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Your dagger experience (maybe a GM/coder can explain?)

Started by Dag, June 18, 2009, 01:54:00 PM

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Quote from: k0rina on June 29, 2009, 01:08:12 PM
evasion boost on heavy for what ? aw/sk play o tank stats  aw/sk  isnt example like: th/sws or th/pp  is slower but more stronger but  if u know how play it its np
I was talking about daggers in Light,cos daggers in Heavy is another story.

In Light,a dagger just need a WC/SWS,archers won't even touch him,and almost no reuse of blows(Haven't checked).
In Heavy,daggers loose one of their strong points,Evasion,but at least they've got higher P.Def,Deflect Arrow,a nice Shield defense rate/power,etc...


Quote from: SLAYMORE on June 29, 2009, 02:12:43 AM
flameOne, I guess calling conclusions that you don't fully understand "total failure" is your own way to say you disagree so I won't pick on you now. Instead, I'll try to explain
AS+CD would be better for oly fights because it's more mana-wise than the haste dagger (more damage with less stabs) and there is a significant difference in damage, having in mind your opponent's defensive buffs. Also the boost in attack speed you will get from a haste dagger in oly would be too insignificant because of your own buffs.
AS+H would be better for mass pvps because you will be facing full buffed targets and under that conditions difference in damage between  a CD and a haste dagger is minimal. Don't know about you but I would prefer the 150 attack speed more over the ~50 dmg per stab more during a mass pvp in most cases.
As for the CoV part, I think you are totally missing the point - it was a damage test and as such by "full buffed" I meant the buffs that increase dagger skill damage. Why would I take into consideration the fact that CoV slows you down during a test?

zthrx, on what target's p.def. did you get 300-450 damage difference? I doubt I can reach the same, but still, I will re-do my tests. As far as I know you don't play on dragon15x, so I'm getting suspicious about CD working differently in the different servers of this network (note: due to some retarded GMs on dragon15x, we have some custom "fixes", "nerfs" and "adjustments". Example: the CP pots reuse increase, which as far as I know wasn't presented to the other servers of this network)
oki doki, i got your point now, but i disagree  ;D
hybAken TH/WK


Quote from: Dag on June 24, 2009, 07:06:32 PM
man i know that CD add damage on blows

i m talkin about critical blow( the blow of th that gives a buff like mortal strike)


tested again blows land rate during critical blow buff

again 200 blows with AS and 200 with DD+MM

this time % is near 90 % with both of them
interesting that AS has same land rate  as DD when buff is active

once again Test aren't exhaustive

with a -7 dex compared to previous test i had same or even better land rate

Dag, when u make those tests u should go for a higher number of blows. Higher number=Higher possiblity to create a statistic similar to real, not based on luck about landing rate %. Try to do it especially about Critical Blow buff which were u talking some days ago, i'll try to do the same later or tomorrow.
Satrapo      necro/pp
Kr1kka       th/sws
Infermiera  bp/pal
Proud member of "clean Beril's pk" team :D


Dag got the answer of his questions.

Landing rates aren't affected by stats but something else that can't be seen by players or can be changed by them :)


Quote from: Dag on June 24, 2009, 07:06:32 PM
with a -7 dex compared to previous test i had same or even better land rate

ofc, cuz dex has nohing to do with landing rate, hb changed whole mechanics. You prolly added dye +str, thats why u had better result, now str is important for dagger.


Quote from: Anemonia on June 30, 2009, 03:19:32 PM
Dag got the answer of his questions.

Landing rates aren't affected by stats but something else that can't be seen by players or can be changed by them :)


don't share knowledge if they don't waste time on testing :)


btw, how to say..... consider blow land rate as a ...fixed value.

it isn't STAT affected, but BUFF (who said focus death?) so...... take dyes u like.... they will affect just things u can see ingame. (p atk, hp, speed etc)

(tnx god i still have a MM dagger)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: Torek [IF] on July 01, 2009, 06:59:34 PM
cazzo hai scoperto che i  dagatori sono stati creati a cazzo di cane xD....confortate non è vero?
adesso verrai arrestato da drake x aver scoperto sta cosa xD
:) dai e stato gentile, l ha spiegato proprio lui che son fatti cosi

certo che e sconfortante cazzo
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10