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Angelic Icon not fixed. (not spam, im serious)

Started by Futile, December 09, 2009, 02:18:17 PM

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Quote from: Futile on December 10, 2009, 01:15:40 PM
green text = blablabla
orange text = blablabla

There was not a tinny bit of a flame in my post, and even less the will to create a flame topic, which is quite the opposite with you.
You see, there are about ? 15 forgotten scrolls not working ? now that's just only about FSs, what if each one of us would start a topic on the general section for every single fix he wishes to get ? What if, just like you, we would now create 2 topics per FS not working ?
Not to mention other expected fixes, on attributes, enchant skills, or weapon SA ?

Personally, i still consider Nightmare's forum general section, not the bug one and since the fix you ask for is very near, by its nature, of the one i ask for, yes i posted in your topic (a small post, which was over with my last clear screenshot). That's my argument, claim it's not one, have fun with it !


do u know what quote means? altering someones words, is not quoting.

Quote from: our4n0s on December 10, 2009, 02:05:29 PM
There was not a tinny bit of a flame in my post, and even less the will to create a flame topic
Quote from: our4n0s on December 10, 2009, 12:11:48 PM
you can keep whining, if you knew how little i cared...
these are direct quotes, without alteration.

trackzero is well aware that some skills that are obtained with the forgotten scrolls are not working, i was merely bringing to attention, that the recent attempt to fix angelic icon, is not completed.
upon a responds from trackzero, we noticed together that there are different skill descriptions.
i was making a point, that angelic icon does give special critical damage bonus to fist weapons, by sharing links about l2 knowledge based websites.
while i was waiting for the responds to that, u came along and started to talk about Mutual response, which had absolutely nothing to do, in this topic.

the end result will probably be, that due to this spam neither u nor i, will archive anything to get angelic icon or mutual response fixed.
i know that u already said u couldnt care less.
there is no hope for u that u see how counter productive u were.
but there might be somebody reading this, who will think twice now, before starting to talk about something that is off-topic.


glenn u kill nearly all classes on oly with ee/es now, why are still unhappy? xD
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on December 10, 2009, 02:51:40 PM
glenn u kill nearly all classes on oly with ee/es now, why are still unhappy? xD
He used to have 100% win rate, so he want moar! xd


First of all, you can start your own argument based on your actual in game experiences. I'm not gonna say fists must not get bonus from AI since that "fix" might serve only 1 mins ownage of ty/pal+Bison+AI+SoF+blah blah.


The original author of L2P, Nyo himself said

QuoteI think the fist/polearm thing was an assumption.
QuoteI honestly don't remember the source(s), it's been too long.

If you really started this argument only by the info on L2P (and other copy&pasted sources), please show just 1 source that showing additional bonus to fists/polearm. I couldn't find any.

It's well known that in game descriptions contain lots of wrong information but here is another reference.


신의 의지를 부여 받아 자신의 전투 능력을 대폭 증가시킨다. 1분 동안 디버프 공격에 대한 내성을 40%, 방어력을 50%, 마법저항을 50%, 검/둔기 무기 장비시 명중을 6, 이동속도를 30, 검/둔기 무기 장비시 공격속도를 30%, 검 무기 장비시 크리티컬 확률을 100, 둔기 무기 장비시 크리티컬 데미지를 100% , 버프 해제 공격에 대한 내성을 40% 증가시키고 받게 되는 회복 마법의 효과를 80% 감소시킨다. HP 30% 이하 사용 가능.

검 무기
둔기 무기

Also I could not find any in official update history that tells effect of AI had been changed.


I only found FI(Flame Icon: P.def/M.def +50%, Speed +30, A.speed +30%, Accuracy +6, heal efficiency -80%. with sword, +33 crit. with blunt +33% crt.dmg) gives +30% a.speed also to polearm in official.


With dex 30(assumed from speed), haste 2, zerk 2, fury, fighters will(+10%), sub skill warrior trigger haste(+32%) and flame icon, a.speed is 1114.
With dex 30, imp.move, zerk 2 and flame icon, speed is 197.
With dex 30, focus 3, sharpen edge(crit +20%) and flame icon(if it gives +33 crit with polearm), crit should be at least 169 but in screen shot, 150.

Btw, FI and SoS(Spirit of Shilen) don't stack with totems in official xD


Quote from: fini@wiki on December 10, 2009, 06:50:25 PM

신의 의지를 부여 받아 자신의 전투 능력을 대폭 증가시킨다. 1분 동안 디버프 공격에 대한 내성을 40%, 방어력을 50%, 마법저항을 50%, 검/둔기 무기 장비시 명중을 6, 이동속도를 30, 검/둔기 무기 장비시 공격속도를 30%, 검 무기 장비시 크리티컬 확률을 100, 둔기 무기 장비시 크리티컬 데미지를 100% , 버프 해제 공격에 대한 내성을 40% 증가시키고 받게 되는 회복 마법의 효과를 80% 감소시킨다. HP 30% 이하 사용 가능.

Also I could not find any in official update history that tells effect of AI had been changed.

can u give me the website link from where u have taken that text?
i am korean in fact, and u are right, it doesnt say anything about fists or polearms.
says that debuffs are resisted 40% more and that cancel effects are also reduced by 40%.

once i have checked from where u have taken that text and i am convinced that the korean site u have taken this from is quite authentic, u would have convinced me.

is it from the korean powerwiki site?


Yes it is from official KR powerbook. Seems it's up-to-date. Still haven't read all but I found some ct2 plus changes uploaded in skill details there.



Quote from: Alex on December 10, 2009, 02:51:40 PM
glenn u kill nearly all classes on oly with ee/es now, why are still unhappy? xD
my favourite gl/pp's been missing lately


ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: fini@wiki on December 10, 2009, 06:50:25 PM
First of all, you can start your own argument based on your actual in game experiences. I'm not gonna say fists must not get bonus from AI since that "fix" might serve only 1 mins ownage of ty/pal+Bison+AI+SoF+blah blah.


The original author of L2P, Nyo himself said

If you really started this argument only by the info on L2P (and other copy&pasted sources), please show just 1 source that showing additional bonus to fists/polearm. I couldn't find any.

It's well known that in game descriptions contain lots of wrong information but here is another reference.


신의 의지를 부여 받아 자신의 전투 능력을 대폭 증가시킨다. 1분 동안 디버프 공격에 대한 내성을 40%, 방어력을 50%, 마법저항을 50%, 검/둔기 무기 장비시 명중을 6, 이동속도를 30, 검/둔기 무기 장비시 공격속도를 30%, 검 무기 장비시 크리티컬 확률을 100, 둔기 무기 장비시 크리티컬 데미지를 100% , 버프 해제 공격에 대한 내성을 40% 증가시키고 받게 되는 회복 마법의 효과를 80% 감소시킨다. HP 30% 이하 사용 가능.

검 무기 (http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#ko%7Cen%7C%EA%B2%80%20%EB%AC%B4%EA%B8%B0)
둔기 무기 (http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#ko%7Cen%7C%EB%91%94%EA%B8%B0%20%EB%AC%B4%EA%B8%B0%20)

Also I could not find any in official update history that tells effect of AI had been changed.


I only found FI(Flame Icon: P.def/M.def +50%, Speed +30, A.speed +30%, Accuracy +6, heal efficiency -80%. with sword, +33 crit. with blunt +33% crt.dmg) gives +30% a.speed also to polearm in official.


With dex 30(assumed from speed), haste 2, zerk 2, fury, fighters will(+10%), sub skill warrior trigger haste(+32%) and flame icon, a.speed is 1114.
With dex 30, imp.move, zerk 2 and flame icon, speed is 197.
With dex 30, focus 3, sharpen edge(crit +20%) and flame icon(if it gives +33 crit with polearm), crit should be at least 169 but in screen shot, 150.

Btw, FI and SoS(Spirit of Shilen) don't stack with totems in official xD

here flame icon gives like 10%pdef/mdef bonus, dunno if its bug or made on purpose(customized), however its making it a lil bit useless

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Quote from: Phate on December 11, 2009, 08:55:30 AM
here flame icon gives like 10%pdef/mdef bonus, dunno if its bug or made on purpose(customized), however its making it a lil bit useless

Wasted coins  ;D


Quote from: zippobg on December 11, 2009, 09:09:07 AM
Wasted coins  ;D

well skill is usefull for myself (if u think about where and how to use it) but its supposed to be for party benefits in first place -> for that matter, yea, wasted coins  :P

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs