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Mana Burn (any solution?)



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Mana Burn (any solution?)

Started by BanThemAll, October 16, 2009, 08:19:13 PM

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Should Mana burn Be changed?

Mana Burn Stay like this
21 (41.2%)
Mana Burn deleted from oly
10 (19.6%)
Mana Burn Deleted from oly and Reuse x4(or more) outside oly
20 (39.2%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Voting closed: October 26, 2009, 07:19:13 PM


I used the mana burn outside of oly option coz mages use it only coz they hit more with mana burn than with normal nukes imo (thx to all recists)   :-\

And its  rly boring to see a mage pt vs mage pt just burning mana till someone get out of blesseds :S


make mana burn 100% land rate, and on fail half (or lower  ) damage as all other mage spells


Quote from: flamingAwe on October 16, 2009, 08:22:14 PM
make mana burn 100% land rate, and on fail half (or lower  ) damage as all other mage spells

I accept any good solution besides mine  ;)


increase re-use because this is insane, both on oly and outside when I get burned to 0 mp, I get new mana burn before I save enough mana at least for switch rofl

and land rate is retarded too.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on October 16, 2009, 08:36:06 PM
increase re-use because this is insane, both on oly and outside when I get burned to 0 mp, I get new mana burn before I save enough mana at least for switch rofl

and land rate is retarded too.

Inside oly witn almost 2k m.def i get 0 mana in less than 10 segs (with no mana burn crit)
Outside even less..

I think lowering skill power 30% and making its reuse x5 should be ok  :D


Quote from: Alex on October 16, 2009, 08:36:06 PM
increase re-use because this is insane, both on oly and outside when I get burned to 0 mp, I get new mana burn before I save enough mana at least for switch rofl

and land rate is retarded too.

only es and sws have insane reuse on oly
nerfing reuse will make skill useless for all humans/dark elvs


Quote from: flamingAwe on October 16, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
only es and sws have insane reuse on oly
nerfing reuse will make skill useless for all humans/dark elvs

So make it smth like return .. w/e casting u have it have always 5 min reuse. Make a minimum reuse for mana burn.

(and btw outside oly Human/DE mages full buff have a 2-3 seg reuse or less on mana burn)


Quote from: BanThemAll on October 16, 2009, 08:58:04 PM
So make it smth like return .. w/e casting u have it have always 5 min reuse. Make a minimum reuse for mana burn.

Nice :D


Quote from: flamingAwe on October 16, 2009, 08:52:39 PM
only es and sws have insane reuse on oly
nerfing reuse will make skill useless for all humans/dark elvs

on our oly ee/es and ee/sws are dying too often so nobody plays them xd

im speaking about sps/ee and even (lol) bishop
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on October 16, 2009, 10:08:38 PM
on our oly ee/es and ee/sws are dying too often so nobody plays them xd

im speaking about sps/ee and even (lol) bishop

I only see mana burn bots inside oly and some ty/des +2 or  3 daggers :S


it's fine as it is now, outside oly, mage vs mage is far from being mana burn, why? because with all these SOFs, hero uds, uds, vengeance, you burn very often for 40 mana while the skill is 100 mana itself... plus, its not effective against some class : some archers, some orcs etc..
And the main reason is, mana burn gives a point at playing recharger, as ee/es i can recharge pretty much everything,even my self recharge is 1 k mp in less than 10 sec hence... mana burn ? if you really care, delete it inside oly, but it's fine outside.

wtb lock topic !


make the cost= how much it burns

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Frenesio TH/PP
Stenk BP/WC