. seriously... honestly.. do you believe in a change? even in the slightest possibility of it, like 0,01% chance ? ...
if i was you i d grab my guild and search for whatever other decent place. starting over, playing as low lvl can t be worse .. how much of a "game" is left here?


Quote from: weapon_zero on May 20, 2009, 09:33:47 PM
ehlena.. seriously... honestly.. do you believe in a change? even in the slightest possibility of it, like 0,01% chance ? ...
if i was you i d grab my guild and search for whatever other decent place. starting over, playing as low lvl can t be worse .. how much of a "game" is left here?
well...I could bet...for newbe starters wich are lvl 40-50-60 would be faster getting lvl 80 starting over new in a other server xD...


Quote from: weapon_zero on May 20, 2009, 09:33:47 PM
ehlena.. seriously... honestly.. do you believe in a change? even in the slightest possibility of it, like 0,01% chance ? ...
if i was you i d grab my guild and search for whatever other decent place. starting over, playing as low lvl can t be worse .. how much of a "game" is left here?
I just can't help being naive ;)

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: ehlena on May 19, 2009, 12:13:01 AM
why they make it easier to reach high lvl in oficial?
They have been adding new features for high levels more than low levels.

Some of 81 skills' learning level had been raised to 83. Now it's easy to get forgotten scrolls for those skills from new instance raids. Problem is exping same as before. Vitals ? Vital level 4 goes down to 3 in 20 mins at 80+ while earning 0.1~0.2% exp in official.
Oh, you can pay for tokens to play slot game to get vital charge items.  ;) (well it's just an example)

We just need fun, not a complicated game system itself. It's good to have player support features but what's the point if we have nothing to use them for ?
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTUwqxHpXMY]Dancing Android - new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone[/url]


Quote from: flamingAwe on May 19, 2009, 05:45:44 PM
there is too much adena on market, and nothing to buy at NPC (only D weapons for crystalls and Ore for making shots. and GK)
Adena amount rises, prices rise as well.

1. Its called an inflation, and you are right,when ppl have more then 2-3kk in theyre pocket theyll pay for theyre mana pots 40k+ or for theyre SS more. I've been thinking and there is no other way to maintain the economy unless it is suprevised by the GM's, ofcourse the price rises,its an economical law, its called marketing, buying for less, selling for more.And you cannot ask for ppl to selll for less to "help" the economy,as well as u cannot ask ur grocery seller down the street to lower the price on tomatos,just so poor ppl will buy. Thats why we stay and sell, for profits, ofcourse ur not gonna buy a weapon and sell it for the same price, you want to get money of it.I made more money from trades then from drops or stuff like that.All you do is buy cheap items when u see them,and sell them to a desperate guy who really need it then, its called speculation, and thats how the economy works, all over the earth, and everyone who said "ohhh i dont sell for more, i want to keep the price lower" is a lier, and we all know it, we would sell something overpriced and anybody would so dont by a hypocrite. The problem with this server is....too much adena comming to players...nothing comming out.Someone tell me what money goes into the npc? SOE?SOR?. Money devaluation...and its bad because we play here for 2-3 years, and we got lots of it, kks over kks of adena, a newcommer cand afford to pay 1kkk for an A set ( im talking of dragon,the rest i dont know).
2. One of my friends came to play last month,hes new to l2 so he didnt knew how to make money, but that compensates with the thing taht i lend him a Maj Light and a bow. He played like crazy for a 1 moth now,and u know how much he got? 1kkk because he was close to a pk when he dropped shit that he sold for 750kk. THATS IT! in 1 month with good equip he got 250kk,what can he buy with that on dragon 15x? ammm.....NOTHING!!! And not to say that he grinded fater then others with my top A equip.
3.And we get to nr.3, a sensitive spot, Doners (Drake dont faint...i understand u too man).I dont mind doners,let them have theyre way, freak it, if for me 500 euros wouldnt be that much,hell yeah i would donate rather then spend years on getting that damn horn that looks like a tooth.BUT the gap between dinasty and craftable S is too much, the gap between a DB+SA and a DB+16 is too god damn much, this is where he was wrong, when he got greedy,when he accepted 600-700 euros+ in exchange for +16 and more weapons. This is why we hate donners.

Ok solutions? I got a few.
1st of al is DC, no more dc coins, theyre would have to be non tradeable, and no more selling weps +16,u want one? here u go 500 dc, exchange for adena, and try ur luck.And we would have something like "platinum" that its worth 1kkk at the NPC, wich cand be bought and sold for the same price.
2nd of all, get the money out of the goddamn players,and something non-tradeable or something that will raise its value in time like bews (it was a good idea...but it wasnt thought all the way). And make them keep giving theyre money to the npc so the prices will stay at the same lvl,so the money value wont decrease dramaticly.
3rd and final: Make it worth man...thats what its all about for new players, make it worth for them to stay here,let them know that after 2-3 months they will have horn,because whats everyone really hunting , equipment should be a challange, should break a sweat. But make horn accesable. Ive been playing here for 2 years man,and no...i did not get a horn,not because i didnt want to, its because 35dc its ludacris man,and its just not worth it at this price.Now with the 5 golkys mmmmm....its okay...but still not enough. Make them love DN for its subclass and make them donate for items.

And ppl pls dont try to flame, i didnt writ all this shit and grindid my mind for some idiot to say " haha 2 years and so sub...haha noob"

Noob and Beyond