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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Mr. Emiel

Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 09:20:12 PM
4. Religion is NOT bullshit. Hi Emiel. freak off Emiel. Even if God exists or not, which itself is another dillema that cannot be either proven or denied since there are no implacable arguments either way, religion is a bearer of millenia old traditions. Sure, some are old, some are obsolete, some are misinterpreted. But the age-old wisdom behind the religious texts is priceless, no matter how many narrow minded peasants misinterpreted or used it as an excuse for violence.
Religion IS bullshit. It's less true then the story of Peter Pan. It's made for controlling people, let me rephrase that  controlling dumb people that rather have someone to think for them then thinking for themselfs. Age-old wisdom? People get smarter so freak old wisdom, it's bullcrap which you probably saw in a movie. There is never been a sign of god, NEVER. It's so stupid if you think about it dude. Many people give money to the church, you have to buy yourself in heaven? Everybody says Heaven is so great, why are they scared to die? They should lock every religious person up, they're a lumb of wood on someonebodys leg, or just shoot them way cheaper.
PS: It's Mr. Emiel for you.


Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=det7TUsLy8U

1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you  

WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!

Patriotism IS NOT a racism
what a tard

oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 09:29:20 PM
Religion IS bullshit. It's less true then the story of Peter Pan. It's made for controlling people, let me rephrase that  controlling dumb people that rather have someone to think for them then thinking for themselfs. Age-old wisdom? People get smarter so freak old wisdom, it's bullcrap which you probably saw in a movie. There is never been a sign of god, NEVER. It's so stupid if you think about it dude. Many people give money to the church, you have to buy yourself in heaven? Everybody says Heaven is so great, why are they scared to die? They should lock every religious person up, they're a lumb of wood on someonebodys leg, or just shoot them way cheaper.
PS: It's Mr. Emiel for you.
you're digging your own hole in terms of this debate. allow me to help you a bit with the following example to show you were you are wrong.

There is a dark night and you are alone with an old lady, in a narrow street and there is noone around. You are strong and skilled with your knife, yet hungry and poor, she is old and filthy rich with her diamond rings and the purse full or money.

In order to simplify the example, u have only 2 options: kill her and get the money or walk away.

Lets analyse your reasons for choosing one of the two options:

1. Kill it. the logical thinking on which the theory of rational choice is based (google it) states only to analyse the cost/benefits of one action. Since noone is going to catch u and you have plenty of benefits to kill her, you will do it.

2. Don't kill her, since murder is a sin. Or, don't kill it because your moral sense tells you not to do that kind of act, even if you are an atheist.

BANG! here is the flaw in your thinking. What you actually think is your atheist sense of morality/justice it is the result of the influence religion had over society. If you trace it back in time, what is now lay law and moral athist codes stems in religious texts. Even the modern philosophy of good/bad in a lay sens stems from christian roots (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo)

Now, if you will turn a (stupid) blind eye to that argument, lets consider two other things.

One is the historical argument of some barbaric cultures that were killing the elders or the handicaped or even caniballistic ones. just google for some.

The other is the following ipothetic example:

Lets presume you grew up without being told the meaning of what good/bad is (they stem from religion). What would stop you from killing that old lady?

Ps: if you're Mr. Emiel, that makes me Professor Wind.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 09:56:43 PM

Lets presume you grew up without being told the meaning of what good/bad is (they stem from religion). What would stop you from killing that old lady?

basic instincts. Morality is deep rooted in the history of our species. Morality doesn't comes from religion. Saying that you deny thousands of years of menkind history

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 19, 2009, 09:56:43 PM
you're digging your own hole in terms of this debate. allow me to help you a bit with the following example to show you were you are wrong.
There is a dark night and you are alone with an old lady, in a narrow street and there is noone around. You are strong and skilled with your knife, yet hungry and poor, she is old and filthy rich with her diamond rings and the purse full or money.
In order to simplify the example, u have only 2 options: kill her and get the money or walk away.
Lets analyse your reasons for choosing one of the two options:
1. Kill it. the logical thinking on which the theory of rational choice is based (google it) states only to analyse the cost/benefits of one action. Since noone is going to catch u and you have plenty of benefits to kill her, you will do it.
2. Don't kill her, since murder is a sin. Or, don't kill it because your moral sense tells you not to do that kind of act, even if you are an atheist.
BANG! here is the flaw in your thinking. What you actually think is your atheist sense of morality/justice it is the result of the influence religion had over society. If you trace it back in time, what is now lay law and moral athist codes stems in religious texts. Even the modern philosophy of good/bad in a lay sens stems from christian roots (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo)
Now, if you will turn a (stupid) blind eye to that argument, lets consider two other things.
One is the historical argument of some barbaric cultures that were killing the elders or the handicaped or even caniballistic ones. just google for some.
The other is the following ipothetic example:
Lets presume you grew up without being told the meaning of what good/bad is (they stem from religion). What would stop you from killing that old lady?
Ps: if you're Mr. Emiel, that makes me Professor Wind.
This is probably the most stupid example I've ever seen but oke lets do it.
What would stop me from killing that old lady? Simply if I would be poor and hungry I'd look for a job. You make your own choices, not some book. It's plain stupid you even bring this up like you're saying religion makes you a better person, which it doesn't. I can't compare it to a non-religious world because there isn't any and we'll never know. What I do know is that we would had been way further without it. Religion is holding people back to do things. It gave people fear and tryd to act good because otherwise they'd go to hell. As I already said in a prev post "People get smarter" How many people do you actually know that are Christian? That actually go to Church every week? I don't know any but somehow they know how to behave themselfs without a relgion. It was normal to burn a woman in the mid-ages when they tought she was a Witch (also a lol story or do you believe in Witches aswell?) Ask anyone around you and ask them what they think about that. People change, always been that way and no book will change that. The only thing it does is making you struggle. Now give me a answer on this one, first I'll drop back on a point. I assume you think it's not of our time to burn a female, right? But how is it about to stone a person because he's not Muslim? How a law that litterly allows you to kill someones brother when somebody killed your brother? The Islam is out of age friend when ever you like it or not. Christianity changed and if they didn't nobody but nobody would had been a believer anymore. We're a complete different kind of people (speaking of Muslims etc, Europeeans) You should see it like time stopped for 500 years in Arabic countrys and we continued time. It shouldn't exist in the first way all religions its a waste of time, money and lifes. Not that I want to talk good about the Christians, they should shoot them aswell. It's already clear to most of the people that no religion helps you, technology helps mankind not some delusional thoughts about a greater power that never helps anyone. Sience never gave any proof of God so it doesn't exist, it's all baloony.
If you're a Professor then I'm Sir Emiel von Baffendorf, Hi!


Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 10:14:22 PM
base instincts. Morality is deep rooted in the history of our species. Morality doesn't comes from religion. Saying that you deny thousands of years of menkind
if you would grow up in a society that kills every member pass 50 as a part of its culture, you would think otherwise.
The culture in which you grow defines the concepts of good and bad. There is no such thing of "instinct to spare a life". Humans without culture and society are esentially like any other mamal, lets say wolfs. And wolfs slay an old deer if they see one and they are hungry.
And the part of the culture in which u grew up and helped you form your moral principles stems from religion.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


just no comment :D

but it has its brighter side! you can browse photos...

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 10:20:08 PM
just no comment :D

but it has its brighter side! you can browse photos...

There's this one as well:

      "How to Convert to Islam
      How to convert and become a Muslim with Live Help by chat
      www.bl abla.com"


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
This is probably the most stupid example I've ever seen but oke lets do it.
What would stop me from killing that old lady? Simply if I would be poor and hungry I'd look for a job.
You barely started the reply and you changed the example. I said there were 2 options: kill or dont kill. i wasnt speaking about future, jobs and so on. It was a simple example with two simple choices, just to make it simple. Was it too hard?

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
You make your own choices, not some book.
D'oh, ofc you make them, but the inner reasons why you make them are based on how the religion influenced the human society.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
It's plain stupid you even bring this up like you're saying religion makes you a better person, which it doesn't.
It makes a better society and a better society creates better citizens.
Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 10:18:01 PM
I can't compare it to a non-religious world because there isn't any and we'll never know.
Finally something true, but that was rather easy to get T_T

What I do know is that we would had been way further without it.
Based on what arguments?

Religion is holding people back to do things.
Damn right, like killing that old lady

It gave people fear and tryd to act good because otherwise they'd go to hell. As I already said in a prev post "People get smarter" How many people do you actually know that are Christian? That actually go to Church every week? I don't know any but somehow they know how to behave themselfs without a relgion. It was normal to burn a woman in the mid-ages when they tought she was a Witch (also a lol story or do you believe in Witches aswell?) Ask anyone around you and ask them what they think about that.
Those are just plain examples of what narrow-minded people get from religion. Fortunatelly, that is only one side of the coin

People change, always been that way and no book will change that. The only thing it does is making you struggle. Now give me a answer on this one, first I'll drop back on a point. I assume you think it's not of our time to burn a female, right? But how is it about to stone a person because he's not Muslim? How a law that litterly allows you to kill someones brother when somebody killed your brother? The Islam is out of age friend when ever you like it or not. Christianity changed and if they didn't nobody but nobody would had been a believer anymore. We're a complete different kind of people (speaking of Muslims etc, Europeeans) You should see it like time stopped for 500 years in Arabic countrys and we continued time. It shouldn't exist in the first way all religions its a waste of time, money and lifes.
You have a point here, muslims tend to apply the meaning of the text in a very simple way.

Not that I want to talk good about the Christians, they should shoot them aswell. It's already clear to most of the people that no religion helps you, technology helps mankind not some delusional thoughts about a greater power that never helps anyone. Sience never gave any proof of God so it doesn't exist, it's all baloony.
Science cannot measure the all-encompasing
If you're a Professor then I'm Sir Emiel von Baffendorf, Hi!

Ps: I was bored of copying the code for quote, so i used colors.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: Zuluman on October 19, 2009, 05:03:04 PM
Go back to 1938 and who was saving who? As far as I am aware the allied forces were saving polish ass's.

allied forces did not saved Polish ass`s as you know ... By the way did you knowed about on the defend of the London who was defend it really? who was fighting in the plains?? I will tell that about you know only 1/9999999 part of story or you get lied by some one who know sh1t. Polish Peoples was freaked up from the beggin, they where fighting on the every front of the Europe.
Polish peoples not only fighted for themselfs. They where fighting for freedom everywhere. They where really hated from every side and the most funny is that they where forgotten.

[url=http://tnij.org/poprawnie]Piszę poprawnie po polsku[/url]


sooo for get loose funny link xD http://www.joemonster.org/filmy/18258/Student_z_Pakistanu_i_automatyczne_drzwi

It`s funny cuz i thinked about the think what are going on in Europe. Somebody sayed about Polish peoples almost the same like muslims. Nope you are wrong, true is that meaby we are cheap workers but we do every our job how we can best.
I think that every religion are sh1tyyyy, every religion have to much lie`s and we know only some part of knowledge with one the high priestes have. That make me feel sad cuz i have to live in no-knowledged-life.
You think that every religion love you?? Nope tadam every kind of religion is the same all of this is brainwash with one make kind of peoples fussed. From the beggin you getting out from our mother and you get owned by some religion. You don`t know if it`s good or if it`s bad. You do what day say. They say you go to the church- you make it . They say you pray when sun goes down - you do it. They say Kill a sheep or your brother - you do it(you haven`t chose). I know that, that i know sh1t about world, religions, life, philopshy, etc. etc. But i know one thing that peoples are the same almost everywhere, and every civilization or religion want to be the chossen one. The Only One. The First.
Fight will never end before we will don`t    efface every kind of releigion from the world(cuz it`s destroying Humanity).


[url=http://tnij.org/poprawnie]Piszę poprawnie po polsku[/url]


Quote from: Zuluman on October 19, 2009, 05:03:04 PM
Go back to 1938 and who was saving who? As far as I am aware the allied forces were saving polish ass's.

Poland could defeat Germany but we got backstabed by Russians. Poland got sold that was the beginning of our end- fighting on 2 fronts.
If you would like to know in my area  Żywiec/ soutern Poland, my granparents & around 500 soldiers stopped 10k german army between mountains for 1 week. Keep to fire from the bunkers with no escape. They all died, and after all Germans were looking where the others escaped, after they figured out we were fighting to the end (because there was no tunells from the bunkers to escape) they hanged the survivors and made tribute to them.