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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on October 21, 2009, 11:39:04 PM
T. Rydzyk is not dangerous, he is more like clown
Yea, think about him as clown today, and tomorrow he will get crown & title king of poland..
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Am3nn my nigga xD


"Besides Islam is pretty much peacefull religion"

BUajhhahaajajah most big bullshit i ever heard.Tell that ppl who are forced to obey muslims rules and particular women which in practice do not have any laws and are treat how objects.

Muslims are so peaceful like this muslim guy who scroll his wife in carpet and torch her only coz he cannot get pregnant. About honorary murders i will not mention...

Like i told all religions are bullshits but its principal diffrence betwen christians and muslims. When in christian country u tell that u don't believe in god nothink will happen to u well maybe familly will point a finger at u, and when u tell in muslims country same propably you will become killed.

So alearan i would prefer these "peaceful" Muslims stay at their own countries.


Quote from: zthrx on October 21, 2009, 11:39:04 PM
T. Rydzyk is not dangerous, he is more like clown

Clown with an army...

Quote from: Me0rc on October 22, 2009, 01:06:01 PM
So alearan i would prefer these "peaceful" Muslims stay at their own countries.


Quote from: Me0rc on October 22, 2009, 01:06:01 PM
BUajhhahaajajah most big bullshit i ever heard.Tell that ppl who are forced to obey muslims rules and particular women which in practice do not have any laws and are treat how objects.

Muslims are so peaceful like this muslim guy who scroll his wife in carpet and torch her only coz he cannot get pregnant. About honorary murders i will not mention...
Thats hows the things are going in orthodox famillies.  I went to Tunisia (Sousse tb exact) Last Year, and everything seemed pretty normal. Almost european tbh. Women walked normally on the streets, and the ones with whole-covered face, was not so common as You think.

QuoteLike i told all religions are bullshits
Can't disagree :D
Quotebut its principal diffrence betwen christians and muslims. When in christian country u tell that u don't believe in god nothink will happen
It's not matter of religion. It's matter of 'tolerance'. Lets go back to 1600yr for example. Inquisition, crusades, massacres in the name of 'god'... All casued by noone else, but servants of Vatican. Now "we" (as europeans) are much, much more tolerant. In a few years/decades the same will happen to our "neightbours from east".

Quotewhen u tell in muslims country same propably you will become killed.
Lolz, where?
Person like that can be rejected from certain society for sure, but killing... You're kinda overreacting with those words.
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Quote from: alearan on October 22, 2009, 05:08:17 PM
Lets go back to 1600yr for example. Inquisition, crusades, massacres in the name of 'god'... All casued by noone else, but servants of Vatican. Now "we" (as europeans) are much, much more tolerant. In a few years/decades the same will happen to our "neightbours from east".

ye, after they will "conquer" the Europe. They wont change- Christianity is 700 years older, so you think they will change in next 700 years? too much for me + they are indoctrinated very fast since born + this sick religion regulates every aspect of ur life(man-made law not some ghost's)  I feel for muslims women.

"Thats hows the things are going in orthodox famillies.  I went to Tunisia (Sousse tb exact) Last Year, and everything seemed pretty normal. Almost european tbh. Women walked normally on the streets, and the ones with whole-covered face, was not so common as You think."

ye but in Europe the most loud screamers are extremists, supported by the rest of the muslims in the background....


Quote from: zthrx on October 22, 2009, 07:28:52 PM
ye, after they will "conquer" the Europe. They wont change- Christianity is 700 years older, so you think they will change in next 700 years? too much for me + they are indoctrinated very fast since born + this sick religion regulates every aspect of ur life(man-made law not some ghost's)  I feel for muslims women.
U should ask yourself why hate is your religion ? how open or endoctrinated u are ?

Quote from: zthrx
ye but in Europe the most loud screamers are extremists, supported by the rest of the muslims in the background....
ye but in Europe the most loud screamers are far right extremists, supported by the rest of the conservative in the background....
This kind of view is bullshit, extremist are not the biggest part, it's only medium ( tv internet news ) fearing the population to better controle it.

Just a hint : inform u about NATO + gladio and stay behind : u'll see what so called "democratic" side was able to do against communism thread ... 
Won't be surprised if half or more muslim extremist are in fact controled by our conservativeive or neo-conservative side...
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« if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music. »


Quote from: zthrx on October 22, 2009, 07:28:52 PM
they are indoctrinated very fast since born

This problem concerns most moderate christians as well. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (which has
been ratified by all UN member states except the U.S. and Somalia) very clearly dictates that a child should have the
freedom of religion, but most children in Europe and all around the world are baptized and made members of religious
institutions before they even understand the concept of god or religion (and even before they can voice their opinions).
After this the children are being fed (read brainwashed) with religious doctrines. This is NOT freedom of religion, it's child
abuse. So until you (by you I don't  mean anyone here specifically, but the people who do the things I described) can
appreciate basic human rights and  extend them to your children, I say freak you, and freak your religions.

I should quit posting stuff about religions on this forum.
Flower power, bitches! And no, I'm not a beatnik.


f uking nice go go people let's make this forum a racist forum. let's blame muslims ortodox catholic and every religion that is on planet...

let's say a big +1 to muslim countrys for supporting fanatism let's say a big +1 to europe for saying we are democratic but from back we say f uck them..

let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water.

let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be  prostute.

let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons . 

let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.

let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in  gaza

honestly zthrx if u have such problems with religon why u dont make a blogspot and to go there and share your ideas with other nazis? and let this forum ouf of conversations like that

and finaly let's say a HUGE thx you to zthrx for letting us to know what a fu king racist face he is .

almost forgot  do u know what europe means ? and what does it represnt ?.  do u know what does europe cultural means.? 

To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


"There are signs that Allah will
grant victory to Islam in Europe
without swords, wtihout guns,
without conquest.

We don't need terrorists,
we don't need homicide bombers.
The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe]
will turn it into a Muslim continent
within a few decades."

             Muammar al-Gaddafi

just watch this ----------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3X5hIFXYU&feature=fvw

jazdator SPS/TK
koszmara TH/DA
aramzsok HE/WL


Quote from: alearan on October 22, 2009, 05:08:17 PM
Person like that can be rejected from certain society for sure, but killing... You're kinda overreacting with those words.

O... do I?

Kiedy nastoletnia Rifqua Bary przeszła na chrześcijaństwo, zrozumiała, że może grozić jej śmiertelne niebezpieczeństwo ze strony muzułmańskiej rodziny. Zgodnie z przepisami szariatu, karą za apostazję jest śmierć. Mimo że uciekła z domu, by ratować życie, teraz będzie musiała powrócić w rodzinne strony, tak bowiem zadecydował sąd.
[from http://www.euroislam.pl/index.php/2009/10/amerykanski-sad-naraza-zycie-nastoletniej-apostatki/]

I dont know ur from Poland,  if yes u can read all  article.
If not and for rest i translate beginning of full article. (sorry but i used online translator so it can translated kinda strange)

When teenage Rifqua past bars on Christianity, understandable, that can threaten its death danger from the side of a Muslim family. In accordance with the rules of the Shariat, by punishment for apostasy is a death. Although would run away from the house, to save life, now will have to return in the family sides, so since decided the Court of Justice.

Alearan and that is no problem of ortodox this is MUSLIMS LAW telling to kill ppl who left religion.
And about christians and crusaders in middle age its true but then muslims making same what they do now, they kill if someone didint obey theirs rules or want change religion. Now they also want throw their rules to others.

If someone telling that christian religion killed many ppl its true but only because that we cant let now do same by muslims. 

All ppl should have right to chose in what want believe or not and muslims force others in muslims countries to obey law theirs religion and now they want do it in Europe. And stop telling what was with christians etc. (ofc u have right with that) coz we live now and we have ours present problems with religion fanatics.


Quote from: NIORI on October 22, 2009, 11:24:52 PM
f uking nice go go people let's make this forum a racist forum. let's blame muslims ortodox catholic and every religion that is on planet...

let's say a big +1 to muslim countrys for supporting fanatism let's say a big +1 to europe for saying we are democratic but from back we say f uck them..

let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water.

let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be  prostute.

let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .  

let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.

let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in  gaza

honestly zthrx if u have such problems with religon why u dont make a blogspot and to go there and share your ideas with other nazis? and let this forum ouf of conversations like that

and finaly let's say a HUGE thx you to zthrx for letting us to know what a fu king racist face he is .

almost forgot  do u know what europe means ? and what does it represnt ?.  do u know what does europe cultural means.?  

know what niori ?? .. maybe many ppl here on forum called u stupid ... but rly i respect u for this reply ... and if this is called stupidity by some idiots  ... then i rly wish everyone on this planet will be as stupid as you are  ;)

+1 bro


Quote from: NIORI on October 22, 2009, 11:24:52 PM
f uking nice go go people let's make this forum a racist forum. let's blame muslims ortodox catholic and every religion that is on planet...

let's say a big +1 to muslim countrys for supporting fanatism let's say a big +1 to europe for saying we are democratic but from back we say f uck them..

let's go to say +1 for letting children on africa to die with out food water.

let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forcig them to be  prostitute.

let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .  

let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.

let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in  gaza

honestly zthrx if u have such problems with religon why u dont make a blogspot and to go there and share your ideas with other nazis? and let this forum ouf of conversations like that

and finaly let's say a HUGE thx you to zthrx for letting us to know what a fu king racist face he is .

almost forgot  do u know what europe means ? and what does it represnt ?.  do u know what does europe cultural means.?  

first of all this topic criticizes Islamic religion. religion is not a nation or race- it is not racism criticism based on Europe democratic freedom of expression. Thats the first thing you don't know about the world, so between your pseudo-intellectual points some1 can think you are smart....
PS: when I say freaking muslim, I mean Islamic muslim, there is no difference, every1 is brainwashed by this retard religion which comes from Christianity (700 years after fairy tail about Jesus)

primo: "let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water" you know what's the problem of Africa? the biggest Countries USA etc, doesn't want new competitor in economy field. What you think,  in all those ages no1 started to build there Field Crops, helping in build their economy, make farms, fabrics etc etc.(China is trying to do smth) Because Arficans would do this shiit for almost FREE, do you know economy a bit? Africa would grow as a new strong competitor who have alot free workers..
So there is better to export food there, during USA and others gets a lot of cash by this transactions. It's a long topic so better to stop at this point, hope you understood a bit how this world functions.

let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be  prostute  you know a shiit, it's not only about African ppl, It's mafia transfer and girls are kidnapping from all around the world, and what you are thinkin, every african girl comes to europe to be a whore? it's a problem but not only Arfican's

 let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
there are a bit more countries who have nuclear war. And at the end nuclear war is good, helps to keep peace on earth mainly by the pacts "mutual total destruction" don rememba how it's called exactly. Anyway Russia and USA signed it before second warld war, so you have a russia and the USA on the map yet. Nuclear war helped to stop war in Hiroshima. You know a shiit about how worlds function. It's more complicated that your lame +1 points which hides more deeply truth, far another than your point of view

let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.

how how, it's their problem how they regulate a nation population. We will see how many you gonna have

let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in  gaza
there are many washedbrain ppl on earth. There are dozens of war crimes and every type of crime. Guess thats thx to TV and Inet you know about only this one case...

And you know. This forum is on European servers, so I don't think I went far from European ppl with this current "important" public news  :-*

Go back to your hole, and come back after you get some new facts about cruel world....

for once, I'm a "democratic racist" who wont let to freak himself by some freakingsic religion who's trying to be a common law in my freaking Europe. Because what happen in every freaking UE Country is gonna affect every other by freaking political tolerance.

Hope you understood everything, or I can explain you again