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Started by Sephiroth, June 11, 2009, 07:38:50 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 09:51:23 PM
drak is clanless and going to EB so... :>

ahahhhhhhahhhahhhhahahahah hahahhhahhhahahahahhhhhahahahahh ahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha this shit made my freaking day ahahahahahaha
who the freak told yo this shittttt?????????????? ahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahha
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 09:51:23 PM
drak is clanless and going to EB so... :>

The char is clanless... the player still on FTRxBM.
Just playing another char in clan...


Quote from: Weezer on June 11, 2009, 10:10:08 PM
The char is clanless... the player still on FTRxBM.
Just playing another char in clan...

Stingerx and Scorp1on.


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 09:51:23 PM
drak is clanless and going to EB so... :>

Latest news, Zthrx wanna join BloodList.... :>


Quote from: Sephiroth on June 11, 2009, 09:53:41 PM
I didn't write that,and I said that cos it's a fact.
This agreement will be broken as soon as Pain belive themselves with enough power to pwn everything around.Even more if Asga is the leader of one of their clans(Correct me if I'm wrong),I think that u know what I mean.
Sieges,but,out of'em I want the same situation,and that isn't happening now.

And no,neither I,but CLs must do their work,cos if I,or my bro get touch by one more Pain member,be sure I'll pm u and u'll pm the CL of that clan ( 90% of times Sali/Vergilo ) to talk'bout that member(That way CLs will do their freaking work).So,afterall,u'r the one who's gonna do the work,Gabi...not me.

That would be nice,but he's not the only one.

Ok seems you really don't know what you are on about so leme set it straight. Our relationship with greenies is not the same as say temps and marvels, we do not ask for your assistance (and offer it back in your sieges) because we think its the onlyway we can kill temps.

The reason that we work together is because most people in CB atleast actually really like greenie clan, as in friendship wise not in a way that is only to use them, therefore pain becoming stronger will not end the relationship as it is not born out of a hunger for power.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Mayia on June 11, 2009, 10:17:51 PM
Latest news, Zthrx wanna join BloodList.... :>

it was an info from draks 3 days ago so ... (joiningEB)


Quote from: Sephiroth on June 11, 2009, 09:53:41 PM
I didn't write that,and I said that cos it's a fact.
This agreement will be broken as soon as Pain belive themselves with enough power to pwn everything around.Even more if Asga is the leader of one of their clans(Correct me if I'm wrong),I think that u know what I mean.
Sieges,but,out of'em I want the same situation,and that isn't happening now.

And no,neither I,but CLs must do their work,cos if I,or my bro get touch by one more Pain member,be sure I'll pm u and u'll pm the CL of that clan ( 90% of times Sali/Vergilo ) to talk'bout that member(That way CLs will do their freaking work).So,afterall,u'r the one who's gonna do the work,Gabi...not me.

That would be nice,but he's not the only one.
I don't think agreements are made to be broken, I don't understand why Asga/Asgalus or any player is even more a key factor to break the friendship with <greens>. I didn't called Draks a retard. I went to Golky yesterday bcz I saw ally chat with message <the orc that PKed us before is here again>, I asked about orc game nick, he was with no crest. If he had Pain, FTR, BM, CB, Infidels crest I wouldn't done it the same way. I have/had no idea if Draks have a char in Pain/FTR/BM/CB, I recall him in S1ndicate, Temps allies. Also Draks didn't said <look out I am from a friendly side>. He didn't went under the cover of a clan/ally, but he took it very personally and that amused me and determined me to screen it.
p.s.: I chat too much, I play way less, not even 5 minutes today.
A strong principle: "As long I can't kill all my enemies, I use to run away"
When I was young I believed that money and power will make me happy. I was right (Bill Gates)


Quote from: seboulba on June 11, 2009, 10:38:25 PM
it was an info from draks 3 days ago so ... (joiningEB)

Seb, if draks comes to u and pm "hey i am mighty Drake, delete your char, i will create 1 brand new 1 for u with edited stats", u will belive him ? :)


Quote from: SirAlex on June 11, 2009, 10:07:55 PM
ahahhhhhhahhhahhhhahahahah hahahhhahhhahahahahhhhhahahahahh ahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha this shit made my freaking day ahahahahahaha
who the freak told yo this shittttt?????????????? ahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahha

I'm always 1 step forward


where r the flames,where is the hate?damn u,u silly peaceful cunts!
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Damn now that i came back with popcorn... it'd over!! Damn gotta be faster next time. XD

Happy to see it's over though.

Peace is nice


Quote from: Sephiroth on June 11, 2009, 07:38:50 PM
It seems that I've missed something,but as far as I know Pain and Valar/Dragons r allied,somehow retarded ppl like Draks,and all his wannabe friends,and the Suxel fellows who r in Pain(also all the retardeds Asga recruited),didn't understand it.
Also,as far as I know "Green" ppl know that Pain r allied.So,why the hell if we help Pain in Sieges,and many of "Green members" help out of town in pvp,I've to bear Draks,some mofos more from FTRxBM,and even some Epic idiots atacking me(no,w/o knowing who I am,even in that case,it'd be damn pathetic),my friends,etc...?
And no,CB members don't do that cos we've helped each other way more times that Pain,furthermore,FTR and BM didn't use to be friends.

And y,I just wanna know what's happening.And y,stop messing forum with game cos I'm damn pissed'bout that...( I cannot even tell ppl who I am lol ).

Bcs you are no1 and they havent nothing to lose if green ally n44bs stop to help to FTR and CB.
Dont worry, the green ally was betrayed 1 time and they still liking CB and FTR ba***.