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@track , i had a dream last night

Started by lucifsg, October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM

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Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM
Well last night i was with luci (ne/pp) in full buffs so i  went alone like i used to (before i start olying,) to zerg varka. It was fun vs 2-3 random guys till 4-5 ftr and nitopami arived and killed me. I felt so much dissapointed realizing my favorite char cant do sh1t alone anymore vs proper resists and tbh it was the 1st time i gave up and was tempted to switch on an archer. So i logged a pp/he with some good gear and icarus bow took buffs and went back there. WTF ? OWNAGE ? this hawkeye was giving around 4-5k's like giving candys to little kids and i didnt even was full buffed. Killed 8 guys (more than 1 time each cause of rez ) in some seconds. Even when nito start running after me with like 5 supporters on his ass the char was handling really good due to kiting.
Galdaf (ne/bp) arived some time after so we dueled in almost full buffs (we both was missing pet buffs). Guess what he won just once cause he anchored me and i didnt even kite him, i just stood there. i was criting him for 2.5k and his best crit was 700 on me ...

So my dream is to make mages worth again a bit more vs archers and any other class. Any fighter with resists and thoose new FS now can minimize damage to less than 200/per hit. There is a 20 page topic about OP archers. Track will smth change or it will remain as it is ?

I wil happily test this with you, just send me a pm when you want me IG, I will even buff you and show you how to prevent archers hittting for 4-5k  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Seirously though, if you wanan test it I will happily help on fullbuffs so I can post the screens of me critting for 1k max on the forum and prove to all what a liar you are.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: jygh on October 05, 2009, 03:55:40 PM
those "debuffs" doesnt land cthon ... just mage bane and warrior bane  is rly nice on mass pvps but rest just simple sux lolz.... they dont land on full buff vs full bbuff:Pplus since its custom server and not official one necro should have more power..
anyway iff mage have totally full buff i mean chant of protection and songs its fine vs archers but those days its hard to find wc and sws to mage pt cause a lot of mages rerolled to archers.... for example before in c3/c4 we had many daggers and now ? is like 5% of server cuz they simply sux ...
i dont cry ( cuz im sure someone will say stop qq ) but just say a simple freak :P
btw track test archers vs mages but on normal buffs also i mean bd + pp buffs etc not only full buff

i couldn't say who will win on bd/pp buffs but i can be sure that if ress will be allowed like u can do in mass pvp mages can win on full buffs with wc and all sh1ts...
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


anyway guys i was on drmoufas , trust me he is a bit stronger than drtibo due to augs.
Cthon sorry for confusing u with mark my bad was at work and kinda rushed. As for the tons of dmg a necro does ... LOL? when ?
he just has a gloom as others got surrender thats all...
Its true we tested dmg with mark and my dmg was sh1ty ... i dunno if u guys dont wanna accept wtf more to say...
@furesy dude u dont even have icarus bow what u gonna test ? After all dmg/sec is all that matters . So even ur 1k  (on what pal/mage ?) is a lot with 500 crit rate when an archer use 3 arrow /sec and a mage responds with 550 dmg critical .
Not to mention i had that FS like archery and other ones for mage resists...
After all why u see so many archers ? Cause they suck ?


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 04:39:12 PM
anyway guys i was on drmoufas , trust me he is a bit stronger than drtibo due to augs.
He does low dmg also lol

he just has a gloom as others got surrender thats all...
Its true we tested dmg with mark and my dmg was sh1ty ... i dunno if u guys dont wanna accept wtf more to say...
Necro isn't a nuker, it's a debuffer/support nuker, I'm not going to explain what a support nuker like a Necro is supposed to do xd

@furesy dude u dont even have icarus bow what u gonna test ? After all dmg/sec is all that matters . So even ur 1k  (on what pal/mage ?) is a lot with 500 crit rate when an archer use 3 arrow /sec and a mage responds with 550 dmg critical .
I can't test it because my char is banned, but I'll test it with someone else later, difference between Icarus and Drac bow isn't much at all when it comes to damage, only Icarus shoots faster, but You deal the same dmg with a Draconic bow.
Archer gameplay completely changed from IL to Hellbound (it's uber lame now tbh but that's just me) I've played archers since C2, I've played close to every single combo out there, I know close to every weakness of every combo, I know how archers work now, and in fullbuff PvP they don't deal that much dmg as you claim they do.

After all why u see so many archers ? Cause they suck ?
Because people get owned by them and 'wannabe' pro as well.


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 04:39:12 PM
anyway guys i was on drmoufas , trust me he is a bit stronger than drtibo due to augs.
Cthon sorry for confusing u with mark my bad was at work and kinda rushed. As for the tons of dmg a necro does ... LOL? when ?
he just has a gloom as others got surrender thats all...
Its true we tested dmg with mark and my dmg was sh1ty ... i dunno if u guys dont wanna accept wtf more to say...
@furesy dude u dont even have icarus bow what u gonna test ? After all dmg/sec is all that matters . So even ur 1k  (on what pal/mage ?) is a lot with 500 crit rate when an archer use 3 arrow /sec and a mage responds with 550 dmg critical .
Not to mention i had that FS like archery and other ones for mage resists...
After all why u see so many archers ? Cause they suck ?
stupid necromancers have only gloom. the rest use more than just gloom » vortex » nuke :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Furesy on October 05, 2009, 04:45:38 PM
He does low dmg also lol
Necro isn't a nuker, it's a debuffer/support nuker, I'm not going to explain what a support nuker like a Necro is supposed to do xd

go on explain me what my 5 year char is suposed to do lol
ps debuffer ?? joke right ? other than banes nothing else lands and with cleanse its pointless. On an archer even thoose banes are useless cause of potions lol..


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 05:03:15 PM
go on explain me what my 5 year char is suposed to do lol

Nah, you can go find that out yourself xD


Quote from: Furesy on October 05, 2009, 05:03:59 PM
Nah, you can go find that out yourself xD

read the ps , was ironic btw i hope u got it :)


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 05:05:32 PM
read the ps , was ironic btw i hope u got it :)
You added the PS after you already posted the message :)

btw, the concept of archers used to be, attack slow but hit hard, they don't hit hard anymore, so they attack faster now xd


Nerf cleanse and mages will be back imo


this topic is completly hilarious!... mages on windstorm get hitted by a crit max of 500! and with the dance ant-arrows is more than freaked up...



Quote from: cristianvernal on October 05, 2009, 06:03:33 PM
this topic is completly hilarious!... mages on windstorm get hitted by a crit max of 500! and with the dance ant-arrows is more than freaked up...

But using the Dance of BladeStorm mages will hit for 10 damage, since it decreases the m. attack.