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Started by =^TrackZero^=, June 06, 2009, 12:26:51 PM

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TrackZero can u answer mi for what i have ban IP ???



To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: seregas on June 06, 2009, 06:42:48 PM
bah  L2 walker  users  atttacking  :D


Quote from: TassarA on June 06, 2009, 09:38:38 PM
bah  L2 walker  users  atttacking  :D

i dont have chars in that list but i have problem to login to NM about 2 weeks. I dont know what wrong & GM dont answer mi!!!!!




ban will be for IP, so what with non-static IP?
Command //check_bot 1-3 is fixed?
you told that is possible to check it all l2w IG, yes?


Quote from: KrasnaalPL on June 06, 2009, 10:41:52 PM
ban will be for IP, so what with non-static IP?
Command //check_bot 1-3 is fixed?
you told that is possible to check it all l2w IG, yes?
he did'nt say ig or not, i know u can check offgame by checking if gameguard is launched, i heard so far everywhere than l2w ig cant be checked.


Quote from: KrasnaalPL on June 06, 2009, 10:41:52 PM
ban will be for IP, so what with non-static IP?
Command //check_bot 1-3 is fixed?
you told that is possible to check it all l2w IG, yes?
I dont even need to explaine you how i know 100% is l2w, just keep watching a ban list of NM and ull see :D
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Well, if somebody is using l2w ingame, there is nothing you can explain, cause the only method to catch such l2walker user is to teleport botting char somewhere else and if walker is badly configurated, it will 'behave' crazy. And don't say it's lie, cause packets send by l2walker are exactly the same as these send by normal client. So this 'method' (which is probably checking for multiplies IP or looking for walkers in popular spots like BS xD ) MAY concern oog walkers... If somebody is not so stupid  to run several oog walkers from 1 IP, you will never catch him/her... the best example is me xD So stop telling bullshit about your l2walker war or prove me that I am wrong by catching my l2walker which is running all the time.

Quote from: TrackZero on June 06, 2009, 12:26:51 PMand guess he is from poland so in the end it goes
Poland, with capital 'P'... show some respect to country which is homeland of majority players in DN. Keep in mind that otherwise your (or drake or somebody who is responsible for this thing imitating l2 network) will lose your source of money (I mean donators) [/sarcasm]

Btw. if you want to introduce fair rules for everybody, maybe start for punishing yourself? What about ksiezniczka007 from allegro.pl ? Several topics on forum, all was closed. He/She is still selling approximately 2k coins per month on NM,Dragon and INF. Is a bit difficult to farm such amount of dc per month for 3 or more years, don't you think? I suppose that you made good deal with ksiezniczka007...

And one little advice: don't try to trace me by checking IP: it will show you nothing (different IP on forum and ingame and none of them is real one).  See ya, waiting for further nicks on banlist (we will see how your method is working in practice...)


Quote from: truckysucky on June 07, 2009, 01:32:48 AM
Well, if somebody is using l2w ingame, there is nothing you can explain, cause the only method to catch such l2walker user is to teleport botting char somewhere else and if walker is badly configurated, it will 'behave' crazy. And don't say it's lie, cause packets send by l2walker are exactly the same as these send by normal client. So this 'method' (which is probably checking for multiplies IP or looking for walkers in popular spots like BS xD ) MAY concern oog walkers... If somebody is not so stupid  to run several oog walkers from 1 IP, you will never catch him/her... the best example is me xD So stop telling bullshit about your l2walker war or prove me that I am wrong by catching my l2walker which is running all the time.

P.S.  Poland, with capital 'P'... show some respect to country which is homeland of majority players in DN. Keep in mind that otherwise your (or drake or somebody who is responsible for this thing imitating l2 network) will lose your source of money (I mean donators) [/sarcasm]

Btw. if you want to introduce fair rules for everybody, maybe start for punishing yourself? What about ksiezniczka007 from allegro.pl ? Several topics on forum, all was closed. He/She is still selling approximately 2k coins per month on NM,Dragon and INF. Is a bit difficult to farm such amount of dc per month for 3 or more years, don't you think? I suppose that you made good deal with ksiezniczka007...

And one little advice: don't try to trace me by checking IP: it will show you nothing (different IP on forum and ingame and none of them is real one).  See ya, waiting for further nicks on banlist (we will see how your method is working in practice...)

lmao what a dumb, who the fuk u think u r?? making this kind of posts r so useless. What u want? u feel so "pro" challenging the gm? u want ppl shouting: "ooh no! we have a hacker! oooh noo!! zerocool is here!!" hahahaaha fffs u r just a pathetic asshole. Do u rly think that 1 more walker will bother this community? since its accustomed to deal with thousands at day, and that considering if r not a walker already catched just hipped cuz of that. Belive me with some walkers banned will be ok. ppl will not risk their accounts and will stop it 8 cuz not all r so "pro" like u hahahahah). its enough with go near the char and talk/hit it, and if there is no any reaction from the "walker BAN, as i see u dont need more science.
Just play the game and have fun ^^
