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Started by dusaka, August 26, 2009, 10:50:55 PM

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lol, you really think Aion is alone in that point?

It's not.


I'm not speaking of statistics either. It was my experience, whenever I went to see even a no-name free mmorpg, I met a lot of players coming from L2, WoW, AoC. Would you really believe that it's only in Aion's case? If so, then you're way too naive.


Quote from: Furesy on September 03, 2009, 05:25:26 PM
lol, you really think Aion is alone in that point?

It's not.

Quote from: vasu on September 03, 2009, 10:05:45 PM
I'm not speaking of statistics either. It was my experience, whenever I went to see even a no-name free mmorpg, I met a lot of players coming from L2, WoW, AoC. Would you really believe that it's only in Aion's case? If so, then you're way too naive.

Also didn't say that. However what's different, is that Aion is still beta with these conditions. freak, do you know any other game where asia made the beta p2p?


Nothing is different, check the upcoming closed betas for even free mmorpgs. Read about them on any gamesite and you'll see lots of people begging for beta keys.
Making the beta pay to play, freak yeah, that's just sad.


Quote from: vasu on September 04, 2009, 07:37:35 PM
Nothing is different, check the upcoming closed betas for even free mmorpgs. Read about them on any gamesite and you'll see lots of people begging for beta keys.
Making the beta pay to play, freak yeah, that's just sad.

That's what i was getting at, do you know any other game of whom's beta was p2p? Does that not say anything positive about Aion?

Another thing, for anyone who has played/is playing/knows much about Aion, 1.5 open beta starts in 1d 4h 3m 50s with v1.5. It has a lot more content than previous versions. If anyone reading this who has played Aion and made up their mind, may wana try open beta first as it will be significantly different as far as the world, gear, and items go....


Quote from: LinK187 on September 05, 2009, 01:58:28 PM
Does that not say anything positive about Aion?

Oh well, nope. It's actually the opposite, only shows that they're rather greedy.


Quote from: vasu on September 05, 2009, 03:41:09 PM
Oh well, nope. It's actually the opposite, only shows that they're rather greedy.

No, it shows that china is greedy. All other betas are/have been free.

But the fact that people are willing to pay to play beta does say something positive.

btw 13h 56m 11s



Quote from: LinK187 on September 03, 2009, 03:44:56 AM
it's l2j... l2fail.... and posting a list of custom npcs doesn't add or subtract to the fact.

u think  l2j is l2fail?  well...

1 did u notice having l2off and donation system is ILEGAL     1st BIG LOL
  ( notice DN is current in HB CT 1.5 , not Gracia Final that`s why they avoid problems `` i guess ´´ )

2 to host l2off  i need a very good PC  so much Ram and also very big HD
   host l2j eat far away less res

3 l2off got database under SQL , having l2j runs under MySql far more easy to use and fast than MicrosoftCrap SQL

4 minimun error on l2off lead to crash , l2j is easy and simple to configure and run

5 to make a custom npc in l2off demand  a lot of hours, making a custom npc in l2j take only few mins

6 many revisons of l2j have a lot of implemented features, L2off revs got more bugs than implemented things

7 l2j only need to know java to make BIG changes to server the rest is in a txt file very easy to made
 l2off demand C++ and lot of hours of cod/decod encrypt/decrypt

8 l2j revs are at gracia final  with lots of issues solved like working SSq many RBs like Baium, Valakas also l2j have many rev to dwload
 l2off revs  are close to C4 / C5 / iL /  CT 1.5 , and open sourced dev. as i know they are trying to reach 2.3 GF
also looking for l2off rev is very hard because if someone got l2off not open sourced is stealed info/data

9 some years ago FBI closed up  many server running with L2off
   having l2j is 100% free and legal

10 i like a lot dn  but the problems here are leading me to make my own server  
                   i have tested l2off in my pc  and l2j
l2off is kind nice but meyb next year if i buy a new pc i can try to set up l2off  ( CT 1.5   64 bits )
atm l2j is a better choise at least for me it run fast and stable

if u got l2off open sourced rev is ok, if not... u are in big problems ROFL  

xaxaxaxaxax joke joke

but the truth?

who knows




Quote from: lilmayer on September 08, 2009, 11:50:03 PM
u think  l2j is l2fail?  well...

1 did u notice having l2off and donation system is ILEGAL     1st BIG LOL
  ( notice DN is current in HB CT 1.5 , not Gracia Final that`s why they avoid problems `` i guess ´´ )

2 to host l2off  i need a very good PC  so much Ram and also very big HD
   host l2j eat far away less res

3 l2off got database under SQL , having l2j runs under MySql far more easy to use and fast than MicrosoftCrap SQL

4 minimun error on l2off lead to crash , l2j is easy and simple to configure and run

5 to make a custom npc in l2off demand  a lot of hours, making a custom npc in l2j take only few mins

6 many revisons of l2j have a lot of implemented features, L2off revs got more bugs than implemented things

7 l2j only need to know java to make BIG changes to server the rest is in a txt file very easy to made
 l2off demand C++ and lot of hours of cod/decod encrypt/decrypt

8 l2j revs are at gracia final  with lots of issues solved like working SSq many RBs like Baium, Valakas also l2j have many rev to dwload
 l2off revs  are close to C4 / C5 / iL /  CT 1.5 , and open sourced dev. as i know they are trying to reach 2.3 GF
also looking for l2off rev is very hard because if someone got l2off not open sourced is stealed info/data

9 some years ago FBI closed up  many server running with L2off
   having l2j is 100% free and legal

10 i like a lot dn  but the problems here are leading me to make my own server  
                   i have tested l2off in my pc  and l2j
l2off is kind nice but meyb next year if i buy a new pc i can try to set up l2off  ( CT 1.5   64 bits )
atm l2j is a better choise at least for me it run fast and stable

if u got l2off open sourced rev is ok, if not... u are in big problems ROFL  

xaxaxaxaxax joke joke

but the truth?

who knows



All that being possibly true, I've tested on l2j servers. They're freaked up, things don't work right. So much so that I couldn't bare to play on them. On l2off everything important works like retail.. Simple. The same thing will happen with the Aion EMU development. It will blow monkey balls. The only way private Aion servers will be good is when there's a retail leak.

The reason they call it "Donations" is because you're giving as a donation and not a purchase. So they're not illegal. If l2 off servers charged you for your account. Then it's illegal.


Quote from: GN on September 09, 2009, 11:27:31 AM
almost hotsprings , almost dagger .

Autoroon Crossing, Is a dagger. Likely a scout.

Dagger using classes are not like L2. Scouts get a dual wield passive and you can use any 2 one handed weapons. The only aspect of daggers that is the same, is the weapon itself crits more. Scouts also have a stealth skill. Scouts can then change to be either a ranger or assassin. Rangers get a few dual wield skills, bow skills, and trap skills. Assassin's get more dual wield skills, and better stealth. Both classes use leather armour.

There are several other skills the 2 classes get that are unrelated to weapons like self buffs, debuffs, and evasive skills.

There's quite a bit more that can be said/needs explaining, but bottom line, this is not L2 and not hot springs.


Quote from: Ungolianth on September 09, 2009, 08:40:57 PM
like the video from gracia i think ppl in nm should make more videos like this with more zoom

More specifically, what makes gracia so great and not on pre gracia features. As well no l2j shit, because it's not real gracia.

The reason you had to be a paid file planet subscriber to get Aion NA/EU open beta keys is because they wanted to stress test and resolve a few lag issues the first few days. Now they are giving away keys to anyone. No paid account required.


Quote from: LinK187 on September 09, 2009, 04:17:19 AM
All that being possibly true, I've tested on l2j servers. They're freaked up, things don't work right. So much so that I couldn't bare to play on them. On l2off everything important works like retail.. Simple. The same thing will happen with the Aion EMU development. It will blow monkey balls. The only way private Aion servers will be good is when there's a retail leak.

The reason they call it "Donations" is because you're giving as a donation and not a purchase. So they're not illegal. If l2 off servers charged you for your account. Then it's illegal.

hahaha  ye  but here ure not donating  ure purchasing a donator coin  ROFL


and about l2j  yes they are freaked up  but they are because no one wants to work in devolp ofc if some one gonna waste time in dev 
it is better to waste it trying to make a l2off  =P
but l2j is not so bad i have fixed many things in few time the real problem with the most revs of l2j  is the lazy devolper who compiled the files

btw lets soe to the main theme of  this topic

i think  Gracia Final is better than Aion

aion looks like a copycat with bit better graphics

gracia final in full details and improved shaders looks rly good

+1 to gracia final