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WTF is wrong with people

Started by Zippey, November 12, 2009, 05:43:47 PM

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Quotethe server itself is better day by day..Track doing awesome job really..but i need to agree with Strike...mages defense is just insane

Look mengs i was playing Aion for 1month, also tested WOW for some time...if you really think about it... a mage should deal out insane dmg with low deffensive abilites. Yes we got the insane dmg here ( hello 4,5,6k crits ) but when a fullbuffed and full geared archer hit a mage for 1,2k...thats LOL.

@ Aion a Spiritmaster or Sorcerer dies by 2 shot lol..you need tactic there to play mage, use terraring objects, various debuffs etc etc..playing a mage on NM means: lets fullbuff ourself, go right in front of the enemy hit hit hit / heal heal heal / hit hit hit / heal heal heal ( even battleheal is able to overheal the archers damage).

ps: Dont misunderstand me, i dont want back the early C4 era when a he/wlk raped everyone 1 hit cause the mastery stacks ... but the current mage era is freaked up, and the obvious profs are that the really hardcore and pro archers are going to reroll to mage: hi Cthon, Kobra, Pow...etc etc....

+1   .. same way Archer in Aion too need well  tactic,on NM means 9k p.attack on archer is just simply for bullshit cause way is only to deal


Quote from: mark_elesse on November 13, 2009, 12:19:02 PM
the server itself is better day by day..Track doing awesome job really..but i need to agree with Strike...mages defense is just insane

Look mengs i was playing Aion for 1month, also tested WOW for some time...if you really think about it... a mage should deal out insane dmg with low deffensive abilites. Yes we got the insane dmg here ( hello 4,5,6k crits ) but when a fullbuffed and full geared archer hit a mage for 1,2k...thats LOL.

@ Aion a Spiritmaster or Sorcerer dies by 2 shot lol..you need tactic there to play mage, use terraring objects, various debuffs etc etc..playing a mage on NM means: lets fullbuff ourself, go right in front of the enemy hit hit hit / heal heal heal / hit hit hit / heal heal heal ( even battleheal is able to overheal the archers damage).

ps: Dont misunderstand me, i dont want back the early C4 era when a he/wlk raped everyone 1 hit cause the mastery stacks ... but the current mage era is freaked up, and the obvious profs are that the really hardcore and pro archers are going to reroll to mage: hi Cthon, Kobra, Pow...etc etc....

did u try the "Rogue" at WOW it is pretty funny .. when u get in stealth mode players also cant see you ... would be a pwnage at l2!! and btw zippey , zippey means "my cokc" in Arabic


Quote from: Scream on November 14, 2009, 08:15:09 AM
did u try the "Rogue" at WOW it is pretty funny .. when u get in stealth mode players also cant see you ... would be a pwnage at l2!! and btw zippey , zippey means "my cokc" in Arabic
It is implemented in Gracia Final. All dagger classes get such skill, it is called Hide and it makes you invisible for 30 seconds.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on November 14, 2009, 08:17:58 AM
It is implemented in Gracia Final. All dagger classes get such skill, it is called Hide and it makes you invisible for 30 seconds.
Then ill be back at cracia Final !! ... joke


jkl / tigerstyle / targetmeimbishop


Quote from: Furesy on November 13, 2009, 01:04:49 AM
You sure you had any dark resists? Cause he was hitting me for like 300 ^_-

im sure  that i had elementa p . , unholy , warding , cov and song of elemental  .

we was there only to make pvp with him ,so we had all resist that we can get < accept song of invocation ofc :P>
i dont gona make cry topic like luci did ,   next time i just siply add full screen with buff bar.


                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: PainMaster on November 15, 2009, 06:25:43 PM
im sure  that i had elementa p . , unholy , and song of elemental  .

we was there only to make pvp with him ,so we had all resist that we can get < accept song of invocation ofc :P>
i dont gona make cry topic like luci did ,   next time i just siply add full screen with buff bar.


lol, neither elemental protection, not song of elemental give resist against dark

"only" invocation song, dance of alingment, unholy resitance, Divine protection, DNET, Dynasty, Frintezza give such resists...


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 15, 2009, 06:39:12 PM
lol, neither elemental protection, not song of elemental give resist against dark

"only" invocation song, dance of alingment, unholy resitance, Divine protection, DNET, Dynasty, Frintezza give such resists...

u  are funny if u think that we gonna use all resist for each mage .... lol  if we start use them we gonna hit  for  600 crit ..
but nvm ..

or maby make next update with archer resist :   dark archer resist , humman archer resist and elf archer resists also ..

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: PainMaster on November 15, 2009, 06:51:32 PM
u  are funny if u think that we gonna use all resist for each mage .... lol  if we start use them we gonna hit  for  600 crit ..
but nvm ..

or maby make next update with archer resist :   dark archer resist , humman archer resist and elf archer resists also ..

for me you are funny, you wrote that pvp was only vs necro, and naming resists that don't help with him, taking slots, instead of taking right resists....