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Michael Jackson is dead

Started by Chicks, June 26, 2009, 12:21:11 AM

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Quote from: Parabol on June 26, 2009, 12:28:53 PM
Yea, yea, yea... and he agreed to pay over $20 mil to the Chandlers for shits and giggles, aye? Grow up. Your king had issues.  

true or not he changed our world and for that he still diserve resepct.
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Stop the bs.Nobody changed the world,except Bush family,and they did it for their good,our bad.

MJ was a great singer/dancer,but he didn't grew up in the proper way,so that he became a mad guy.
His music will have my respect,but not him.


Quote from: Chicks on June 26, 2009, 12:42:18 PM

true or not he changed our world and for that he still diserve resepct.

Not really as valid arguement. Hitler changed our world, stalin changed our world, Pol pot changed our world. Change alone isn't enough to earn respect.

But yeah he had some great songs back in the 80's... and he could always sing and i like his music alot.
But lets face it, Jacko was a wacko.



Quote from: kidicarus on June 26, 2009, 01:19:40 PM
Jacko was a wacko.

Wasn't Jesus himself? ;)

Anyway, Jacko wasn't God's son, not even close to it; still, as Chicks said, he do deserve respect for what he did in his good years. I've never been his worshiper, just like few songs, but have to admit he was great.

@Defoe: You should put "anti" to that nick, as you obviously are dull, unlike  the genius you point.


Quote from: TangRa on June 26, 2009, 01:58:25 PM
Wasn't Jesus himself?

Yeah don't even get me started on him... he was the mother of all wackjobs.

Anywho i don't really get the point of your post. If you read mine again, you will see that i respect his music i just think hes i little strange....



pathetic reading some posts here, and respectro the  "normal" people of this forum.

Rip Micheal

One StarWars weapon less.


if u like or no...no matter....just respect

Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: kidicarus on June 26, 2009, 02:56:57 PM
Anywho i don't really get the point of your post. If you read mine again, you will see that i respect his music i just think hes i little strange....

Well, there should be space between first sentence and the rest. Didn't mean to argue, it was just a hint. My bad :)


R.I.P MJ.Best Pop Singer in tha world!
my fav song's
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: Daniel Defoe on June 26, 2009, 06:47:59 PM
i dont try cause i know i am the best :) and daniel defoe i like this name and that glad on oficial cause he is not retarded like 90% ppl here 8)

A good guy died, who had a pretty hard life. He was amazingly talented, and will be missed by millions. You saying "who gives a freak" is the ultimate in 1.) irony (because a huge amount of people care) and 2.) ignorance, because you seem to not value the cost of death. When you die, i hope somebody says "who gives a freak" to your family/friends, i'm sure they will appreciate it.

You're abit of a prick really, making blunt comments for the hell of it is far more retarded than the "90%" of people on this server. Anyway, your spelling/grammar is freaking awful - and everything you say is a load of shit.

Davrioza - SK/AW
Davri0za - SK/SH
DavriozaPwns - SpS/EE
Hindu - Future HE/WL, Mohammad Jihad.
(And some more ghey chars + Davrioza, 70 human mage @ WoW)



Quote from: Herza on June 26, 2009, 10:41:04 AM
@wind : ur a tard sometimes u know?
is part of my personal charm.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history