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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Quote from: vasu on October 19, 2009, 01:37:00 AM
Isn't that a map of Balkans in 1910 or so?
Was back then a Kosovo state and i didnt knew?  ;D
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


u r one freaked up kid zthrx , i wonder if someone bad Muslim had bad influence on u in ur childhood xD ( if u know what i mean )

i know u r not following any religion and maybe u r a Darwin's theory fan and u believe u were a monkey somehow i dunno how is ur mind working rly but i dont expect much from u

judging religion or country or anything in the world based on 1 video or soem article or group of ppl , thats what i call " bloody blind brainless ignorant " , i advise u to read more about islam and the religions in general  instead of following the news for anything that u wont like. that way u can learn more and actually maybe ur posts would make sense

i dont disagree that there is some freaked up muslim groups and other many from other religions but i never cared to criticize any or call others dogs just coz they did something i dont like and actually what r u thinking , U R SAVING THE UK FROM MUSLIMS FROM DN FORUMS ... seriously xD ?

and as for the clothes , whats ur problem ? everyone is free to wear whatever he likes , isnt that the freedom u r talking about ? did anyone force u to put a cap and robe before ? when u will understand that there r some different cultures apart from making vodka in basement and getting drunk 24/7 (oh wait thats not true not all polish doing that )some men in scotland / Turkey wearing skirts in some other women r proposing for men and other places women has to walk topless, the world is really big kiddo , try to use the internet in something more useful sometimes. and get to know the thing before u judge it.

and for women , did u know in the past before Islam women was used to get buried alive coz parents dont want girls and Islam came and changed that and put her place in society again , and for the desert part that really made me laugh and showed to me how ignorant u r , we r not living in the deserts actually some arabic towns r way better than any u have been too , take for example Dubai , ever been there ? i doubt , did u see any pictures of Arabic countries ? i still doubt , u r one of these ppl who has the same rudimentary thinking and views about us , u have lots of american spirit inside of u

Accusing Islam as a danger on a country , whats that actually comparing to Christian and jewish groups or u r just blind to see it , every religion has its bad side but pointing at Muslims as they r the danger thats bullshit

as for Maciek , Allah is dead , Allah is just a name , a different name according to language but its the same one god , i hope u understand that , so when u say allah is god it means yours is too :D ( see how dumb u r ? )if u have one maybe but i doubt , ur ugly dog is ur god xD

Calling group of ppl names whatever it is just because they believe in something u disagree with thats Racism , mr freedom

im off to uni , i will be late again , it's gonna take long before i come back , so take ur time in replying , dont rush into typing nonsense stuff

see ya menz


Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 12:05:27 AM
O fuk. We need one spirit like you here in MNE. For those albanian ppl who are trying to make big Albania. Or as some1 says: USA - United states of Albania.

where is MNE here ??? :>


I agree on most parts about muslims (imo really depends on wich country).

But i must say polish people don't behave like angels aswell.

In my country (Netherlands/Holland),  all Female polish peepz move to my country to become a prostitude (really i've never seen/heard them doing someting else), and for the males: They come here to get a job that noone else in our country likes to do, they work hard without getting payed allot (truck drivers, packing things whole day, cleaning), but at night? you see them 'walking' over the street (more like moving from side to side) beqause they are drunk the whole damn time screaming KURWA KURWA + they make allot of troubles on the streets (beqause of the alcohol).

I just <3 chinese people, they never give you any trouble, you barely see them (only at night), they never complain etc etc. xD


Quote from: FadeAway on October 19, 2009, 01:47:16 PM
I just <3 chinese people, they never give you any trouble, you barely see them (only at night), they never complain etc etc. xD
that's because of their mentality. For koreans/japanese people is job at the first place no matter what. I've been working at one korean company recently and those korean bosses were firing people just because they were so cokcy and dared to sit for a minute... :D

later I've been fired as well but that's another story!

But you are right, they are working, they make their own bussiness, they are spending money at casinos and they are not making any troubles.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 01:41:41 AM
Was back then a Kosovo state and i didnt knew?  ;D
Well, I didn't read everything on it (random excuse), but Albania was as big as that back then.


Wow Zthrx.... just wow. How can you make such a dumb post?

Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=det7TUsLy8U

1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you  

1. How that could happen in a Democratic country? Well..... You just answered that. If this was say North Korea who's not so much a democracy something like this would not have happened.
2. How can a dumb polish person call every muslim a dog.
3. If a Europeean would do that on the street NOTHING would happen. Thats the whole point of living in a free country dumbass.
4. Well.... Once again. Not everyone are afraid of muslims like you are. And I think america has already proven that violence just pisses them off.

And your next statement is retarded aswell. Do you really think the brittish ppl are so feeble-minded that they would start converting to Islam just because there's alot of islamic ppl there?
It's rather the opposite. For example a muslim thats born and raised in the UK, will most likely be influenced by christianity and atheism for that matter aswell. So instead of being tought that the coran is the one and only truth they actually get to chose for themselves.

And you also seem oblivious to the fact that most of europe think of polish ppl the same way. In sweden the polish ppl are considered to be the plague you say the muslims are to the UK.

And last but not least. Not all muslims are bad... In the same way that not all christians are bad. Sure the Coran has some wacky rules but so does the bible. For example; Adultery should be punished by stoning to death. No man is allowed to shave his beard nor sit on the same chair as a woman has sat on during her menstruation.

It's not the religion itself that causes death.... It's the mix of religion and the same attitude that you have.

And PS. Patriotism might not be racism... But patriotism is usually about your own damn country.  



Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 12:05:27 AM
O fuk. We need one spirit like you here in MNE. For those albanian ppl who are trying to make big Albania. Or as some1 says: USA - United states of Albania.

for this yellow part forget really  :-*
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


   there is life before death?


Quote from: 5ruci on October 19, 2009, 11:36:10 AM
heheh nice history lesons,just i wounder on whose side u r? from ur replay i see u defend muslims,right ? so u must be muslim ? :P
Maker of this post is right at one hand,islam is disese they r in every corner of world and they want to dominate the world.. DONT let them do that  :P its just obvious that they r constantly trying to make smth that will make world war IV and maybe V if we make a live from IV  ;D some day u will wakeup and u will go on breakfest and some muslim will eating near u in ur own house coz u let his country 10 y ago 2 take whats urs ::) same like they done with Kosovo
and yep im Serbian! So dont let muslim take whats urs like my stupid country alloweded..and now its 2 late 2 fight like man sayd.

yeah im a Muslim, and there is no world war IV or V unless the oil resources is gone and there's no discovery for another energy source , it wont be because of muslims .
and immigration is exist in every country and every country has its own problems , even my country Egypt has a lot of problems with african countries , about Kosofa and serbia , there was a war and it happened that they r muslims , dont mix things


Quoteand as for the clothes , whats ur problem ? everyone is free to wear whatever he likes
Quotewhen u will understand that there r some different cultures
Quoteand for women , did u know in the past before Islam women was used to get buried alive coz parents dont want girls and Islam came and changed that and put her place in society again
Rebel,there's no freaking way u'll convince anybody'bout the non-oppression women suffer in islamic cultures.
Btw,the place u'r talking'bout isn't as good as u want to pretend,there's no way u'll defend Islam against women's freedom.

Quotei know u r not following any religion and maybe u r a Darwin's theory fan and u believe u were a monkey somehow i dunno how is ur mind working rly but i dont expect much from u
Rather the logical evolution than the unbeliable stories that some ppl wrote in the past to control the society,and,secondary,to become rich and powerful.

Quoteevery religion has its bad side but pointing at Muslims as they r the danger thats bullshit
Not at all,u'r the most fanatic ones,consequently the more violence,easy to understand,right?
Chistianism nowadays is in perma crisis,and,no,I'm not christian,I'm atheist,but u talking like this is like lmao funny,there'r way better ways of defending a religion.