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Archers question

Started by AmunZen, June 28, 2009, 09:42:15 PM

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Quote from: Zuluman on July 01, 2009, 02:26:27 PM
pfff cast speed w/e.... go freak yourself  ;D

The amount of hp reduced per second by skills is easily countered buy using ghp, or 1 heal every 20 seconds.
u can go i dont wana



Quote from: Defoe on July 01, 2009, 02:31:31 PM
Judging whole clan in way like you do only coz of his retarded replies  shows only that you on same retarded  lvl with him.
About mages and 2 hits, for example I shouldnt go out of town when sws/wc not online and/or I wear DC robe set ?
You and ur clan mates everytime using words "lowskiled faggots" and at same time i have seen only few  skilled players  vs who I had rly fun during pvp ( you not one of them ) so who the fuk gave you a right call some1 else like this, only coz you hit some1 with huge dmg that make you pro?
p.s. dont take too seriouse mine words about skill, I wrote here just mine subjective vision.
i seriously doubt that i could go that low to his lvl,simply coz i would never EVER judge a whole CLASS just coz of some tards.
as for the second part of ur reply that goes for mages i will simply answer u that i was talking about a concret situation and at the time that i am talking about there was no mage w/o a dyn set and i am 100% sure they didnt lack of any buffs.and about the leaving town w/o a sws/wc or anykind of support,i agree with u,i am not common with the idea of going on full buffs everywhere i go.and as an example of that is the very same situation that i wrote above,in that pvp i was out there on my own with a pp/bd on my back,i used a pt of SR as a meat shield and the terrain as a hiding place.
me and my clanmates will always come here with the words "low skilled faggots" coz of the reply of ur mate which brought us to the conclusion that u have no tactics(i seriously doubt that,but my point is u must look at ur clan mate's lvl of mental sickness).
as it comes to me and my skills,i dun think we've(u and i ) met enough times that u can make conclusions about my gameplay.never the less tell me where i've written that i am pro,go on show me where.nowhere?thats right,coz i cant say some1 is pro when i see him with his mates i can say that their cooperation is pro,but i cant say that 1 of em can be pro if it comes to individuals,only healers make an exception here ofc.

edit : i've wrote this kinda long post in few sec,so if  there r some misspellings and stuff i am sorry.
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: Ungolianth on July 01, 2009, 04:07:46 AM
hej echtelion ked sme taky noobovia tak preco konci kazde pvp proti ftr vasim vypraskom hmmm? dalsia vec my robime zerg teraz? dlho si nebol asi na siegy...volate cely server aby ste nas dali aj tak to konci vasim fiaskom...neviete dat dokopy ani ally co by stalo za to tak tu nemudruj :)

Envy, po rozpadu Envy jsme byl týden v FTR, jen abych pokecal se starýma známýma, takže jsem vlastně nehrál. A nyní jsem již delší dobu, vlastně od založení v Epic.
ad.2) nezazil jsem pvp, kdybychom my s vámi prohráli, maximálně jste nás uzergovali, ale to je jedno, každý zná váš styl
ad.3) v době, kdy fungovala ally Pain tak, jak měla, tak jsme během 3 CS ziskali 3 hrady, to že jistý klan nedodržuje pravidla ally, což způsobilo zopad ally, je věc jiná, ale do toho je ti hov..
ad.4) jeste jsem nezazil, ze bychom volali cely server, ale ono to ani nejde, kdyz 2/3 servru jste vy a vaši vlezdoprdelkové
ad.5) u failed, v celém svém příspěvku.....
BerenCZ - HE/WK + SPS
Ecthelion31 - SWS/SR + GL
Sigridka - SPS/EE + NE
Azaghal31 - BH/TY



why u made 3 posts in row :D


Quote from: Ungolianth on July 02, 2009, 02:51:02 AM
and that i writted that we dont have any tactisc was pure fun cuz i know how much u like to reply lol....sont take all so serious 90 percent of my posts is based on hummor but pigs cant uunderstand or maybe i am terrible joker  ;)
yea right,i lack of any sense of humour and u r the №1 joker ever walked the earth
/sarcasm mode off
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: Ungolianth on July 02, 2009, 02:59:22 AM
myslim ze predtym si bol v bh ked sme boli spolu v ally...skutocne si myslis ze nas clan vas neda v rovnakom pocte? ja o tom pochybujem...mimochodom logni echteliona a kukni friendlist...kedysi sa dalo s tebou aj normalne rozprevat ale tie casi su asi prec  :-\

Kua, ted jsem si vsiml, ze ten muj post neni cely, no ni blbe jsem ho zkopiroval. To je jedno. V bh jsem nebyl, byl jsem v klanech, ktere pravdepodobne ani neznas, protoze jsou dost stare, z tech, ktere znas, to jsou ch, ftr, envy, epic. Co se tyce pvp, tak je zbytecne se o tom bavit, vy to nepriznate, my vime sve. Zbytecna diskuze. Co se tyce friendlist, vim o tobe a dobre si i pamatuji napr. nase obchodovani v Schutgardtu. Jinak mluvit se se mnou da porad normalne, ale clovek proste musi nekdy reagovat. Nema smysl diskutovat, ja mam svuj nazor, ty mas svuj, a ja nemam cas se hadat kvuli par pixelum. Mam plno dulezitejsich veci, kterym musim venovat cas.
BerenCZ - HE/WK + SPS
Ecthelion31 - SWS/SR + GL
Sigridka - SPS/EE + NE
Azaghal31 - BH/TY


Quote from: mark_elesse on July 02, 2009, 09:50:05 AM
oukey meng, i kinda see your point and i will accept it AFTER you explain me some things :

1. if we kill you/ your clan ( lets say 4v4 ) why are u coming back 2 pt instead the original 4 owned niggaz ??

2. why you sucked so hard against us on event, and on every balanced pvp, when we were kinda in the same amounts.

i would apparciate your answers ! :)
Point 2 is, they didn't suck, nobody did, event was for fun and CB won it fair and square, but says completely nothing. (apart from bakoos being a good dagger/tank)


Quote from: mark_elesse on July 02, 2009, 09:50:05 AM
oukey meng, i kinda see your point and i will accept it AFTER you explain me some things :

1. if we kill you/ your clan ( lets say 4v4 ) why are u coming back 2 pt instead the original 4 owned niggaz ??

2. why you sucked so hard against us on event, and on every balanced pvp, when we were kinda in the same amounts.

i would apparciate your answers ! :)
1. bs... almost all time i made pvp with mine bot or with 2-3 friend of me and I dont like call ppl for helping at pvp at all.  tbh I couldnt remind when you killed me 4vs4 and i came back with 2 parties.
2. I could say you won vs EB at event only coz CB's party dps was >EB party dps and +bakoos did his job.

and I have 1 questions also : if we sucked so hard then why you didnt acepted pvp 4vs4 when we asked you once at varka? Pls just give answer w/o bs like wich i just voted, we all know that you at forum better fighter then in game.

p.s. Mark, you should keep ur mouth closed and dont call no1 "low skilled faggot" untill you will get some skill also, you make me just laught when you screaming here at forum  how much we lowskilled and after when i meet out of town you have no idea how pvp (atleast i have  seen it vs  me on any of ur archers ).


Quote from: Defoe on July 02, 2009, 03:27:07 PM
and I have 1 questions also : if we sucked so hard then why you didnt acepted pvp 4vs4 when we asked you once at varka? Pls just give answer w/o bs like wich i just voted, we all know that you at forum better fighter then in game.
ha!and tell me how many times did we ask u for an equal number pvp since the rebirth of v3 till now?

talking bout skill,i have to be honest.u r the only archer from EB that i've once wondered how does he do that,that was when i couldnt hit u w/o u being on UE,the nice idea of evasion set up,that was cool.BUT 1 name from a whole clan...not enough imo.
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: mark_elesse on July 02, 2009, 09:50:05 AM
oukey meng, i kinda see your point and i will accept it AFTER you explain me some things :

1. if we kill you/ your clan ( lets say 4v4 ) why are u coming back 2 pt instead the original 4 owned niggaz ??

2. why you sucked so hard against us on event, and on every balanced pvp, when we were kinda in the same amounts.

i would apparciate your answers ! :)

well bitch,u always call everybody here "low lvl skills players". i hope 1 day to meet u in real life and show u some high lvl wing chun skills!
Heroes dont ask how many are they,but where are they!!!

Dragonshard :aw/sk
DragonShark : moonlight sent//sword muse(semi active)
DragonSharp :da//pp(my favorite)
Strya              :SAG//AL(active)
Bumma           :ty/ol retail necro


Quote from: Endorama on July 02, 2009, 03:54:59 PM
ha!and tell me how many times did we ask u for an equal number pvp since the rebirth of v3 till now?
well we asked pvp 4vs4 coz in another way at that night we couldnt get fun coz of retards around.